Chapter Thirty Two: Christmas Morning

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- LILY -

I dreamt of a phantom James.
We danced underneath the stars in a constant rhythm of lights and warmth and stars. He caressed my cheek on the dance floor, taking my face in his warm, broad hands. I felt myself drowning in his eyes, his nose, his lips, the scar between his eyebrows and both of those tanned, smiling cheeks. He was close; so close that I could feel his phantom warm breath fan across my skin like the touch of a kiss. James leant closer, his full lips parting slightly as I tilted my face upward -
An abrupt thump wrenched me out of the paradise like dream, the stars, the music, the shape of his lips -
I soared upright, hair flying into my face and heart racing in my chest as I panted slightly from the adrenaline high of my sleeping fantasy. I could feel a hot blush creeping in as I pulled my thick mane of curled hair out of my face and over a shoulder, blinking away the image of James's gleaming face.
"Third tries a charm." A familiar grinning voice said from somewhere nearby. I blinked once, groggily squinting upwards to distinguish the source.
"Honestly Lil, I thought you'd gone into a coma for a minute." Marlene grinned at me from the edge of my bed, blonde ringlets of hair knotted at the nape of her neck with two red pillows grasped in between her hands. "A drooling, snoring coma." She added.
Taken aback from the brightness of my room with the red drapes still hanging wide open from last night, I blinked again, letting my eyes adjust. As I swivelled them across my room to investigate the state of my surroundings, I discovered a familiar pair of satin heels from last night kicked off at the door, followed by my beautiful, emerald gown lying across the end of my bed where I'd discarded it what felt like mere moments ago.
"Earth to Lily." Marls clicked a finger in front of my eyes. They slid to her amused smile, blinking once.
"Are you even conscious?" She snorted, arching a single eyebrow. I smiled at her sleepily, straightening up to slump against my headboard.
"Gods, what time is it?" I yawned, pulling my covers away and glancing down to see that I was in nothing but an oversized Beatles t-shirt.
I glanced back to Marlene, noticing that she was dressed in her pair of our matching Christmas Pyjamas from fifth year.
"So early." I mumbled, letting myself flop back against my satin pillows with a sigh. "Seven hours of sleep isn't enough. You should know better. Just look at me."
"Lily," Marlene's voice shook with laughter. "It's Christmas!"
My eyes wrenched themselves open, the créme coloured ceiling of our Heads common room staring down at me in reproach. There was another faint snort and I dragged myself upwards, groggily rubbing a hand over my fogged, sleep encrusted eyes.
"There we go." Marlene rolled her eyes at me, folding her arms. A sharp pain tugged at the back of my neck and I winced, wondering if I'd fallen asleep in a strange position after stripping off my knickers.  Both lay in a crumpled heap on the carpet besides my bedside, where I slowly turned to look.
"You ought to be careful with Potter next door." Marlene sniggered, following my gaze to the collection of black lace. I felt my cheeks warm at the thought and threw her a scowl, brushing my hair behind an ear as I slipped in onto the carpet.
"The others are all here -"
"You ran over in your pjs?" I asked her amusedly over my shoulder as I dug in the chest of draws opposite, fishing out a pair of underwear, green silk pyjama pants and a red crewneck sweater that read 'Newcastle' over the front in white print.
"Of course I did." She rolled her eyes at me through my mirror, where I now stood cringing at my horrifying reflection.
"But Isn't it freezing out there?" I shivered at the thought, combing my hair back into a knot atop my head and squeezing a dollop of rose oil moisturiser onto my hands.
"Yeah. But it's Christmas." She repeated with a grin, padding to my side and swiping a finger of moisturiser from my palm to smooth against her cheeks. "Wasn't last night fun?"
"Incredibly." I agreed, smiling a little dreamily at all the memories resurfacing in my mind. "I can't wait to develop my film camera, I'm sure there'll be some hidden gems." I placed the moisturiser back on my dresser, slipping into my pyjama pants. "Especially from when Sirius lent it to those younger Gryffindor boys."
"Do let me know when you find them." She snorted, patting down her cheeks and hair in the mirror as I tugged on my favourite Christmas socks; red with bright green Christmas trees sewn onto the cotton.
"Are you lot coming or what?" A familiar voice yelled through the walls, followed by a string of Mary's favourite profanities that I'm sure Jesus would not appreciate on his beloved birthday.
"She's almost crankier than you in the mornings." Marlene breathed to me, turning to face my open bedroom door. "Coming, you old bat!" She bellowed in return, striding forwards. I dragged a white fluffy robe around my shoulders from the edge of my bed, gingerly shuffling after her.
"Oh," I winced weakly, lifting a hand to cover my face at the dim early morning light that filtered in through the common room windows. "Daylight."
"Good grief." Marlene muttered at the sight of me emerging behind her.
"It's so early, Santa hasn't even been yet." I complained as she grabbed onto my wrist and promptly dragged me behind her.
"Morning, dear." Alice's face was the first I saw, her hair tied into little buns atop the crown of her head. She was wrapped up in a pink dressing gown and the same matching pyjamas as Marlene but paired with bright lime green slippers. A steaming mug of something that wafted delicious smells towards me was clutched between her hands. I stumbled a little on way towards her, offering a tired smile as I fell into Ali's comforting arms.
"Morning love - oh, and Merry Christmas!" The words were slightly delayed as I pulled back to scan her glowing cheeks. "What's that you've got in your cup? I think I need some."
She giggled reply, pointing to the table before the fireplace where a tray of half empty mugs and a steaming pot of coffee sat.
"Oh," I almost moaned, sliding an arm around her waist to support myself. "Isn't that a glorious sight."
A flicker of movement caught my eye from feet away. I raised my eyebrows as Marlene cocked her head to the side, the three of us watching in amusement.
James and Sirius were sparring with their broomsticks in front of the glistening Christmas tree, robe strings tied around their heads like pirate bandanas as they raced forwards and dodged each other's blows. My mouth tugged up at the corners as I noted James's scarlet robe, red and green Christmas sweater and penguin pyjama pants, almost twinned to Sirius's navy blue gown, similarly patterned Christmas sweater and bright red flannel slacks. I bit down on my bottom lip to stop my smile from growing, hoping no one noticed as I watched him laugh loudly in response to something Sirius muttered. He was soon caught off guard when James jabbed him underneath the rib, a curse slipping from his lips.
"Aren't they charming?" Marlene sighed, slinging an arm around my shoulders as the two boys crashed into the carpet with a deafening thud and roar of laughter. I let my eyes slide to the glowing tree, shining bright amongst the piles of gift wrapped parcels and presents that had been neatly arranged around the outskirts of the pine needles by the house-elves late last night; gathered from the secret locations we'd left them. Wrappings of red and white, glittering gold, striped green and snowflake silver decorated the plush red carpet, matching the assorted sweets that sat glistening in a crystal bowl on the centre of the coffee table besides the beverage tray. Mary sat cross legged on the floor, snorting at the boys and popping a chocolate into her mouth, lounged in an oversized hoody and trackie bums. Next was Remus who lay across the loveseat with his head resting besides hers, followed by Peter sitting on the arm, laughing along gleefully.
"Merry Christmas, Lily!" Mary exclaimed when she caught me watching, her full lips spreading into a dazzling grin.
"Merry Christmas!" Peter and Remus echoed cheerfully, looking up to Ali, Marlene and I with wide smiles.
"The beast has awoken." Mary continued to grin with a cheeky flick of her eyebrow.
"Merry Christmas." I smiled at them a little sleepily, shuffling forwards to the coffee table. Lacking the energy to make it to the couch I decided to settle next to Mary, reaching in to pour myself a cup of steaming coffee in one of the brightly Christmas decorated mugs. It took me a few moments longer than it should have, and eventually Mar reached in to stir a teaspoon of sugar for me when she noticed my hands failing to grasp the jar.
"It's like I'm hungover." I mumbled to her as she chuckled, stirring the steaming contents. A sudden warm hand on my shoulder had me starting in shock, and I was all of a sudden grateful that it was Mary's hands around the coffee mug, not mine; and that it was not now spilt all over my front.
"When are you going to stop doing that?" I exclaimed weakly, looking up as James's face floated into view; hair stuck up at the back as usual, no longer falling straight around his face effortlessly. I decided I rather liked his natural hair as that same crooked grin spread across his tanned cheeks, sparkling at me with the promise of mischief. Suddenly, the absence of his warm, broad hand was felt like a block of ice sliding down the back of my shoulder.
"Merry Christmas, Lil." He winked at me, reaching over my shoulder for one of the half filled mugs on the coffee table. I fought the urge to gulp at the feeling of his body heat radiating towards me from the underneath of his arm, stretching out over my back. I wondered what his muscles looked like flexing underneath that robe as he pulled away with his mug of coffee -
"Lily Flower!" Sirius called out from behind us, shoving an indignant James aside. Soon another strong arm was wrapped around my shoulders, shaking me affectionately. "What the hell are you doing on the floor? Come here, you stupid woman -"
Before I knew it I was being dragged onto the couch without having to do anything at all, blinking in mild surprise. I wriggled into the cushions, letting my head tip back against the couch as Sirius and James flopped down on either side of me with twin grins spreading across their faces.
"How lovely is," I said wryly, looking up at James over the edge of my mug. His eyes twinkled at me as he sipped on his coffee. "Having two tall friends that carry me around so I needn't worry my pretty little head."
"One tall friend." James corrected, flashing Sirius a grin.
"Taller than me, I should've said." I clarified as Sirius scowled.
"Lily sleeps like the dead," Marlene continued to tell Remus and Peter animatedly as she settled into my usual place on the armchair besides the fire. "I had to toss pillows at her."
"Oh, I do that on the daily." James waved a dismissive hand, turning to wink at me. My stomach churned, a wave of warmth spreading throughout my bones.
"How long have you all been here?" I tried and failed to stifle my yawn as Sirius slid his arm around my shoulders, resting his head against my own comfortably. I almost smiled at how sweet the gesture was, remembering how he'd used to hate any form of affection for years, even with James. I pat his head gently, a small smile on my lips.
"Not too long." Alice assured me, joining Mary on the carpet. "Marly's only teasing."
"I'll never understand how people have the motivation to wake up early every single day of the week." I croaked, closing my eyes and taking a blissful sip of the rich ground coffee beans.
"It's tradition." Mary replied obviously.
"I used to be up by five am when I was small." James laughed, his arm brushing against mine slightly, reminding me of all our exchanged casual touches last night in our shared paradise dream - and the real life dancing, which had been all too good to be true.
"Me too." Peter agreed, tugging on his Christmas beanie.
"Has Moony fallen asleep again?" Sirius frowned from besides me. I followed his gaze to the loveseat, where Remus lay flat on his back with an arm draped over the side of the couch and mouth hung open wide. Soft exhales of breath rippled the strands of hair splayed over his face, his chest rising and falling softly. Peter snorted loudly as Sirius seized a pillow from the floor, swinging it directly at Remus's sleeping head. The impact was met with a gentle thud, and I found myself tutting disapprovingly at the boys' chuckling as Remus's light blue eyes snapped open.
"Cunt." Was all he muttered before he closed them again in the exact same position.
"I think he had too much punch last night." Marlene was grinning dazedly, burping and patting at her chest. "No, you know what - I think I had too much punch last night."
"I'm not sorry." Sirius winked at her, wriggling his eyebrows. "I would drunkenly dance with you under the stars any day, lover."
Mary said something that I didn't quite hear as I lifted my wand from my robe pocket, silently summoning my Polaroid camera. There was a slight rustle from inside my room, everyone pausing to look as it came floating towards me and settled on my lap like an obedient pet.
I pat it affectionately and let out a long sigh before having a third, prolonged sip of coffee.
"Looking a bit rough, Evans." James grinned down at me crookedly. I poked my tongue out, mimicking him sourly and leant in to set my coffee down on a coaster.
"You look worse." I lied.
"Come now, we both know that isn't true." He winked, nudging me in the side gently. He was right, but I would never admit that.
"I can stop hearing your voice, Flower." Sirius admitted, rolling his head to face me against the plush red couch. I copied him, the two of us tiredly grinning at eachother in a way that would have appeared drunkenly to watching strangers.
"You mean that?" I managed to ask a little sleepily.
"Of course I mean it." He frowned, flicking my nose with his finger. I pouted, pulling a face at him. "You were like an angel up there, even I almost cried."
"While Prongs wept like a damned baby." Peter grinned from the arm of the love seat.
My mouth fell open in shock and I spun around to face James, who now glowered at Peter so vehemently I thought his eyes might pop from their sockets.
"What?" I exclaimed incredulously, scanning his face. "I didn't see -?"
"He shed a small tear." Remus cut in, smiling at me. "I admit, my eyes were burning, Lil."
"Oh, come on." I scoffed, waiting for them to snort.
"No, it's true." Mary sighed, lifting a hand to rest against her forehead. "Even me, the cold hearted bitch."
"I cry all the time, so that doesn't really mean much." Alice grinned sheepishly. "But you were beautiful Lily. I wish you'd consider performing more."
Taken aback I found myself gaping, slowly leaning back against the couch.
"Did you enjoy it?" Sirius asked curiously, tilting his head. I breathed out a laugh, letting my eyes flutter closed as I transferred myself back into the memory of stars and lights and Christmas wreaths.
"More than anything else I've ever done. I feel so fulfilled, like I should have done something like that so long ago." I opened my eyes to face the ceiling, exhaling slowly. "You can thank James for forcing me into it." I turned to see him smirk rather proudly, robe string still tied around his head like a fool.
"You say that as if it wasn't enjoyable." He grinned at me over the top of his coffee mug. I gave him a look.
"You know that it meant a lot to me." I paused, and felt my face soften. "Thankyou, again."
His grin only widened as he sipped from his mug, teeth glinting in the light as the two of us silently refused to break our unnerving eye contact.
"Presents!" Sirius called out abruptly, leaping up from the couch and throwing himself towards Remus, who remained half asleep on the loveseat. Sirius paused in front of him with a contemplative look, cocked his head, turned, and sat directly on Remus's back before leaning in to yell in his year "presents, presents, presents!"
"Don't be a prick." Marlene scowled as a startled Remus slipped from the cushions and away from a laughing Sirius, Mary hastily scooting herself out of the way as he landed on the floor besides her with a loud thump. A prolonged moan of pain slid from his lips, the seven of us collectively cringing.
"Come here." Mary coaxed soothingly, grasping his arm gently to ease him up into a sitting position.
"Bad dog." Marlene hissed, whacking a cackling Sirius over the head and turning with her nose in the air to sway over towards the Christmas tree.
"I had to." He laughed, ducking out of the way as James threw a nearby book at him. It soared onto the other side of the room, slamming into his bedroom door and sliding to the floor with a quiet thud.
"I can barely keep up with anything." I mumbled tiredly as Mary called out that she would be handing out her gifts first.
"Sleepy head." James grinned down at me. I clicked a photo of him grinning over his coffee cup, and then one of Remus covering his face with his hands on the floor and Sirius sniggering behind him.
"C'mon." James offered me a hand, and I dazedly accepted it with my own free one, allowing him to gently lift me to my feet and direct me over to the Christmas tree where everyone now huddled in a circle on the luscious carpet.
"They're not that exciting." Mary added with a slightly alarmed expression, wincing slightly as she gathered several sparkling red packages in her arms. "Just...I thought of you when I saw it, and it comes from a good place."
"That sounds oddly seductive." Sirius muttered to me, causing Marlene to snort and elbow him in the side.
"How about we make a pact to not worry about what we got for eachother?" Peter asked the room at large rather sheepishly. "I know that everyone finds Christmas shopping hard, and -"
"Agreed!" James announced before he could get in another word, holding his hands up to all of us not unlike Dumbledore before his start of year feast speech. "It comes from the heart; Christmas is about giving, not receiving, and I think -"
"Like sex." Sirius grinned.
"Precisely!" James cried out, before pausing and turning to look at him with a small frown. "Wait. No, completely irrelevant -"
"So you think sex is about receiving?" I teased him, raising my eyebrows. James paused, his flitting to me.
"I've really dug myself a grave here, haven't I?" He asked no one in particular.
"Absolutely." I smiled at him pleasantly as Marlene laughed. He sighed, reaching a hand to scratch the back of his head.
"Let's just open the damn presents already." Sirius cut in, winking at me as Marlene flicked him on the head with a chiding comment. Mary, who had paused mid air with seven gifts bundled in her arms, nodded and began to offload them to everyone. She juggled them about slightly, almost tripping over Remus's outstretched legs before finally settling down in the circle once more.
"I really don't like this part." She sighed with a slight grimace, plopping her chin onto a knee. "I love you all, and Merry Christmas. Please like them, and if you don't, just lie."
"Merry Christmas, Mar." I grinned at her, setting my camera aside to unwrap the glistening parcel she'd handed me. I ripped apart the paper seams without a moments hesitation as James neatly peeled every piece of spellotape away before carefully unfolding his wrapping. We shared an amused grin at our different techniques and I shook my head, throwing the ball of scrunched paper over my shoulder. My eyes dragged themselves from James's softened face, falling upon the rectangle box that now sat in my hands with the orange 'Nike' logo on the front.
"Mary!" I exclaimed in surprise, snapping my head up to stare at her with wide eyes. "You didn't!"
"I know you love them." She grinned widely as I fumbled with the note on the top, gaping in flabbergast.
Merry Christmas babe! Just a little something that I knew you've been wanting for a while.
And don't worry, they were on sale.
I snorted loudly at this, Mary joining in with me and turning to explain to Marlene what we found so amusing.
Lots of love, the note continued.
Mar x
"You are an angel, you are." I shook my head, sliding a hand down the side of my face. "You really shouldn't have, Mary."
"Bless." Alice pouted.
"Are you going to open it or what?" Mary laughed at me, arching a sing eyebrow. Still grinning, I lifted the top of the box to find a pair of shining white and red Nike Cortez sneakers sparkling at me. I almost whimpered at the sight, reaching out to trace a finger over the side of the glossy shoe exterior.
"They're very sexy." Sirius informed me knowingly from where he watched over my shoulder, both him and James leaning in to admire them with me.

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