Chapter Thirty Two: (Part Two) Christmas Day

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"Mother above, I love Christmas morning." Remus was sighing, his scarred face at ease and usually creased forehead smooth of any distress as we walked the drafty corridors of Hogwarts.
"The one morning you can get away with wearing jammies to bed, all day, and then to bed again in the same pair without being demonitized." Ali laughed, adjusting the knot of her robe to emphasise.
"I appreciate how it's become an unspoken rule that everyone in Gryffindor seems to adopt without even thinking about it." A radiant Mary grinned from my side. "The lack of judgment is truly welcoming."
"That is because Gryffindor is the most superior house out of the four." James argued from behind us, a crooked grin on his lips as I turned to give him a skeptical look over my shoulder. "I know every house says that - " He went on, waving a lazy hand when Remus opened his mouth to object. "- but I'm vouching this from an unbiased, reliable perspective."
I snorted. "Right."
"It's obvious to anyone." Sirius cut in pointedly, giving me a look. "Loosen up Ginge. Gryffindor has the most house spirit, the most participation, the lowest bullying rates, and most creative appearances."
Alice tilted her head. "What does that even mean?"
"Expression." Remus translated.
"We're the whole package." James explained additionally.
"We carry the school." Sirius added, patting her on the shoulder gently. "There is no other competition."
"I have to agree." I admitted, tucking my hands beneath my underarms for warmth. "As Headgirl I should really fight against the argument, but it's true. We've got it all."
"It's the fire signs." Said Marlene. I turned to look over my shoulder and grin at her, only to see her lips otherwise preoccupied as she snaked an arm around Sirius's waist comfortably. James and I exchanged a glance, his upper lip twitching slightly with a near silent laugh slipping from my lips. I turned back to face Ali and Rem, who were chatting about something extremely cheery due to the brightness of their eyes and flushed cheeks. Mentally pausing this moment in time, a small smile curved up my lips as my eyes slid to Mary, who was walking by my side with a grin on her cheeks. Behind us, James and Peter were tilting their heads back and laughing loudly over something I was sure I didn't want to hear. My chest was light and warm, the heavy weight on my shoulders a little lighter as I selfishly allowed myself to let go of the stack of crushing worries that kept me up at night; if only for a single, blissful day. One of borrowed time, silliness and celebration. They were precious, and numbered, as the daily prophet often enjoyed reminding me.
"Seems like Mum wasn't the only one thinking  staying here for Christmas was a good idea." James muttered as we entered the great hall, coming to a slow stop as Nearly Headless nick floated by.
"Oh, hello!" He exclaimed, smiling at us widely. "Merry Christmas, James! Lily, too - oh, and all of you!"
"Merry Christmas Nick." We chorused in reply, a few of our smiles fading slightly as we surveyed the hall of buzzing excitement. At least three quarters of the entire school had remained at Hogwarts, and although they all seemed elated with joy, a cold, sharp feeling of fear jabbed me in the side at the thought of all the families who were sitting at home, terrified and alone on Christmas Day.
"It seems so." Marlene said quietly, scanning the almost empty Slytherin table.
"At least they won't ruin our day." Sirius grimaced as he followed her gaze, linking hands with Marlene and tugging her behind him. "Cmon, I need an Irish coffee."
"He's a bloody alcoholic." Remus muttered to James as we followed after them and waved at Dumbledore, who I noticed, was smiling down at us from the staff table. He raised a pale hand, his blue eyes twinkling behind half moon spectacles, with a wreath of mistletoe atop his head in the shape of a crown. I laughed quietly at the crystal champagne that he raised to us, inclining the tip of his chin in greeting.
"On the booze before 10 o'clock?" James grinned at me, noticing my gaze.
"He's got the right idea." I laughed, climbing into the bench. Remus joined my other side as surrounding students chatted about their gifts and the snow forecast.
"Blimey, I think I've creamed myself." Marlene admitted, shaking her head as she gazed down at the towering plate of Marauder style French toast Sirius was arranging for her.
"I tend to have that effect on women." He explained playfully.
"It can only be done one way." Peter said to me from across the table upon noticing my impressed stare.
"Juice, anyone?" James offered, reaching into the middle of the table for a glass jug.
"Me please." I replied distractedly, my attention fixed on Remus as he so meticulously piled his own plate with layers of cream and berry compote.
"This is no doubt going to make me shit myself." He said to me without tearing his eyes away from the masterpiece before him. "But I've long given up on the whole lactose intolerant thing, so what the hell."
"Bat out of hell...da dum, da dum." Marlene sung in the background absentmindedly.
"You know what love," I said, accepting a goblet of pumpkin juice from James. "Good for you."
"Thanks." Remus grinned at me, tilting his head back to take a swig of coffee.
"Here's to a brilliant Christmas." Sirius announced with a dazzling grin that dimpled his chin. Marlene's smile grew as the two of them tore their eyes away from each other to raise their glasses, the six of us following suit.
"To a brilliant Christmas," we cheersed.
"Christ." James drained his glass, slamming it down on the table top before turning to face me. "My throat still hurts from Bohemian."
"We are the champions did it for me." Marlene sighed, reaching in for a buttered scone.
"Merciless Music." Mary commented, popping a Christmas chocolate into her open mouth.
"The entire night exhausted me to no end." I admitted, tugging my plate towards me and gazing down at the array of sweet raspberry sauce, cheesecake brioche and maple syrup. "I'm fatigued even thinking about it."
"This feed is going to make me so sleepy." Sirius sighed, pausing to study his plate. "I don't want it to be a disadvantage in the snow fight."
"You lot are really serious about that, aren't you?" Alice asked with a slightly nervous laugh.
"Bugger it Ali, do you know them at all?" Mary nudged her in the side with a cheeky grin, reaching for the bowl cinnamon.
"Too well." She replied darkly as James exchanged a mischievous glance with Sirius, the two of them innocently looking away from each other and continuing to feast on their breakfast in silence.
"In conclusion, best have your wits about you." Remus grinned at Ali over the top of his mug of coffee.
"Did I tell you what mum got me, Lil?" Marlene asked me from across the table, slapping Sirius's prying hand away from her plate. He scowled, changing course and reaching for the stack of French toast.
"No," I replied amusedly, a fork of food hovering before my mouth. "Here's me hoping it won't be a bong."
"I wish." She rolled her eyes as I grinned at her, swallowing the large bite. "They got me an orange transistor radio, just like the one I've been wanting for ages now. And - get this, they even said they'd let me borrow their combie this summer!" She beamed.
"Shit, that's great!" I exclaimed, leaning in excitedly. "We can listen to the radio while we go road tripping - hey, we could go to the beach!"
"We live in England." Sirius pointed out, arching a single eyebrow. Marlene and I turned to look at him with twin frowns.
"I think they're aware of that." James replied mildly, piling spoon fulls of berry sauce onto his plate. I hid my smile as Marlene replied,
"Don't be so negative."
"I'm just saying, it's not like you're going to bathe on the tropical white sand and get astonishingly tanned skin." Sirius snorted, cutting into his tower of French toast.
"The moors overlooking beaches up near Cornwall are magnificent." Remus piped in, nodding towards Marlene. "I'd love to go up there one time and visit the cliffs, freedom campers go there all the time. Apparently that's where the Beatles used to stay." He added, his smile turning into a wide grin.
"In my dreams." I sighed, slumping my palm against the round of my cheek. "That does sound beautiful, though. Perhaps we ought to go there."
"I've got it marked out on my map." Marls replied eagerly, gesturing to Remus. "Let me know of any other good places, I want to make it a week or so length of a trip."
"You could just live in it for a while." Mary suggested, shrugging. "I mean, you're a witch."
"Speaking of living in vans," Sirius cut in, Marlene's amused face turning to face him with raised eyebrows. "Apparently Jeffrey Woolley from a few years ago has been doing that since he graduated, got meth brewing in the back or something."
"Merlin, I haven't heard about him in ages." I replied, fascinated by this news. "It doesn't surprise me."
"Something was always a little bit wonky with that kid." James commented shrewdly, tilting his head to the side.
"What d'you think of the French toast?" Peter grinned at Mar and I, pouring himself some more juice.
I swallowed my mouthful of creamy brioche and berry compote, resisting the moan threatening to slip from my lips.
"Well..." I began, letting out a long sigh as I turned to stare down at my plate. "I'm not sure if words really -"
"Mouthwatering." Mary finished for me, her cheeks full and bursting as she wolfed down a second mouthful.
"I hate it when they're right." Marlene said to me glumly.
"It's like we're objects." Sirius muttered to James, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Ah." James rubbed his eyes with one hand, stretching the other arm above his head. "D'you reckon Dumbledore would care if I cracked open a beer?"
"Considering how you're underage," Alice said objectively, tilting her head to the side. "I would advise not to."
"It's 10 o'clock in the morning, for Christ's sake." Marls gave James a look, slowly sipping on her coffee. "Even I'm not that bad." She added.
"Shall we get absolutely trollied tonight then?" Sirius grinned, sliding a casual arm around Marlene's shoulders.
"We have another option?" Remus asked amusedly.
"No, I just wanted to remind you." Sirius shrugged, tossing a raspberry into his open mouth.
"Have we got bevvys?" James asked, scraping the last of his plate clean and nudging his frames up the bridge of his nose with a knuckle. "Perhaps we're due a Hogsmeade visit."
I snorted and felt my heart skip a beat as James's amused eyes flickered to me.
"Between the eight of us - and that's including Sirius, who ingests beer like it's water," I chuckled, watching James's smile grow in response. "I'm sure we'll need a stock take."
"Sirius's sock draw," Peter suggested.
"Underneath his pillows." Remus grinned.
"You know, I have actually got whiskey in this coffee." Sirius cut in, lifting his mug to cheers the air with a wide, dazzling smile.
"I do vaguely remember there being a bottle of champagne underneath my bed." I admitted, fighting the smile creeping up my lips. "It's been a long week." I added defensively, watching as James raised an eyebrow at me amusedly.
"Rosmerta's five pound Prosecco?" Marlene asked me with a knowing grin, leaning into the table and resting her chin against a hand.
"You know it." I grinned in reply.
"That's the only thing that got me though sixth year." Mary said glumly. "I ended up ditching the glass and taking it right out of the bottle."
"And Lily's notes." Mary snorted.
"Blimey," Alice exclaimed, sliding her fork into the centre of her plate. She exhaled slowly, a small hand resting on her belly. "I am absolutely stuffed."
"Did you leave any for me?"
The eight of us looked up in unison to see a grinning Frank walking towards us, his usually combed back hair in a sleepy disarray and sweater vest attire discarded for a blue and white striped fleece pyjama set.
From the look on Ali's face she would hand over her entire plate of french toast if it would keep that dazzling smile on his face. Her face broke into an astonishing beam as he leaned in to kiss her cheek from behind, wrapping his arms around her chest tightly.
"Morning." She murmured, biting down on her bottom lip to stop from smiling.
"Hey Frank." I smiled up at him, scooting over on the bench to make room for him. A collective wave of hellos rippled through the table as he pressed another kiss to Ali's cheek, sliding his hand into hers as he stepped into the bench.
"Want a cuppa?" Remus offered, pouring himself a steaming hot mug.
"Cheers Rem, I'd be chuffed with a coffee."
"Did you have a nice morning?" Alice turned to gaze into Frank's face captivatingly, lifting a hand to brush the strawberry blonde hair from his eyes.
"It was lovely, thanks." His dimples winked down at her. "Do you want know what Mum sent me? Well, it's for both you and me, so I hope you do."
"Me?" Alice repeated, taken aback. "...are you sure? That's so lovely of her, she really shouldn't have."
"Oh but you're gonna love it." He grinned excitedly, accepting a steaming hot mug of coffee from Remus. "Cheers, mate."
"I wouldn't have a clue." Alice admitted, frowning in deep thought.
"Tickets," Frank began slowly, his eyes alight and sparkling. "To the Bee Gees!"
"What?" Alice exclaimed, gasping loudly. "The Bee Gees? But they're at the top of the charts!"
"Exactly." I thought Frank's cheeks might slice in half from his excitement.
"That's going to be so fun, Ali!" I nudged her in the shoulder, grinning widely at her surprise. "The Bee Gees are one of your favourites! When's the gig?"
"Sometime in the April holidays." Frank said, taking a sip of coffee. "Central London!"
"That's the best time you could have hoped for." Marlene pointed out, grinning at the couple across the table. "Wow, points to Mrs. Longbottom."
"And she's usually rubbish with gifts." Frank explained, shaking his head. "Strict as you can get and won't take no for an answer, either. I think this is the luckiest I'll get in my entire life."
"Sounds familiar." Sirius sighed, crossing his arms as he leant back in his seat. "I recall 'Lene saying that on the first night we were together."
"Sod off." Marls grinned, jabbing him in the ribs as the rest of the group laughed.
"I've got my gift for you upstairs." Ali murmured to Frank as James swooped in with a joke that Sirius found extremely entertaining due to the tears forming in his eyes.
"What do you know," Frank's smiling voice replied. "So do I."
I exchanged a look with Mary, clutching a hand to my heart as she fake sobbed into her coffee.
"I want to call them Mum and Dad." She whispered to me, and I snorted.
"I've got plans with these hooligans to have some sort of snow war." Alice rolled her eyes. "But I'll meet you afterwards in the common room."
"Say, one-ish?" He asked, piling his plate with French toast. It seems the Marauders had managed to win him over already.
"Perfect." She beamed, leaning in to kiss him softly.
"So Frank," Marlene began curiously, leaning in to the table and tilting her head to the side as he turned to face her with a wide smile. "Tell me, is this Christmas gift you've got for Ali an engagement ring, or?"
Frank's cheeks instantly bloomed with colour as Alice tutted irritably, shooting Marls a look.
"Marlene, shut your fat trap."
"Sorry dear, but it's such fun watching your face." She grinned, receding into Sirius's arms.
"You've made the poor fellow shit himself." He said to her, gesturing to a deeply blushing Frank. "Please, I beg of you, for the sake of Frank's sanity, never do that ever again."
"I was only joking." She sulked, crossing her arms.
"It's okay." Frank laughed, waving it off. "Don't worry about it. The Marauders toughened me up over the years."
"Frank, I just have to ask," James cut in, pausing his breakfast to look up. "I mean, truly, do you absolutely despise us? I would too, if it's any constellation." He added, placing his knife and fork down besides his plate.
"Of course not, lads." Frank shook his head, smiling amusedly. "And you know what, I'm sure I'd be a much funnier, sex educated bloke if I were still shackin' up there with you four, so I do hope I haven't lost your respect."
"If anything," Remus cut in, smiling to himself blandly. "My respect for you has absolutely skyrocketed, mate."
"I mean, I hate us." Sirius said mildly, turning to gesture to himself and the boys. "By all means, join the club."
"We're arseholes." Peter admitted glumly.
"Well," James paused, cocking his head. "Surely we're not arseholes. Are we?" He added.
It was silent as we all considered it.
"Kinda." I settled, offering him a cheeky grin.
"No you know what, I think it was the lack of maturity that actually got him, lads." Remus smiled grimly. Frank chuckled quietly, shaking his head.
"I wonder how different it would be if we had a fifth dorm member." I wondered, pushing my empty plate into the centre of the table.
"But what if she was annoying?" Mary asked with a grimace. "Or messy, or snarky..."
"That's literally you." Marlene retorted flatly.
"My only deal breaker would be if they didn't participate in our Karaoke." Alice added in. "Or if they didn't like wine. Or Billy Joel."
"Oh, Billy Joel." I agreed with a half moan that made James choke, running a hand through my hair distractedly.
"I think the humour thing would completely ruin it for me." Marlene said thoughtfully. "Everything else I can deal with, but if she didn't laugh at our dry jokes then she would be out of there."
"I'm beginning to think that we had the same idea as you, Marls." James grinned at Frank as Sirius threw his head back and laughed.
"The girls dorm sounds like fun." Remus was smiling, turning to me. "How often was Karaoke?"
"Of course it's fun," I grinned up at him. "We're a hoot!"
"Karaoke was at least once a week." Alice sighed, sinking her cheek against a palm. "Or, Lily would sing in the shower and we'd all tend to join in."
"We still sing in the shower," Marlene said, reaching for a third piece of French toast. "But of course it's an off key scream that couldn't compare to Lily's voice."
"Although, Mary has compensated now that she plays guitar for us more." Alice pointed out to Marlene.
"Imagine being able to sing." Frank sighed, shaking his head.
"Imagine being able to play guitar." James snorted.
"You play piano." Marlene pointed out with a smile.
"That's not the same." He frowned at her, raising a single eyebrow.
"Imagine having talent." Peter snorted. It was quiet for a brief moment before the nine of us burst out laughing, Sirius slamming his fist into the table top.
"I'm sorry," Marlene managed to say once she'd recovered from her chuckling. "Oh, that sounded so funny Peter."
"But you know it's not true." Alice pressed anxiously.
"It's been a running joke for half a decade." He waved an absentminded hand, chuckling quietly. "Don't worry about it Ali."
"Well, I'm about ready to wrap up and head outside for a tackle." Sirius grinned deviously, sliding his hands together in a cunning manner.
"What kind of tackle?" Marlene purred in his ear, leaning in to brush her lips against his jaw.
"Disgusting." James exclaimed loudly, holding a hand up to block the couple from his peripheral view as Sirius turned to smirk down at her.
"Contain yourselves." I warned, giving the couple a look as Sirius licked his bottom lip slowly, watching Marlene's mouth as she grinned up at him.
"You know what," Sirius said huskily without taking his eyes from her lips. "We might have to make a quick detour before the snow fight."
"Ew." Mary muttered as Remus glanced up to the ceiling in silent prayer, crossing his chest.
"They fuck like animals." James said to Frank pleasantly from across the table.
"Romantic." He managed to reply, his upper lip quivering slightly.
"Merlin's saggy Y-fronts..."Alice muttered underneath her breath.
"Hey, when - oi! I just saw Sirius's hand move underneath the table!" James exclaimed indignantly, shooting to his feet and pointing down at the couple with wide eyes. "I repeat his hand went under the table, under the table! Abort, abort!"
"Ugh, really Sirius?" Remus asked in exasperated disgust as we all leapt to our feet, Alice blocking her eyes with a hand.
"You two are filthy." Mary was fake retching as Sirius finally dragged his gaze from Marlene's face to roll his eyes at us.
"Calm down, I was fixing my trousers." He explained, waving an absent minded hand.
"Ew, that's even worse!" I exclaimed as a cheeky grin spread across his cheeks. James tilted his head back and roared with laughter while Marlene dragged herself out of the bench seat, jabbing her smirking boyfriend in the shoulder.
"Charming, babe." She rolled her eyes, tugging on his hand as we turned to exit the hall.
"Whoever gets to the Courtyard first gets dibs on drinks tonight." Sirius announced with a dazzling grin.
"Last one there has to take five shots of the rum that's been underneath my bed for eons."

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