Chapter Forty Eight: Antics

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- LILY -

"I got chills," I sung as I turned the shower faucet off, unable to prevent my shivers within the icy cold of our spacious bathroom. "They're multiplyin'." I rocked my head to the imaginary music and hummed underneath my breath as I stepped onto the bath mat, seizing my large white towel from the stand and wrapping it around myself tightly. "And I'm losin' control..." I combed my hair over to one shoulder as I padded over to the my vanity, peering into the rounded mirror before me. Her eyes were bright, but not as bright as yesterday. Yesterday had been better then all the other days; today had been neither here nor there.
"'Cause the power, you're supplyin'..." I smoothed my cheeks with coconut moisturiser. "It's electrifyin'." I yelped with an amused snort, glancing to the stool besides my washing hamper only to find it empty.
"Shit." I muttered. The memory of setting down a pile of fresh laundry had been so vivid in my eyes.
"You better shape up..." I continued to hum gently as I turned the handle of the bathroom door, craning my neck. To my relief, James's armchair was vacated. The fluffy blanket he'd been snuggling was thrown over the side of the couch, a sign of departure.
"James?" I called, my eyes scanning the room for any evidence of disturbance. His shoes were no longer at the door, and his Gryffindor jersey had disappeared from the coat rack. I froze as a wave of fresh panic washed over me. He was fine, I was sure - but what reason did he have to leave without an explanation? Had our conversation earlier meant nothing?
I wrapped my towel around myself slightly tighter as goosebumps blanketed my snowy skin with a layer of ice. Well, if something had happened - I was of no use naked.
I hurried to my open bedroom, dragging a hand through my wet auburn locks. An instant frown stitched my eyebrows together at the sight of the thick white thermal and green fleece trackpants folded at the foot of my bed. I grumbled underneath my breath and turned to burrow in my underwear draw, when -
"Here I was, thinking you couldn't get any more beautiful."
A strangled scream escaped me and I jumped about a foot in the air, clutching the towel (that had slipped an inch or two) closer to my chest.
I spun on my heel to see James in my window, hovering on his broom like a Greek god from the heavens.
"Oh my..." I breathed, gulping heavily as I wriggled the towel upwards. "Merlin, James! You almost killed me, don't do that!"
"Sorry, love." The crooked grin on his cheeks grew. "You usually bring your things with you to the bathroom; I assumed you would be dressed."
"Yeah, well. I forgot." I said rather weakly, forcing myself to look away from the glint in his honey brown eyes. "The one time you decided to scare me...I thought Sirius had your broom?" I steered the conversation away as I surreptitiously attempted to adjust my towel, feeling more self conscious by the minute. Who made these towels? They seemed to get shorter and shorter each time I was caught unaware.
"He did." James answered, folding his arms carelessly. I winced, not wanting to imagine the risk of him toppling backwards and falling Merlin knows how many feet. "I ran over to get it while you were in the shower. I needed some breathe. To think."
"Oh," I said, scanning his rosy cheeks and windswept hair. "No, that's good. I'm glad. I thought that might be where you were earlier today - flying."
A smile curved up James's lips at my words, causing me to raise my eyebrows.
"Nothing." He murmured, shaking his head. "I just...need to appreciate you more. Sometimes, it's still hard to believe that you could possibly love me as much as I love you."
"Not for me." I said quietly, not bothering to prevent my smile. He chuckled gently and glanced over his shoulder, into the starry night.
"Can you be dressed in five minutes?" He asked, turning back to face me. I stood there speechless for a moment as I took in his beautiful existence, shining in the soft pool of moonlight. Not quite a full moon, but almost.
"Please," I managed to reply, ignoring the cheeky sparkle in his eyes. "I could be ready in two if you asked."
"Even better." He winked, before grasping the honed wood of his broom and swooping down below so fast I almost heard the wind zap him.
"Merlin's beard..." I breathed, letting my head roll back. I stared up at the ceiling as a wide smile lifted my cheeks, followed by tinkling giggle that I didn't recognise. 'He makes me excited...' Marlene had once said. I hadn't realised how significant that was until now. 
I was dressed in one minute; fluffy white socks and pyjamas. My hair was dried in another with a mere flick of my wand. I was in the process of combing it back when I sensed him arrive at my window. My grin was glued to my face as I turned to meet him, preparing myself for his reaction.
"How'd I do?" I asked, scanning the faint pink creeping into his tanned cheeks. James shook his head once, a sly grin tugging up the corner of his mouth.
"Proved me wrong, for once."
"Oh, come on." I scoffed, crossing my arms. "When have I ever been wrong?"
James paused before he spoke, top lip twitching.
"I'll get back to you on that one."
I smirked smugly as he continued smiling, arrogant even when proven wrong.
"You're impossible."
"Nothing's impossible, flower." He murmured, his eyes twinkling spectacularly. "The whole world is in your palms. What will you do?"
"Ask my ridiculous boyfriend why in the world he's flying outside my window at eleven at night, in the middle of sodding winter?" I replied rather wittily, watching with growing skepticism as he unclasped the other side of my paned window.
"Now, why would you do that?" James replied as he seamlessly pulled the latch, revealing a two foot width gap. "When you can join this ridiculous boyfriend of yours, sounds like a bit of a tosser if I'm being honest -" my top lip twitched. "- and fly outside your window at eleven at night, in the middle of sodding winter?" His sparkling grin grew as he surveyed me, looking unfairly irresistible in his knit sweater and black jeans.
"Come on, James." I chuckled, running a hand through my hair. "It's freezing out there, you know it's supposed to snow again soon?"
"Give it a few minutes." He pushed, grinning at me charmingly. "You'll fall in love, I promise."
I stared at him, trying to figure out if he was trying to make me laugh.
"You are kidding?" I confirmed indignantly, letting my arms drop to my sides. "Come on, I'm bloody freezing. The fire'll be going out, how long have you been gone?"
"No, I'm serious." He laughed. "Well, no - I'm James actually."
"James." I replied tonelessly.
"Come on!" He encouraged, chuckling at my exasperation. "You're a witch, you can light a fire in two seconds. You and I both know that you're only denying me because you're absolutely shit scared of heights."
"I am not!" I exclaimed defensively, watching the smirk paint itself across his cheeks. "I- would you stop looking at me like that? I'm not!"
"Stubborn." He smiled, folding his arms casually. "Would you not do that?" I asked weakly, cringing away. "It makes me nervous."
"You're contradicting yourself..." He sung lightly.
"Fine." I scowled. "I'm scared of heights, but most importantly, brooms. I haven't been on one in almost six years, and I sure as hell am not planning on doing so tonight, or any time soon for that matter."
"Please?" He whined, letting his arms drop. "It would mean so much to me if you at least tried. One minute, and if you're that terrified, I'll bring you right back."
I hesitated, glancing down to his broom and the way he hovered mid air so easily.
"What if I fall off?" I blurted out, shaking my head. "In the middle of the grounds? You know how clumsy I am, I trip up on the air for Merlin's sake!"
James struggled to fight his grin as he replied.
"Just about fifteen years of flying, and you have the audacity to doubt my capability of catching you if you fall?" He asked wryly. "Which, the odds are about one in one hundred. Frankly, I'm insulted."
"I don't like those odds. " I retorted stiffly. "And good. You should be."
"Don't trust me?" James raised his eyebrows daringly.
"Of course I do." I hissed, hesitating slightly. "...But - " "Please?" He murmured, any trace of a smile disappearing from his smooth cheeks. James held my gaze, his warm eyes softening. "It's where I go when I feel lost. When the walls close in, and it's like I can't escape. I'm free out here. I...want to show you that side of me. I want you to see what I see."
It was silent, all but the soft humming of the owls in the owlery and whispering of the gentle breeze as I held James's eyes.
"I..." I paused, biting down on my lip. "Fine." James's face lit up, sparking his eyes like fireworks. "But -!" I cut in before he could speak, a wide grin plastering to his triumphant face. "If I fall to my death, you are going to get serious karma. I'll come back as a ghost just to make sure you never go a day without feeling remorseful that you and your recklessness killed me. Me, Lily Marie Evans -"
"Please don't." He commented lightly, cocking his head. "I'm afraid Marlene will have my balls, and of course, she'll want dibs on the Eulogy. I can't allow that."
"As if you'd deserve writing my eulogy after I fall to my untimely death - all because of you and your stupid Quidditch obsession." I grumbled, reluctantly coming my hair back into a knot at the nape of my neck.
"Is this a yes?" He grinned whilst I let out a long sigh, wincing slightly as I looked out the window into the cold open air.
"Don't push your luck, Potter." I warned, striding towards my windowsill.
"You might be cold in that." He murmured, jerking his head toward my thermal.
"You're only wearing a jersey." I pointed out, arching a brow.
"Because I'm unbearably hot, silly." He grinned crookedly, offering me a cheeky wink. I stared at him for a moment before turning to my wardrobe, snatching my favourite quilted jacket.
"I'm surprised you listened, if I'm being honest." James grinned, watching me zip it all the way up with a loud huff.
"Merlin." I muttered underneath my breath, glancing down to my daybed. "This is a terrible idea. I can't even fit through this window."
James promptly threw his head back and laughed loudly.
"Shhh!" I hissed frantically, flapping my hands.
"Sorry," He chuckled, shaking his head. "Lils, this window is about a two feet wide. Even Hagrid could squeeze through."
"Hagrid?" I repeated in monotone, staring at him skeptically.
"I said what I said." He replied, scanning my face. "Come on, I'll help you. It's easy."
I snorted. "Yeah, okay."
James rolled his eyes. "For Merlin's sake Lily, get onto the damned day bed. I'll lift you."
I stared at him stubbornly with my arms folded, buying myself time.
"The teachers will see us right away." I edged, thinking of McGonagall. "What's the point? We're in enough trouble as it is."
"I do this almost every week." James objected, watching me closely. "The only time I've been caught was in fourth year, because I was buzzed and Moony lost me."
I snorted loudly, reflecting on the shenanigans of the fifteen year old Marauders.
"I don't know..." I bit my lip. "Okay. Okay - okay. Okay, I'm coming."
"Okay." James grinned, his shoulders shaking silently as I stepped up onto the day bed besides my window.
"What do I do now?" I asked, waving my hands around aimlessly.
"You're going to have to sit down, Lily." He replied patiently, sending a fresh wave of embarrassment over me. My cheeks warmed instantly, and I internally kicked myself.
I slowly crouched down so that I was hugging my knees, noticing that James had shifted away from the window to give me space. I let my legs slide over the window sill, until my socks grazed the tower wall.
"It took her awhile, but she got there." James commented mildly.
"Shut up."
He snickered to himself as I inhaled sharply, sliding forwards so that I was sitting on the edge of the créme daybed cushion.
"Good," He encouraged me softly, nodding. "Here -" I blinked, and he was inches from my knees.
"I can't do this." I groaned, biting my lip and glancing down. My heart jumped into my throat and I found my stomach lurch at the drop to the concrete path beneath me, so far down that I had to squint. "Fuck."
"Take a deep breath," James coaxed softly. "Don't look down, that makes It worse."
"Thanks for telling me now." I snapped back irritably.
"Can I lift you?" He asked, raising his eyebrows in question. I watch his hands as they slowly reached out, my eyes travelling to the broom - and how still he was, floating without grip.
"How are you not scared right now?" I demanded weakly. "You're not even holding on - you could fall, and -"
"Spell the ground to foam." He cut in calmly. "Levitate myself, soften the blow. I'm perfectly safe, as are you."
I held his gaze for a long moment of silence before nodding once, clenching my eyes shut. His hands connected with my sides seconds later, and my breath became stuck in my throat as I felt myself being lifted from the window sill.
"This is a terrible idea." I whispered as James's strong arms flexed around me impressively. What felt like years later, but was only mere seconds, I connected with the firm wood of his broom and the soft comfort of his thighs against against my hips.
"You okay?" He murmured in my ear, lips tickling me softly. I took a deep breath, focussing on the feeling of his cheek against my cheek, and his hands as they slid across the flat of my belly.
"If I keep my eyes closed and imagine that I'm sitting on a very uncomfortable chair," I replied shakily, smiling at the sound of his chime like laugh.
"You get used to it." He chuckled.
"But..." I trailed off, a frown pulling between my brows.
"But?" He questioned, pressing his front against the length of my back. I exhaled slowly, absorbing the feeling of him.
"I don't know, isn't it..." I paused. "Painful? Because, well - you know."
James snorted. "Well, it depends how you sit."
"Right." I replied awkwardly, wondering how on earth that worked. "Sure."
"You're baffled, aren't you?" He chuckled in my ear.
He laughed again, his hands now sliding over my thighs and to the front of his broom.
"Okay, I'm gonna move now, alright?" He prepared me, causing me to scowl.
"Your eyes are closed, aren't they?" I could hear the laughter in his voice.
"And what if they are?" I replied indignantly. "I'm only afraid that If I open them, it will become real."
"It's beautiful." He murmured. "The moons shining, stars are bright. Please, open your eyes."
I inhaled sharply as I obeyed, taking in the world before me. My skin prickled against the cold wind, and I had to suppress a shiver. The grounds were indeed basking in a pool of soft moonlight, each star winking goodnight.
"It's beautiful," I agreed softly. "But I'm still afraid that I'm going to splat into the courtyard."
"I'll go slowly, I promise." He assured, squeezing my arms between both of his. "It's an incredible feeling, an -"
"Two minutes." I interrupted him, my voice slightly higher then usually. "If I ask you to put me back, you are going to put me back. And I swear to Merlin, If you go fast I will curse off your hair."
"Promise." He laughed quietly, leaning in to press a kiss against my cheek. Then we started moving, and it was smooth - seamless, as if we were gliding. I inhaled sharply as the speed increased, James flying upwards as it did. The world rushed by, a blur of colours and feelings. It was fresh, and it was new - it was wide open. A whole world in reach, as if I could just grab anything I dreamed of. We flew over the Quidditch pitch, and I felt my heart leap; not out of fear, but pure, joyous exhilaration. I felt my lips curve up into a smile and my heart expand as I took in the beautiful details that were impossible to see from the ground.
"Wow." I managed to whisper, unable to find the words to describe it.
"I know." James murmured in reply. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
I nodded, my eyes wide despite the tears that pricked at them from the icy sharp wind. I found myself continuously blinking, trying to see clearer - there just wasn't enough. The moon was like a spotlight, illuminating everything so clearly. I watched as a tentacle ripped in the center of the lake, followed by another feet away.
"Are you okay, or are you silently having a panic attack?" James whispered in my ear, causing me to let out a nervous chuckle.
"I'm okay," I replied, inhaling slowly. "I'm more then okay, actually. This is...breathtaking. I can see wh - AAAAAAARGGHHHH!" My words transformed into a high pitched scream as James leaned flat against his broom and we turned to face the ground sharply, too, too sharply, rocketing forwards faster then was safe or smart.
"JAMES!" I shrieked over the wind whistling that filled my ears, watching in horror as the lake zoomed closer and closer towards us. "STOP, RIGHT NOW! I SWEAR TO MERLIN I WILL CURSE OFF YOUR BALLS AND MAKE SURE TO NEVER - HOLY MOTHER, OH MY -" I choked on my own breath, hyperventilating as he swiftly pulled upwards out of the dive. James laughed freely as we continued to soar upwards, and I felt my heart thunder in my chest.
"JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER, IF YOU DON'T TAKE ME BACK TO MY ROOM SO BE IT, I WILL -" My strangled shrieks cut off into a blood curdling scream as we dramatically spun for the ground, leaving my organs floating high up in the air above us.
"For Merlin's sake, Lily you'll wake the whole bloody school!" James exclaimed over my shrieking as he slowed down to a more acceptable pace, halting to about ten kilometres per hour. He jerked the handle of his broom upwards so that we were no longer diving for the ground, my breathing becoming heavy and rasped. I wrenched my eyes close, attempting to calm the sputtering of my heart that tried to leap of my throat with each breath.
"Fucking, fuckery -" I muttered absentmindedly, taking shaky deep breath. My hands were clenched around his at the front of the broom handle so tightly I was in danger of piercing his skin with my nails.
"Lily," James laughed freely, and I sensed him shake his head. "Merlin, I knew you were scared but if I'd known you were going to react like that -"
"I told you not to, and you did it anyways!" I exclaimed as angrily as I could, trying not to hyperventilate. "You deliberately did it to -"
"I thought it'd be fun!" He insisted, and for a moment, I thought there was a trace of hurt in his voice. Wishing I could bury my face into the gap between his shoulder blades, I held my breath as I felt us swoop slightly lower.
"Well, you thought wrong." I ground out through gritted teeth.
"Huh?" He replied loudly, leaning in over my shoulder. "Sorry, I can't hear you over the wi-"
"I said you thought wrong!" I yelled angrily, feeling a pool of resentment gather in knots at the centre of my belly. "For Christ's sake, please, just put me down! I'll bloody walk back to the common room If that's what it takes -"
"And be caught by Filch?" James said amusedly, snorting. "Goodluck."
"Why are you being such a git about this?" I seethed, wishing he could see the fury in my eyes. "For Merlin's sake, can you not respect that sure, I can understand your world and why you love it so much, but shit James I cannot live in it! It's not for me!"
It was quiet for a moment before he replied.
"Wait..." James said slowly. "Could you please repeat that? I've taken it in a way that I'm hoping you didn't intend."
"What?" I snapped irritably, giving him the courtesy of rolling my eyes. I paused, thinking over my words. "Oh - fuck, no I'm talking about Quidditch James -"
"I hoped so." He exhaled, and I felt his shoulders loosen in relief. "Merlin Lil, don't scare me like that."
"Don't scare you?" I asked incredulously, straightening up and wishing that I could see his face to wipe the crooked grin from his mouth. "Don't scare me! I actually think I was going into a panic attack -"
"Don't be so melodramatic." He scowled, and I sensed the anger in his tone. "I tried to do something fun and cheer you up, sorry that I can't seem to not fuck up."
"Don't put this on me." I hissed in reply. "That's twisted and manipulative."
James sighed heavily, and I sensed him look upwards to gaze up at the sky.
"Don't look up, what if we crash into something?" I exclaimed frantically, jerking upright.
"And what would that be?" He asked wryly.
"I don't know, a tree!" I snapped. "A goal post, or - or a -"
"Lily, look around you."
I paused, dragging my eyes from his broad hands. They trailed across the black lake underneath us, a fragment of glass, or a pool of moonlight; and my breath was taken away. I stared in awe at the soft ripples of gentle water, lapping at the green grass in greeting; his words forgotten.The entire grounds was illuminated in a shining silver light, the soft tone of opal.
"Wow." I whispered, absorbing the view in front of me. I couldn't describe it in words; it was like nothing I'd ever seen before.
"Remind we why we're fighting?" James murmured, and I felt a gentle hand slide onto my thigh. I shivered at the touch, pressing myself into his front .
"Good try, lover boy." I chuckled without taking my eyes away from the view. "I'm still annoyed at you."
"Fair enough." He said mildly. "But it was worth it, was it not?"
"Give me some warning next time," I said slowly. "And I might consider it. This is...beautiful."
"It is." He agreed softly. "Partly why I enjoy flying at night more then during the day."
"Partly?" I asked, brimming with curiosity. James slowly leaned forwards, directing us. Now that I'd gotten used to the height of it, the sensation was slightly soothing. 
"It's so quiet." He continued, and I admired the way his voice raised with excitement when talked about it; something he loved. "Peaceful, and calm. Untouched, almost. The only time I can escape from the hoards of people 'round this place."
"The truth revealed." I gave a gentle laugh. "So, Potter doesn't love the popularity as much as the world perceives? I must admit, I'm surprised."
James chuckled quietly.
"'Course I don't. Everyone knows me - and everyone expects me to know them. I love being a people person, and I love the conversation, but Merlin..." he hesitated. "Sometimes, it gets a bit much. I have to remember who I actually want to be. So I pop the window and take off for a few hours."
"It's magical." I whispered watching as the world drifted past. "I'm shitting myself, but...I've never seen anything more beautiful. Thank you."
"Neither." He said softly. "But it's nothing in comparison to you."
"Sap." I grinned, glancing to his face briefly before letting my eyes travel across the vast grounds of my home.
"You could say that." He chuckled as we swooped upward, turning back to the skies. "By the way, you never did paint that."
"Paint what?" I asked in surprise.
"James in the moonlight."
I glanced back to his face as a crooked grin curved up the corners of his lips.
New Years; a magical time, that felt like a foggy memory. So long ago, it seemed. We were so far from then.
"You're right." I smiled, so widely that my jaw ached. "I lost everything in the fire." I hesitated, swallowing thickly. "Maybe I'll go to London during Easter break. Buy some paints and a canvas or two."
"We have an art room that overlooks the moors." James whispered, the moonlight shining from his starry eyes as I gazed at him over my shoulder. "No one uses it; we haven't had an artist in our family since 1863."
"I would love to see that." I whispered, scanning his face.
"Potter Manor can be traced back to 985 AD." He replied, turning his head to face the open skies as we flew. "We have one piece, an oil portrait of Godric; said to be painted in 992. Thats the oldest archive we have."
"Wow." I shook my head, feeling awestruck. "That's incredible." I paused. "Do you have any speaking portraits?"
"A few, yeah." James shrugged. "At around 1300, the tradition of reflecting Muggle art came through. Gryffindor had never much appreciated Slytherin's passion for blood purity. Our house adopted Muggle ways, in attempt to bring peace. At the time, witch burnings were at their worst. So many of the portraits that were created were for artful purposes; to observe, rather then to educate."
"You know a lot about this." I commented, my smile widening as I scanned his raven locks. "I suppose it was in the criteria, living in Potter Manor and all."
"My Mum taught me." He replied, voice radiating with pride. "I was raised to respect art, and the history behind it. As a child, it was homework. As I got older I realised there was more to it then learning so that I could - well, carry out the bloodline, or whatever it is." He scoffed.
"I think it's wonderful." I whispered, leaning my cheek against his strong shoulders. "Thank you."
"You'll get a full history lesson if you want one." He chuckled. 
"I can't wait." I murmured, thinking of all the possibilities. "There must be dozens of pieces, your home sounds like an art museum."
"Hundreds." James corrected as we grazed the treetops of the edge of the forbidden Forrest. "And I'll show you all of them, if you wish."
"I'm sorry." I whispered after a few moments as we looped the perimeter of the lake, flying above the castle so as to not attract attention. "I shouldn't have been so mean, before."
"Don't be," James murmured over his shoulder. "I'm sorry - I should've listened to you. You're not into it, I get it."
"I didn't have an open mind." I edged hesitantly. "And I wasn't ready, and..."
"And?" James prompted lightly.
"I was thinking," I continued hastily, screwing up my face. "Er, that maybe If you tried it again, when I'm prepared, and sitting behind you so that it doesn't feel like I'm about to soar off at any given moment -" he snorted. "- ...that I could...perhaps, learn to enjoy it."
There was an astonished silence as my words sunk in.
"Lily, we don't have to do that." He chuckled after a moment, shaking his head. "Sorry - no pity apologies."
"It's not a pity apology!" I defended desperately. "Okay - maybe it is, partially -" He snorted again. "But I really do want to try. It seems so silly, I'm a muggleborn who hates flying."
"Hm." He considered. "Well, this is alright, isn't it?"
I let my eyes travel across the starry, inky skies, and over the reflecting blanket of glassy water.
"It's like nothing else I've ever experienced." I replied in earnest. "It's beautiful."
"So, you enjoy flying." James began mildly. "But you do not enjoy...-"
"Risking my life, falling to my death -" I flinched. "The possibilities are endless."
"Lily, do you really think I'd let anything happen to you?" James asked exasperatedly.
"Well, no." I said after a minute of contemplation. "But -"
"If you fell from the sky, at this point I would have a good five seconds to catch you." James cut in. "And you're about 120 pounds, and I've been training for twelve years."
"I don't doubt your strength." I scowled. "It's if -"
"If I pull into a dive," He continued, ignoring me. "And was going 150 kilometres per hour, straight towards the ground - like I said before, I'm a wizard. The ground is a sponge. A foam pit, whatever places those Muggle children go to play."
"Okay, okay!" I exclaimed irritably. "I get your point, Mr. I know everything!"
"You're just jealous." He teased, flashing a grin over his shoulders. I rolled my eyes, trying to prevent the twitch in my top lip. "Admit it, Evans."
"Lily Evans, jealous of me?" He let out a loud laugh. "Ha! Never thought I'd see the day."
"I've always been jealous of you, knobber." I folded my arms bitterly. "You just never knew. I did well at concealing it."
"Does 'hexing my arms off' go underneath the category of concealing your jealousy?" He asked cheekily.
"Get off it, James." I sighed, resting my head against his warm shoulder. "What was I gonna do, be your damsel? Fat chance."
"And that is why I love you." I could almost see his crooked grin. "I always thought I wanted a girl who'd admire me and showered me in compliments of how good I was at things. I was a child, and extremely naive, as you know. You proved all of those things wrong, Flower."
"Taught you well, I did." I grinned widely.
"Mum was so pleased," He laughed, shaking his head. "When I came home last summer, whipped into shape. She cannot wait to meet you."
"What have you told her about me?" I asked curiously, sliding my hands tighter around his middle.
"Many things," He admitted. "How in love I am with you, no matter how hard I tried to see other girls. How intelligent you are, your kindness, how you treat other people. And that you're funny," I could practically sense his grin.
"So basically," I began, cocking my head. "Euphemia Potter has the highest expectations of me to ever possibly exist."
"Come now," James snorted loudly. "Don't think about it like that! She'll love you, no matter what. It's just that I've indulged her in the beauty of your nature." James leaned his chin on my shoulder to peek over at me, sly grin playing at his lips.
"Romantic wuss."
He laughed quietly and It was silent for a few moments as we absorbed our surroundings, mellowing in serenity of Hogwarts' school grounds.
"One day, I'll take you to the roof to watch the sunset." James murmured as we slowly flew upwards, revealing the great height of the castle turrets.
"The roof?" I asked, and my stomach squirmed.
"Don't sound so scared." He chuckled. "There's a spot, on the west side of the castle. It's as if the founders created it especially for that purpose."
"Watching the sunset?" I asked curiously.
"Mmhm. You'll see."
I pulled back slightly to scan the side of his face, wishing I could see the sun in his honey eyes. So instead I snuggled closer into his muscled front, forgetting tomorrow, forgetting all other obligations; only he and I existed in the spectacular now, chasing the moonlight.
"I love you, James." I sighed into his stubbled cheek, letting my eyes flicker close.
"Until the world is nothing but stardust and forgotten music," He murmured quietly, giving my thigh a gentle squeeze. "I love you, too."
"Promise me this is forever?" I whispered, opening my eyes to the window of the world I was so afraid to meet. I couldn't do it alone.
There was a pause of silence before James replied, and I pictured the glassy shine of his eyes.
"I promise." He whispered.

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