Chapter Three: An Exhausting First Day

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- LILY -

When my eyes snapped open the next morning, the unfamiliarity of the bed I was in sent a surge of panic through my fatigued limbs. I shot up in my snug ball of covers faster then I ever thought possible, as all of yesterdays memories came flooding into focus. With a small sigh, I slumped back into the feathered pillows behind me and rubbed my eyes. James must've levitated me in here last night after his shower. The thought was so foreign to me, so...odd. I'd made it the next day; alive, with no missing limbs or anything. Why did he all of a sudden have to be so normal? It would make me feel a little better if he were still at least a tad arrogant. Well, I suppose he was. Merlin knew what to think about Potter.
I looked around my new dormitory, sparked with curiosity. If the rest of the common room had been so exquisitely beautiful, my room was sure to exceed any simple expectations I'd had.
What do you know - I'd been right. It was absolutely stunning.
To my left was the door, and following was me; curled up in a Queen sized four poster bed with lush Gryffindor hangings and a thick, scarlet duvet. The sheets were a luxurious golden silk, I realised, as I starfished contentedly beneath my covers. The room had two wooden nightstands, one on each side of the bed. There was a large open window to my right, with a breathtaking view of the Quidditch pitch and skyline, morning rays of sunshine peaking over the blanket of pine trees. I almost squealed in delight when my eyes were met with an elegant créme daybed at the windowsill, an idilic spot to catch up on any spare reading. It was accessorised with a grey throw & one red velvet cushion. I'd wanted a daybed for as long as I could remember.
To the right of the window was a full body length ornate mirror, shining with the perfect lighting during this time of day. On the other side was a gleaming bookshelf, around the same height as the mirror. It was half full, the colourful book bindings winking at me in anticipation. Tearing my eyes away from the tempting image, I glanced opposite me; where a large wooden chest of drawers & tall wardrobe stood against the créme coloured wall.
"Wow." I mouthed to myself, laughing in spite of how lucky I'd gotten. This was more luxury then I'd ever have in my entire life! I'd better make the most of it. With a sudden lurch of fear, I snapped my head to the mirror and scanned my reflection anxiously. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that my locks of hair remained both long & safely attached to my head. So James hadn't pranked me in my sleep, then. Merlin, and that had been such a splendid chance to have a go at me. Since when had Potter let such a good opportunity slide through his obnoxious fingers? I hoped he would sustain this normal level of respect throughout the duration of the year. Living in the same common room, sharing the very same air, was not going to be sit well with me. I valued my space, but not as much as I valued my sleep; something Potter would soon discover. I was definitely, not in a million years, nor would I ever be, a morning person.
My gaze slid to the trunk at the foot of my plush bed, awaiting my attention. With one last longing glance at the daybed, I heaved myself out from underneath silky covers and allowed the contents of my trunk to spill over the soft, créme carpet.
Once I'd packed all of my clothes and belongings away, I slid an A3 sized photograph from out of my trunk. A wide smile tugged at my cheeks as I dragged my fingers along the delicate wooden framing. It was of me, Marlene, Mary and Alice in the common room on Christmas Eve, at about 2 am mind you, in 5th year. Marlene and I were slung over the armchairs, Alice laying the floor and Mary sitting crossed legged at my feet, in front of the Christmas tree. We wore matching Christmas pyjamas, our faces shining with laughter. Even then, we looked so much younger compared to now - and wow, this was taken when Alice still had long hair. With a sharp wave of my wand the photography magically attached itself to the wall, above the bookshelf. I beamed at it proudly, an abundance of gratitude and love blooming through my veins.
I wriggled into my skirt and school shirt, struggling slightly when it came to adjusting my tie around the collar. I had never been very good with ties - Alice usually helped me with mine, to my embarrassmen. I slipped into plain black ballet flats, brushing a hand through my silky waves of hair and tucking it behind my ears. With one last glance in the mirror I shouldered my packed satchel, and departed my new dorm; ready for a fresh new day.
When I entered the room, the first thing I saw was James lounged across the big red couch with his eyes closed and glasses wonky upon his face.
"Good Morning." I mumbled unnaturally, attempting and failing to stifle my yawn. James opened a single eye, a wide grin spreading across his cheeks.
"Morning, Lily." My heart skipped a beat at the way my tongue rolled of his tongue, so annoyingly smooth.
"Have a good sleep?" He asked, pushing himself up from the couch.
"Sure did." I sighed, thinking on my silk sheets. "Oh and yeah, thanks by the way." I continued awkwardly, unsure whether I should look him in the eyes or what. He gave a loud rumbling laugh, and shrugged.
"It's what friends are for, right?" He winked, seizing his backpack from the carpet and chucking it over his shoulder.
"Right." I said, glancing into his face curiously. His hazel eyes were alight with undeniable joy, twinned with an infectious smiled. I'd always thought of his toerag eyes as an ugly mud brown colour, and avoided them at all costs. But I saw now, that was me being prejudiced. Now that I actually really looked into them, I saw that they were a dark dark chocolate brown, with golden specks of sunlight. James's hair was extremely ruffled as usual, his glasses crooked on his nose - as usual. I shook my head, and internally cursed myself. I know I was trying to understand his intentions, but studying him like a scientist would make me seem like a bit of a weirdo.
Why was I even looking at James Potter?
We walked down to breakfast together, joking and bantering easily most of the way down to the great hall. When we arrived, each of our friends were already seated - the six of them, side by side. It was a strange, unnerving thing to accustom to, seeing them all sit together - actually talking. Even a few passers by stared in surprise, wondering why on earth The Gryffindor girls had allowed the Maraduers to share their breathing space. I wasn't sure I liked it, quite yet.
"Where in the name of Merlin's saggy Y-fronts have you been? " Sirius demanded at first sight of us, his eyes popping. Marlene looked up in surprise, her jaw dropping when she saw me. She stared from me, then to James, back and forth, back and forth; with a strangely server expression forming her face. Remus was wide eyed, his mouth slightly open and eyebrows pulled together in confusion Oh, Godric. They'd definitely gotten the wrong impression.
"In our new common room." James flaunted, taking a seat by Sirius and loading his plate with eggs. I snorted at Marlene's face, and the two of us dove into an explanation all about the Heads dorm and our conversation with Dumbledore.
"You get your own common room?" Remus asked incredulously once we were finished, his mouth agape. "That'll be perfect for studying!"
"Exactly what Lily said." James chuckled, shaking his head. "Aliens."
I flashed Remus an understanding grin. The others would never understand.
"Well, that's..." Marlene cocked her head, grimacing slightly. "Worrying."
"We're never going to see James again." Peter said solemnly, bowing his head.
"I'll do the Eulogy at your funeral Prongs, I promise." Sirius clapped James on the back, pouring himself a glass of pumpkin juice.
I rolled my eyes, grabbing the buttering knife and  slabbing a mound of butter onto my slice of toast.
"You're lucky that you don't have the annoying first years." Mary grumbled from besides Remus, her eyes flashing. Alice giggled slightly, stifling it in her goblet.
"One of them tried to sit in Mary's seat last night." She explained to me when I'd raised my brows in question.
"Ah." I replied in understanding, and Marlene snorted. Ever since our very first year, Mary had audaciously always sat in the same armchair by the fire. Always. If anyone else tried to sit in it while she was in the room, get the jist. One time poor Peter even got a blood nose trying.
"Nevermind that - Can we have your password?" Sirius asked James eagerly, his eyes flashing with excitement. James opened his mouth to reply, however I cut in instantly.
"Only If you tell us when you're coming!" I warned, glaring at him. "I may call you by your first name, but I am not living with you, too. One Marauder is enough."
James chuckled at that, and shrugged at Sirius as if to say 'she's right'. My lips curved upwards into a smug smile as I took a sip of frothing coffee.
"Okay, okay. Agreed." James said with a small smile, his lips twitching. Sirius beamed at me, his face lighting up like a little kid who's discovered a new favourite playground. I feared that was exactly the case...
Marlene snickered at his eager reaction, her hazel eyes twinkling with glee. Sirius whipped his head around to her and winked, flashing Marlene a careless smirk. Her cheeks warmed ever so slightly, turning a pale shade of pink.
Hang on a minute - detective Lily was officially back in business again. Marlene's unyielding confidence was represented through a constant, flirtatious smirk or grin, but never, ever, ever - did she blush.
I glanced to Sirius curiously, my thoughts racing. It was common knowledge that her and Sirius flirt, they'd been doing so for six years on and off for Christ's sake. Hooked up a few good times, too. But had she potentially grown feelings for the prankster? I'd have to interrogate her later.
"So, how is it sharing a common room with Potter?" She now whispered in my ear, wiggling her eyebrows as Sirius leapt into a stupid conversation about the creation of Dungbombs with the boys. Apparently, they'd been wanting to find out about this valued information for months, beats me.
"Marly!" I whispered indignantly and gave her arm a playful slap. She laughed, dodging my next blow.
"Really, though." Alice pressed, her round face alight with curiosity. "Your own common room..."
"Still a git?" Mary asked sympathetically, reaching for a toasted bagel. I glanced over to the boy in question, to see him laughing at something Sirius had said. His eyes sparkled as he flashed his pearly white teeth.
"He'll always be a git." I snorted, watching him pull a twisted expression that resembled a monkey. "But..." I continued thoughtfully, still watching him. "So far, no. He's been helpful, even kind. And, even though it kills me to say it, but Potter's actually a funny bloke. Who knew?"
"Well, a lot of people actually." Mary grimaced, offering me an apologetic glance.
"Maybe you should give him a chance, Lils." Marlene whispered to me as McGonagall started coming round and handing out the day's timetable. "Just think...Headboy & Girl. Wouldn't you two look good together?"
I started in shock, staring at her as though she'd utterly lost any trace of sanity. Which, maybe she had, if these were the kind of twisted thoughts she was having.
"What?" I exclaimed incredulously, scanning her pretty face for any signs of Chrystal meth side effects. "No! Marlene McKinnon, have you utterly lost your mind?" I looked to Mary and Alice desperately for support, only to see them avert their eyes and hurriedly distract themselves with their breakfasts. Marlene gave me a knowing look, as if she wanted to say, 'I'm not the only one thinking this.'
"Come on!" I snapped in outrage, offended that she could even contemplate the thought. "I'm insulted, frankly. He may be acting like a completely different person then the Potter I knew last year, miraculously, but he's still the reason I cried countless nights!" I grinded my teeth together, my appetite lost. "Look, say he's changed. Alot. And say I'm willing to be his friend, as inevitably living and working together. But that is all, okay? And it'll stay that way, until my very last breath."
The three of them exchanged an unreadable glance.
"Okay, Lil." Alice answered nonchalantly, while Mary offered me an apologetic grimace.
"Whatever you say." Marly shrugged, accepting her timetable from McGonagall.

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