Chapter Forty Two: Some Things Change

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- LILY -


Mary, Marlene and Alice continued to gape at us speechlessly as we took a seat along the Gryffindor bench.
I shuffled besides Sirius with James climbing in on my left, humming to myself absently as I reached for the pumpkin juice. I looked up in time to see Marlene's goblet tumble from her grip and fall to the floor with a clatter.
"Something wrong, Marly?" I asked in mock concern. I flicked my wand towards the mess, Alice seemingly not noticing as the juice disappeared from her face.
I felt a warm hand brush against my thigh and had to stop myself from starting in surprise at the unfamiliar touch. My eyes dragged to James, who was watching me with a crooked smile. I tried and failed to hide my smile, sliding a hand over his broad fingers as I glanced back to the three gaping girls. Marlene blinked at me, her eyes so wide I thought they might burst from her skull. They darted between the two of us at such a high speed I wondered if she might be getting dizzy.
"...When." She managed to get out.
"Didn't quite catch that." James said in the perfect tone of polite confusion, accepting a goblet of juice from me with a wink. Marlene's jaw snapped shut and she let out a choked snort, before abruptly falling into a pit of hysterical laughter. James and I exchanged a surprised glance, turning back to her in unison. She wheezed over the table top as Mary and Alice gradually controlled their shocked faces.
"Marly?" I stared at her, completely taken aback.
"I have been waiting," She managed hoarsely, reaching a hand across the table to grip my forearm. "For months."
"If this is joke," Mary said in a low voice, narrowed eyes flickering the two of us. "I will be furious."
"Do you really think we'd be so cruel?" I teased, taking a sip of juice and almost choking at the look on her face.
"Isn't it spiffing?" Sirius was grinning. "We caught a live action snogging scene, too."
"No!" Marlene gasped, her head whipping to him.
He smirked over the top of his goblet in response.
"It was riveting."
"Unexpected yet expected." Alice murmured faintly, clutching a hand to her chest as she stared at me.
"About time, no?" I asked, nudging James in the shoulder. I glanced up to see him already grinning at me crookedly, honeyed eyes sparkling with a joy that I hadn't seen in weeks.
"Yes," Remus agreed almost tiredly. "Yes, yes it is."
"I can finally relax." Mary dragged a dramatic hand to her forehead. "I've been stressing about this ordeal for Merlin knows how long."
"I told you about it three weeks ago." I pointed out.
"Oh, come on." She retorted scathingly, waving a dismissive hand. "We've known for months! Bloody hell Lily, and not even a little warning?"
"Yeah," Alice straightened up, frowning slightly. "What ever happened to never speaking to him again?"
"'Never speaking to me again?'" James repeated teasingly as Sirius snorted into his goblet of juice.
I glared at Alice, feeling my cheeks bloom with heat.
"I was hurt." I defended stiffly.
"Well, I have my ways." James grinned at her and I scowled, elbowing him in the side.
"He cornered me, the bloody bastard."
"Of course he did." Sirius smirked. "I told him to do that."
I raised a single eyebrow at him. "That's not something to be proud of."
"It got you two snogging, didn't it?" He challenged.
"I s'pose." I admitted grudgingly. James grinned down at me, bumping my arm.
"You loved it, liar."
Warmth flooded my cheeks for the second time, betraying me completely as my thoughts raced back to our heated discussion in the rain and everything that followed. "Okay, fine. Maybe I did."
"So...hang on -" Remus shook his head as if trying to clear his thoughts. "Are you two -...."
"A couple?" Marlene suggested, eyes sparkling at me knowingly. "Soulmates? Engaged?"
"Don't scare them," Mary flapped a hand with a scowl. "The time will come but for now, tell me what on earth is going on."
"I can't stand another civil war." Marlene agreed, glancing between us cautiously.
"This changes everything." Remus added, leaning in to catch our eyes with a serious look. James snorted.
"He's my boyfriend, if that's what you're asking." I replied nonchalantly, reaching for the bowl of peas.
"That's it," Sirius threw his hands into the air as Remus muttered some sort of thank you to the heavens above. "My life's mission has been completed."
"Sirius, nothing you did helped us get together." James pointed out, spooning green beans onto his plate.
"Whatever," He replied dismissively. "Point is, you're together, and I want to know every single detail."
"Wait," Marlene cut in eagerly, grabbing our attention. "Before that, I want to hear about this snogging."
"I'll happily oblige with a description." Peter grinned suggestively, dodging the hand James brought in to whack over his head.
"They were in the entrance hall of all places," Sirius dove right into the story, flashing me a mischievous grin. "Soaking wet -"
"From the rain." Remus added in as Mary choked on her mouthful of chicken.
"Rain?" Marlene echoed, her gaze flickering to me knowingly.
"Rain." I grinned, and she pursed her lips.
"There they were," Sirius waved his fork around aimlessly. "Pressed up against the wall, going at it like animals."
"He's telling it wrong." I snorted. Sirius glanced to me with a growing smirk.
"I think I'm telling it exactly how it happened, Evans."
"Pressed up against the wall?" Alice was asking, intrigued.
"Snogging each other's faces off." Sirius drawled, and
Marlene gasped again. "It was very raunchy," He added, biting into a piece of bread with a sneaky glance at me.
"Raunchy indeed." I agreed absently, feeling James's eyes pinned on me and intentionally avoiding his gaze. 
"This is the best news I'll ever receive." Mary was admitting as she poured herself a goblet of juice.
"Oh no," Marlene swallowed her mouthful, raising a slender finger. "The best news I'll receive is their wedding invitation by owl."
"Christ." I muttered in embarrassment, covering my warming face with a hand. Peter said something I didn't hear and the chatter around us grew louder, Sirius now arguing with Marlene about who was the better lovematcher.
Dinner was quick, and full of brief exchanged glances with James that made my stomach flutter. These did not go to unnoticed by our friends, who kept the conversation light and merely re-directed the topic of chatter when James or I failed to sustain attentiveness. His hand remained on my thigh as we ate, drawing idle circles on the thick denim of my jeans. When desert arrived and Sirius piled his bowl high with tonight's trifle, I found myself glancing to James for what felt like the dozen time only to find him already watching me. His dark eyes gleamed with adoration, or lust, or amusement - I wasn't sure anymore, they all seemed to blend into one. My thoughts raced back to the way he'd pinned me against the wall with his strong, broad arms -
I started, snapping my head upwards. "Hmm?"
Marlene's mouth was twisting into a curved smile as she surveyed me. "I was wondering if you were going to eat any of that trifle."
I blinked, glancing down to my untouched bowl of desert.
"Seems I've...lost my appetite." I cleared my throat, avoiding her knowing gaze.
"Funny that."
I glanced to James, who was grinning crookedly.
"I also seem to have lost interest in my trifle." He cleared his throat, and the hand gripping my thigh tightened slightly. "Might I...excuse myself."
Sirius and Marlene exchanged a not so discreet grin as I muttered a hasty agreement, accepting James's extended hand to help me up.
"See you tomorrow." Marlene called after us with a mischievous grin as we departed the hall in haste, James's hands folding behind his back in a gentlemanly manner.
"Did you learn such a graceful demeanour growing up in a Manor?" I inquired as we slipped from the bustling hall, glancing back to our friends to see them all laughing at something Sirius had said. A smile curved up my cheeks and I hurriedly looked away, glancing upwards. I started in surprise; James was inches closer than he had been moments before, his dark eyes sparkling at me in the torchlight.
"Hi." I murmured, biting down on my lip to stop from smiling. He blinked.
"Sorry, did you say something?" James gave me his usual crooked grin, sliding a hand into my own. I squeezed his broad fingers affectionately, marvelling at the sensation of holding him and studying the callouses of his rough skin. I'd wanted to hold his hand for months. Something about it all felt slightly surreal.
"Ahem," I licked my lips as we ascended the marble staircase. "I was only commenting on your immaculate etiquette."
"Ah." He ran a free hand through his upturned locks of raven hair, and I allowed myself to watch him in full admiration without reminding myself to look away. A smile curved up my cheeks at the thought that I could now watch him whenever I wanted, to hell with the consequences.
"It was standard for being raised in a manor." He grimaced slightly. "Some of the customs are...still very old fashioned, of which I hope to maybe slacken one day. I was forced to do all sorts of extracurriculars."
I raised my brows in interest. "Such as?"
"Piano," He counted on his fingers. "Only I was always quite rubbish at it, so that lasted until I was about ten. Also painting, and French, and violin. None of which I can do in the present day, unfortunately." His frown creased. "But I'm bloody good on a broom, and apparently that's good enough for Dad."
"As it should be." I approved, studying the planes of his handsome face. "You'd be even more awfully stuck up than you already are."
He chuckled, shaking his head. "Some families aren't so lucky. If the Potters are slightly old fashioned, the Blacks are medieval."
"That terrible?"
"Oh yeah." He glanced to me. "Sirius doesn't really reveal much about it, but he had to do all the same things and more, except they continued for years.
"He speaks French fluently." I remembered suddenly, thinking back to the memory of him cursing affluently in the handsome language one late night in the Gryffindor Common room.
"He's also a very good piano player." James continued in what I took was a proud tone. "Mum always makes him play, it's his 'payment' apparently, for living with us. She says the house feels empty without music, and Sirius plays it so much better than Dad." He snorted, shaking his head and glancing to me. I was smiling, admiring the way he talked so freely, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
"I'm thinking we should invest in a pianoforte for the common room." I mused as we rounded the stairs of the second floor. "Y'know, like Ravenclaw." I'd seen the beautiful instrument in their common room when we began the year, checking in on all new students and setting the correct passwords.
"I think that would be splendid. But..." James shook his head. "I wouldn't ask Sirius to play. He hates it."
"He hates it?" I repeated, astonished.
"Bad memories." James replied hesitantly, staring ahead of us as I studied his face. "I think he'd rather not dwell on such extracurriculars."
"But...why do your parents make him?"
"They've no idea." He replied quietly, glancing to me. "He'll do it happily, for them. Always feels like he owes them, see? Would never show it, he's always up to no good and flirting with my Mum," James rolled his eyes. "But Padfoot sees it as a kind of debt. He made me swear not to tell them."
"That's awful." I murmured, feeling my chest tighten. "Maybe...maybe when I visit, I can take the burden off his hands."
James glanced to me, his mouth twisting into a smile. "I think he'd love that. So would my parents." He added, scanning my face. "As would I, actually."
"I..." I swallowed, turning to face the end of the corridor we strode along. "I really would love to meet them, James. And to see your home."
My words hung in the air for a brief moment before James spoke,
"And I can't wait for the day you do." He murmured, lifting a hand to brush the arch of my cheek. I loosed a light breath at his touch, coming to a slow halt in the middle of the corridor. "I want to show you everything."
Although James was speaking about Potter Manor, I had the distinct impression that there was an underlying meaning to his words. I gazed up into his face, admiring every curve and edge. Remembering that I hadn't replied I swallowed audibly and mumbled,
"...I'd love that."
James's lips curved into a crooked smile at this, his palm cupping my cheek and other hand sliding to the bare slip waist I'd left exposed. I almost gasped, feeling a sudden surge of desire ripple through me when James tugged me into his front. He wasn't rough; he was gentle, yet firm, and I thought I might melt entirely at his very touch.
"I can't stop thinking about kissing you," He breathed as my hands flattened to his broad chest, admiring every chiseled muscle with my fingers.
"I find myself in the same predicament," My voice came out hoarse. James's warm hand traced the curve of my cheek before settling on my neck, his other slowly trailing lower from my waist. I bit down on my lip to stop the small sound threatening to escape me as his hand gently massaged the round of my backside.
We gazed into each others eyes, admiring everything there was so look at. My gazed travelled along his full mouth, bottom lip slightly fuller than the top, arcing upwards to his defined jaw and thick eyebrows.
James's eyes glittered at me as we held each others gaze.
"Shall we do anything to fix that?" He was whispering now, leaning in so that his breath tickled my ear. I arched into his chest and wordlessly dug my nails into his chest. A low growl rumbled from James and suddenly I was back against the stone wall, one leg wrapped around his waist with my hands up in his hair.
I thought I might combust.
James's hands roamed anywhere and everywhere as his tongue slid along the entrance to my mouth.
"Fuck," He breathed, lips so irresistibly soft against my own.
"Fuck," I agreed in a whisper, gasping as his grip on me tightened.
We snogged like this for many moments, snorting at the surrounding portraits muttered comments of disapproval, before James murmured something about a bottle of wine. I accepted his extended hand, adjusting the sleeve of my top as we continued our way to the Heads common room - flushed in the face and breathing heavily.
We barely made it over the threshold.
The Mourning Monk was in the middle of speaking as James slammed the portrait hole shut, pulling me into his arms and kissing me full on the mouth. I laughed against his lips, the sound instantly cutting off as his hands slid to my hips and lower. James's gripped the back of my thighs as he lifted me up, half staggering towards the loveseat. I straddled him into the velvet fabric, hands caught up in his raven hair, both my tongue and mouth preoccupied as his hands roamed along the length of my back. We kissed like this for many moments, until I eventually pulled away for fear that I might stop breathing. I let my forehead rest against his as we panted heavily, lips parted and breath ragged. James's hands remained gripping my hips, with my own fingers threaded through his thick hair. Moments passed before I was cradling his head in my arms, sighing slightly as he buried his face into my chest. I bit down on my lip, clutching him to me tightly and absorbing the feeling of his soft lips brushing along my collar.
"James," I whispered after a moment, sighing into his ear at the first flick of his tongue.
"Mmm?" James continued leaving tender kisses along my chest, lips and tongue moving lazily.
"What about that bottle of wine?"
He paused to pull away, gazing up into my face with bright eyes and hair even more stuck up than usual.
"You distracted me," He murmured, a small grin curving up the corner of his mouth.
"I tend to have that effect on males."
James laughed, and the sound was so wondrous that I found myself absently tracing my fingers along the planes of his face.
"You are terribly handsome." I admitted, scanning his softened expression. This was soon replaced by an insufferable smirk and I rolled my eyes. "Remind me to never compliment you again."
"Please call me that everyday." He grinned, leaning in to nip at my jaw. I chuckled, letting him gently pull me into the soft velvet of our loveseat.
I supposed this would be our new favourite chair.
Entranced, I watched James stride towards his open bedroom with a cheeky glance over his shoulder.
"Christ," I muttered to myself as he disappeared around the door, hastily dragging a hand through my tangled hair. When I'd woken up this morning, I had not expected my day to end like this.
James reappeared moments later with two petite glasses and a large bottle of Pinot noir.
"Very fancy." I commented in approval as he sunk into the loveseat, popping the cork with a flick of his wand. James glanced to me, his dark eyes sparkling.
"For the lady."
I watched as he poured me a glass of deep red wine, accepting it and swirling it once before dipping my nose over the lip.
"Delicious." I inhaled, taking a soft sip. "Thank you."
James wordlessly poured himself a glass and slid the bottle onto the coffee table, turning to me with a softened expression.
"So." I echoed without breaking our gaze. His bottom lip twitched, and I watched, encapsulated as James slowly lifted my legs into his lap and began to remove my sneakers.
"So romantic." I grinned as he tossed them over his shoulder with a charming wink.
"I hoped you'd think so." He drawled in reply, leaning back with an outstretched arm draped over the edge of the loveseat. He scanned my face with glittering eyes. "Do you want to go first, or should I?"
"I suppose you're desperate to hear how you enamoured me." I mused, scanning the handsome planes of his face.
"Just a little bit."
I bit down on my lip to stop from smiling. "Is it just me, or was that..." I struggled to find the words.
"The best snog of my life?" James suggested with a crooked grin. I pursed my lips,
"I'm still recovering from it." He breathed a laugh, lowering his glass. "I've been dreaming about doing that for years. I'm not sure if I actually believe that just happened."
"It was a lovely snog."
"It was." He agreed, eyes twinkling at me. "So, Evans. Do you plan on telling me how I inevitably charmed you so, or are you just going to look at me like that all night?"
My cheeks warmed as James laughed gently.
"What do you want to know?" I asked quietly, lifting my glass for a sip without breaking our gaze. He slid a hand to my calf, tracing idle circles against the worn denim.
"When did you realise?" He asked softly, scanning my face. It was an effort not to smile as I thought back to the potions class that had changed my life.
"Not on my own," I began with a quiet snort.
"Naturally." James said wryly.
A grin curved up my lips. "It was our amortentia, actually."
James blinked. "What?"
"I don't know if you remember," I wondered, tilting my head slightly. "But sometime in November when our potion was almost finished, we were getting frustrated with eachother because neither of us could smell a thing."
"That's right." James grinned at me crookedly, and it almost took my breath away. "I told you that your perfume was giving me an asthma attack."
"Right." I whispered, scanning his face. "And I accused you of using bucket loads of shampoo that morning."
"I recall not even showering, either." James commented mildly. "And I..." He faded off slowly, scanning my face with an expression of dawning comprehension. "Oh."
"And then I fainted in the corridor when I realised." I laughed, James joining in. "And raced to tell Marlene everything. I think I was having a panic attack, I hyperventilated for a very long time."
"Because how could you possibly fancy Potter?" James teased with raised eyebrows.
"That was exactly it." I snorted, tracing a finger over the edge of my wine glass. "And ever since, I've been..." I sighed, shaking my head. "Trying to hide it, I s'pose."
"I thought things felt different." James murmured quietly. "I didn't want to give myself any hope, but I thought that maybe...just maybe, you were beginning to look at me the way I always found myself always watching you."
"I definitely was." My smile twisted into a grin. "Marlene would often catch me staring at you, y'know. And sometimes I'd see Sirius smirking as if he knew something I didn't."
"Turns out everyone knew but us." James laughed, and the sound lit him up. His eyes were bright and tanned cheeks flushed, raven hair sticking up even more than usual. I relished in the feeling of his hand on my leg, never taking a passing moment for granted.
James and I sat by the fire for hours, sipping on our wine with an endless conversation thrumming between us. I confessed everything, and in return, he explained to me his desperate methods of getting my attention. Until sixth year, when Sirius had joked about how pathetic he was being and said to him, 'Honestly Prongs, it's as if you're in love with her.' There had been a long silence as Peter, Remus and Sirius all turned to stare at James, who deigned to respond by sculling down the rest of his whiskey. This had been answer enough for Sirius. By that very summer, he eventually decided that nothing, not even his cocky humour or effortless talent, could grasp my attention. It came to the point where even Remus told him to give it up, until his Headboy badge had arrived in the mail and he'd wondered whether maybe this was a sign from the universe. We laughed at eachother, James adding in little bits and comments that made me clutch my stomach and bend over double with hysteria. As the hours passed I ended up shifting closer to him so that our hips were joint, my legs still slung over his lap. Everything fit so perfectly that I marvelled how I hadn't seen it sooner. It seemed such a waste to me now; all along, it'd always been the two of us. We could have had so much more time together if he or I had fessed up these last few months.
Where were the words to describe my feelings? None even came close to explaining the amount of euphoria that threatened to choke me. It was not often that I was left speechless, with a lack of adjectives or retorts. It seemed that James Potter, metaphorically and literally, took my breath away.
We drank our way through the bottle of red wine, the skies darkening to a midnight black outside our common room windows. With everything off my chest, it felt like this invisible weight that had been pressing on me for months now, gone. I felt myself gradually relax into James's touch, tracing a finger along his muscled bicep in admiration and scolding him for his egotistical comments. At one point James put a Beatles record on and the catchy music filled the room with warmth, filling in our breathless laughter and moments when we were so caught up in eachother that we forgot to reply. Eventually I changed into an oversized T-shirt and trackpants, waltzing back into the common room and apologising sincerely for my lack of lacy lingerie.
James had laughed loudly at this and seized me into his arms, starting by telling me that trackpants had never been so sexy.
It dawned midnight and I was gazing into James's face, his eyes closed and head resting in my lap. I tugged a delicate hand through his thick forest of hair, admiring the feeling of it between my fingers. James lay on his back across the snug velvet love seat, legs hanging over the side.
"You've no idea how much I've wanted to do this." I was murmuring to him. A lazy grin curved up his cheeks, eyes still closed as if he were sleeping.
"What, play with my hair?"
"Yes. For years, really." I sighed, watching my fingers work. "It's so tempting. I used to hate when you did it, despise even. Thought you looked like a monkey. There was something about watching you do it."
His eyes snapped open, twinkling at me in greeting. "Sounds like you were a bit of a fan girl after all." He winked. "Lucky you."
"Lucky me." I agreed, now tracing a finger down the edge of his sharp jaw. How grateful I was to finally be able to admire the shape of his face, the smooth of his skin, the little freckles on his chin without hiding it.
"I personally can't believe that I'm here." He muttered suddenly, his eyes fluttering closed once more. The gentle crack of the fire filled the otherwise silent atmosphere, blending in with our sleepy voices. "Still after hours, now. I'm afraid that I'll wake up tomorrow and it will have all been a dream."
I let out a tinkling laugh, now tracing my thumb over his full lips. His lips...James Potter's lips, underneath my thumb.
"Or an alternate universe." I murmured quietly, my breathing hitching a little at the memory of what exactly those lips had done to mine not long ago. I'd barely been able to keep my hands off of him for hours.
James snorted, his eyes snapping open. "Or that," he laughed. "Good Godric. Lily me."
I smiled slightly, thankful that I wasn't the only one who almost couldn't believe it. James abruptly sat up, the warmth of his head disappearing from my lap. He wriggled over me so that he could rest against his elbows. "What are the odds?" He smiled crookedly, eyes twinkling. "The whole school will be rioting."
I snorted. "You're right about that." I grinned slightly, eyeing how blissfully messy I'd made his hair.
"I would love to scream it from the top of my lungs in the middle of the great hall with a million spectators." He grinned. "I wonder if anyone will react at breakfast."
"Most definitely." I sighed, sliding my legs onto the velvet seat and leaning my head back against the arm. James's eyes softened as he watched me, full lips parted slightly. I felt my chest tighten as he copied me and snaked his legs over the edge of the couch, leaning in to rest his head against my chest. James's broad, muscled arms slid to my torso, brushing along my sides gently. I sighed, sliding my hands up into his head of thick hair and gently nuzzling into his temple.
"This is the best feeling in the world." His voice was hoarse against my collar.
"The hair?"
"That too," I felt him smile against me and chuckled. "But I was thinking of something else."
"...boob pillow?"
"That's the one."
"Lucky you."
James chuckled against my skin, and I felt it reverberate through me. "Lucky, lucky me, Evans. Merlin's heard...I'm lying on Lily's boobies."
I snorted. "Boobies?"
I grinned against his temple, my grip tightening around him as he buried his face into my chest. It was an effort not to gasp, clutching a handful of hair as he rumbled a deep laugh.
"I love this a lot." He mumbled, brushing his lips along the curve of my peaked chest. "I could do this for hours."
"I'm not stopping you," I breathed, arching into him so that my back lifted from the seat. James took this opportunity to slide his hands along my hips and lower, gripping me tightly.
"Merlin's beard," I whispered.
"I think I'm going to explode."
James's chuckled, and the sound felt like heaven.
James's face suddenly swam into view from where he now hovered over me. I snorted as he arched a single seductive eyebrow, crawling over top of me with an air of dominance that made my toes curl.
Oh Godric, what had I gotten myself into? James Potter, on top of me...the Lily Evans I used to know would have screamed 'rape' at the top of her lungs.
James leant inwards, his chest grazing mine and lips pressing feather light kisses along my jaw. I shivered at his touch, arching my neck to give him better access.
With his arms caressing either my torso, and a leg on either side of my own, I was trapped. He seemed to know it too, from the cheeky gleam in his eyes as he pulled away.
"Maybe we shouldn't make a big deal out of it," I breathed, dragging a hand along the inside of his arm. He shivered slightly, fingers sliding to my ribs. "According to Marlene, everyone already knows."
James's gave me his signature crooked grin before leaning in to kiss my cheek.
"I'm not sure I can hold to that," He whispered into my ear huskily, lips brushing any inch of skin he could ready. I felt neck involuntarily arch into him further at the tone he used, his breath fanning across my skin.
"Oh?" I murmured in reply as his lips trailed down to my collar bone, caressing my flesh ever so gently.
He was so unbelievably gentle.
"Mmhm." He mumbled against my skin, dragging a finger over the fabric of my top and to the bare skin of my navel, causing me to shiver. My fingers slid up the insides of his arms, absorbing the feeling of chiseled muscle. The amount of times I'd fantasised about running my hands over these biceps was insurmountable.
"Why's that?" I whispered, relishing in the feeling and shape of his lips and gripping his arms tightly.
"Because," He murmured in between kisses, lingering on my collar. I almost gasped, wishing I could freeze time and remember the permanent feeling of his warm body on mine.
"I want to show you off," He said hoarsely, now trailing back up. James lips grazed my mouth so lightly I barely felt him. My eyes fluttered open to meet his, and I could have sworn fireworks went off within me. My heart missed a beat at the sight of him; hair ruffled, eyes wild and gleaming, rosy lips slightly parted.
He was...mine. Incredibly and miraculously mine.
"I want to show you off to the world," He continued quietly, his eyes scanning me not in a hungry, desperate way, but lovingly. I let out a light laugh, raising a hand to cup his warm, flushed cheek.
"I'm not sure they'd care."
James rolled his eyes, leaning in to rest his face into my palm. "Lily you are ridiculous sometimes, you know that? Diggory'll care."
"Amos?" I exclaimed in surprise, pulling back to scan his flushed face. "What on earth, James?"
James raised a skeptical eyebrow and I scoffed.
"He's your ex," He said, leaning in to brush his nose with my own. "Of course he'll care. You know he still fancies you?"
I pulled a face at the awfully vivid memory of him sticking his tongue down my throat in fifth year, and James laughed. "Well, that's unfortunate."
"It is, isn't it." James said mildly, causing me to grin. "And I," he went on, lowering his body onto mine so that our chests pressed together. "Somehow gets to be the lucky man who has the honour to love you. Incredibly, miraculously -" my mouth curved into a smile at the words I'd previously thought of myself. "- Diggory'll be the most jealous chap in Hogwarts. And I actually feel sorry for him." He added with a sort. "For letting you go. I remember when I found out during the summer and couldn't wait to tell Sirius."
"Of course."
"He was a wanker."
I fought my smile. "Yeah, a bit."
"Why'd you date him?"
I gave him a look and he rolled his eyes.
"A genuine question from my source of curiosity." He assured me.
"Well," I dragged a finger along his muscled chest adoringly. "He was very handsome, and very clever. I thought that was intriguing. But..." I winced.
"Go on?" James raised a curious eyebrows.
"He had the humour of the Mourning Monk," I admitted, and James laughed loudly. "And the snogging was terrible, it was all he wanted to do."
I grinned, scanning James's wide smile. "Pig."
"He will be jealous, then." He mused.
"Hmm." I traced a finger down his neck and collar, letting his scent engulf me wholly. My eyes flickered over his lips as I paused, wanting nothing more than to glue myself to them and never let go. "Does that mean I can start making out with you everytime Vane walks by?"
James buried his head into the crook of my neck to muffle his sniggers. I grinned slyly, imaging the pure horror that would surely ignite her features. He eventually pulled away, an gorgeously infectious smile on his face.
"Yes, you can." He laughed quietly, shaking his head. "Absolutely, yes."
"How wonderful." I gave him my best grin. "I shall, then, and with great pleasure."
James grinned widely, however it gradually faltered as he scanned my face. "I simply can't begin to believe that this dream -" He gestured to me and then to himself with a wink. "- Is now some marvellous, inconceivable reality."
"If you have such a high opinion only hours after our first kiss," I began lightly, watching a crooked grin spread across his cheeks. "I shudder to think of what the sex will be like."
I thought maybe James had stopped breathing.
His eyes flickered to my mouth and back again, hands tightening their grip on my ribs.
"Christ," he breathed after a moment of this, scanning my face in what looked like hunger. "I never thought I'd hear you say those words, Evans."
I raised my eyebrows. "Speechless, Potter?"
He grinned down at me and laughed, shaking his head. "Utterly speechless, Lily. You seem to have that affect on me."
"But I dare say I agree," His grin grew as he studied me with twinkling eyes. "Such a scandalous thing to say."
"If you think that's scandalous," I began in that same light tone. "then you're really in for it, Potter."
James loosed a shaky breath, his eyes fluttering closed as I felt him tense against me. "My god, Evans."
"Whats that?" I asked innocently, tracing a finger along his stomach agonisingly slowly. A wave of warmth surged through me as I watched, entranced, James bite down onto his bottom lip at my touch.
"You're going to be the death of me," He murmured after a moment as my hand traveled to his chest, neck, finally setting on his cheek. James leaned into my touch, his soft lips brushing against my palm so lovingly that I had to blink away the burning in my eyes.
"Am I, now?"
James breathed another laugh into my hand. "Yes, Evans, you are. You are a dangerous, dangerous woman."
"Glad you think so highly of me."
James's eyes flickered open as a tiny smile curved up his lips, the feeling warm against my hand.
"I'll do my best to blow your mind, Evans." He chuckled quietly. I pursed my lips to stop from smiling as I studied his face, shadowed by the flickering fire.
"I don't doubt it." I admitted quietly, and he grinned.
"Marlene's going to harass me for hours." I realised aloud, sighing slightly. "Tell me, how do I break it to her that we didn't shag moments after getting together like her and Sirius?"
James sniggered, his body shaking against mine in a way that made my breath catch. The vibration of his laughter echoed deep in my tummy, sending sparks of something I didn't have a name for through my bones. He nuzzled his face into my neck once more, his voice muffled as he said "I'm sure she'll be very disappointed."
"I agree."
James sighed against my skin, the warmth of his flesh on mine a feeling that was indescribable.
"I can't believe that after all these years," he whispered after a moment, the movement of his lips against my neck sending tingles down my spine. "You're...mine. Actually mine. I am so bloody lucky, Lily, you have no idea."
I smiled against his temple, snuggling into him so that there wasn't a single gap between us. "Congratulations, Potter."
James pulled back so he could look into my eyes, a hand caressing the side of my cheek and brushing the hair from my face
"My Mum'll be so proud of me." He murmured suddenly, his softened gaze swimming with such adoration and love  that I was almost taken aback. I breathed out a soft laugh, but silenced at the look on his face.
"I mean it," He whispered, his expression so sure, so tender that I felt my eyes burn.
"James." I whispered, lifting a finger to trace his brow bone. I was lost for words.
"Shes heard all about you, of course." He breathed a laugh, scanning my face tenderly. "And I get to introduce the most beautiful woman as my girlfriend. Mine," he loosed a breath as if he couldn't quite believe  by it. "I've never been so proud of something in my entire life, Lily."
I hadn't realised I was crying until James warm, calloused fingers wiped away the tears sliding down my cheeks with an unsurprising gentleness. His mouth curved up into a smile as he stared at me, silver eyes melting into mine.
"Don't cry, my love." He murmured, lifting a hand to stroke my hair now. "She will be proud, and Dad, too. They're not going to believe my luck. In fact," He gave me a grin. "I'm going to owl them tomorrow."
"As far as flattery goes," I gave a shaky laugh, tracing delicate circles over his bicep and blinking away the tears. "You deserve an award."
"Flattery?" James raised an eyebrow and snorted. "I promise you, Lily, this is not an act to gain your affection. None of it was, not for a long time that is." His face broke into a crooked grin. "From the bottom of my heart, I mean every single word."
"Thankyou." I whispered, and I honestly hadn't ever meant it so much in my entire life. My hands trailed down to his heart, the steady beat of it soothing me. His words were more impactful than I thought possible, a bright fire burning beneath my skin.
"I can't wait to meet her, James," I murmured, thinking about what a brilliant Mother she must be to have raised such wonderful men. "Fleamont, too."
James smiled at me now, in such a way that made my knees weaken. "Well, I can't wait to bring you home with me. This April, you me and the Marauders."
I smiled through the tears that managed to escape, letting out a strangled laugh.
"Something to look forward to." I murmured, wiping my face clean.
"Indeed." He pressed a gentle kiss to my nose, leaning in to kiss away a stray tear. I caught his mouth with my lips, taking him by surprise and kissing him deeply. Jame responded enthusiastically, his hands caressing my sides as I gripped his hair between my fingers. On a spontaneous decision I slowly dragged myself upward, angling my body to the side. Understanding what I was trying to do with a knowing twinkle in his eyes, James adjusted his position so that he slid beneath me on the loveseat. I lift a leg over his hips so that I had one on either side, straddling him. James's rosy lips were parted and cheeks flushed as he gazed up at me with bright eyes, watching every movement. I had to suppress the noise threatening to escape me at our joined hips, trembling hands shaking over his broad chest and shoulders, relishing in the warmth of his muscled body. I could barely tear my eyes away from James, who watched me so intently that I found myself blushing. His hands squeezed my hips gently as my fingers trailed upward to trace the shape of his jaw.
"I love you, James." I whispered, and took his face in both of my hands, leaning in to press a lingering kiss to either cheek. "Thank you, for all of it." I kissed the tip of his nose now, my mouth tugging up at a corner.
He was mine, and I was his. I could hold him, kiss him, touch, watch him smile, as much as I liked.
"I love you, too." He whispered in reply, eyes burning with silver that I knew wasn't from the light. My heart twinged at the sight, bursting so full that I thought it might explode.
"I would fight my way to the very ends of the earth for you, Lily Evans." He murmured, reaching a hand out to brush my lower lip and cheek. "Until the world is nothing but star dust and forgotten music, I will fight for you."
I fought a sob, hands still caressing his face as I gazed down at him and admired every single inch there was to see.
"Beautiful," He whispered, tracing a thumb around the edge of my mouth. "You are so beautiful, Lily."
I willed a smile to tug at my lips. "Not as pretty as you."
He grinned and flicked my nose. "Maybe not quite."
I gave a quiet sigh and leant my cheek into his warm palm.
"You have no idea how many times I've had to resist the urge," I murmured against him. "To grab your hand, or kiss you. Several times I'd often let myself gravitate towards you without thinking."
There was a pause. Before,
"Every touch," James's voice was quiet as he responded. "No matter how casual, nor how relaxed I might have seemed, I would think about it for the rest of the day. Just being near you, it would drive me insane. I can't begin to express how this," He brushed a finger against my cheek softly. "Feels. I never could have dreamt it, Lil."
"Glad to know we're on the same page." I mumbled into his hand, long past the trivial concern of appearing to be cheesy. James was one of the sappiest individuals I'd ever met.
"Can't believe it didn't see it before." James murmured, leaning in to brush his lips against my cheek. "You're bloody obsessed with me, Evans."
I laughed, a sheet of hair falling into my face as I nuzzled into his shoulder affectionately.
"Wholeheartedly consumed." I agreed with a quiet chuckle, pulling back to scan his grinning face. "And proud of it."
James raised his eyebrows. "We'll make a fine power couple."
"Headboy and girl," I winked at him. "Ever so discreditable."
"To hell with it."
"I'm not so sure McGonagall would approve." I mused.
"Ah," James sighed, his hand sliding from my cheek and leaving a cold wake in it's absence. "Well then, I'm afraid this isn't going to work out."
"Fool." I tried and failed to hide my smile.
"But I'm your fool." James grinned up at me with sparkling eyes.
"You disgust me."
"I arouse you."
My lip twitched. "I will neither confirm nor deny."
James laughed, the sound so wonderful that I wished I could pause time. "Lily Evans thinks I'm fit." He grinned eventually.
"That and unbearably egotistical."
"And sexy?" He raised an eyebrow.
I hummed. "Ask me tomorrow."
James dragged his tongue over the edge of his inner top lip, eyes roving across my face in what looked like hunger. "I like the sound of that."
"I'm afraid you've taken it out of context."
Jame sorted. "Admit it, Evans. You want me to snog you senseless."
My lips curved up into a smile. "I shan't let go of all my dignity in one night, Potter."
He grinned at me crookedly. "Then just kiss me."
I gave in to the invisible that beckoned me to him, pressing a feather light kiss to the corner of his his mouth, barely grazing the surface. I pulled back to gazed down into his eyes for a split second, before James'd yanked me to him with his hands still on my hips, shocking me yet again with how perfect the fit of our mouths were. I replied rather enthusiastically, my hands never leaving his perfectly muscled shoulders. James's fingers slid along the curve of my waist, snaking along every edge with devastating precision. I craved his hands, his touch, his warmth. He eventually continued to trail across my back, farther, and farther - gradually curving the round of my rear and back of my thigh, looping around to my hips and waist once more. I almost moaned into his mouth at the sudden tingles that shot through me at his touch, my own hands sliding through his hair in desperation. Undoubtable dominance and riveting confidence. Perhaps the biggest turn on I'd experienced in my short life of misfortunate hook ups.
And then all of a sudden, things began to speed up.
James's hands became more and more hungry, even daring to slide up the back of my yellow shirt. Every friction of his skin on mine sent shivers down my spine. I involuntarily shuddered as he caressed me, his hands trailing into the dip of my waist and all the way up my spine. I'd never been so far with anyone before - but barely recognised the small pits of nausea in my stomach when he touched me like that, so loving and gentle. There was no 'awkwardness' between James and me - I knew that I could say or do anything without doubting myself for a second. I could feel every callous on my skin, every curve and dent of his hands. Our kiss abruptly deepened when James suddenly scooped me into him so that my legs wrapped around his torso tightly. He sat up slowly, my arms snaking around his neck as he roamed my torso with lingering fingers. James's hands slid down once more, squeezing hold on my backside while kissed me in a way that made me forget my sodding name. I gasped against his mouth when he stood, gripping me to him as if he were never letting go. A warm, buzzing sensation was rocketing through my bones, something I'd never dreamed of feeling before.
"Blimey," I breathed against his lips, grappling for any remaining string of self restraint.
"Mm?" James mumbled against me, still gripping my backside in a way that made me wish clothes didn't exist.
"Its just," I murmured in between breaths, angling my neck as he began to leave a trail of kisses along the line of my jaw. "You are ridiculously sexy right now."
James chuckled against me, his grip tightening so that I yelped. He laughed again, the sound tickling my neck.
"Trust me," James whispered against me as he backtracked ever so slowly to his open bedroom door.
"You are ten times sexier then me." He growled hoarsely, before seizing his lips back to mine and snogging me like there was no tomorrow.
Good lord.
Our breathing had gradually become more heavy, my hands continuously roaming his shoulders, chest, neck and face. James never broke his grasp on my rear, seeming to know just how exactly he was affecting me.
Before I knew It we'd reached his kingsized bed.
Mother of Merlin.
Our kiss never broke as James sat down on the edge of the mattress, flipping us both so that I lay beneath him, pressed into the soft, warm quilts. His hands pressed into the sheets on either side of my head, my legs tightening around his torso more eagerly than was wise.
Oh my god.
"You are incredible," He whispered against my lips. "Can you believe that I'm kissing you right now?"
I breathed a laugh, hands grappling for his hair. "I don't think I can believe that I'm kissing you."
"You are delusional." He growled in response. James's hand slid down my waist and hip, curving back down to the curve of my bum. He gripped me to him firmly, hands kneading in a way I never realised could be so arousing. I didn't have it in me to reply as his canine grazed my bottom lip, tugging so seductively that I felt a wave of heat spread through my cheeks - and other places. My body was experiencing indescribable things, my brain struggling to comprehend the situation - when James's tongue suddenly slid across the edge of my bottom lip. I gasped slightly and obeyed entrance, my mouth opening up in acceptance. Our tongues met with a spark, and immediately began to dance a constant tango. I trailed my hands down his chest and stomach until I was grappling anxiously with the hem of his Rolling Stones T-shirt, my fingers skimming the firm, toned skin below.
Christ, I thought to myself.
"Go ahead," James whispered into my mouth at my split pause. I kissed him harder and pulled at the hem eagerly, James yanking away for a fraction of a second to duck his head before resuming his urgent work on my mouth. The t-shirt now lay forgotten on the carpet, my hungry hands smoothing across the firm planes of his chest and stomach. I pulled away to slowly admire every rippled muscled that spread across his vast torso, tanned and chiseled from years of gruelling excessive. I gently dug my nails into his chest and seized my lips back to his. James let out a throaty groan against my mouth, causing me to arch further into him. It was a pity the lighting was so dim, giving me no opportunity to fully admire him. Oh how I'd wanted to feel these abs for so bloody long - my hands continued to caress every single inch of him, never straying below the waistline. And as passionate as our kiss was, as desperate as our hands moved, James was nothing but gentle. The way he kissed me just shouldn't be allowed - it was simply too good.
"How on earth did you learn to snog like this?" I gasped after a few moments, my hands intentionally lingering on his muscled pectorals. The feeling of his broad body on top of mine was a one too good to be true, so much so that it didn't even have a name. He was James Potter, the fittest student at Hogwarts - and I was underneath him, on his bed.
I couldn't believe my luck.
Jame laughed against my mouth, the sensation echoing through me. "I might not have had many girlfriends," he murmured huskily, and I could feel my face warming at the words. "But I have snogged a fair share, love."
I breathed out a chuckle, waisting no more time as I pulled his face back to mine. I yanked on his chin so desperately that he snickered, giving in to me enthusiastically. Our tongues met once more, limbs tangled and breath racing -
My heart simply thrummed to a stop as James's hand wandered from my hair to my hips and waist, skimming a few other vital things on the way.
"You've no idea how long I've wanted to do this," James panted against my mouth, his tongue never abating it's constant tango with my own.
I didn't dare ask what.
My breath hitched in my throat as his fingers crawled beneath my oversized shirt, sliding across the length of the bare skin on my stomach, leaving a blanket of goosebumps behind.
This was a dangerous, dangerous game. I wasn't sure I was ready to play - no, not at all, but it was so terribly tempting that I was afraid I might lose my head completely.
James's hand paused at a boundary that I hadn't ever dared crossed before. He pulled back and nudged my nose with his own, a silent question. To answer I merely yanked his face back down to mine and deepened the kiss enthusiastically, my hands tangling up in his thick hair intimately. Our tongues were at war, sword fighting to the death as James's hand steadily crept upwards, higher and higher. His fingers were like electricity against my flesh, a little more sensitive the higher they got. An indescribable noise of euphoria escaped me as James's hand came in contact with the top of my thin lace bra, his kneading fingers so gentle upon my sensitive breast. He deepened the kiss hungrily at my excessive moan, his broad body pressing against me with an urgency so intense I was breathless. There was not enough of him - I couldn't kiss him hard enough, fast enough, long enough. James's second hand was now trailing along my stomach, my entire body simply trembling with tingles. We kissed like this for several more moments, our mouths glued, his hands never leaving my breast and stomach.
"James," I breathed against his mouth in between kisses, my fingers still roaming over the small trail of hair caressing his abdomen.
"Mmm?" He mumbled against me, his lips sliding to my jaw in order to give me a chance to speak.
"As incredible as this is," I whispered, barley getting the words out from the amount of pleasure that I was feeling from the things James was doing with his hands. "I, er...I...-" I stuttered to a pause, feeling suddenly humiliated at the words i'd been about to confess.
James paused slightly, but only for a second. His kisses trailed back up to my jaw as he gently removed his hand from beneath my shirt, and I felt heat spread through my cheeks at how shameful I was being. Would he be disappointed? Angry? Hurt?
He pulled back slightly when I didn't move or speak, my hands frozen on his chest. James brushed his lips against my cheek affectionately, a wave of warm feelings swirling in my belly.
"Lil?" James murmured, concern clouding his eyes as he scanned me. "What's wrong?"
"Er..." I blushed, pushing myself up into a sitting position from beneath his pinned chest. I scratched the back of my neck, all of a sudden feeling completely and utterly naked.
"Hey," James murmured when I didn't reply. He climbed over my lap so that he now looked down at me. James tilted my chin in his hand, forcing me to meet his eyes. I did not have to dig deep to find the love and worry that swirled upon the surface.
"You can talk to me about anything." He said quietly, pressing his lips to my forehead. "You know that, right? Anything."
I nodded slowly, not letting myself tear my eyes from his gaze. "I know." I hesitated. "It's not that."
"Did I do something?" He asked, concerned. "I'm sorry, if I did. Do you want me to take this slower? I...I shouldn't have been so forward."
"No, it's not that. I-" I stumbled again, mentally cursing myself. "As comfortable as I am with you.." I trailed off, lack of words threatening to choke me.
Shit. I thought to myself. What was I doing? I just interrupted a perfectly good snog.
"Lil?" He murmured seriously, tone lowering with worry. "Are you -"
"I've never had sex." I blurted out. I stared down at my hands, now fiddling anxiously in my lap and twisting together. "You probably already knew that, but...I've never." I gulped audibly, trying my best to not die of shame. "And I - I'm not sure I'm ready to, just yet." A deep breath escaped me. "I want to, with you. Just...not tonight." I finished in a small voice, refusing to meet his gaze, terrified of what I'd see. It was silent for a small dreaded moment that felt like eternity, before I abruptly felt myself being wrapped up in a pair of warm, strong arms. My body relaxed in his grasp, his lips brushing against my forehead softly. James pulled back, a broad hand cupping my cheek.
"That's nothing to be ashamed of, Lil," He murmured, stroking his thumb over the plane of my jaw. "Hey. Look at me."
I forced myself to look up into his eyes, a puddle of shame swirling in the pits of my tummy.
"But you're James Potter." I chuckled weakly, biting down on my lip. He rolled his eyes, shaking his head once more.
"What is that supposed to mean?" He grinned crookedly. "A sexy, egotistical bastard?"
I let out a soft sigh. "Turning this down, is...It's've, yknow. And you're the most handsome, popular boy at Hogwarts." I gulped. "Every girl wants you. And I -"
"Wait a minute." James interrupted, his brows creasing slightly. "Do you not recall the conversation we had months ago, about our relationships?"
I frowned, my mind racing over those late night conversations that had occurred in this very common room. "I do, why's that?"
James raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Then you'll know that I've barely even had a girlfriend."
My frown deepened. "Well, you don't have to have a girlfriend to - you know." I blushed some more. "There were plenty of girls along the way that you snogged at parties."
"I'm a virgin, Lily." James murmured softly, his lips tugging up at the corners.
I blinked, unsure I understood correctly. "I - What?"
He chuckled, stroking a hand over my hair. "Never had sex, never done anything more than...kissing, and another regretful detail that I try to forget. You think so highly of me."
"You're not kidding." I said in realisation and covered my mouth with a hand, feeling abruptly worse. "Merlin, I'm so sorry I-"
"You assumed." He grinned crookedly, flicking my nose.
"Well, yes." I admitted, blushing with shame. "It's you. You're funny, clever and fit, and have every girl drooling. Why wouldn't you?"
He arched an eyebrow. "I've had my eye on one girl for seven years. I wasn't about to waste my time."
The colour in my cheeks deepened, and I knew I must be looking similar to a tomato by now.
"Oh." I said lamely, struggling to find something relative to say. "I, um..."
"Shh," James murmured, his hand now stroking the side of my cheek. He smiled down at me crookedly in his the dimly lit room. "It's okay," He murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. "I wasn't intending for that to happen - tonight, anyways." My breath hitched at his pause.
"You sure about that?" I murmured with slight incredulity, letting out a nervous laugh. His smile widened, those eyes of hazel twinkling.
"As much as it seems like I was heading in that direction," he laughed quietly, pulling me from my nest of quilts and into his warm lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling at the warmth of our molded bodies and admiring his beautiful face. "I was actually planning on toying with the lane and stopping you if anything more happened."
"Stopping me?" I teased.
"I may be a wanker," he chuckled. "But I wouldn't do a Sirius on the first night."
My lips curved up at the corners. "That means a lot to me, you know. I just - I don't think I'm ready for that. Yet." Another wave of heat flooded through my cheeks at my words. "I know it's a bit silly. I'm sorry if you were under the impression that I was going there tonight, but-" however I was cut of by James's soft, perfect lips against mine. He pulled back after a second, his smiling growing even wider; I wasn't sure I'd seen him so happy before.
"I love these," He murmured softly, pressing a gentle kiss to either one of my cheeks. "Don't be embarrassed, my love. I'm not ready either, to be very honest. I want to wait for this, for you. Even though, I won't lie, I've thought about it - a lot -" even more blushing, to my displeasure. "- I want to do this right with you. And that means waiting to get to know what we're like together instead of friends." His lips curved upwards. "It makes that moment special. And also...I quite like the idea of anticipation."
My smile widened and I found myself snuggling into his bare, warm chest. "You're not the only one who's thought about it, you know."
"Really?" James exclaimed, pulling back to scan me. I snorted, rolling my eyes.
"James." My tone appeared exasperated. "I am human, you know."
"No - I know," he excused hastily as I looked up to meet his eyes, dragging a finger along his bare chest curiously. "It's just...I thought perhaps it was only lads who, y'know. Thought about it..." He cleared his throat. "much."
I snorted. "Have you met Marly? Although I suppose you're not there when she's raving about Sirius's incredible 'tongue' work."
James sniggered, pulling me closer into his arms. "Nope, I have not. However Sirius has said some rather interesting things about that to me."
"Ah," I laughed quietly, my stomach still swirling with left over nerves. "I'm sure he has."
It was quiet for a few moments as he stroked my hair, the sound of his heart beat filling the atmosphere. I focussed my breathing on the steady rise and fall of his chest, soaking in everything there was to feel.
"I'm sorry," James murmured suddenly, his breath tickling my forehead. "If I went too far, just then."
My lips curved up into a smile against his chest. I pulled away slightly, my hands snaking over his broad, wide shoulders to give me a better access. "Oh no. You definitely didn't." I breathed, laughing ever so quietly. "Not at all."
"Oh," James's voice was filled with relief. "That's good to know. I - great."
"Mmhm." I slid my hands down his front, leaning over him so that my lips hovered above his skin. I pressed my lips to his collar, leaving a winding path of kisses down his front. I left one on each muscle, lingering slightly before moving on to the next. He shivered beneath me at each touch, his hands sliding to my shoulders as if to grip me to him. I was going perhaps too low. I was now at the bottom of his stomach, my lips running out of muscle to kiss. A moan escaped James and something abruptly hard pressed up against my chest.
What was that?
My cheeks warmed excessively, an abrupt wave of heat flooding through me -
"Oh god, Lily." James groaned hoarsely. "You're making our rule just a little bit harder."
"Literally." I murmured against his abdomen, and he groaned again.
"Let a man breathe."
I chuckled, trailing back up to his neck agonisingly slow.
"Whoopsies." I said innocently, my lips reaching his neck. "Trust me, I understand. Your hands will be the death of me." I trailed along his collar and jaw, relishing in his warmth.
"That's only a mere fraction of what my hands can do, Lily." He whispered, neck still arched and jawline prominently sharp.
"Shut up, or I actually will break that rule." I murmured, pressing a gentle kiss upon his lips and resuming my position in his arms. He snickered, burying his face into my hair.
"Whoops." He said mockingly, and I scowled.
"It was payback, thank you very much."
"Mmmhm." He replied, and by the sound of his voice I knew that he was suppressing his laughter.
It was in those raw moments that I felt so unbelievably lucky, so impossibly grateful. Oh how much things could change in just a mere few hours...a day ago, I'd been determined to never speak to him again. Right now - I was in his bed, his shirt on the floor.
Eventually James dragged back his covers and scooped me into his arms, snuggling against a pile of pillows. I buried my face into his chest, sighing deeply. Within moments I had drifted into near sleep, my breathing evening out. James's chest, rough with muscle yet soft and warm, was a wonderful pillow. The heat that radiated from him engulfed me like an extra blanket as I snuggled beneath the heavy quilts.
"I love you." Was the last thing that I could vaguely remember as I gave in to the tug that beckoned me into the realm of dreams. Perhaps it was an illusion, all in my head - but after that, I slept soundly for the first time in weeks.

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