Chapter One: Platform 9 & ¾

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- LILY -

I snapped my eyes shut, blocking out the buzz of chatter and sound of hooting owls as I let it all sink in. This was my last year at Hogwarts, and the very last time I would be boarding the Hogwarts express. The end of my childhood era and the beginning of a brand new chapter. Then I, and everyone else, will be thrown out into the frightening reality of a newly established dark lord's rebellion.
I took a deep, shuddering breath and opened my eyes, absorbing my surroundings. I stood there in my favourite muggle clothes, faded denim bootleg jeans and a yellow flared sleeved top, blocking the very middle of the pathway. Everyone on the platform seemed rather distant, not even caring that I stood in their way. It was no longer filled with the brimming excitement that It usually held, less grinning students and proud, jovial parents. All around me were impassive, worrisome expressions, tiny first years standing there in Muggle clothes wondering what this new adventure would bring. Will they be blessed with the same experience as their parents before them? Perhaps. But the obstruction of rebelling dark wizards had tarnished my last few months of sixth year, which made me wonder whether things would ever be the same. It had all changed on May 3rd, when Potter had come into the common room with news from his Father of a Deatheater raid in an Irish Muggle town. I'd overheard him telling a few fifth year friends of his and hurried to tell Marlene, who had somehow already known. Ever since, things had been drastically different at Hogwarts. With heightened security and quieter halls, the sudden realisation that things were changing outside the very walls of Hogwarts had set in like wet concrete.
It was precisely why I had persuaded my own parents, Jenny and Mark Evans, to drop me off at the car park - using the excuse of being 'embarrassed'. Which was ridiculous, and they of course didn't believe it for even a second.
I dragged my worn trunk behind me, squeezing through the gathering crowds in search of my four best friends; Marlene Mckinnon, Mary MacDonald, and Alice Fortescue. I walked with my head bowed slightly and hair falling around my face in a curtain of flowing red. I'd always avoided speaking to people whom I didn't need to, as well as any attention that wasn't one hundred percent necessary. Perhaps it was some sort of habit. Well...mostly I just got pissed off easily, but - we can pretend that I'm a shy introvert instead.
My stroll was brisk, my thoughts distracted - and I was completely unaware of whom stood in front of me, eyes twinkling and lips set in a crooked grin. 
While my head was bowed, I didn't notice the wide striding footsteps before me, and suddenly walked directly into something warm and hard - the force of it causing me to stumble backwards, trip on my own chuck Taylor laces and fall atop of my trunk rather ungraciously. Disorientated and surprised, I brushed the hair out of my face and squinted upwards. The shadow of a tall, broad figure instantly swam into view. I let out a long groan and dragged a hand down the side of my face, internally cursing.
"I'm terribly sorry," I began weakly, picturing how ludicrous I must look. This was exactly what I had been avoiding. How humiliating to be the new Headgirl, on the ground in a complete mess in front of a stranger. Brilliant. Perhaps It wasn't a habit, perhaps it wasn't that I was an introvert, and perhaps I didn't even get easily pissed off - I was just really fucking clumsy.
"I wasn't looking where I was going," I continued anxiously, my eyebrows knitting together. I stopped halfway through my sentence of blubbering to look up again, searching for the face to whom I was apologising. However the sight that my eyes were met with caused my heart to sink rapidly into my stomach and apology to die in my throat like a shrivelled, neglected plant. A very tall, broad boy with extremely irritatingly messy black hair and squared glasses looked down at me in amusement. His dark eyes twinkled with a promise of mischief, tugging at the growing crooked grin that curved up his cheeks.
There's my morning self promise of keeping my head for the entire day gone down the drain.
There he was. Potter.
Even looking at him got me going. The blithering wanker who constantly pranked me, teased me, hexed me, harrassed me - the list of crimes were endless, of which the entirety of Hogwarts had also been subjected to. It was his egotistical nature and insufferable smirk that grated me so. For six long and dreadful years, Potter had found a way to ask me out atleast once a day, a sick joke that he obviously found amusing. The thought of only having one year left of putting up with his bullshit was like a spoonful of Felix Felicis. Nevermind that over the past several months he'd seemed to restrain himself from hexing random students in the corridor or throwing some snide comment about my arse. Marlene always found this rather amusing, but I told her it was because of her tenderness for shagging any teenage boy in sight.
Even so, I could still remember the last time Potter had asked me out one rainy afternoon in January. It had been the day before our Hogsmeade trip, and I'd felt his eyes on me all morning. There had been something different about the way he'd asked, as if maybe he weren't trying to humiliate me. The look on his face had rendered me temporarily speechless. It wasn't his usual smirk that he'd worn, but a tense frown and softened eyes. I'd lifted my nose in the ear and walked away without a glance, surprised to find that he hadn't deigned to approach me further. Weeks passed without a word, and eventually Potter would greet me in silent hello when he passed me in the corridors, or at the celebratory post Quidditch match parties. It was on these occasions that Marlene would be preoccupied with his best friend Black, of whom I loathed from my very core. Remus would often tell me during our prefect rounds that Potter had changed, and was coming to terms with the fact that his previous attempts of flattery were abhorrent. I'd never believed him, despite my friends agreement. Months had passed without a word, when eventually, I'd grown to concern for Potter's health. It was one particularly long day after a gruelling Transfiguration exam that I'd found him half asleep by the fire in the emptying Gryffindor common room. He'd seemed distant, as if his thoughts lay somewhere else. But when I'd said hello, his eyes had flickered to me and brightened in a way I'd never seen before.
"Hi." He'd said blankly, scanning my face.
I raised an eyebrow. "Seems I caught you off guard."
He hadn't smiled, a small frown tugging at his forehead. "Sorry, Remus isn't here. He's in the hospital wing, actually."
I had been aware this of course, as I knew it was because of Lupin's lycanthropy of which I'd discovered the previous year.
"I'm not looking for Remus." I'd replied bemusedly, studying his slight frown. "I saw you snoring over here and wondered if you'd done as terribly on that exam as I."
James's lips had curved into a crooked grin. "I'm sure you were great, Evans. I didn't find it so bad."
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, course you didn't."
There had been a slight awkward paused before Potter asked, "Are you just going to ogle at me all night, then?"
I'd scowled and told him to shove a sock in it before turning on my heel and heading towards the girls dormitory, the sound of his laughter following me up the stairs.
Wrenching myself back into the present day, I found myself staring up at a slight older Potter, with the same upturned raven hair and wonky glasses.
"Alright, Evans?" He grinned down at me - that awful, cocky grin.
"Fine." I retorted automatically, folding my arms and marvelling at his audacity. He'd always had no consideration for others, spitting crude remarks left right and centre and simply humiliating surrounding pupils.
He was detestable.
"Yes, Potter?" I asked irritably, because he continued to watch me like I was an injured puppy. "Do you need something?" I added coldly, giving his black faded jeans and red polo shirt a sweeping look of distaste.
Potter stood there for a moment, a small frown etching into his brow as he surveyed my attire. No doubt about to ambush me with insults.
"S'okay, Evans." He eventually shrugged, his sharp British accent like fingernails down a chalkboard. "Sorry, about that. Here, let me help you up." He extended his hand for me to accept, but I promptly ignored it - choosing instead to simply stare at him.
"What?" I blurted out without thinking. I glanced from his palm, to his trunk, to the handsome tawny owl and silver cage in his other hand, attempting to piece it all together. Although he wasn't entirely despicable, Potter had never offered me the same kindness he'd shown others. The nicest thing I'd seen him do was hand a crying first year a chocolate bar. I eyed his calloused hand in suspicion, waiting for a dung bomb or some kind of nuke to be released into my face. Potter laughed quietly, as though reading my mind.
"Don't look so surprised, Evans." He murmured, scanning my face. "Don't worry, there's nothing in my hand." He added and flashed me a wide, toothy grin.
I hesitated still, dragging my eyes up to his tanned face.
"Unless you'd rather sit on your trunk in the middle of a crowded platform." He went on mildly, his eyes sparkling. "I'll just be on my way..."
Good lord, the nerve of him.
"Sorry." I muttered, slightly embarrassed. "Thanks Potter." I grudgingly took his hand and let him pull me up off my trunk with surprising gentleness. I let go as soon as possible and shook my arm slightly. Had I even touched Potter before? Come to think of it, I hadn't. Not willingly, anyways.
"No problem. Have a good summer?" He asked, running a hand through his hair obnoxiously. Easy diversion, lighthearted conversation. I was still waiting in anticipation for the bomb to destroy me.
"Um, not really." I answered truthfully, reflecting on the last few months. "I mean, It was fine, I guess." My eyebrows puckered into a frown. I hadn't really done anything this summer apart from delayed schoolwork. Godric, how tragic was that? Oh and also, having to put up with Petunia's endless rants. Apparently I was still, to this day, a 'Stupid freak, who should be locked away', and 'Thank god I'll be out of home soon.' I scowled at the thought. Just because she's married now - and a whale of a man he was.
I halted my thought process like a red light in the middle of a road, realising that James hadn't said anything else. Not a hex or sly comment, nor had he preyed on me with a ridiculous pick up line. Or, like, asked me to sit on the train with him or something lame. As much as a relief as it was, I found myself a bit worried for his sanity. Perhaps he'd lost a few more brain cells and gotten hit on the head with Black's beater bat.
"Sorry." I blinked, realising I'd been staring at him without reason for some time now. He raised his eyebrows quizzically, and I mentally cringed.
" was yours?" I asked rather reluctantly, looking up into those sparkling hazel eyes. He was close. Much, much too close. I could count the very few freckles that covered his pert nose, the small, barely visible scar on his left eyebrow. I could distinguish the rings of gold in his irises. Wow, there was gold in his eyes -
And mother of Merlin, had he grown over the summer. He had be, what, 6'3 now? And he'd really grown into - his arms were firmly muscled at his sides, his tight shirt revealing a glimpse of the toned body he'd acquired from years of Quidditch. As much as I hated to admit it, James Potter was extremely good looking.
Unfortunately, he and his best mate, (well, husband to be more realistic) Sirius Black, were two of the most handsome boys at Hogwarts.
As my thoughts swirled around in a tornado of confusion, Potter had launched in without hesitation.
"It was brilliant, really. Mostly just Quidditch with Padfoot and Moony, 'cause Wormtail was in Scotland with his mother." He shrugged, tousling his hair in an insufferable manner. "So, yeah. Congrats by the way, for For getting Headgirl. Moony owled me about it. But we all knew you'd get it, of course." He smiled at me crookedly, a real genuine smile, which I surprisingly returned. It seemed he was rather surprised too, judging by the gleam in his obnoxious eyes.
"Thanks Potter. Did Remus get headboy?" I asked eagerly, waiting for him to say yes.
"No, actually." He laughed a little awkwardly, the small frown deepening. I supposed that Remus had been quite upset about it, due to Potter's odd reservation. It was incredibly surprising, I was sure he would get the position. Perhaps...ah, perhaps Amos Diggory had.  Bloody hell, I was rather anxious to find out.
"Oh, I really thought he'd get it." I frowned in disappointment, tugging my trunk up to my side. "That's a bugger."
Not Snape. I begged silently, resisting the temptation to glance up to the ceiling. Please, please not Snape.
"Yeah." Potter shrugged, almost forlorn. "He was a bit gutted actually."
"Mmhm." He scratched the back of his neck and averted his eyes, waving at a passerby with a slightly strained expression.
"Well, er- I'll see you." I said awkwardly after a prolonged moment of silence, slowly shuffling away from the new and improved James Potter. What the hell, Lily? Who said he was improved?
"See ya, Evans." He grinned after me, going so far as to  offer me a wink. "Now, don't get too distracted from my dashing looks and fall over again."
There there was the Potter I knew and loathed.
"Fat chance." I called over my shoulder, rolling my eyes and heading off to continue my hunt for the girls. I mentally shook myself, trying to ignore the signs of kindness and normality he had displayed. Not kindness, but merely - ordinary pleasantries. Who was he, and what had he done with James Potter?
"LILY!" A loud shriek sounded in my ear, almost  scaring the living daylights from me.
I spun around to find the source of noise - but was immediately engulfed by three pairs of arms, blocking my vision entirely. I laughed loudly and squeezed my best friends tightly in response, my shoulders instantly relaxing.
"Hello darlings." I grinned, pulling back from the three of them to examine their glowing faces. I hadn't seen them in too long, it felt unnatural. "How were your summers? I'm sorry I saw so little of you."
Marlene was the tallest of the group - then Mary, me, and finally Ali. They were all unfairly beautiful, of which hardly explained it. The four of us had been the best of mates ever since we got on the Hogwarts express in first year, when we'd gotten stuck in the bathroom together and decided to stick by each other's sides for fear of it ever happening again. It had seemed that the sorting hat saw our willingness to bind, too, as it sorted us all in to Gryffindor - and we'd shared a dorm ever since.
Marlene had long slender legs and very thick bouncy curls of dirty blonde hair that hung half way down back. She's a half-blood, and her light hazel eyes shone bright with a sparkle of mischief whenever she smiled. She played chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, alongside Potter, and was utterly superb. Marlene and I were two sides of one coin. She skipped class, I'd never missed a single one. She relished in detentions, I gave them out. She hooked up with boys, I avoided them. She broke rules, and I stuck to them (this part was highly debatable). We were opposites in many ways, which was precisely why she was my absolute best friend in the entire world. Lastly, she was devastatingly beautiful. Marlene Katherine McKinnon was definitely the fittest bird at Hogwarts, and coincidentally extremely confident and flirtatious. Which meant pulling, of course. Turns out that with big tits, blonde hair, Scottish humour and a smile, you could get a teenage boy to do anything for you.
A few small tattoos snaked around her delicate fingers, and a forbidden ring adorned her nose. Marlene enjoyed living her life a little on the wild side. And me, being the organised freak that I was, kept her arse in check.
Alice on the other hand was the shortest, with shoulder length straight blonde hair. Her bright blue eyes danced in the sunlight, blood pure as can be. She had a kind, round face that shone with compassion. She was rather shy in comparison to Marly, good Godric, and was easily the most empathetic out of us four girls. Despite her introverted nature, if you knew her well, Alice was fucking mental. But her pureness remained to be the absolute sweetest attribute of hers. I utterly admired the love in her heart, and her hopelessness to only see the good in people.
Mary was medium hight, and also a pureblood. She's of African descent, with light brown skin and dark eyes. Her natural jet black hair collected in wild untameable curls around her face when they weren't arranged in tight small corn rows, which was all the time. Her and Marly; the clowns of our group. Honestly, they could keep everyone alive just by breaking the air with something stupid to say, no matter the situation. Mar was an absolute goon, and could be exceptionally blonde at times. She had the personality of a trouble maker and body of a supermodel. I didn't see how that was fair, but anyways.
And then, there there was the fourth muskateer. Simple, organised, sassy, freak - Lily Evans.
My hair, a flaming red auburn, fell in delicate waves all the way down my back. My eyes were the brightest emerald green you've ever seen, reminding me of grass. Mary always teased me and called me a christmas decoration with the colour contrast.
Several freckles caressed my nose and cheeks, my blood running - well...I'm a muggleborn, to put it simply. Or more commonly these days, a 'Mudblood'. Dirty blood. A disgusting word used for someone who was born with muggle parents. The name's been around for centuries, but spiked again with the beginning of Voldemort's revolution. The soul destroying, powerful Dark lord who was steadily taking over the world, and who seemed to think that people like me have been stealing our magic. Stolen - how on earth would one even do that? Incoherently ignorant, I know. His followers, Deatheaters I hear they've been called (If you're going to take over the world, at least come up with a cool nickname for your cronies) absolutely worship the ground he walks upon. They're as mad as him, with tattooed brands to prove their loyalty to death and everything. This very second, Voldemort and his Deatheaters were killing, punishing, planning and gathering, or so I suspected. The thought made me sick to my stomach, as I only had a year left to prepare for the reality of it.
I was determined to stick to my schoolwork, continue my grade streak of O's and pursue the art of healing. It had been my career goal ever since I discovered it at the at the age of eleven. Save peoples lives, treat the injured and do some good in this awful, cold world. I wanted to make a difference, with the fire in my spirit that my Mother loved to tell me about. Fireheart, she called me.
If only I could get through the year without Potter breathing down my neck. Perhaps being Headgirl would get me away from him more often. What a splendid excuse to avoid him even more than I already did. That was, unless he truly had changed like Remus said. Although this was very unlikely.
Marlene stood grinning before me with her hair in wild curls, wearing her signature fur lined jacket paired with orange flares and black doc martins. Alice beamed on her left in plaid bell bottomed trousers and a satin button up top beneath a matching blazer, finished with smart loafer shoes. To her right was Mary, cozy in denim overalls over a brown turtleneck and worn red vans.
"Oh Lily, Spain was brilliant." Marlene moaned, linking her arm through mine firmly.
"And France was beautiful." Mary exclaimed earnestly, digging both hands into her pockets. "I even got a fantastic tan, it was always so sunny."
I rolled my eyes at her already perfect dark skin tone, contrasting to my ivory flesh that was so white it was almost sickly.
"I stayed home." Alice added in glumly, adjusting her grip on the handle of her trunk. I laughed in empathy, cupping a hand to her cheek.
"Don't worry Ali, so did I." I sighed, linking my other arm with hers. "Now, you all have to tell me all about your summers, family arguments, boy problems, but I'm afraid it will have to be once the prefects meeting is over, okay?"
"How could I forget." Mary beamed at me, adjusting her grip on the cage that held her fluffy white cat named honey. "Congratulations, Lils. We always knew you'd get it."
"No one but you, Lil." Marlene grinned at me with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.  "We are so proud of you, but please, don't restrict me from breaking rules. It'll ruin my year."
I rolled my eyes in exasperation and couldn't resist my grin.
"I wouldn't dare. Watch me dock points from Slytherin every sodding day of the year."
"That sounds splendid." Mary approved.
"And Headboy?" Alice inquired curiously, brushing a strand of blonde hair behind an ear.
I gave her a grim smile. "Not Remus."
"No?" Marene's eyebrows shot up. "Who is it? Amos?"
"I ruddy well hope not." Mary grumbled.
"That's what I'm another I find out." I grimaced, adjusting the strap of my satchel. "Now I've got to go, or I'll be late!"
"See you soon!"
I rushed off without another glance, yanking my trunk behind me. I distinctly heard Marlene's loud laughter seconds later, followed by a strangled shriek that made me grin.
On my way down the end of the train to the prefects compartment, I stopped in the bathroom and slipped into my Hogwarts robes, pinning my shiny Headgirl badge onto the black thick fabric. How satisfying and rewarding. It reminded me of oh how excited me and my Mother had been opening that letter. Tuney had run into our elated screaming yelling loudly, with the fire poker in her hands. Mum and I had laughed ourselves silly at her reaction, and laughed even harder at the scowl that'd etched itself across her face as she stormed off. Aw, she was a sweetheart.
I strolled down to the prefects compartment with my old peeling trunk decorated with painted Lillies that I'd done years ago. When I arrived I seated myself on one of the two seats at the back of the compartment that was used for Head positions, and slid my trunk down beneath my feet. I crossed my ankles and began to fiddle with my fingers anxiously, wondering who on earth the Head Boy would be. I had really wanted it to be Remus. He was easily the kindest out of the four Marauders, and had been the Gryffindor prefect with me since fifth year. We often studied together in the library.
The ever so famous Marauders - don't even get me started. The whole school simply adored them and their antics, their way of charm, flirting, partying, and trouble making. How does one begin to explain?
There was James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
and Peter Pettigrew. Each had a certain knack for causing trouble, with charming smiles and a way of snaking their way out of being caught.
James and Sirius were very honestly two of the most talented students in the school, I'll grudgingly admit. Eight or so Outstandings in their OWLS and all. Although I don't know how they managed to achieve that without listening to a single thing in class or completing any of the homework. But, what did I care? Getting good grades didn't mean you were a good person. Potter and Black spent the first five years of school constantly hexing random people that'd done nothing but 'annoyed' them. James was much, much more arrogant than Sirius, but their personalities were very similar despite it. They were basically brothers, or as I mentioned before, an old married couple. Maybe both.
Potter was all 'I like to run my hands through my hair obnoxiously because I'm the Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team', and blah blah blah. He was never not ruffling his stupid hair, making it even more annoyingly messy than it was in the first place. Unfortunately, I did have to admit that he was an incredible chaser. Pity he's not a humble bone in his insufferable body, then maybe I'd enjoy watching them play. He was the biggest show off on the sodding planet, I don't know how he can manage to keep his fat head connected to his neck with all the ego that fits in there. He was rather tan and muscled from his Quidditch passion, Marlene loved to point out. But his face had a permanent cheek to it, lips always pulled into a careless, cocky grin. His free time was spent pranking teachers, students, throwing parties, going out of bounds, harrassing me, more pranking, more harrassing me, and constantly, constantly embarrassing himself and Black. And have I said harassing yet?
No, we are not a fan of James Potter.
Then there's the husband, and the supposed 'Bad Boy' of Hogwarts, Sirius Black. Marlene and him had a thing on and off, occasionally hooking up at common room parties to my absolute disgust. Sirius didn't hesitate to flirt with every person he laid eyes on, because they all seemed to froth at the mouth from his level of attraction. It seemed he enjoyed snogging girl, shagging them, then leaving before morning and breaking their poor innocent hearts. Hence, I enjoyed calling him man whore, or Marlene's favourite 'Gryffinwhore.' He, like Potter, was an idolised prankster. He was a good laugh, occasionally, but could be the world's biggest prick so that kind of over ruled it. His stormy grey eyes stood out strikingly against his long black hair that elegantly fell down to his shoulders. Black had a prominent jaw and full lips, and as far as I knew his close linked ancestors came from France. He was absolutely obsessed with his looks, especially his hair, the vain bastard. His family, (who were Voldemort admiring crazed Purebloods, all in Slytherin) disowned him in his fifth year. They'd never gotten along, and Sirius being the only Gryffindor, had gradually endured enough. He ran away after an explosive fight, and the Potter's took him in. He's lived there ever since. I felt a twinge of pity for him at this, as his obvious Gryffindor dedication and loyalty was a sharp comparison to that of his cousin Bellatrix, who was a previous Hogwarts Slytherin student. But then he would insult me, and that little twinge of pity disappeared instantaneously.
A permanent smirk was etched into the arrogant planes of his face as he strutted around the corridors with a cigarette constantly in his hand or mouth.
Now Remus, the more sensible one in comparison. He was actually my friend, and we got along really well. He's quite handsome with his sandy brown hair, blue eyes, and the large white scars that slashed across his sweet face - more wise than any seventeen year old I'd ever met or seen. Part of this was a result of him being a werewolf, although he wasn't aware of my knowing. I figured it out in my fifth year, after noticing that his moods, timely absences and excuses all pieced together as clear evidence. Despite it, I still loved him all the same. It meant nothing to me, and affected his personality not one single bit. I always wondered how he'd been bitten, but never had the courage to ask.
He was truthfully a bit of a nerd, like me. Sometimes we studied together in the library, like I mentioned before, as we're both in Arithmacy with no other friends in the class with us. We'd formed a tight friendship at the beginning of fifth year when I found out he was also a prefect. I'd soon found out how funny he was - not loud and egotistical like Potter, or crude like Black, but a snide, sort of dark, sarcastic humour that was only really witnessed when you got to know him. I could still remember how afraid the first years were of him and his scarred face when we'd shown them around the castle on the first day. A week later they were begging him to join their fun, tell stories of any pranks he'd done with the idolised Marauders. Remus often referred to them as idiots or Pratts, which had made me laugh more than any of the younger students. I'd been the true one to be afraid of, according to them. As a Maraduer, despite being Prefect, Remus wasn't exactly as pristine to the rules as I. Apparently there was no stopping Potter and Black when they get an idea. He was as much a prankster as the other boys, but somehow knew when the line was crossed. Unlike Black and Potter. And he lacked in arrogance, unlike Black and Potter.
Then there was Peter.
Okay sorry, let's continue.)
Well... Peter was Peter. He was short and plump with blonde hair and watery blue eyes that weren't nearly as impressive as the other the boys, which often caused him to be overlooked by admirers. I thought this was terrible, and used to go out of my way to see how he was. Unfortunately he'd stare at me like I'd just told him he was about to die, so eventually I'd walk off and leave him to gape. Once I'd heard Black tease him and Potter mutter, 'Now you see how I feel, Wormtail.' One of their ridiculous nicknames, of course. Peter worshiped the Maruaders, tagging along with all their pranks and antics. If he hadn't been put in their dorm, I wasn't sure they would be friends. Anything the boys did, he copied. I pitied him, I did. Being constantly compared to your fit, gorgeous, intelligent mates is bound to take a toll on someone like Peter.
Anyways, dwelling on how irritable the Marauder's were wasn't going to change them, no matter how much I prayed it would. So, If Remus hadn't gotten headboy - Amos Diggory definitely would have. The good looking Hufflepuff boy that lived to impress the teachers. He loved to pretend as though he were the next Einstein. But he was honestly kind of incompetent - not even witty smart. It was strange, because he loved to boast about things that didn't even make sense. Just like Gilderoy, his fourth year Hufflepuff friend. Sometimes I wondered if they were related. Why on earth was Diggory in Hufflepuff, and not Slytherin? I should know, we dated briefly in fifth year before I escaped.Worst snog of my life.
Anyways, the other prefects from seventh year were slackers, to be honest. Didn't do much work, turned up late, not the best OWLS. I shuddered, imagining - what if Snape had gotten it? That would definitely make my year a living hell. I haven't introduced you yet, have I? Severus Snape, my best friend from the age of nine to fifteen. Potter and his cronies had of course been hexing him all they could the day that our friendship had dramatically ended. I still remembered the horrible incident.
'I don't need help from a filthy little Mudblood," He had spat when I'd offered him my support after him being hung upside down, humiliated and hexed by Potter. I remembered shooting back something cold and running off to Gryffindor tower, where I locked myself for the entire weekend. Mary had found me crying in bed, point blank refusing to go to dinner. I'd never, ever cried as hard as I did that night. My best friend since before Hogwarts - gone. Barely recognisable. He was not the same Sev now, and he never would be. Hanging out with all his little deatheater friends, people like Mulciber, Avery and Regulus (Black's more 'honourable' brother). He'd called me Mudblood three times now, and I could bet my wand it was due to the influence of those snakes. When I had refused to accept his apology in 5th year, it seemed that me ending the friendship had just turned him even more sour. So I had avoided him at all costs, no matter how much it broke me. He'd changed, and I couldn't change him back. None of the girls had ever understood why I loved spending so much time with him, anyways.
I smoothed down my robes and took a long, deep breath. Headgirl was nerve racking, with it being such a prestigious role to represent.
Suddenly, pulling me out of my trance - the compartment door slid open with a sharp click. I hastily stood and flicked my hair over my shoulder in preparation for who I was to meet. But the person whom entered caused me to roll my eyes in exasperation. I had abruptly come face to face with the tall, bespectacled boy I'd recently been dwelling about.
"Bathroom is to the left." I said in a bored tone, glancing out the window. The last of the students were embracing their tearful Mother's, waving goodbye to their beloved parents and younger siblings.
"I'm not here for a tinkle, Evans."
I looked back to Potter in disdain, arching a single eyebrow. He blinked at me, digging both hands into his pockets.
"Well?" I asked rather irritably when he didn't reply. "What are you doing here?"
"Er." He swallowed. "the thing is, Evans..."
He was truly wasting my time, and I wanted to meet my partner for the year. I tapped my foot against the carpet and glanced up to notice that he was, surprisingly, already dressed - when I was forced to make a double take.
In the name of Merlin's floral bloomers.
My jaw promptly dropped open in incredulity, and I felt my heart crumple into a million shards.
You've got to be fucking kidding me, Albus.
For a round, shiny red badge with a large black HB, was winking at me deviously from James Potter's proud chest.
It couldn't be.
"Er...yeah." Potter said awkwardly, a slight smile tugging at his mouth. I blinked again, not daring to take my eyes from the badge. Had I fallen asleep? It was surely a prank to confuse and nauseate me.
"I don't - ?" I swallowed audibly, struggling to find the words.
Potter frowned. "Are you okay? You look like you're choking."
"I - what?"
Potter look just as nonplussed as I was.
"Merlin's Pants, just tell me that you're not actually Headboy, Potter?" I eventually managed to blurt out, my words coming out slightly strangled. He merely shrugged in reply, a trace of pink greeting his tanned cheeks. Well, that was something I'd never seen before. He flicked the badge on his chest in confirmation, the action making me wince.
"Badge and everything." He said weakly, with a pathetic attempt at what he must've thought was a reassuring smile. Looked more to me like a dragon baring its teeth, to me.
"Are you shitting me?" I whispered more to myself then him. I shook my head, still gaping at him like a goldfish.
"Evans, I literally have a badge."
"Yes," I said breathlessly, trying to recover from my unending bewilderment. "I'm sorry, but er - how the fuck did you manage to land this one?" I could feel the contortion of my face, and didn't bother to relax it. Had he been expecting this? A role, let alone Headboy? He hadn't been a prefect, for christ's sake. Maybe Quidditch captain, but that was besides the point. Oh my god...I had to work with him. We had to negotiate on schooling topics and decide maturely when organising events.
This was going to ruin my entire year.
"Language, Evans." Potter teased, grin wiping clean from his face at the responding glare I shot him. He cleared his throat, running a hand through his insufferable hair.
"Er, about that. I have absolutely no clue. Nothing in the letter about it, at all. Dad and I thought it was a prank, too, when we first read it. Honestly, I think Dumbledore's losing his marbles." He laughed extra loudly, trying to lighten the dreadful situation with humour, I suppose.
"This is impossible." I exclaimed incredulously, still struggling to process these tragic recent events. "I" I spat the word with such convicting disgust, that even I almost winced.
Even if he were Quidditch captain, he hadn't been a bloody prefect. I spoke these thoughts aloud, blurting all the words out without even considering the consequences or forming the sentences in my head beforehand.
"You've really got to be pranking me, Potter." I muttered, sliding a hand down my face. "I never thought I would say this, but I hope for our sakes that you are. I can't think of any other alternative...If it is one big fat prank, and surely it is, it's not funny. Not even remotely." I threw my hands into the air, shaking my head. "I mean for Christ's sake, how could you ever get Headboy?" I demanded indignantly, doing my best to reflect on any occasion where Potter had obeyed the rules. "You? Potter? The bullying, arrogant...Good Godric, what on Earth was Dumbledore thinking? Making Potter Headboy? Spend the year together, what am I going to do -" I pressed my fingers to the bridge of my nose, as if trying to rid a headache, or perhaps just clear my head of the ridiculousness of the situation. A small trace of something unreadable flashed across his features when I'd finished having a nervous breakdown, but was gone within seconds. However his lips thinned generously and nostrils flared, a small dimple becoming prominent in his forehead.
Splendid - I'd made Potter angry.
"Look Evans," He began sharply, running a hand through his rumpled hair for the millionth time.
"I don't like this anymore than you do, trust me."
I snorted.
"I'm sorry that you're stuck with my 'arrogant arse," He continued hotly, glaring at me. "But there's nothing I can do about it, okay? I was given the position, and I'll gladly step up to the plate to try my best to set an example, but you being bitchy about it isn't going to resolve anything." He sighed heavily, arm flying around like a windmill as he spoke. "Please can we just...get on with it?" He finished weakly, closing his eyes. "For once?"
I stared at him blankly, so blankly that it was rude, even for me, even for him. Aghast, I supposed maybe I had been a little too dramatic. I was sure that Dumbledore chose him for a reason, but...what reason?
And good lord, had Potter just spoken of leading the school? Without a single trace of arrogance, too. He'd been so sincere, as if he was actually being genuine. Like he meant the words that had left his lips. I blinked several times, trying to comprehend why Potter was being so oddly... normal? Not a wanker?
"I, er -" I stuttered, a heavy blush creeping across my cheeks. His face was faintly flushed too, and I couldn't help feel guilty for my actions. I was being rather rude, and he hadn't done anything to me at all. Well, not today. The least I could do was listen, I suppose? Refrain from snapping at him?
"I'm sorry." I finally managed, reluctantly meeting his eyes. Good grief, my first apology to Potter. There's a first time for everything, but this should not be one of those things. "I was just, surpised. Er, well then...congratualtions." I forced an uncertain smile, not sure what to say or do. But thankfully he grinned crookedly with a returned mischievous gleam in his eyes.
"Thanks. You know, I..." He scratched his chin and paused. Potter shuffled his feet awkwardly and all of a sudden began to avoid my gaze again, as if he were nervous.
Oh no.
"No Potter, I will not go to Hogsmeade with you." I said tiredly, giving up altogether and glancing up to the roof of the train.
James cleared his throat, coughing slightly. "Er, actually Evans, I wasn't going to ask you that."
A wave of heat engulfed my cheeks as I dragged my eyes back to Jame's composed, slightly smug face. He laughed awkwardly, sliding his hands behind his back.
"Oh." I muttered, feeling more and more humiliated by the minute. It was silent for a moment, and I swear If I'd listened hard enough I could have heard crickets.
"Anyways..." Potter gulped after a moment. "Since we're going to be working together this year, d'you think we could- I mean, and I are so very -
I don't know...ah, fuck." He took a single deep breath. "Lily, do you possibly think we could be mates this year?"
He said all of this very quickly while running a hand through his hair. So fast I almost missed the gist of it. I took a moment, trying to string the words together and comprehend what on Earth he'd just said. Potter, stumbling? Not having a sarcastic, teasing remark to shoot at me?
Friends? I guess that wouldn't kill me.
It would certainly make our job a lot easier If I were his friend, as I had to work with him all stinking year long. And had he just said my name?
"I think," I began, my throat bobbing slightly. He'd said it before, but this just felt weird. "...I think that would be a good idea. Seeing as you're acting very, ah, normal." I grimaced at my poor attempt of politeness. He grinned at it, too. "And erm - well, nice." I continued reluctantly. "I don't know how, but it seems like your head has finally deflated. A fraction of an inch, might I add." I smiled at him slightly, as much as I could without wincing, and watched the corners of his mouth turn up into a grateful grin.
"Thanks. And I'd like to apologize." His adams apple bobbed, his eyes softening. Something was very different in the way he spoke, the way he held himself. "I'm really, really, sorry Lily. For everything. After all these years, I've only just realized what a git I've been these past several months. And I regret it, for the most part. I was a boy, wanting to get in to trouble, and get attention from a beautiful girl." He shrugged weakly, and I tried to hide my blush at his unexpected compliment.  "I should never had said or done those things, it was just for a laugh."
Yep. He'd said my name.
I stared into his slightly golden specked hazel eyes. They were soft, and swam with of remorse, and matureness - complete honesty. Well that was bloody new. Merlin, I forgave James Bloody Potter.
I hated myself.
"Well," I cleared my throat, going over what he'd said. "I guess I can forgive you. Er, James."
Merlin, that had been difficult to say, and was even more difficult now because by the looks of his radiant smile, I'd given him a big head. "And if we're going to apologise, well," I sighed deeply. "I guess that I'm a little sorry, too. You didn't deserve the bat bogey hex in Charms last year. I've been a bit of a cow, and I suppose you're not all that...awful." I winced.
A wide grin spread across his cheeks from ear to ear, his eyes sparkling with glee.
"Thank you." He replied sincerely. I surprised myself with a returning smile.
"So, James, do you know anything about being Headboy?" I asked him skeptically as we both took a seat. It felt very strange being in such a close proximity to Potter and not resisting the urge to throttle him. To my surprise, he started blushing. Potter, blushing?
I laughed at the obvious answer. "That's fine. Today, we're just going to tell all the prefects when to patrol the train. Then we go over all the rules, etc. You and I need to make a roster for all the night time patrols, but we can do that before the next meeting. They'll do extra patrols as well, since, well, you know. For extra security precautions. Even Hogwarts isn't one hundred percent safe these days. Also, I presume McGonagall or someone will meet us today for an overview. Got it?"
He nodded slowly, a small worried frown creasing between his brows. I stifled a snort at his daftness.
"I think so." He said slowly, counting something on his fingers. Merlin's pants.
Right on cue, the compartment door slammed open forcefully, and the whole lot of Slytherin prefects slouched in. We both stood up to greet them as they entered. For the most part, they were smiling at us tensely with strained expressions. Leaving the sixth years to scowl menacingly at us, jeering in low voices.
"It's Potter?" Someone that I couldn't identify snorted.
"He's seriously headboy?"
"God, this school is going to the dogs. They made the mudblood Headgirl?"
Potter's jaw clenched, and I noticed his mouth open in preparation to retort. I coughed and kicked James's foot firmly in warning. The complaints gradually abated at my cough, and I felt him relax besides me slightly. However the Slytherins were now eyeing me in suspicion. Snape amongst them, fixed me with a strange, piercing glare - so I turned away immediately, forcing a smile.
The compartment door slid open again and all the Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor prefects filed into the room, standing around casually. I smiled widely at the much kinder looking groups of prefects, and cleared my throat.
"Hi everyone, and welcome back! I'm Lily Evans and I will be your Headgirl for this year." I glanced over to James who was grinning with ease at the room.
"And I, James Potter will be your Headboy."
I tried to ignore the gaping expressions and the snickers that sounded from the students at this.
"I know, I know, unexpected, right?" He continued, utterly relaxed. "I personally believe Dumbeldore's finally gone off his rocker, but, you know. I guess you're stuck with me."
A ripple of laughter filled the compartment, and James beamed, obviously pleased.
Half an hour later, the prefects filed back out of he compartment to begin their patrols, and I sighed. The meeting had been successful. I'd told them when to patrol the train, the simple rules and all the banned items. James had added in things every now and then, his easy humour and jokes creating a pleasant environment that I found myself relaxing in.
The next meeting was scheduled to be tomorrow at eight o'clock in the library, where we would go over the roster.
"You did well. You're a natural leader, everyone loves you." I spoke to Potter, standing and brushing off my robes. It was true. He spoke easily, carelessly. Potter laughed loudly at my comment and shook his head.
"Thanks. You too." He eventually replied, grinning. I pulled my trunk out from under the seat, and faced the door.
"I've got to find Marlene."
James nodded and lifted his own trunk, following me out into the train hall. Merlin, it sounded strange addressing him by his first name in my head.
We came to a halt about five minutes later, when Marlene's head poked out through a spacious compartment door on the right. She grinned widely, her hazel eyes sparkling.
"Still alive, Potter?"
He grinned, that same, cocky grin. "Made it back in one piece, Mckinnon. Good to see you."
"And you." She beamed at him, her gaze flickering to me. "I've got to say, I'm surprised. And Lily, love...I'm sorry, but we truly couldn't find any other compartment. You're gonna have to suck it up."
"This one looks fine." I said bemusedly, arching an eyebrow. She pursed her lips.
"Have a see for yourself."
I felt James's eyes on me as I followed her into the spacious compartment, before coming to a sudden halt in the entrance way.
"Hello, Evans."
Black sat on the left side of the carriage with his feet in Remus's lap opposite, twirling a cigarette between his fingers. He wore his usual leather jacket and black jeans, thick hair falling to his shoulders. A haughty smirk was painted to the planes of his handsome face, dark grey eyes glittering at me as I stared at him in slight shock.
"Black." I inclined my head in greeting, resisting the urge to curse him and leave the compartment instantly.
"Hey, Lily."
My eyes flickered to Remus, who was sitting besides a grinning Mary and Alice. He wore his usual worn green vest over a white t-shirt and brown pleated trousers. I turned to glare at Marlene, who was settling besides Black. She straightened up, snorting at the look on my face.
"Och I know, I know, total git brains." She waved a dismissive hand and Peter, who sat on Remus's other side, choked on a laugh. "There were truly no other carriages -"
"There weren't." Mary attested for her grimly.
"- and I thought that with Potter getting Headboy, it'll be good practise for you two." Marlene flashed me her signature grin. I raised an eyebrow as Potter laughed behind me, the sound oddly joyous.
"You're not wrong." I said reluctantly, edging into the crowded compartment. Mary's cat Honey roamed the floor, dragging her fluffy tail between Peter's ankles. He looked as though he'd fallen in love as he glanced down, mid way through a liquorice wand.
"Come sit." Marly pat the red suede besides her, an infectious grin on her cheeks. Feeling extremely out of place and avoiding Black's smug smirk entirely, I glanced to where I'd left my trunk only to find an empty space and grinning Potter.
"You're welcome." He winked.
"Thanks." I replied awkwardly, turning on my heel and shooting Mary a 'get me out of here' look. I hesitantly slid onto the suede compartment seat besides Marly, brushing a loose strand of hair from my eyes. A second passed and Potter sat on my left with a generous space between us that I approved of greatly.  There was a tense silence as I glanced around the clouded carriage, noticing Alice and Mary biting down on their laughter.
"How was your summer?" I eventually asked Remus, turning to smile at him. He gave me a manic grin in response.
"Well, seeing as I spent it with these to dolts-" he jerked his thumb in Black and James's direction, "- it was pretty amusing."
I snorted in understanding. Deciding that I should probably at least try to be nice, I glanced to Black.
"And...what about you, Black?" I tried to smile, but I think it was more of a grimace. He turned to me from the conversation him and Pettigrew had been having, dark eyes widening in surprise .
"Ginger." His lips curved into a grin. "Still on last name basis then, I see."
I rolled my eyes and sighed, not sure what I'd expected him to say.
"Careful Lily-Pad, or they'll get stuck like that." He warned, puffing on the end of his cigarette. 
"If you call me that ever again, I will hex off your balls." I glared at him. "And I was never under the impression you wanted me to call you Sirius, but fine, if that's your dying wish."
He gaped at me, Marlene's head snapping to look at me with a similar expression. Sirius stared at me in surprise for a few seconds, as though debating whether to take it seriously, before tilting his head back and roaring with laughter. I watched him in mild bemusement, glancing to see Remus chuckling to himself silently.
"Evans, I was kidding," Sirius eventually snorted, shaking his head. "but I'll take it."
I scowled and chose to now ignore him, looking over to see Pettigrew sitting in the corner quietly. He was scratching his head absentmindedly, expression a little confused.
"Hello, Peter." I smiled warmly and he returned it, but timidly.
"Hi." He mumbled in reply, not at at all in his usual jovial mood.
"Think fast!"
My head snapped up at the words and I prepared myself for some sort of object to fly at my head. However I blinked and a broad, tanned hand was suddenly in front of me, holding the flying frog that Mary had tossed from her seat. I blinked.
"Welcome." James grinned at me, opening his palm and offering me the sweet. Not sure whether to laugh or cry, I accepted it and dragged my gaze to a snorting Mary.
"Why on earth would you throw food at me?"
"I was hoping it would hit you in the face." She admitted with a snort. "Sorry, love."
"I must say, that was cruel." Marly was grinning. "Even for you, Mar. Lily has the reflexes of a toddler."
"Cheers." I rolled my eyes as Sirius and Potter snorted.
"I'm starved, I didn't have breakfast." I admitted, tearing the wrapper open and taking a bite out of the frog. I leant in to steal another from the collecting pile of sweets on the floor, dodging Mary's flying hands as she tried to protect her stash. I shifted so that I sat with my calves resting on Marlene's thighs. This was a perk of having short legs, of which she always loved to remind me.
"I'm surprised you haven't killed him already, Lil." Alice commented from where she had moved to the floor, amongst her large pile of trolley food. I grimaced, already aware of who she was talking about.
"Yeah, well." I resisted the urge to wince, feeling James's eyes on me. "I dunno, we've kind of decided to be...-"
"Friends." He finished, and I glanced up to see him smiling.
"Friends?" Marlene echoed, and I noticed her exchange a not so subtle glance with Mary.
"Friends." I reinstated, arching a skeptical eyebrow. "It was that or nothing."
"And who's idea was this?" Remus asked shrewdly.
"His." I responded instantly, jerking my finger towards James at the same time he claimed "Mine."
"Ah." Remus pursed his lips.
"I agreed," I elaborated with a slight wince. "Only because we'll be working together. And also," I glanced to him, studying his growing grin. "Well, you haven't been an entire git today."
"Always a good sign." Alice approved.
I shrugged, tugging a hand through my hair and digging in my handbag for a clip. "I'll just have to deal with him, I s'pose." It was yellow and floral, a hippie bag that Marlene's mum had gifted me for my sixteen birthday. A long silence filled the compartment as I pinned my hair up, eventually dragging my eyes to see six faces either exchanging surprised glances or gaping at me as though I'd lost my head. I was reaching the stage where I wondered if maybe I had. James however beamed at me. He reached forward and tried to give me a high five, but I raised my eyebrows at his hovering hand.
"Too soon, Potter." I snorted, reaching for another chocolate frog. He grinned at me sheepishly and shamelessly removed his hand.
That had felt more satisfying than I anticipated.
"Finally." Remus eventually said, shaking his head as if in disbelief. "I'm afraid I wasn't going to be able to put up with anymore of this arch nemesis thing you two had going on."
"Excuse me?"
"Of James being a git, I mean." Remus corrected, and I nodded in approval.
"I'm sorry," Marlene said mildly, turning to stare between James and I. "but I don't think I understand what just happened."
"I'd get over it, 'cause I don't know how long it'll last." I replied, tearing open the wrapper and tossing one each to Mar and Ali.
"Don't say that, we're on first name basis." James teased.
"Yeah, well, don't jinx yourself."
"I'll do my best." He grinned, dark eyes sparkling. I forced myself to look away, wondering if his eyes had always been light brown with golden rings.
"This is a monumental point in history." Sirius was saying to a smiling Remus. "Although I'm not sure if I like it, it's not how things are supposed to work. Who will threaten to curse me into oblivion?" He turned to wink at me, and I scowled.
"Don't be ridiculous, Black. That will never change."
"Splendid." He replied wryly, lifting the cigarette to his lips. He glanced to me, dark eyes twinkling. "Care for a Fag, Ginge?"
I dragged my eyes to the open compartment window where fields of yellow meadows whizzed passed at lightening speed before looking back to Sirius. He raised a single eyebrow in challenge.
"Yeah, alright." I shrugged. He blinked at me.
I raised my eyebrows. "Fine then, keep them."
"No," He shook his head, digging a hand into the inside pocket of his jacket. "Knock yourself out. Smoke the whole pack if you like, I've about a dozen."
He handed me a dart and I inclined my head in thanks, ignoring Mary's quiet snorts of laughter.
"I didn't know you smoked." Sirius said to me as I lifted the cigarette to my lips and cupped the end, accepting his silver lighter that was shaped like a shark.
"Nice lighter." I commented with a vague snort, inhaling a mouthful of smoke and offering it to Marlene. She handed it to Sirius, who was watching me with an impressed look.
"The Headgirl is smoking." He was grinning now. "And also having a drag."
"Was that a pathetic attempt at flattery, Black?" I raised my eyes at him, exhaling a cloud of smoke from the corner of my mouth. He laughed, and it wasn't the usual jeering bark of laughter, but a sound I wasn't familiar with. 
"You caught me."
"Sleaze." I gave him a disdainful glance.
"You've never seen Lily with a cigarette?" Marlene asked him in surprise, her eyebrows raised. I sensed James's eyes on me and turned my head to him, cigarette hovering between two fingers. He was staring at me with an unreadable expression, lips slightly parted and eyes brightened.
"Hello?" I raised an eyebrow. He blinked and shook his head, an easy grin curving up his mouth.
"Just surprised, Evans."
"I tend to have that effect on men."
He laughed, a loud sound that rung through the compartment and tugged at my resistant smile.
"Very classy." He chuckled, settling back into the carriage seat.
"I do pride myself." I replied, glancing away and wondering how I'd landed myself smoking, in a compartment with the Marauders, as well as holding a civil conversation with Potter. I was quite disappointed in myself.
I soon found myself visibly more relaxed as the minutes wore on. Eventually Remus got out his book and Peter a crossword, leaving Mary and Alice to chat quietly about their summers. Sirius and Marlene were exchanging tattoos with James absent in the hall searching for the Trolley lady.
"Do you sit here every year, then?" I asked the room aloud, studying the scarred wooden skirtings of the window and odd threadbare patches of suede.
Remus glanced up from his novel, face smooth of the usual heavy exhaustion that so often weighed on him.
"Why, can you tell?" He smiled as I met his light blue eyes.
"It looks a bit battleworn." I commented, studying the compartment in mild interest.
"Never sat in another." It was Sirius who replied this time, dark grey eyes flitting to me. "Not in six years."
"We've even got our names engraved." Peter piped in, gesturing to the small markings on the wooden skirting that I hadn't noticed. Taking a closer look I squinted, studying the initials that looked as though they'd been carved in with a knife. J.P, S.B, R.L and P.P.
"Think we did that second year." Sirius commented, tracing a finger over the carved initials. "Bollocks, that was so long ago."
"I'd go back if I could." Peter said glumly, and Sirius snorted.
"I wouldn't, not with that haircut."
Peter rolled his eyes at him and huffed. This was obviously something they teased him about often. "All the lads had them in '71."
"Stop trying to convince yourself that it was normal, Wormtail." Remus grinned at him teasingly. "It was always just you."
Peter grumbled something indistinguishable as the compartment door opened to reveal a tall and broad bespectacled James, hands bursting with sweets.
"Who's keen for a round of exploding snap?" He asked with a crooked grin.
Piles of sweets were shared around over the next several hours as we challenged eachother to multiple rounds of exploding snap and declared an ultimate chess battle. I surprised myself at how much fun I had, nevermind that Sirius kept one eye on me the entire day as if suspicious I'd hex him. I was terrible at chess and although I won over Mary, Alice and Marlene both came out victorious in our matches and I was almost instantly booted from the competition. Sirius wasn't much better than me, "Never had the attention span for this tosh," and was a proud loser to both Marly and Alice, who proved to be rather superb players. Mar and I always chose to share a plate of cookies or bottle of wine together as we watched the two play a match in the dorm over the last several years. Eventually it came down to the finals where both Peter and Remus won their games against the girls in a reasonable ten minutes. When it came down to the last two Marauders, James laughed about getting comfortable.
"This'll last til we get to Hogsmeade." He snorted, biting into a liquorice wand and kicking his feet up into Sirius's lap. "They are notorious for having hour long games, it's agonising."
"At least I'm not rubbish like you." Peter retorted without looking away from the chess board between him and Remus, both hunched over with strained eyes and a certain trained stillness. They remained like this for roughly half an hour, and after a close knit game, an elated battle cry that I'd never heard before escaped Remus's mouth.
"He gets a bit carried away." James muttered in my ear upon noticing my surprise, and I grinned.
There were many shared jokes and an abundance of laughter that felt more freeing than I could've imagined. Something I was the most surprised at was how funny Peter could be. Like Remus, who showed a quiet, respectable exterior in public vicinity and saved the dark sarcasm for his close friends, Pettigrew had often been oddly reserved or stumbled over his words the previous times I'd spoken to him. But in the several long hours of our train ride to Hogwarts, I discovered several new things about him. He wasn't funny like Potter or Black were, infectious jokes and banter that made you laugh until you had a bellyache. He was quieter, yet witty, and had a sweet laugh that made me smile when I heard it. Peter loved to bake, promising to share some recipe with Alice, who was a superb cook in all fields. He liked to draw also, and although physically clumsy, had an artistic flare of expression. He played the recorder, which James laughed and laughed at after telling me, he simply couldn't seem to stop. I learnt that Peter always wore beanies and blue suede adidas sneakers, as well as a rainbow scarf that he never seemed to take off. I also learnt a substantial amount about the other three Marauders, although Sirius was a lot harder to figure out. I soon came to learn that he was the most secretive person I'd ever met. With a rough exterior and deflective humour, it was difficult to find out much without trying to piece together information from the past, of which Pettigrew was happy to do and Sirius not so much. Black drunk a bit too much and always thought rather highly of himself, but now I was beginning to wonder if this was all a rouse. He was still very self indulgent; it was impossible not to be with that level of attraction. Yet something about the way he relaxed after two or so hours made me realise that perhaps all of these boys were, deep down inside, the biggest group of softies I'd ever meet. Of course I was given roughly five hours and this was a vague impression. Remus I was already quite close with, and knew most things about him and his life. Since fifth year we'd shared honest novel reviews, many hot chocolates, film critiques, advice on how to handle our romantic lives, as well as long and winding chats about philosophical matters that Mary claimed were too depressing to speak on.
As the hours passed and chess matches moved to intriguing conversation, Potter made me laugh more than once. He hadn't even made a stupid comment about it, and I found myself slightly shell shocked. To put it lightly, I was appalled. It was very strange to be having conversations with him about something that wasn't 'my beautiful, shining eyes' in his annual, oh so poetic, phenomenas. There was a new one every year, It had always been very nauseating. But anyways - James chatted to me about home, asked me about Whitby, where I lived, and shared some information that I found highly surprising. I learnt that Potter was an excellent cook, had a house elf, owned a Muggle car, and had a deep sensitivity for subjects of blood purity and racial discrimination. This was discovered as the conversation between Remus, Mary and I turned into a political discussion where segregation and houseelf ownership were brought in, along with a list of other raw topics in history. It was an effort to consciously admit that I'd been rendered speechless after James's informative input, but it was the truth. He'd been raised well; Potter articulated his words clearly and comprehensively, not at all the seductive humour and sultry tones I'd gotten used to. He spoke quickly, too, and with an affluence in vocabulary that I found slightly admirable. (This was because as far as I knew, the only words in his dwindling vocabulary were 'bollocks' 'fit' 'snog' 'Quidditch' and 'butterbeer').
Sirius noted my surprise and gave me a knowing look, his dark eyes gleaming in a way that made me feel uneasy. It was hard to contain myself, as I was reasonably expressive and found it difficult not to voice my thoughts on James's educated comments. Eventually the conversation was directed towards what prank they were going to set on McGonagall first, and the usual crooked grin returned to his face. He claimed that as Headboy, he'd have to tiptoe around it a bit more. Sirius had not been happy with this and abruptly started to ignore him, responding with "I told you this would happen, Worm. He's joined the dark side with Moony and his perfect prefectness."
James had rolled his eyes. "I have done no such thing. I'll happily participate in pranks as long as I have willingly agreed and it isn't too outlandish."
"All he's saying," Remus jumped in when Sirius whipped his head around. "Is that Headboy won't stop him from pranking anyone. It just means that it might have to happen a little less frequently, and perhaps don't set fire to anything this year. Or, y'know." He paused, tilting his head to the side. "No pornographic displays in the great hall."
"That was actually funny." I muttered, exchanging a snort with Marlene as we remembered the dozens of posters that had plastered every wall of the great hall one miserable winters night. I'd never seen so many shapes of boobs in my life. We'd taken the time to do a walk around the perimeter, finding the pair that best matched our own.
"You're full of surprises." James said to me with a grin as Sirius scowled something about authority ruining his life.
I watched the vast expanse of flourishing Scottish moors fly past through the glass paned window, relishing in my final train ride to Hogwarts. The last hour dragged by as the conversation turned to NEWTS and what subjects we were all taking.
It turned out that we'd all decided on relatively similar subjects. While six of them took Divination, Remus and I had arithmacy. James, Marlene and Sirius took Care Of Magical Creatures, with Remus and I studying Ancient Runes, and Mary, Alice and Peter had chosen Astronomy, something Remus found amusing for some unknown reason. Each of us took Herbology apart from Sirius, who explained that he found the subject useless and a bore. He instead was most interested in Muggle Studies, of which I had imminent respect for. It resurfaced a memory from the beginning of sixth year when a Slytherin had called me a mudblood and I was unaware that Sirius and Peter were walking past. A second later the Slytherin had been thrown on his arse, and Sirius had left with a silent nod before I'd gained the opportunity to thank him.
All eight of us studied Transfiguration, Potions and Charms, the three most useful subjects, probably. I discovered that Peter's favourite was Herbology, and had already known of Remus's love for Arithmancy. I'd also known James was the best at Transfiguration from years of boasting, while Sirius favoured Muggle Studies and Care of Magical Creatures. The words eventually became a soft hum in my ears as I watched fields of heather flicker by, and some half an hour later I was shaken away by a sleepy Marlene. It seemed that I had fallen asleep on her shoulder, and when I glanced around the compartment half forgetting who we'd sat with, I found the others all stirring, yawning and rubbing their eyes tiredly. All except Sirius, who had lit up another cigarette.
"You all snore like old people." He complained as I slowly sat up, a wide yawn stretching across my face. The train wheels squeaked to an eventual halt as I thought about what a strange train ride that had been - mostly because I'd actually enjoyed it, contradictory to my expectation in choosing this compartment. As the others all grumbled and gathered the last of their sweets, I stood up on my tippy toes and stretched my arms as far as they could, trying and failing to reach my trunk from the rack. This happened every year, and I was stubborn enough to let myself be injured before another person noticed (Marlene, who I resented for being tall) and stepped in.
"Bugger." I muttered, shaking out my fingers and retreating down from my tippy toes. I heard a familiar deep laugh rumble from behind me, and watched as a muscled pair of arms reached over my head and eased my trunk down from the rack. I blinked in surprise, turning to look up at James where he stood holding his tawny owl Charlie.
"All right there, Evans?" He joked, winking at me as I fumbled with the handle.
"Thanks." I said grudgingly, and he grinned.
"Happy to be of service. C'mon, we better go find a good carriage."
One by one, the eight of us hopped off the train and passed a beaming Hagrid on the way to the invisible thestral drawn carriages. We greeted him merrily, asking of his holiday and giving him warm hugs. Hagrid had always been so lovely and sweet to us girls, and it seemed that the boys often found themselves fooling around in the grounds and stumbling upon the half giant himself. I smiled fondly at him as we walked away, his voice rumbling loud over our heads "Firs' years! All firs' years over 'ere please!"
The last time I would hear that pure sentence. The mere thought made my eyes burn slightly.
After one too many cues of students pushing into carriages and fighting over seats, I found myself wedged between Sirius and James in one of the last running carriages, snorting to myself quietly. If I'd known I'd be sitting with Black and Potter this morning, I would've called myself barking and had a seizuric fit.
I gave a contented sigh, glancing out of the carriage window to the sprawling view. Hogwarts peeked out from the curtain of beautiful pine trees and rocky blanket of mountains, turrets and towers pointing towards an orange tinged sky. My lips curved into a smile as Dumbledore's beautifully coloured Phoenix cawed loudly into the night, soaring out from his perch in the owlery. I watched as Fawkes dove through the summer night air, his wide flaming wings spreading out to their full extent, claws sharp breaking the reflective surface of the lake. He glided along the shimmering water before taking off into the fiery sunset. My smile widened as I took a photograph in my mind of this memory. The last time I would be riding into this place. Hogwarts's beauty never failed to astound me.
The castle sat sparkling on the rocky outcrop of wild Scotland countryside, candles flickering in the windows and vague light from the oil lamps illuminating larger spaces. My eyes were drawn to where I knew the Great Hall stood awaiting our arrival.
"Bring on Seventh Year." I murmured to myself, oblivious to the looks James and Sirius were exchanging besides me.
"First sign of madness is talking to yourself, Evans."
"Shut it, Black."
Despite it, I couldn't fight the grin that curved up my cheeks.
I was home.


I hope you love this story as much as I do. xx

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