Chapter Four: Threads Of Fate

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- LILY -

By the end of a long week adjusting to the difficult level of NEWT classes, me and the girls had became shockingly fast friends with the Marauders.
We studied together most afternoons in the Heads common room, spending the rest of our nights laughing and lounging by the fire playing exploding snap, chess and so on. In fact, you could almost give it a wee stretch and say that we were all growing to be the 'best' of friends. It almost hurt to think, because how ludicrous was that thought alone? It surprised me immensely me with how fine I was having them over all the time, in my presence and in my space. It also surprised me with how undeniably comfortable I was around them. They were such an easy group of people to be around, that I suddenly realised why they'd attracted most of the school's population throughout the years. The Marauder's had always been excessively likeable. Overall, the lot of them were extremely, ridiculously and utterly hilarious.
It hadn't even been a full week, and Remus and Sirius, Merlin, it was inhumane even thinking it - but I could genuinely envision our friendship blossoming into one that felt like the bond of family. I supposed it was just their aura, and that they made everyone feel like this. Especially Sirius; the people pleaser. Nonetheless, it almost (just almost) felt as if I'd known the foolish boys for a lifetime. Like I'd just been waiting all these years - avoiding their endless banter and the tireless, explosive pranks in the corridors. Remus and I had always been friendly, but I couldn't say the same for Black. I noticed over these past days that there was so much more to his arrogant, smouldering, disturbingly sexual facade. Sirius Black had as much depth as any other human being, to my utter shock. He loved Muggle Studies, and was so interested in the topic that he sought out to have a conversation with me about kitchen appliances on Wednesday afternoon. I had laughed in his face, only to discover that Sirius was indeed being serious. Being raised in such a toxic wizarding household, he had rebelled by taking the subject most juxtaposed to his family values. It was after two lessons about societal difference in third year, that Sirius realised he really did love it.
Peter...well, Peter wasn't really around as much. They don't exactly know what was up with him. He doesn't socialize with us frequently, and we never share his company apart from during classes and breaktimes. As I said; It had only been a few days. But it was strange...the Marauders were inseparable, and I almost felt guilty. Did he think we were stealing way his friends?
Then, there was James. James Fleamont Potter, I'd discovered yesterday. Merlin, I honestly didn't know what to think about him. It pained me to admit that we'd become so close over the past four days, but we had. So much so, that it almost felt weird when I wasn't around him. It was so...normal, in his presence, meaning that whenever he was gone gone, I couldn't help think about him. It was inevitable. Again, the thoughts felt terrifyingly foreign in my head, but James truly was an honourable friend. The more I spent time with him, the more I saw the real him, as I  had with Sirius. James was the type of person where only those who cared enough to spend time with him, really got to see who he was on the inside. It scared me shitless, and frankly nauseated me - but I liked the new James Potter much, much more than the old one.

"Anyone know what Peter's been up to?" I asked the room at large, inspecting my fingernails by the firelight. I needed to re paint them. The almost clear pale pink polish was peeling from the edges. Me, Marls, Mar, Ali, James, Sirius and Remus were spread out around the Heads common room. I sat in my pajamas (I was that comfortable with them, I know) crossed legged against the three seater couch while Mary Dutch braided my hair. Sirius, whom lay on his back in front of the fireplace with his arms spread out wide, frowned at my question. Remus opened one eye and squinted at me in concern.
"Yeah, where has Pete been?" James asked with his face pressed into into the love seat, his voice slightly muffled.
"I don't know...he's been really quiet." Remus said tiredly, closing his eyes once more as he rested against the soft back of the couch. "It's hard to catch a moment with him."
"Yeah....he hasn't really talked to us, has he Moony?" Sirius asked in realisation, cocking his head to the ceiling. "Avoiding us, I think. May as well be with Frank in the sixth year dorm."
James snorted into his pillow.
Frank Longbottom was in his Seventh year with us all, but had gotten fed up with the Marauders stupid antics & slumber parties and moved into the dorm below back in third year. Frank's a really caring lad; Alice has had this enormous crush on him since fourth year. It's obvious to everyone but her that Frank adores her too, they always blush when they see each other, and Alice starts to stutter whenever he speaks directly to her face. Poor girl, I don't know why he doesn't just save the pain and ask her out - she seems to think that he has absolutely no interest. Godric, the whole thing was ridiculous.
And as for Marlene and Mary, well - I'd been keeping a close eye on both them, Sirius and Remus this past week, naturally. Marly and Sirius have been flirting as usual, but it almost seemed like - well, like it doesn't mean nothing anymore. Marlene would blush at his teasing, and Sirius would watch her from a distance with glazed eyes. As for Mary and Remus, I had no idea. They share glances every now and then but blush and look away immediately. It was strangely precious, but also a little frustrating. Sometimes, I even caught Remus staring at her. It was very odd to think that these past six years we've avoided them at all costs...well, maybe not Marls. But now? Merlin, I didn't even know what now was!
Mary had finished braiding my hair, so I squeezed in comfortably on the other side of her, intentionally doing so to ensure that she was pressed up against Remus. Her cheeks darkened slightly, and she blinked.
"Do you all know what you want to do after Hogwarts?" Ali asked quietly after a moment of silence, staring into the flickering fire.
"Who was time for a career?" Sirius snorted.
"I wish I didn't share the same perspective, but I really do." Mary sighed, offering me an apologetic grin. "Sorry Mum."
I rolled my eyes. "Och. I have actually been thinking more about that, lately."
After Months and years of dreaming of being a healer, concocting solutions and studying herbs...I think I'd had a miraculous change of mind.
"You don't want to be a healer anymore?" Marlene asked in surprise, her eyebrows knitting into a frown. "But... that's your dream!"
"It is." I admitted, cocking my head slightly. "Or maybe it was."
"That's a very sudden change of heart." Alice remarked, raising her eyebrows. "I don't want to say it's too late, but you're running it pretty fine Lil. What made you think differently?"
I swallowed audibly, preparing myself for the onslaught of teasing.
"I think..." I shrugged attempting to appear nonchalant. "Don't laugh at me, okay? It's a little far stretched." I hesitated in the silence that followed my words, pondering how to explain myself. "I've been doing a lot of thinking recently, and...well, I kind of want to become an Auror."
It was a silent for a moment, before Remus spoke.
"Why would we ever laugh at you for that, Lily?" He sighed exasperatedly, offering me a wide smile. I grinned sheepishly, shrugging.
"Well, it's a bit unrealistic." I edged. "I mean, Auror school...and me, and god knows."
"As if anything could be unrealistic for Lily Evans." Someone chuckled slightly. I glanced up, meeting James's sparkling eyes.
"Come on." I scoffed, waving a hand. He flashed me a crooked grin.
"Seriously, though. Why an Auror?"
I hesitated slightly before answering.
"The world is turning into a darker and darker place everyday." I murmured, dragging my gaze to the flickering flames. "It's a complete shit show, you saw the prophet this morning. Thirteen muggles and muggleborns murdered...Thirteen." I paused again, inhaling sharply. "Death eaters are slaughtering Muggles and muggleborns, torturing them for the fun of it. It could be me, if I'm not careful.Their incomprehensible view of having hierarchical classes regarding what bloodline you're derived from, as the literal ruling force of government - " I hissed through my teeth, shaking my head in anger. "Having Purebloods as Royalty and 'Mudbloods' caged...I can't wrap my head around it. Voldemort's only getting stronger, and we need more people to fight against whatever this world crisis is." I pulled a hand through my hair in anguish. "I can't stand by and watch this play out. I'm not a completely useless dueller, I want to be out there, fighting for people like me, and for what's right - in this tarnished world that we live in."
I let out a heavy sigh, letting my head fall back against the couch. I stilled slightly, becoming suddenly aware of how long I'd been talking, and how loud my voice had raised. The room was covered in a blanket of silence, the crackling of the fire being the only noise.
It felt better then I would admit to have finally worded what I'd been feeling for the past month or so. But abandoning my passion, although devastating, to pursue something that could save more people...well. It was invigorating.
It came to the point where the silence became slightly awkward, and I squirmend uncomfortably - wondering If i should have said so much. Maybe we weren't close enough for these types of conversations. Sirius will be laughing at me soon, I'm sure.
But on the contrary, Sirius was the very first to speak.
"Wow." He murmured into the silence. I glanced up in surprise, only to find his stormy grey eyes fixated on me. My gaze flickered to the right, where James was watching at me with a funny expression. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Remus's mouth twitch.
"You make it sound so much more real." Mary muttered from besides me, pulling my gaze away from Potter's awestruck expression.
"It is real, Mar." Remus said gently, nudging her in the shoulder. She looked up to him, her eyes burning with passion.
"I know what you mean." I sighed, letting my eyes flutter close."S'pose I've always thought that you know, we're at Hogwarts. What could happen? But when we leave, that safety net will be gone." I opened my eyes, the dread of leaving this place a constant looming dark cloud above my head.
"I want to be an Auror then, too." Mary declared, meeting my eyes fiercely. The corner of my mouth turned up into a smile as I scanned her defiant expression.
"It's disgusting what's happening, people murdering muggleborns because of their parentage. I can't imagine what I'd do, if something were to ever happen to you - " She winced, wrinkling her nose. "How could I just stand by, and let it happen? Merlin, I didn't know what to do with my life before this, I s'pose it's a blessing. Really great, actually - I'm already doing the right subjects!" She laughed slightly, a wide smile spreading across her cheeks. "Wow. It feels really good to have even an inch of a plan for after school."
It was quiet for a moment, a tense atmosphere filing though the room.
"I want to join, too."
I made a noise half way between a choke and a sob as my eyes found Alice, who held her chin up high. Shy little Alice wasn't so afraid of what the world offered, anymore. We were all growing up far too fast, entering ourselves in a war we were too young to fight in. She looked at me and seemed to understand what I was thinking.
"I know it's not fair, Lil." She mumbled, with a small shrug. "But It's our chance. I agree with everything you've both said. It's not right...I'm in if you're in."
"Well," Marlene jumped in with a wide twinkling grin. "If you guys are going to be Aurors, I will too. I've considered it a few times, anyways. What's the harm - it's a qualified profession, we get to kick arse, and I'm taking all the required subjects like Mar said. I think, anyways. So why not?"
"May as well." James added to the conversation, running a hand through his thick locks of hair. "My parents are Aurors." He went on, shrugging slightly. "I've always wanted to be one, since I was young. And what Lily said..." He met my eyes, and for a moment I was taken aback at the amount of passion in his expression. His gaze did not flicker. "It's incomprehensible, and twisted. If we don't fight for it, who will?"
I nodded at his words, feeling, for the first time in my life, grateful for James's input. I wondered what it was like, being raised by Aurors.
"I will." Remus said quietly, looking from Mary, to James, to me. His eyes  were alert and wide open, in comparison to his prior sleepy state. "I want to be fighting with you guys, I want to be fighting for you guys. If we lived in a different time, I suppose we'd all think differently. But we don't, and war will come whether people want to admit it or, I'll try. Become an auror."
"Good on you, Moons." James murmured, grinning slightly. "We've got this."
"Well - If you're all going to." Sirius scoffed, yanking himself up into a sitting position with a wide, dazzlingly grin. We laughed lightly, the weight in the room lifting. "Then I will too." His grin grew, stretching from ear to ear. "Let's kick some deatheater's arse."
There was a slight pause as we looked at one another fondly. Within seconds, James had locked his eyes with mine; and I looked right back at him, bubbling with curiosity. Something warm tingled through my body, seeping through my veins, numbing me. I started, shaking off the strange feeling and glancing back around the room. Sirius was sneaking looks at Marlene, who was hugging her legs to her chest. Alice had her eyes closed, and Remus and Mary were both staring into the fire - seeing more then what met the eye.
"Y'know, I think we can win this war." I said abruptly, straightening up.
"You reckon?" Marlene's tone was disbelieving.
I laughed, letting a small smile tug at my lips.
"Honestly, I do."
"I wish I had the same optimism." Remus muttered, glancing to me. "I praise you for that."
"What makes you so sure, Flower?" Sirius asked me curiously, cocking his head.
"We have something the ability to do something that they will never have the ability to do." I replied, studying the dancing shadows in his eyes. "A weapon."
"And that is?" James asked quietly. I glanced to him, taken aback yet again at the fierceness that gleamed from his eyes.
"Love." I mumbled, scanning his face. "We can love."
Whatever happened, I had these dolts at my side. And that was enough for me, for now and for always.
"Couldn't have said it any better." James murmured, his gaze never so much as faltering. "That was incredible."
I felt my cheeks warm slightly, and waved him off.
"Merlin Evans, you make me sound like such an illiterate troll." Marlene snorted, rolling her head against the armchair to meet my gaze. Alice giggled at the description.
"McKinnon, you are so not an illiterate troll." I said condescending, unable to keep a straight face.
"Charming." Mary grinned, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I laughed, doing the same and tucking myself into her side.
"Godric, this is getting depressing." Sirius groaned, flopping into the carpet in exhaustion.
"I think it calls for some celebration." James drawled, a mischievous smile playing in his lips. "Butterbeers and honeydukes chocolate! C'mon boys. To the kitchens!"
I didn't want to know how they were planning on getting their hands on those butterbeers and honeydukes chocolates. Whatever it was, I'm sure it was illegal. They were the Marauders, after all.
Remus laughed loudly, jumping to his feet.
"I agree. We've only had one week of school so far - let's focus on food and exams for a while, I'm not quite ready to think about leaving yet."
"Hear Hear," Sirius piped in, leaping to his side with a manic gleam in his eyes that I was slightly afraid of.
"Can we talk about the fact that Lily's lived in the same room as James for almost a week now, and he still has four limbs intact?" Marlene asked the room at large, laughing merrily to herself. "Please tell me I wasn't the only one who bet on this."
"I've come to the conclusion that's it's a dream, actually." James grinned crookedly, joining Remus and Sirius. I laughed, letting my head fall back against the couch.
"I must've lost my mind to forgive you, Potter."
"Back to lastname basis?" He gasped in mock offence, winking at me.
"Don't flatter yourself." I drawled, rolling my eyes. "Now, where's that butterbeer? I could do with a drink."
The entire room was filled with such a strange silence at my words that I was forced to raise an eyebrow in question. Six pairs of eyes stared back at me incredulously.
"Lily?" Alice asked amusedly. "Aren't you...Headgirl?" She laughed nervously, as though literally confirming the fact for her own sanity.
"Yeah, are you seriously going to let the Marauders sneak off to the kicthens at 10:00 o'clock?" Mary teased, as if I wasn't. They always had when it came to me being a goody two shoes. I however shrugged, an unfamiliar, yet welcomed feeling of relaxation settling over my body.
"I am." I grinned, shrugging slightly.
"You are Lily, right?" Alice asked me seriously, her eyebrows pulling together in confusion.
I snorted. "Come on, I'm not that bad. I can bend a rule now and again! I'm almost eighteen, who really gives a flying fuck in the end!"
"Er - You?" Marlene retorted incredulously, her mouth hanging open. "Good Godric, Evans, where the hell have you been all these years?!" She cried, her hands flying up into the air.
"I think we're rubbing off on you." James grinned crookedly, his eyes twinkling at me.
No. Something said at the back of my head. I just need something to distract me from thinking about you.
Only because he was so different! So strange, and abrupt. I couldn't for the life of me help wondering what was going on in that boys brain.
I banished the mindless voice, and pulled a face at James's words.
"I'd sooner kiss the giant squid.'" I teased, laughing lightly at the memory. James chuckled at me, shaking his head.
"Let's leave before Lily changes her mind and gives us detention." Remus chortled, dodging the pillow I tossed at him.
"Alright ladies, we will be back in about two hours. Have fun gossiping." Sirius flashed a grin at Marlene, with Remus rolling his eyes at the comment that was sure to be true.
"S'go Padfoot, Moony!" James rubbed his hands together deviously, beckoning them into a huddle.
"The Marauders are back!" Remus howled in the air, thumping his chest like King Kong. With that, they suddenly sprinted from the room - leaving us behind to laugh at their ridiculousness.
"Losers." I snorted, shaking my head at their childish behaviour.
"Idiots." Marlene added on, stifling the smile that threatened to split her cheeks wide open.
Once I'd composed myself I gathered every force of wisdom in my body, preparing to attack.
"So, girls." I started lightly, glancing at the three quizzical faces that now faced me. "I have to admit, I've been observing you two-" I pointed to Marly and Mary "-very closely over this past week."
The two of them blanched, nonplussed. Alice frowned at them, trying to pick up on what I was inferring.
"That's not creepy at all." Marlene said mildly, snorting.
"Let's start with you then, shall we?" I said sweetly, watching her bewildered expression with glee. My eyes narrowed, and my finger did not waver as I pointed it at her directly.
"Do you, or do you not," I breathed out dramatically. "Fancy Sirius Black?"
A bright red blush engulfed her tan cheeks at his name, giving her away completely.
"You do?" Ali, Mar and I screeched in unison.
Her blush deepened to a shade of magenta, the most embarrassment she'd shown in her whole life.
"Well, fuck." She laughed weakly, collapsing against the back of the armchair she sat in. "Damn you, Evans."
"I knew it!" I exclaimed triumphantly, lifting my chin. "Since when do you blush, McKinnon? You've been doing so, like me, all week. A sight I've never seen!
"Nor have I!" Mary exclaimed, her jaw dropping in shock. "How did I not notice this? Looking back, all you've done is bloody flirt with him the past few days!"
"Marlene, you haven't had a crush in three years." Alice said in a strangled voice, her eyes popping. "Sirius Black...Sirius Black -"
"Wow." Marlene said at Alice's words, blinking. "You're right. Is that huge?"
"Yes!" Alice and Mary exclaimed, their faces bursting with joy.
"For how long?" I asked her eagerly, tugging them by the hands down into a circle on the hearth. I looked at her expectantly, eyeing the unnatural blush in her cheeks.
"I don't know!" She started wildly, her tone defensive. Marlene halted at the look on our faces and let out a sigh of defeat. "Oh, okay...fine. The truth is, I've fancied him since last year but I thought you lot would tease me, so I didn't tell you. But the thing is, this isn't some - oh, I don't know...fling." She shook her head, her eyes faltering. "I know we've hooked up on endless occasions, no strings attached, but...I really, actually have feelings for him. Like, big ones."
"Aw!" Mary whispered, her eyes wide and adoring.
"Of course we wouldn't make fun of you!" Alice said gently, the corners of her mouth tugging up into a warm smile. "Come on, we're your back up girls! We'd only ever be concerned for your feelings. We'd never belittle you, dear."
Marlene grinned at her, eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Aw Marls," I pouted. "That's partially, mostly, my fault. But I don't judge you..Sirius isn't as bad as I thought." I snorted. "Plus, I'm pretty bloody certain he fancies you back."
"Yeah - you seen they way he looks at you?" Mary backed me up earnestly, her smile growing.
Marly just nodded her head and grinned wider, a hopeful look glazing over her eyes.
"He's pretty flirty, huh?" She chuckled, biting down on her bottom lip. "And funny, and brave, and intelligent despite being stupid all the time..." she laughed, throwing her head back.
"Aw, Marlene!" I squealed, squeezing her hands in mine. "You fancy Sirius Black, you fancy Sirius Black!"
"Shut up Lil!" She laughed, rolling her eyes. She proceeded to grab plush pillow from the armchair next to her and toss it at me. I screamed just as it hit my face, muffling the rest. It bounced off onto me onto the floor, a wide evil grin spreading itself across my cheeks.
"I'm going get you back." I said dangerously, crawling along the carpet. I grabbed the red pillow that hit me, and another, lodging them right at Marlene. She swerved them, shrieking. Mary sneakily grabbed a cushion from behind me and tossed it at Alice, who had been sitting there watching Marly and I amusedly.
"Argh!" She screeched as it took her out. She spun around on her bum and narrowed her eyes at me. I smiled weakly.
It turned into a full on pillow fight. We hit each other with cushions and dodged one anothers terrible aim for about five minutes before collapsing ontop of them on the floor.
"That was fun." Alice panted after a few seconds.
"We haven't done that in forever." Marlene said happily, her eyes fluttering closed. "I miss us."
"That was fun." Alice repeated dazedly.
"We should do that more often." Mar mumbled into her pillow. "Reminds me of old times."
"That was so fun!" Alice murmured, eyes glazing over.
"Just like the old days." Marlene agreed dreamily.
"That was -!"
"Alice, SHUT UP!" I laughed, throwing another pillow at her. I fell into a fit of giggles as she pushed it off her face and spat out a mouthful of fluff. She scowled at me, and we lay there in silence for a few moments before I spoke again.
"So, Mary." I said casually, preparing for the pandemonium. "Remus, huh?"
Mary blushed so deeply that it was noticeable on her dark skin.
"What?" She asked in a high pitched voice. "Pfft, Remus? What do you mean? I don't fancy him! I mean yes I do, of course I do, bu-"
Marly and Alice gasped simultaneously, their faces split open with surprise, and I sat up so fast my back cricked.
"I knew it." I said triumphantly, punching a fist in the air. "I bloody knew it, you are such a sight for sore eyes MacDonald."
"How did you know? Was I that obvious?" Mary asked weakly, leaning her face into her palm. I chuckled slightly, grimacing.
"No. Well, kind of. I just picked up on little things." My grimace turned into a wide grin. "From not only you..."
Mary's eyes widened like galleons.
"You don' don't possibly think he-?"
"I have a hunch." I said wryly, my grin only growing. Mary squealed in excitement and leaped to her feet, doing a ridiculous victory dance aroud the room.
"Excuse me, but what the hell are you on about?" Marlene asked exasperatedly, looking from a dancing Mary to me.
"She thinks Remus fancies Mary!" Alice laughed happily, throwing her head back. She had been looking at us backward and forwards for a few moments before grinning widely, realisation kicking in. Marlene's frown gradually formed into a wide flashing smile, and she cheered.
"Yes, Mar!" She high fived her, leaping up to add to her dance.
"I caught him staring at you the other day when you were laughing at something. It was really quite adorable, I think James noticed too." I grinned slyly.
Mary beamed, her face glowing, and she turned to Alice.
"So Ali," she began, attempting and failing to stifle a smile at her overwhelming state of happiness. "Still head over heals for dear old Franky?" She winked. Ali sighed in defeat, flopping back against the pillows.
"Yes, obviously." She tutted, pouting slightly. "But - oh, you lucky things, he will never fancy me back." She wailed, throwing her arms up into the air. I rolled my eyes at Marly and Mar, who had to stifle their giggles behind Alice. She appeared to be genuinely upset. Poor oblivious, Ali.
"Oh please," Marlene scoffed, not bothering to comfort her. "Alice you are delusional. He would marry you and have your babies, if you asked." Alice merely groaned.
"I can't watch this." I shook my head. "Alice, you need a game plan. Frank would do just about anything for you, you know that?"
Alice dragged herself up into a sitting position, wallowing in her puddle of misery.
"I would be stupid to fall for that." She drawled, sighing heavily. "I am a lost cause. Damaged goods."
"Do you even know what damaged goods are?"
I snorted. Alice cocked her head slightly, smiling in a sheepish manner.
"Well, not really." She admitted, shrugging.
"If anyone's damaged goods, it's bloody McKinnon over here." Mary jabbed her thumb in Marlene's direction, dodging her swipe.
"You're not wrong." She grinned slightly, shrugging. "But I'm fine with that. I'm a woman, I'm being safe. What's the harm?"
"Your cherished bond with god." I said dramatically, falling back against the cushions. "He will never forgive your sins."
The four of us burst out laughing, and continued to gossip about Hogwarts's infamous student couplings for the next few moments.
"What about you, Miss. Evans?" Marlene wiggled her eyebrows, turning to me. "What's going on between you and Jamesie-poo?"
I blanched completely, taken aback.
"Don't deny it!" Mary yelled, pointing at me. "We see the way you two joke all the time, the way you look at each other! Damn Lily, the way you stare at him when he laughs and smiles. I'm not fucking with you, come on now."
I burst into a fit I'd hysterical laughter, the thought of me doing that bringing tears to my eyes.
"Oh wow." I wiped my cheeks as I recovered, wheezing ever so slightly. "You're funny, Mar."
"C'mon Lil, just admit it!" Alice said heartily, biting her lip in hesitation.I immediately stopped laughing, my eyebrows pulling together in confusion.
"You are kidding, aren't you?"
"We can tell that yo-"
"Don't even say it." I interrupted her, my quick tempered anger boiling just beneath the surface.
"Lil." Marlene sighed sympathetically. "Come on -"
"No, I'm actually offended that you'd even say that." I admitted, looking at each of their guilty expressions. "What are you trying to make me feel? Bad?"
"Of course not, Lily!" Alice exclaimed, reaching out to squeeze my leg in comfort. "We wouldn't ever intentionally hurt you."
"I just think you like him a little more then you think, is all." Mary gave me a knowing look.
I recoiled slightly, a wave of hurt washing over me.
"Have you forgotten how much I hated him?" I asked weakly, shaking my head. "How could you say that!"
"I'm sorry." Alice said softly, biting down on her lip. "Truly, Lily. We shouldn't have said that, it wasn't nice."
"Speak for yourself." Mary snorted, rolling her eyes. I pulled back, a wave of fresh anger washing over me.
"Mary, I don't fancy him! How could I? I- It's all so confusing, I don't know how I feel about him at all, really -"
Marlene raised an eyebrow sharply, and exchanged a look with the others.
"What?" I snapped, getting more and more annoyed by the minute. I willed the rare burning in my eyes to dissipate, straightening myself up.
"I do not fancy James Potter! Not now, not in a million years -"
Marlene rolled her eyes at me, scowling. "If you say so-"
The common room potrait burst open, cutting off the end of that sentence. The three British boys we'd spent our time speaking of strutted into the room, levitating dozens of bottles of yellowish frothy liquid and several bags bursting with honeydukes products.
"Anyone up for a midnight snack?" James grinned, his eyes twinkling at me.


That chapter was fun to write!
I hope you liked it. Please review, if you did!
Goodnight Potterheads, sweet dreams
- E xxx

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