Chapter Forty Six: "You don't get to lecture me about morals."

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Ten minutes later we found ourselves waiting at the bottom of the girls staircase impatiently, as a very distressed Padfoot paced the length of the common room.
"I am this close to putting a body bind curse on you." Moony said tonelessly when he strode past us for the millionth time, dragging a hand through his raven locks. "We've only been waiting a few moments, I'm sure they'll be down any second."
"Yeah, well every ruddying 'second' that goes past -" Padfoot replied through gritted teeth, turning on his heel. "- the longer my beautiful girlfriend has to think about all the reasons why I'm an arsehole. And that she deserves better, and that I've never been good enough for someone like her -"
"That's a load of bullshit, Padfoot." I cut in flatly, lifting a condescending hand to my hip. "And you know it. You two deserve eachother."
"When did you both become girls?" Wormtail asked in amazement, causing Moony to snort. Padfoot shook his head and let out a slight yell of frustration, throwing his hands up into the air.
"I could lose the only good thing that's ever happened to me over something as stupid as another girl, who I don't even give a flying fuck about." He pushed on angrily. "Donovan, of all people! Do you realise how fuc -" He abruptly cut himself off, coming to a sudden halt. Sirius's eyes trailed upwards and he slowly turned himself to face the staircase, Moony, Wormtail and I attentively following his gaze. Descending the last step was the very girl he was fretting about, strutting with an air of maddening confidence. Marlene paused with a hand dangling above the railing, her serene expression instantly hardening.
"'Lene." Sirius breathed out in relief, taking a step towards her. Her hovering arm dropped to her side limply, and she too took a step forwards.
"Sirius." Her voice was cold.
"Well!" I exclaimed loudly, clasping my hands together. I turned to Moony with a bright smile, flashing my eyes at him in a desperate plea.
"I am starving, anyone care to join me?"
"I could eat all damned day." Peter answered quickly, already hurling for the portrait hole at top speed.
"Absolutely ravenous." Remus agreed with false enthusiasm, turning to the foot of the stairs. Lily had appeared in the last few seconds, a small frown tugging between her brows. She blinked once and must have seen the urgent looks on our faces, her pace all of a sudden quickening.
"Morning." She mumbled awkwardly, sliding in between Marlene and Sirius; who were far too concentrated in one another's faces to acknowledge her. She exchanged an alarmed glance with me before happily accepting Remus's extended arm without even a second of hesitation.
"Where are the -"
"Alice, Mary! " I interrupted Remus, shooting them both a meaningful look as the two of them clambered down the last few stairs tiredly.
"I haven't seen either of you in about seven whole hours - how insane is that?"
They glanced to eachother, and then to Marlene and Sirius (who now stood feet apart in a devastatingly tense silence) for what must have been single millisecond, before racing to my side.
"So, so crazy." Alice exclaimed as we hastily followed Remus and Lily out of the portrait hole, ducking our heads.
"Get me out of here." Mary muttered underneath her breath as the fat lady closed behind us with a gentle creak, releasing the breath I'd been holding in. I looked up and an instant smile replaced the grimace on my cheeks at the sight of Lily, waiting for us in the corridor. Her lips curved up into a sparkling grin whilst I admired her auburn waves of hair, green knit sweater and straight legged jeans. She popped out an expectant hip as I strode towards her, sliding a hand across her shoulders and up the curve of her neck. 
"Hi, there." She laughed quietly as I wordlessly leaned in, brushing my mouth against hers. I kissed her softly, absorbing the exact shape and feel of her rosy lips.
"Hi." I murmured against her before pulling away, flashing her a slightly dazed smile. My hand automatically slid to her waist and tugged her into my side, her presence instantly relaxing me.
"Well, at least one paradise remains undisturbed." Mary snorted as we looked up to the others, who were watching us with mixed expressions of adoring amusement.
"If Lily and James aren't speaking, that's when you know things are bad." Remus grinned at us. "Whereas It's every other day with those two." He jerked his head in the direction of the portrait hole.
"I think world war three is about to go down." Alice admitted fearfully as her eyes darted to the fat lady, who watched the six of us in mild entertainment.
"Do fill me in, won't you?" She asked nosily, plumping her short trimmed curls with a pudgy hand.
"Here we go..." Mary muttered to herself, rolling her eyes when I shot her an amused glance.
"As if you didn't hear the commotion last night." I scoffed, eyeing the fat lady. She was such an old gossip sometimes.
"Commotion?" She frowned, pulling her hand away. "I heard nothing!" She paused. "Well, no. I did hear what sounded like a suit of armour being thrown onto the floor, and at one point Peeves was laughing so loudly I thought Filch must've been killed. But..."
"Sounds like them." Lily grimaced, exchanging an exasperated glance with me. "They must have been in the next corridor along."
"Well?" The fat lady asked expectantly, looking from me to Lily. "Are you going to share, or not?"
"Sirius called another girl hot." Remus explained tiredly, shaking his head. "And, well...Marlene didn't take it too well. I've never seen them this tense, actually."
"Oh, dear." Her cheerful voice became abruptly dreary. She looked from Remus, to me, to Pete, a small frown creased between her perfectly plucked brows. "That really is a pickle. I truly hope he won't go and ruin it all, now."
"I think we all do." Lily sighed. "I have faith in him, though."
"C'mon." Mary mumbled, waving farewell to the fat lady as she looked down to adjust the ties on her red corset. "Let's get out of here, I honestly am ravenous."
"Do you really think they'll be okay?" Alice asked anxiously as we strolled along the corridor, rounding the corner of the next.
"They're supposed to be together," Lily answered firmly, snaking an arm around my waist as we walked. "I mean, just look at them. They fight like any odd couple, but have you ever seen either one of them happier then they are when they're together?"
"That's very true." Mary inclined her head, frowning slightly. "Even if they do disagree often. They're so happy it's almost intoxicating, sometimes."
"I feel like they're that couple that'll scream at eachother for not doing the laundry," I began, snorting to myself. "And then have sex on top of it and forget what they were even arguing about in the first place."
"I think you just predicted their future." Mary laughed loudly.
"I'm betting on that." Alice grinned.
"He's a better person around her." Remus added, blowing a strand of hair from his face. "And she, him. They'll work it out."
"I think they will." I said to Alice assuringly, flashing her a warm smile. "Did Lily tell you? The advice I had to give him was actually valid for once. This is a milestone for me."
"Bravo, bravo." Mary grinned. "Congratulations, Potter."
"Why, thankyou." I drawled in reply. "By the way Mar, you were absolutely off your head last night. Are you okay?"
She snorted, tugging her thick mane of braids into a looped bun at the nape of her neck.
"As soon as Lily handed me that brew, I was golden." She shook her head and grimaced at me. "Let's not talk about the state I was in beforehand."
"Let's." Alice agreed darkly, exchanging a look with Lil.
"I had so much fun, I can't stop thinking about it." She grinned, glancing up to meet my gaze. "Thankyou, all of you. I really feel much too spoilt, you shouldn't have."
"The least we could do, really." Remus smiled, shoving his hands into his trouser pockets. "Welcome, Lil."
"Glad you enjoyed it!" Alice beamed, linking arms with Mary.
"I feel like I need to applaud you all for not letting on." Lily went on with an amused chuckle. "It's unheard of! Mary McDonald can't keep a single thought to herself, and Alice - you are the literal worst liar I've ever known in my eighteen years of living."
The two girls shared a rather triumphant glance, wide grins spreading across their cheeks.
"I am quite proud, dare I say." Mary's grin widened.
"You were so close to giving us away, it's not even funny." I rolled my eyes, instinctively pulling Lily up into my side by her hips as I stepped over the vanishing stair. I gave her bum a cheeky squeeze as I did, a smug smile curving up the corner of my mouth.
"Wha -" She glanced down in confusion as her feet met the floor once again. "Oh."
"Everytime." I teased as she looked back up to my face.
"Oh shut up, Potter." She scolded. "I'm not the one who designed a magical map of Hogwarts including every single damned detail of the place."
"You're not, thanks for reminding me of the incomprehensible amount of talent required." I winked, pulling her closer to me. She tutted, unable to stifle the small smile that tugged at her lips.
"Mar, you were awful at keeping it secret." Remus was laughing over his shoulder from the front of our party. "Like the other day, when you asked Lily what she felt like doing on the weekend and then you stopped mid sentence -" He snorted, shaking his head. "Mar goes, 'oh, shit! I forgot, nevermind, I know exactly what you're doing'."
We laughed in unison, just as we rounded the bend of the first corridor on the sixth floor.
"My bad." Mary admitted sheepishly.
"It all makes much more sense, now." Lily grinned. "I was becoming quite suspicious, I can't believe I didn't guess from how excited Marlene was to get me into that damned dress."
"Our excuses became weak in the end, I'm afraid." Alice admitted grimly.
"About that - " I said seriously, glancing down to meet Lil's sparkling eyes. "I promise you Lily, that I am never, ever going to stop making out with you ever again with the absolutely repulsive, ridiculous excuse of 'I have homework'." I was unable to suppress a shudder at the memory, shaking my head. "That was quite literally the single worst moment of my entire life."
Remus threw his head back and laughed loudly.
"Study time in the library with Moony!" He grinned at me. "What's so rare about that, Prongs? We do it all the time!"
Alice, Mar, Peter and Lil snorted in unison.
"You really couldn't think of anything better?" Wormtail asked in exasperation.
"I panicked." I replied weakly, sliding a hand across my face. "It'll haunt me until I take my last breath."
"The unbelievable thing is, I didn't even think twice." Lily grinned without taking her eyes away from me. "A small part of me was relieved that you willingly wanted to get some work done - there goes my hopes and dreams."
I laughed at her and leant in to brush my lips against her forehead affectionately.
"You're funny, babe." I grinned, admiring the dimples in her cheeks. "But I've never been more ashamed of myself, even when I got a T in Charms."
"What about the time you lost to Hufflepuff in fifth year?" Remus smirked over his shoulder.
"I said I'm ashamed, Moony." I rolled my eyes. "Not suicidal."
"Glad to know where I stand." Lily said teasingly.
"She really must've snogged you senseless for you to pull the homework card." Mary sniggered. "You poor, poor bugger."
"Mmmhm." I grinned lazily, dragging a free hand through my hair. "Quite the contrary - the snogging is rather enjoyable."
"'Rather enjoyable?'" Lily repeated incredulously, raising her eyebrows. "What, I don't get any 'I spent six years waiting for Lily Evans to snog me senseless Mar, I am the single happiest man on earth' -"
"Shut it!" I laughed indignantly, nudging her in the shoulder as the others' loud snorts of amusement echoed through the corridor.
"I get a decent earful of that just about everyday." Peter grinned cheekily, and I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever, rat."
"What about you, Rem?" Lily called, her voice shaking with laughter. "You get snogged senseless last night, or what?"
A strange choked sound escaped me, and I was forced to cover my mouth with a hand to stifle my snigger. Remus abruptly halted in his step, slowly looking over his shoulder at the five of us. His face was strained as he opened his mouth to speak, before silently closing it again.
"Don't tell me you kissed her like that." Mary said with a small snort.
"Oh no." Alice muttered quietly, glancing up to the ceiling as if in prayer.
"We snogged, alright." Remus replied in a low voice before turning on his heel and continuing down the corridor, his pace rapidly increasing in speed.
"...alright." Mary glanced to me in surprise, an unspoken question.
"There are many, many regrets." I muttered out the corner of my mouth. "I suggest treading with care."
"Well that doesn't sound good." Lily murmured apprehensively, cocking her head as we watched him speed walk up the next staircase. "Merlin, If he goes any faster he'll eat shit."
I snorted at the way she said the words without any trace of amusement in her tone.
"I don't think I've ever seen anyone take the stairs that quickly." Peter commented in an impressed tone. "Good on him."
"Go on," Mary urged, jerking her head in his direction. "I want to hear all about his deep and meaningful regrets. You never know, I might learn something - I tend to share the same reckless tendencies."
"That was very un-Remus-like, though." Ali pointed out, grimacing as we watched him stroll right into the astronomy teacher at the very top of the staircase. Her books went flying out of her arms in every single direction, landing splayed on the stone floor.
"Ah." Mary flinched.
"I am so sorry, Professor -" Remus apologised profusely as he bent down to retrieve her belongings in a very flustered manner.
"I'm afraid the similarity stops there." Lily agreed quietly.
"Gave me a right stroke." Peter admitted with a small snicker. "Thought someone'd died, the bloody state of him..."
"Better wait for him to inform you of the gory details." I said glumly, suppressing a flinch at the memory of his haggard attire. "Poor, poor Moony."
"That really doesn't sound good." Lily replied in mild alarm, her eyebrows tugging into a frown.
"It's not." Peter assured her, wrinkling his nose.
"His mental health is going to take a serious hit from this." I sighed, shaking my head.
"You're making it sound like he killed her." Mary rolled her eyes. "I'm sure he'll get over whatever it is."
"I'm frightened to admit that I can't agree." Peter replied lightly, scratching the back of his neck.
"Dark times, my friends." I sighed. "Dark, dark times."
"I've never seen him in pieces like this." Ali bit her lip anxiously.
"I must admit there's only been a few occasions that I have." I confessed, frowning at him. "He's fine, just a little...well, -"
"Morbid?" Peter suggested, causing Mary to snort.
"Morbid." Lily agreed, her frown deepening.
We arrived at the great hall moments later, Remus halting in his step halfway down the house table and turning on his heel abruptly - insisting we eat down the end to 'avoid unwanted company'.
"So it was that bad?" Lily muttered as she took a seat besides Alice. I joined her and instantly reached out for the pot of coffee, grimacing as I poured us two steaming mugs.
"It was that bad." I replied darkly.
"Eggs on toast are the best hangover meal, are they not?" Mary sighed dreamily, gazing down at her plate of scrambled eggs and bacon.
"Mmhm." Alice agreed a little dazedly, buttering a piece of toast. "I'm so glad the house elves combine breakfast foods with lunch, nowadays. Such liberation."
"I don't have much of an appetite." Remus's hoarse voice was so quiet it was almost a whisper. Our eyes flickered to him as he looked up to the ceiling in a deafening, tense silence. I paused with my mug raised halfway to my mouth, exchanging a brief glance with Lily.
"Er - Rem," She began timidly, shooting Mary a terrifying, silencing look as she sniggered into her hand. "You need to eat something. We haven't had breakfast, and it was a...very long night."
"You could say that." Remus let out a slightly strangled laugh. "But, alas... I cannot." His eyes fluttered close. "I think I'm going to puke."
Peter choked on his mouthful coffee, causing  Alice to hastily pat him on the back as he wiped the amused tears from his eyes.
"What's the big deal?" Mary asked amusedly. "Surely she wasn't that bad. If so, I feel terrible for the girl - just about everyone's had a go."
"It was..." Remus struggled to find the right words, dragging his head back to face us. "...mildly interesting."
"Mildly interesting?" Lily repeated in disbelief, placing her coffee on a coaster. She scanned his face blankly for a few moments. "I - what?"
"Interesting." He repeated tonelessly, gazing off into the distance. "Very, very interesting."
"Is that a good thing?" Mary muttered from across the table, arching a brow. "I really can't tell."
"You know what, Mar?" I replied lightly, cocking my head as I searched his vacant expression. "I think it's a bit of both."
"What kind of interesting?" Alice asked tentatively, glancing to Lily for reassurance.
"New interesting." He answered faintly. "Humiliating, interesting." He gulped. "Painful interesting."
"I mean..." Mary edged after a brief pause, leaning in to dip her breakfast sausage in red sauce. "I wouldn't be totally offended if someone told me that after I snogged them, but it's not really what you want to hear, you know?"
"We didn't just snog." Remus continued in a strangled voice, cringing slightly.
"Oh." Alice exclaimed softly as Mary blinked, surprised.
"I- really?" She asked, seemingly impressed. "The whole damn deed?"
"Oh, no." Lily let out a slightly choked laugh.
"Oh no." Remus agreed, so faintly it was almost a whisper.
"Alright, I cannot with the suspense -" Alice waved a distracted hand, placing her coffee down on the table. "- What on earth happened?"
Peter and I exchanged a brief glance before looking away hurriedly to stifle our laughs. Lily shot me a quizzical look, simultaneously swallowing her mouthful of coffee.
"Was it not...-" She paused, her frown deepening. "Er - Good?"
Remus was quiet for a long moment before he spoke.
"No," He dragged a hand down the side of his face, exhaling heavily. "No, it was good. I think. I'm not sure, actually."
"Uh..." Mary glanced from me to Lily as if to say 'well, what the fuck is the problem then?'
"Kind of angry, though." He added emotionlessly, nodding to himself.
"Ooh." Alice cringed.
"Well, that's..." Lily hesitated. "Not sounding great, I'll admit it."
"HA!" Mary whispered audibly from opposite us, causing Ali, Lily and I to glance at her in question. She shook with silent laughter, shaking her head as she wrapped a consoling arm around Moony.
"What is it?" Alice asked bemusedly. Mary snorted loudly, now hanging from his shoulder.
"Remus got some before James!" She eventually wheezed, slapping her thigh with a hand.
"Oh, dear." Alice giggled, covering her mouth with a hand. "Are you alright? Shit, It's slightly traumatising the longer you thin  -"
"That's not why he's so upset, Ali." I snapped, folding my arms into my chest sulkily. "Why does everyone feel so sorry for him? Sirius is the bloody whore, not me - I am not a whore!"
Peter's cheeks rapidly filled with air as he suppressed the laugh threatening to burst from his lungs.
"...James, I think that's the whole po-"
I turned to glare at him and his sentence instantly cut off with a loud snigger.
"I'm just saying, it's got to be slightly insulting for R -"
"For me!" I interrupted hotly, throwing my hands up into the air. "I am officially insulted!"
"Nevermind that." Lily exclaimed exasperatedly, and I pouted at her in protest. "What are we missing from the story?"
My gazed flickered to Remus. I watched as he sagged into Mary's side with empty eyes, a wave of remorse washing over me at his helplessness.
"You can do the honours." He croaked, and
four pairs of eyes immediately flickered to me.
"Ah..." I laughed nervously, lowering my fork and scratching the back of my head with my other hand. "Erm, alright then. Moony has a - well, he's an old soul."
"Don't tell me you were waiting for marriage?" Mary asked weakly, pulling back to scan his dreary face. He dragged his eyes to her and shook his head once, turning back to gaze at his plate miserably.
"Not quite to that extreme," Peter answered in amusement, pouring himself a goblet of juice. "To put it logically, he is the drastic opposite of Sirius." 
"So, a respectable gentleman?" Lily reasoned.
Peter shrugged.
"About that, yeah."
Moony snorted and shook his head, covering his face with both hands.
"He was also very drunk, let us all remember." I continued carefully, glancing around to ensure that no one was listening. The people besides us were at least five metres away, laughing loudly and chatting amongst themselves.
"Very." Peter added, glancing to me.
"So," I continued, scratching my forehead. "They're snogging, they end up in an abandoned classroom on the eighth floor, you know how it goes." I waved a dismissive hand, briefly meeting Lily's surprised eyes. "We've ultimately heard the same story with a different name for six years, and it was exactly what Remus here was avoiding at all bloody costs. Clothes were removed, tongues intertwined, objects were fondled  -"
"She only flirted with me to get in my pants and make her ex jealous." Remus interrupted in a strained voice.
It was tensely silent for a few shocked moments before Mary muttered underneath her breath, "Wasn't expecting that." And continued to pat him on the arm consolingly.
"Rebound." Peter coughed into his elbow, looking up to the ceiling innocently and whistling a merry tune.
"Oh shut up, Worm." I scowled at him.
"At this point," Moony's throat bobbed. "I was far too drunk and...shocked, to stop it."
The atmosphere was deafeningly quiet as Lily, Alice and Mary stared at him with mixed expressions of surprise.
"Long story short..." I laughed awkwardly while Peter slowly inched away from Remus. "The woman used Moons, went to sleep, and abandoned him by morning."
"She..." Lily blinked, pulling back to frown at him. "Wow."
"Here I was, thinking Donovan was nice." Alice whispered, her jaw hanging wide open. "What a cow!"
"Oh, Remus." Mary squeezed his shoulders in comfort, shaking her head. "We've all been a rebound at least once, and if we haven't, our sad day is still coming."
"Reassuring." He replied hoarsely.
"Forget about her, Rem!" Lily insisted supportively. "First times hardly ever go as planned, and I'm sure she enjoyed it. Even if it was to get back at her ex." She grimaced.
Remus hesitated, cocking his head slightly.
"Yeah, maybe." He paused. "I mean, she did actually think I was cute."
"I don't know about you, but in my books that's a good thing." I snorted.
"What, 'cause you used to get confused between 'fucking arsehole' and 'cute'?" Peter grinned at me.
"This is about Moony, Wormtail." I rolled my eyes, looking back to his sullen face. "Life will go on," I said dramatically, sinking into Lily's side. "And you will be whole, again."
"I'm a fool." He groaned, resting his head on Mary's shoulder.
"There, there." She said awkwardly, shooting me a concerned glance as she pat his head.
"I'm at a lack loss words." Lily admitted in bewilderment. "I mean, first of all - what a terrible, manipulative thing to do. And second of all..." She sighed, shaking her head. "Remus John Lupin got laid before James Fleamont Potter."
I scowled, wrenching my arm away from her shoulders as the others (including Moony, although he was still slightly dazed) laughed loudly.
"And you have a girlfriend!" Lily snorted, tilting her head back. "Me! I am the girlfriend!"
"I don't know if you should be so happy about that." Peter chuckled. "Obviously you're not doing it rig-"
"Oh shut up, Pettigrew." Alice rolled her eyes. "This, this is precisely why teenage boys don't get girlfriends."
"What d'you mean, Wormtail? I'd trade this ugly thing for Prongs any day." 
The five of us glanced up in surprise to see a smirking Sirius with his arm wrapped around Marlene's shoulders, who's wide smile lit up the entire hall. My lips curved up into an elated grin as I scanned their faces, both absolutely radiant with joy.
"You made up!" Alice exclaimed ecstatically, clasping her hands together.
"Congrats!" Lily squealed.
"What can I say, he knows how to charm me." Marlene grinned as they took a seat on my right, hands intertwined.
"I knew you would." I beamed at them, clapping Sirius on the back. He met my eyes, and my smile widened at the unending amount of happiness that I was met with.
"Thanks, mate." Sirius murmured, reaching in to grasp my shoulder. He hesitated, glancing away briefly. "I...yeah. Thank you."
"No problem, brother." I grinned.
"You've all heard the tragic story, then?" He grimaced, pouring himself a mug of coffee.
"It's not that awful," Marlene reasoned, snorting at the look on Remus's face that clearly suggested otherwise. "Look on the brightside. Now you know exactly how to woe the next girl you fool around with."
"Such silver lining." He rolled his eyes, glancing to the coffee pot in her hands. "Pour me one, would you? And make it strong." He added.
"On it." She sung in reply, offering him the one that she'd poured for herself.
"Let's talk about something else, I've had enough therapy." Remus wrenched himself away from Mary's shoulder, grasping the mug with both hands. "Oh, Lily that's what I wanted to ask you about - did you see Chang at all after what happened?"
When these words didn't logically process in my mind I first frowned at him, then glanced down to her face quizzically. She wrinkled her nose in distaste, proceeding to edge into my side. Slightly perplexed, I all too willingly held her tighter.
"Blurgh," She shook her head, taking a small sip of coffee. "Nope. And I really hope I don't have to, I'll never look at him the same way."
"What do you mean?" I asked, scanning her face curiously. "Darren's alright, I reckon."
"Oh shit, I forgot about that." Marlene commented in interest, pulling a stack of toast towards her. "What a pig!"
"I know." Lily replied in a disappointed voice, her frown deepening. "Really liked him."
"What did I miss?" I asked, bewildered. "I thought we liked him!"
"Makes you wonder who else he does that to." Mar grimaced, shaking her head.
"I'd rather not." Alice shivered, wrapping her arms around herself.
"Is anyone going to tell me what the hell happened, or am I going to have to guess?" I asked indignantly, glancing from Ali, to Marlene, to Mary, and finally to Lily. She looked up at me mid sip, grimacing weakly.
"Darren was, er, a bit excited to see Lily." Remus explained, pulling my gaze to him. I blinked, completely taken aback.
"What the hell do you mean by 'a bit excited to see Lily?'" I exclaimed incredulously, looking between the two of them. "I mean for Christ's sake someone tell me before I go and ask him myself!"
"Calm your tits, blimey." Lily rolled her eyes, sliding a calming hand over my arm. I turned back to her, spluttering.
"Wha -"
"Promise me you won't overreact." She begged, biting down her lip as she scanned my face. I recoiled in surprise, staring at her.
"I will bloody well overreact if there's something to overreact about!" I replied fiercely, straightening up and craning my neck in search of Chang's head of raven hair in the sea of Ravenclaw students. "I swear to Merlin, he will re-"
"Do tell," Sirius cut in eagerly, forgetting his long black and leaning into the table interestedly. "I don't believe I've heard this story."
"Yeah, me neither!" I exclaimed in a slightly panicked, high pitched voice. "I...wha- "
Lily arched a single eyebrow at me and folded her arms into her chest expectantly. I (very reluctantly) paused, gritting my teeth in frustration.
"James," She began tiredly, dragging a hand over her hair. "If you ca -"
"Fine." I interrupted in a reasonably calm voice. Lily instantly relaxed, returning a gentle hand to my arm. "I won't."
"You promise?" She pushed, searching my face.
I held my breath and gazed down into her eyes, comprehending how much she needed me to understand.
"I promise not to overreact." I muttered grudgingly, resisting the urge to pout.
"Good." She replied lightly, turning back to her coffee. I narrowed my eyes as she lifted it to her mouth, avoiding my eyes. "'Cause he grabbed my boobs."
My jaw promptly dropped and I felt my eyes widen so much that I thought they might pop right out of my skull.
"Wha- ?"
I looked from Remus's grimace, to Mary's stifled snigger, to Alice's slightly frightened expression, before staring at Lily incredulously as she calmly sipped on her coffee.
"2 galleons he'll faint." Marlene muttered in the background.
"Bet." Sirius's voice shook with laughter.
"3 he'll cry." Mary snorted.
"4 that Chang'll have a crooked nose by dinner." Remus murmured quietly.
"I'm betting on Marls." Alice barely whispered.
"He grabbed your -" I repeated faintly, scanning her smoothed expression. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Her boobs." Mary explained in a very slow voice, as if she were speaking to someone with hearing deficiency. I turned my head slowly, glaring at her as she stifled a laugh.
"Yes Mary, I heard her the first time!" I said in a rather hysterical voice.
"Thanks for being discrete, Remus." Lily scowled. "Big help."
"Whoops." He grimaced in reply. "Sorry."
Feeling more then slightly crestfallen, my gaze slowly returned to her face.
"I...- shit, are you alright?" I asked anxiously, racking my brains and racing through my memories of last night. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there, I probably would've -"
"Broken his nose?" Lily grinned, nudging me in the ribs. "I'm glad you weren't. Remus was with me, and I was fine." She paused, glancing back to meet my gaze. My mouth continued to hang open, eyes widening to the size of galleons. "James," She chuckled quietly, placing her coffee down on the table. She slid her hand over my thigh comfortingly, giving me a small squeeze. "I'm fine." She murmured softly, holding my gaze. "I promise. I wasn't alone, in a room absolutely crammed with people."
"It could have so easily happened differently." My voice was fainter then I intended. I turned to Remus, my eyes still popping slightly.
"Thank you." I said to him gratefully, unable to surpress a flinch as the memory of Snape and Lily in the dungeons corridor filled my mind.
"Anytime." Remus smiled in reply, inclining his head. "I even accidentally got a photo of her reaction, that'll be a damn sight to see."
"Uh, yeah!" I exclaimed indignantly. "If you want him to be six feet under! Don't ever show me that, please."
"That'll be one for the album." Marlene's lips curved into a wide grin.
"What a fuckin' pig." Sirius commented distastefully, wrinkling his nose. "Never was that fond of him. Bet he's a virgin."
"Sirius, why must you always assume one's virginity?" Remus asked tiredly, sliding a hand down the side of his face. Sirius abruptly stopped chewing, a small frown etching itself between his eyebrows.
"What?" He asked in an affronted voice. "No I don't!" He turned to Marlene. "I don't do that, do I?"
She stared at him for a moment, her mouth slightly open.
"Uh, well babe...-"
"That is literally your only conclusion whenever someone does something to annoy you." Remus said tonelessly, rolling his eyes. "Someone trips you up in the corridor? Oh, they must be a virgin. Kettleburn fails you? Bet he's a virgin. Someone falls over? Ding ding ding - it's a virgin!" 
Sirius's gasped, his mouth falling open in shock.
"Alright you listen here werewolf, just because you're no longer classified in that category -"
"Listen..." I mumbled quietly as they struck a debate on Sirius's repetitive comebacks, looking down to my plate. "I'm sorry, Lil. I just - I worry, about...that. I'm jealous, of course, but that's not why I'm so bloody torn up. I'm concerned for you, is all. After - " I hesitated, trying to prevent the trembling in my voice. "Point is, It might sound drastic, but I don't want you getting hurt. I can't help being paranoid sometimes."
It was quiet for a moment when I felt a delicate hand lift my chin upwards, and I turned my head to face her. She smiled at me softly, and I swear I was almost winded by the overwhelming cuteness of her dimples.
"I know." She murmured, scanning my face. I understood then that she was thinking of the exact same moment.
"It wasn't in a dark corridor, James." She whispered. "I wasn't alone, and he wasn't there. I'm okay. I promise."
We shared a long look before she leant in very slowly, brushing her lips against mine. I slid my hand up her side and cupped her cheek, kissing her back a little fiercer then necessary. She pulled away with a tinkling laugh, poking my nose.
"Behave." She grinned cheekily as I huffed, snaking my hand back to her waist. She gave my thigh a second squeeze, the small affectionate touch tugging an instant grin to my cheeks.
"And I don't blame you for being jealous," She added. "But you know I'm all yours, love."
"Sounds promising." I grinned down at her.
"To be fair, I prolly would've broken his nose too, if I were there." Sirius frowned, glancing to Remus. "You really are the only smart one out of the four of us."
"Hey!" Peter cut in indignantly, his face scrunching into a pout. "I wouldn't resort to violence, either!"
"No," Sirius agreed, nicking a sausage from Marlene's plate and winking at her. "But I didn't say your name for a reason, dolt."
Pete rolled his eyes and pulled his attention back to his stacked plate of food.
"You're a prick." Remus muttered, quiet enough for him to have missed it.
"So, Lily's eighteen." Alice grinned, wriggling her eyebrows. "Sirius and Peter, too - who's next?"
"Rem and I are in March." I grinned, envisioning the freedom of being able to walk into a bar and order whatever I wished. "The bloody day couldn't be coming any slower."
"Birthday buddies." Marlene smirked. "You a Pisces or an Aries, Potter?"
"Pisces." I replied instantly, rolling my eyes. "I could never match your terrifying Aries energy, McKinnon."
"Softie." She grinned cheekily, taking a large bite of toast.
"That's not too far away." Mary commented mildly, pushing her cleared plate into the middle of the table. "I'm April, and Alice is is June."
"Love being the youngest." Ali sighed glumly, slumping her cheek into her palm. "No fair."
"You're a witch." Lily pointed out obviously. "I can whip you up a fake I.D in two seconds."
"Might have to take you up on that." She sighed in reply, letting her eyes flutter close.
"Where's Frank, Ali?" Mary questioned, pouring herself a second steaming mug of coffee.
"Probably trying to convince George to stop drinking." Sirius barked out a loud laugh, shaking his head. "He sure loves a bender, I'll give it to him."
"Nah, I was doing rounds last night to make sure those boys all got to bed safely." I chuckled, dragging a hand through my hair. "Tucked the poor drunk bugger in, he was a spewing mess."
"Cute." Mary wrinkled her nose.
"Well." Peter raised his pumpkin juice dazedly, his lips curving up into a rather doleful smile. "Happy February, everyone."
"It's been February for almost four days now." Lily pointed out, leaning in to take a long sip of coffee. I arched an eyebrow at her and exchanged a fleeting glance with Sirius. She glanced up after a moment of silence and saw the seven exasperated faces looking back at her, and snorted loudly. "But," She rolled her eyes, placing her coffee down. "We can celebrate it, either way. To February."
I grinned down at her and raised my coffee into the air, giving her side a small squeeze. She leaned into my touch so that our hips were connected by an invisible anchor, her glowing smile widening.
"Second month of '78." Marlene sighed, looking into Sirus's face with a growing grin. "Two months with this trash bag, my longest relationship. Ever." She added with a snort.
"Same here." Sirius chortled, and I could practically hear his replying grin. "Look at us go, baby. Growing 'n shit."
"And so Blackinnon continues to sail." I announced, flashing the couple a wide grin. "You too are great together, congrats."
Sirius turned to me, grinning like a lovestruck "Och," He nudged me in the side playfully, reaching for the platter of hashbrowns. "Thanks, mate. Means a lot."
"Reckon we'll make it to six?" Marlene asked mildly, taking a sip of coffee.
"Pfft." He scoffed. "Hell yeah, we will! I mean, unless we get killed before June."
"Don't joke about that." Mary said rather sharply.
"You alright, Rem?" Lily asked out of the blue, her eyebrows knitting together in a small frown. I followed her gaze and watched him blink, wrenching himself out of whatever daze he'd been in.
"I am fantastic, Lily." He replied brightly, leaning in to grab the coffee pot from besides Peter. "In fact, I've never been better."
"Are yo -"
"I'm over the moon, actually." He continued loudly, pouring himself a mug. "You know, who really gives a shit about morals, anyways? Why care about anything - " He paused. "At all?" Remus let out an alarmingly hysterical laugh, startling me. "Why, Lily? Why?"
I had to stifle my snort as we all looked to her bemused face, watching her struggle to form a reply.
"Because...-" She waved a distracted hand, her eyes darting around wildly. "You're very, er, emotionally -"
"Emotions, smoshions!" Remus exclaimed with a terrifyingly artificial smile. "I -"
"To be fair," Sirius cut in, and I noticed that he was searching Remus's face with a slightly worried expression. "You were pissed as a horse, mate. It's not like you were thinking clearly, couldn't even leave if you wanted to. It's not your fault."
"Yeah!" Lily exclaimed earnestly, slapping a hand against the table rather passionately. "She's not worth your time! And she was the one who fucked up - not you."
"I don't know about that." He replied weakly.
"Listen, who who the hell else were you gonna do it with?" I cut in skeptically, meeting his eyes. "I know it sucks, but people've had far worse. And you said it was good too, I mean...that's gotta be worth something. Right?"
Remus opened his mouth to reply, before slowly closing it. He blinked, seemingly struggling to find an adequate response.
"I s'pose." He finally admitted roughly.
"And she's really hot," Marlene piped in. "Even if she was using you - who cares? You had sex with Donovan! Good for you, Rem!"
Sirius looked at her in surprise, his large grin only widening.
"Well, the whole bloody school doesn't need to hear it." Remus muttered bitterly, glancing around at the scattered groups of students that had been half heartedly listening, now returning back to their meals.
"No," Mary agreed, her voice edged with laughter. "But you need to stop beating yourself up over being a completely normal, adolescent  teenager. Give yourself a break, Rem. No ones perfect."
"She's right." Sirius agreed, slinging an arm around Marlene's shoulders. "I mean, you're supposed to be having fun and messing around - we're eighteen for Merlin's sake."
"Some of us." Alice scowled.
"Shame." Peter teased, poking his tongue out.
"Soon this time will be gone, and you'll regret not being more like me." Sirius smirked.
Remus snorted loudly.
"I admit I'm slowly losing it, but not so much that I'll ever want to be like you."
"And, he's back!" Lily beamed, her emerald eyes sparkling.
"Nice try, Pads." I sniggered, shaking my head.
"I was only testing to see if sex had changed him." He grinned cheekily.
"Obviously not." Remus drawled, rolling his eyes.
"Agh, last night was so much fun." Mary sighed, slumping her cheek into her palm. "I've decided that I love a good birthday bash."
"That much was obvious." Alice laughed, tilting her head back.
"Merlin, was I that bad?" She yawned, rubbing her eyes. "Half of me wants to run and half of me wants to know. Maybe don't tell me."
"I think your last moments of sanity were before we started snacking." Lily grinned, snaking an arm around me and resting her head against my shoulder. "I spilt my whiskey on a dish of chicken and used someone's bra to mop it up."
"HA!" Marlene laughed loudly, throwing her head back.
Mary blinked one, twice, then thrice before snorting. "See, I don't even remember that."
"Oh." Lily paused. "Well then, you were off your head the entire night."
"Kinda ended in shambles." I grinned at Mar. "It was a bit all over the place, but eventually, I managed to drag this troll into bed." I jerked my head towards Lily, rolling my eyes.
"Oi!" She laughed indignantly, pinching my thigh. "I wasn't nearly as bad as the other night, was I?"
"Nothing could be as bad as the other night." I grinned, which turned into a loud snort at the look on her face.
"Let's not talk about it." She let out a nervous laugh, squeezing me a little tighter. The memory of Lily practically naked and stumbling around my room swam into mind, causing my stomach to lurch. I swallowed audibly, feeling suddenly grateful that I was sitting down.
"White lace, huh?" Sirius winked at her, wriggling his eyebrows. Lily's arms instantly released their grip on me and she shot upwards, turning to stare at me.
"James!" She scolded indignantly, whacking me on the arm. "Really? You really had to tell him that?"
"Them." Remus corrected quietly, averting his eyes innocently as I turned to glare at him.
"James." Lily tutted, arching an expectant eyebrow.
"Okay, In my defence, Padfoot tortured it out of me." I said seriously, pointing at him in accusation.
"Whatever." Sirius rolled his eyes. "You willingly told me in charms, remember? You said 'I had to re-"
"Okay!" I interrupted loudly, clapping my hands together. "That's enough of that for today!"
Sirius threw his head back and roared with laughter.
"You are unbelievable." Lily scowled, folding her arms into her chest.
"-ly charming?" I asked weakly, cringing away from her fiery glare.
"I don't think it's possible to keep secrets in this friend group." Alice snorted.
"Let's not get into that right now." Mar said darkly. "I need at least one shot before we have that conversation."
"That reminds me," I grinned, sliding a hand over the small of Lily's back as she shimmied closer to my side in forgiveness. "Did anyone see you go back into the dorm this morning?"
"Several." She replied weakly, covering her face with a hand. "It was like a day in the life of Jessica Vane. I've never been more ashamed, especially when Osborne whistled and the ten people in the common room decided to look my way."
I tilted my head back and laughed harder, imaging a blushing Lily hurriedly scampering up the dormitory stairs.
"The walk of shame." Marlene grinned. "Welcome to the club, I've done it so many times I no longer find it humiliating."
"I love how everyone in Gryffindor catches eachother in our worst moments." Mary sighed, shaking her head. "And it's just this silent agreement to never speak of it ever again."
"No house like it." I agreed fondly, remembering all the awkward encounters I'd experienced over the years. "Remember Padfoot, when I walked in on you a-"
"Let's not go there, mate." He grinned, punching me in the shoulder playfully. "That sentence has about a million possible endings."
"I think I'm gonna head up," Remus sighed, dragging a hand through his hair. "I've had enough caffeine to the point where my fingers are beginning to tremble."
Mary shot him a concerned look as she skulled back the last dregs of her coffee.
"I'll come with you." She said, wiping her mouth with the back of a hand. "I know we slept in, but I have a very strong urge to lie down until I get hungry again."
"I could do with a nap." Alice half laughed half moaned, pushing her clean plate into the middle of the table.
"I'm I-In." Peter failed to stifle a yawn, stretching his arms above his head. "Could do with a round of exploding snap."
"Me too." Lily agreed, scratching her cheek. "But let's go to the Heads common room, I'm too ashamed to see anyone at this point. I haven't quite recovered from last night."
"All that dirty dancing." Marlene winked.
"Neither have I." Mary replied darkly as Lily leant in to press a kiss against my cheek. Her lips felt soft and warm on my skin, but they were gone all too fast. She gracefully got to her feet, smoothing down the front of her jeans.
"Wait -"
Before she could take another step forwards I slid a swift, restraining arm around her hips, my lips puckering into a pout. She looked down at me in amusement, her emerald eyes sparkling.
"Yes?" Her voice shook with laughter. I offered her a lazy grin and snaked my other arm around the back of her thighs, tugging her towards me. A smile curved up her lips as I looked up into her face, admiring every inch and taking in the shape of her flawless curves beneath my hands. Lily rolled her eyes but couldn't prevent the tinkling laugh that escaped her, leaning in to brush her nose across my cheek.
"You thought you could leave like that?" I murmured into her ear, giving her hips a small squeeze and not wasting any time as I searched for her lips. She kissed me gently, but as the image of her in that red velvet dress swam into mind, my mouth became suddenly urgent. Her delicate hands traced the planes of my face as I caressed her side, before she abruptly pulled out of reach.
"Better?" She grinned as I opened my eyes, her adorable dimples winking at me cheekily.
"But not nearly enough." I replied dazedly, gazing up into her face. "You look especially beautiful today, have I told you?"
Lily's cheeks warmed considerably, and I felt my smile widen at the unbearably cute sight.
"I'll happily remind you all day." I grinned, tracing small circles on the back of her thigh.
"See you soon?" She murmured, slowly dragging her thumb over my bottom lip.
"Soon." I replied quietly, knowing that I couldn't possibly stay away from her too long. "I love you."
"I love you too." She laughed quietly, leaning in to kiss the tip of my nose. "Watch the waistline, Potter." Lily winked and slipped out of my grasp. I turned to watch her leave, my eyes trailing from her head to her toes and repeating the pattern what must have been a dozen times. My grin widened as she laughed at something Mary said, whatever it was causing Remus to blush the colour of his scarlet sweater and Alice to wrap a consoling arm around his waist.
"Is Ravenclaw playing Hufflepuff next weekend, or is it the end of February?"
I turned to face Marlene, who was frowning at Sirius in deep thought.
"Next," I answered automatically, running a hand through my hair. "My money's on Ravenclaw, for sure. They've got mediocre chasers, but their seeker carries the entire team."
"C'mon now, dissing our position?" She grinned at me.
"Course not." I scoffed, reaching to grab a fresh buttered bread roll from the silver platter in the middle of the table. I tore off a corner piece and tossed it into the air, catching it in my open mouth. "I just mean that Quidditch isn't exactly a very defined game, is it?" I chewed, nudging my glasses up my nose with a knuckle. "Nothing is orderly. You could have an incredible team but a slacking seeker, and that'd let you down completely when playing against another team with varied skill. If Ravenclaw catch the snitch fast, Puff's done for."
"I don't know about that," Sirius said mildly, folding his arms and craning his neck to scan the Slytherin table absentmindedly. "Diggory's alright; his seeking isn't completely terrible. I still don't quite know why he isn't a beater or something, the bugger is 6 feet." 
"He's too soft for that." I snorted. "Too soft for chasing, too. I personally think he belongs in the commentating box, the wanker can't keep his bloody mouth closed."
"Just cause he dated Lily." Sirius rolled his eyes, tossing a grape into his open mouth.
"Oh, shut up."
"Well, he's no match to Dawson." Marlene commented, glancing between the two of us in interest. "And Chang's actually a good shot, so they do have some decent players. Even if they aren't decent people." She added, frowning.
I pulled a face and wrinkled my nose at the mention of his name, failing to suppress the shiver that ran down my spine.
"So's Abbot." Sirius pointed it out, his eyes flickering to her face. "It's not that unbalanced when you think about it."
Marlene nodded, squinting into the distance absentmindedly. "You are right about that... although Abbott did have that big sook last time, maybe he'll have another cry and lose any chance of winning. Diggory was so furious."
"I beg to differ." I objected, swallowing a large mouthful of bread. "Ravenclaw's on top, I'm telling you."
"I bet 3 galleons that Hufflepuff'll score 180," Sirius proposed with an air of confidence, swiftly pouring himself a glass of pumpkin juice. "And Ravenclaw only 20, 'cause Chang is their only good shot, as you say. They'll catch the snitch by far, but lose by 10 points. A very short game, mind you. 180-170."
"That is one risky bet." I acknowledged, giving him am impressed look. "It appears that i'll be 3 galleons richer in a weeks time, thanks to you. I bet 4 that Raven'll catch the snitch within the first 5 points, taking the W. Diggory will sulk, and the world will be over."
"That's a stretch and a half." Sirius retorted. "May the smarter man win, brother."
"I bet 5 that it's a fair tie." Marlene smirked, leaning in to rest her forearms against the tabletop. "Ravenclaw will catch the snitch at 0, and Hufflepuff will score even. 150, 150. They'll schedule a rematch for the next week."
I blinked at her and then looked at Padfoot, perplexed. The two of us exchanged a glance and turned back to Marlene in unison, before snorting loudly.
"Like that'll happen." I grinned, tossing the last piece of bread into my mouth. "I mean it's a suicide bet, Marls."
"Yeah...a tie?" Sirius repeated doubtfully, shaking his head. "Their game'll be clean, but it could never be that clean."
"Your guesses were just as daring." She shot back irritably, sweeping a large mass of bouncy curls over her shoulder. "You won't be laughing when you owe me 5 galleons, thankyou very much."
"Yes, they were daring." Sirius drawled arrogantly. "But not stupid, darling."
"Darling." I mocked in a high pitched northern accent.
"Shut it, Gryffinwhore." Marls scowled at Sirius, dodging out of the way as he leaned in for an affectionate kiss.
"C'mon baby," He grinned, edging closer and cupping a hand to the side of her unwilling face. "I'm only teasing." She rolled her eyes and looked away, her top lip twitching.
"Well, we'll -"
The end of my sentence drowned in my throat as a loud bang echoed through the vast room, followed by a few responding shrieks from surprised students. My head snapped up in alarm, and I instantly scanned the entrance of the hall for the source of noise.
"What in Merlin's name was that?" Sirius asked mildly, craning his neck. "Usually I'm the one behind the random explosions you hear around this place."
"Sounded like a stinging hex," Marlene snorted, following his gaze. Her brow furrowed, and she squinted slightly. "Hey, am I the only one who thinks that looks like -?"
"Lily." I breathed, letting the knife I held slip from my fist and clatter to my plate.
Suddenly I wasn't in the great hall, but frozen to the stone floor of an abandoned square at the corner of Hogsmeade. Lily's agonised screams ripped through the otherwise silent air, a constant blade burying into my chest over and -
I pulled myself to my feet without hearing Sirius's concerned reply, a frantic, familiar wave of panic washing over me. Lily's thick mane of flaming auburn hair was easy distinguishable  at the front of the hall, metres away. Remus, Pete, Ali and Mary stood on either side of her, the four of them facing something that I couldn't see. Her wand arm was raised in the air, and even with my impaired vision, I noticed that it trembled slightly. The sound of my footsteps echoed loudly as my pace increased to a fast walk, my heart beat thudding in my eardrums.
"Lily?" I called from feet away, racking my brains as to who else she would hex in the middle of a school corridor excluding my sixteen year old self. Being Headgirl, she'd never even consider threatening her wand on a student. In fact, it was the last thing she'd ever do - unless someone was intentionally attempting to hurt her or another pupil.
"Lil -"
Remus turned around to face me and I recoiled, taken aback at his expression of pure, trembling rage.
"Moony?" I scanned his distraught face, perplexed. "Why do you look so grim? I- and who got hit with that hex?"
Remus's eyes quickly darted to where I knew Lily stood feet from us, before flickering back to me.
"Go back to the table, James." He said quietly.
"What it is?" I demanded, a growing feeling of dread tingling at the tips of my fingers. I turned and made to stride forwards to reach her but Remus stepped to the side, abruptly blocking my path. I grit my teeth and went to push past him, when he pressed a restricting hand to my shoulder; eyes flashing.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He muttered underneath his breath as an unfamiliar, cold look masked his face.
"I'm not letting this go until you tell me what happened." I replied fiercely, staring into his flaming eyes. "What's gotten into you? Remus, If Lily -"
"I'm fine, James."
My head instantly whipped upwards, searching for her eyes. But Lily continued to face the unknown, a wall of flaming hair blocking my view.
"Go back to Sirius and Marlene." Her voice shook slightly, with despair or fright; I couldn't tell.
"Lily," I exclaimed in relief. "What do you mean?I'm not leaving until yo -"
"She's fine." Remus repeated, snapping my eyes back to him. I searched his hard face and piercing eyes in confusion, attempting to piece together what I was missing. "Please, James. Trust me."
I blinked, completely taken aback at his overwhelming state of anger. He spoke each word slowly, laced with vehement hatred - a clear warning.
"Not unless you tell me what's going on." I pushed angrily, turning to move forwards. He shoved a second hand into my chest in response; sending me back a step.
"I can't let you do that." Remus hissed between his teeth.
"What in Merlin's name happened to you?" I exclaimed indignantly. "You think I'll just walk away? You're acting like a right git, you know that?"
He stared at me in silence, hesitating.
"It's Snape." He said quietly, averting his eyes. "Don't freak out, okay? Lily has it under control -"
"What's up?" Sirius had appeared by my side, and was now looking at Remus with a small frown etched between his eyebrows. His eyes grazed over the hands pressed against my chest, to the cold fury in his eyes. "Moony? What the hell are you doing?"
"Snape?" I snarled venomously, stepping forwards so that our chests collided. Remus grit his teeth in response, turning his face away from me.
"James, please -"
"What'd he do? Did he hurt her?" I turned to crane my neck but was blocked yet again as Remus pushed me backwards, sending me stumbling over my own shoe laces.
"What the fuck, Remus?" I seethed, straightening up. "Cut it out, will you?"
"Did he hurt her?" Sirius asked in an anguished voice. "For god sakes, Remus did he hurt her?"
"It's fine." He repeated agitatedly, glancing between Sirius and I. "No. She cursed him, alright? Slytherin's had a few snarky comments to say, nothing more."
"'Slytherins'?" I hissed, scanning his face. "Plural?"
"If it's fine," Sirius said quietly, holding his gaze. "Then why won't you let him pass?" When Remus didn't reply he made to step forwards, ending up slamming straight into the arm that was flung out in front of him.
"Listen, Remus." I said through gritted teeth as Sirius growled, opening his mouth to respond. "The last thing I want to do is hurt you, alright? Le -"
"What's going on?" Marlene's anxious voice sounded from behind us. "I know you told me to wait, but I couldn't sit there any longer - Is Lily okay? Wh -"
"Let me past, Remus." I growled, shoving my shoulder into his chest.
"James, listen to me." He cut in desperately, his hard expression crumpling. "You need to trust me on this, If I -"
"The bickering never ends, does it?"
I froze.
A wave of pure, heart stopping shock washed over me. It tingled to the very tips of my fingers, growing into a mounting fury and wholly consuming all of my senses.
"The very sound of your whiny voice makes me want to bloody neck myself. I honestly don't know how Evans stands you."
Slowly, I dragged my eyes away from Remus's face to where Lily stood. He swore underneath his breath when she shifted slightly, revealing the worst possible conclusion to this scenario standing feet away from her. Over her shoulder I was met with his familiar snarl, intensifying my insurmountable well of rage into a catapult of pure loathing. The audacity -
Remus's grip on my shoulder tightened as I clenched my jaw, balling my now shaking hands into fists. I stared into those piercingly cold blue eyes, the violent trembling in my fingertips rapidly spreading to my arms. The familiar shape of his sharp angled face slammed the memory onto me with the force of a dozen curses, and I was temporarily stunned.
Lily, writhing on the ground - screaming, crying, bleeding, - and 'Enjoying yourself, Potter?'
"No fucking way." Sirius muttered quietly, his eyes narrowing.
"Hello, Potter." Mulciber's gaunt lips curved up into a wide, jeering smile. I inhaled through my nose sharply as the trembling in my fists turned into convulsive shakes, resisting the sudden overwhelming urge to reach into my pocket.
It would only take one movement, short and
fast -
"Don't let him get to you, Prongs." Sirius said in a relatively calm voice, pressing into Remus's restraining hand. Mulciber laughed over the sound of rumbling chatter in the hall, shaking his head.
"What the hell," I said through gritted teeth, my voice trembling slightly. "Is he doing here?"
"They just arrived." Remus murmured. They? They just arrived -
"Pretty Headboy wouldn't dare embarrass himself." Avery's voice sent a second jolt of bloodcurdling rage through me. My eyes flickered to where Mary, who had stepped an inch to her right, stood; revealing his all too familiar insufferable smirk.
"Not in front of the students." Mulciber simpered, snatching my eyes back to him. "Wouldn't want to risk that squeaky clean record of his."
Avery sniggered at this and I felt Sirius tense by my side.
"Ignore it." Remus said quietly, grinding his own teeth. "They're filth."
"Pot calling the kettle black, Lupin." Avery sneered. My fists now were clenched so tightly that I could feel my nails drawing blood at the bed of my palms. I couldn't form the words on my tongue, couldn't describe the insurmountable energy of my rage.
"So," He continued, dragging his eyes to me. I snarled at his cheek and held his adamant gaze, feeling nothing but pure, unwavering hatred.
"I hear you finally got your hands on the mudblood. You might even deserve a trophy for your efforts this time round, Potter - you got yourself a feisty one. The little bitch even stung me, did you hear that?"
"How dare you." Sirius's voice was dangerously soft. His deep grey eyes were cold with fury as he glared into Avery's face, baring his teeth. "How dare you -"
"How dare I?" Avery laughed quietly, glancing to him with an air of mild distaste. "I'm afraid it still hasn't gotten through your impenetrable, thick skull that we can dare whatever we like, Black - and reap the rewards, rather then the punishment."
"You make me sick." Marlene hissed, now edging into Sirius's side. "How can you even live with yourself?"
"Don't flatter me." He replied drily, offering her a slow, sweeping look. "Looking good, Mckinnon."
"Watch your mouth!" Sirius growled, baring his teeth at him.
"Oh, please." He drawled in amusement. "Your girl has shared just about every students bed in the school, but can't even share a single conversation with me? To be frank, I'm quite offended."
"Oi!" Sirius hissed, flinging a protective arm in front Marlene as she opened her mouth to retort. "Don't you dare insult her, Avery! Leave her the hell out of this!" He gripped her by the thigh tightly and tugged her behind him into his back; a human shield. She pressed herself in him firmly, a cold look clouding over her hazel eyes.
"Again, Black." Mulciber chuckled, so softly that I barely heard it. "We can dare whatever we like. So how about you quit the empty threats and keep your bitch on a leash?"
"I'm warning you, Mulciber." Sirius said lowly as Marlene slid a hand over the small of his back in warning. "Shut the fuck up about my girl, and leave Lily the hell alone. You made a stupid decision, coming back here."
"What the hell do you want?" I asked quietly, staring into the pits of his soulless eyes. "Why show your faces? To torment us? What are you getting out of this?"
"Well," Mulciber smirked, leaning a casual arm on Avery's shoulder as they exchanged a smug look. "Let's just say we became bored of such superiority. Why not come back?"
"Superiority." Marlene muttered bitterly, shaking her head.
"What, didn't manage to satisfy the Dark Lord's needs?" Sirius sneered at him, slamming into Remus's hand.
"Sirius." He warned quietly.
"Were you not special enough to be his bitch?" He continued, his face drawn with venom. "Or did my dear, precious cousin Bellatrix outshine you both and volunteer to do his dirty work?"
"Don't speak about things you don't understand." Mulciber snarled at him. "The Dark Lord's inner circle -"
"The dark lords inner circle." Sirius repeated, letting out a quiet, bitter laugh. "So thats what he calls it. You really think you're anything more then a pet to him, just because you're in it for life now?"
"Shut up, Black." Avery hissed.
"To be told what to do, and pat on the head if you succeed?" He continued in disgust, shaking his head. "You are nothing. He doesn't give a flying shit about any of you - you're stupid if you think otherwise."
"You're wrong." Mulciber replied quietly, but I thought I saw the confidence in his eyes flicker.
"There's this one joke -" Avery frowned slightly and stroked his chin as though in deep tonight. "That I can't quite remember. Hm, let's see... - a slut, a blood traitor, and a mudblood walk into an abandoned square -"
"That's enough, Mulciber." Snape, who must've been concealed behind Lily's flaming hair, warned quietly. I instantly tensed, the resurfaced image of his tongue down her throat and hand up her skirt like a punch to the face.
"Who's side are you on?" Avery snapped, rounding on him. "Honestly, Snape, I'm finding it hard to tell these days."
"Save yourself some time." Lily said coldly, lifting her chin. My eyes snapped to her immediately, staring at the back of her flaming red hair - wishing for the millionth time that I could read her thoughts. "If you had an ounce of intelligence, it would be blatantly obvious."
"Did I ask you to speak, Mudblood?" Avery scowled.
"Avery," I growled menacingly, pushing into Remus's front. "I swear, -"
"I'm fine." Lily said stiffly, straightening up. "Their words mean nothing."
"Yeah, sure." Mulciber replied wryly, causing Avery to snort.
"Enough." Snape repeated, shifting slightly to reveal the arch of his hooked nose.
"As if you're any better then them." Mary said to him angrily. My eyes grazed over the hand she kept gripped to Lily's arm protectively, before flicking back to Snape.
"I would never do what they did to her." He hissed, a flicker of anger rippling across his pallid face that was now clearly in view. "Never, and you know it, Mary!"
"Still talking about me like I'm not here." Lily cut in, her voice powerfully quiet. "I see you haven't changed."
It was quiet for a moment before he spoke.
"I'm sorry." He said quietly, scanning her face.
'I'm sorry for sexually assaulting you without consent, being a toxic friend and insulting you about your heritage for years,' is what he didn't say.
Alice, who had been silent for the entire encounter, let out a hollow laugh at his words.
"Yeah?" I snarled viciously. "Well, sorry doesn't cut it."
"I am." He murmured, his cold, dark eyes still on Lily. "For everything that I've ever done to hurt you. And I wish you all the best."
"Bit late for that, don't you think?" Peter said calmly, earning a brief, disdainful look from Avery.
"Have you ever heard a less sincere apology?" Sirius scowled.
"I wouldn't count that as an apology." I said through gritted teeth. Snape didn't reply, merely continuing to stare into Lily's face. Whether she was considering her response or not, Mulciber interrupted before she had the chance to open her mouth. 
"So you're on our side, but when it comes to Lily..." He drawled in a bored voice, waving an absentminded hand. "You couldn't be more of a simp if you tried. Kiss her feet, why the fuck don't you?"
"Yeah, I thought you were supposed to be proving your loyalty." Avery snorted, glancing to him in disdain. "Not throwing yourself under the bus. Have some dignity, Snape. You're better than this."
Sirius laughed bitterly as Snape grit his teeth, turning to glare at them.
"I'm trying to save your arses." He replied coldly. "But by all means, if you enjoy public humiliation so much, do continue."
"Good to hear at least one of you has some sense." Remus muttered underneath his breath.
"Really, Lupin?" Mulciber raised his eyebrows. "We're going to play that game? Because I don't recall you having much sense to apparate in that square before a member of your party was down, and oh had it been the end of the whole bloody world." He swayed dramatically, rolling his eyes. "Why do we all care so much about the mudblood, anyways? What makes her so special?"
"You're going to regret that." Sirius hissed, shoving into Remus's hand in emphasise.
"Lily." I growled, watching at his eyes gleamed with sadistic pleasure. "Get out of the way."
She turned to face me, tugging my gaze away from Mulciber's face for a fleeting moment.
"It's fine," She said quietly, her voice shaking slightly as she looked between Sirius and I. "I guarantee that whatever it is you're thinking is a terrible idea. Take a breath, okay?"
"Please, Lily." I said in a slightly strained voice, gritting my teeth.
"Lil," Remus murmured quietly, and I sensed him glancing to her in my peripheral vision. "I think you shou -"
"Come now, Evans." Avery cut in calmly, snapping my gaze to him. His eyes roved across her face tauntingly. "We wouldn't want you getting hurt now - would we, Potter?" He glanced back to me, sliding the tip of his tongue over his front teeth tauntingly. I instantly snarled, now completely towering over Remus.
"Shut up!" I yelled furiously, roughly slamming into Moony's front. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!"
"What is it, Potter?" Mulciber almost whispered, holding my cold gaze. "Feeling...helpless?"
"Cut it out, Mulciber." Remus hissed through gritted teeth, glaring at him over his shoulder. "You've had your fun."
He ignored this, continuing to stare into my face unblinkingly.
"Answer the damn question, Potter." He said in a dangerously low voice.
"Yes." I barely managed to mutter through gritted teeth, my lower lip trembling I'm rage.
"Stop it!" Lily exclaimed angrily, and I could picture the flame in her emerald eyes. "Stop torturing him!" Torturing me? Was she forgetting that they helped Bellatrix hex, maim and stab her for almost an entire hour? "For Merlin's sake, just stop it! You're sick, you're evil, and I hate you -"
"Frozen, perhaps?" He continued quietly, his eyes dancing with satisfied amusement. My jaw clenched and I fought the overwhelming urge to hiss. "Did it hurt, Potter? Did you feel...sad?"
"What the hell do you think?" I retorted in a strangled voice, taking another step forwards into Remus's restraining arm. "You heartless -"
"Prongs -"
"Did it hurt, standing there?" Mulciber's grin had now faded altogether, the planes of his face cold and hard like marble.
"He's just winding you up." Remus muttered quietly as I let a low, guttural growl rip from my throat. "Breathe, James."
I inhaled sharply through my nostrils, exhaling slowly through my mouth; doing nothing to simmer the rage boiling beneath my flesh.
"Unable to do anything?" Mulciber's voice increased in volume. The few students in our vicinity had stopped eating over the past few moments to watch, nudging eachother and whispering behind their hands excitedly.
"Unable to protect the mudblood girl that you've been pining for like a pathetic, sick dog for six miserable years? Did it hurt watching, absolutely useless, while we made your pretty, pale little slut scream -"
I instantly wrenched myself out Remus's grip, feeble in comparison to the insurmountable fury that fuelled my every move.
"James, no -"
I barely noticed his hopeless attempts at holding me back as I charged forwards, watching the cruel amusement in Mulciber's eyes flicker.
"LILY!" Sirius's warning yell was enough for Peter to grab her by the arm, pulling her and Alice out of the way into the Gryffindor table.
"Prongs, wai - PRONGS!"
I couldn't see past the image of her bleeding, screaming body on the cold hard ground as I charged past the bench of muttering Gryffindors, shoving Snape out of the way without a second glance. He stumbled backwards out of sight, leaving me a clear path. Mere milliseconds had passed in time before I was able to reach out and seize Mulciber by a handful of his crisp white shirt. I seized him up into the air and watched his eyes bulge in shock, before throwing his pathetic self backward past the end of the Gryffindor table.
"JAMES - !"
He stumbled over his own feet through the arch of the great hall, choking as he yanked on the tight collar of his shirt. The anxious muttering in the hall rapidly transformed into chaotic, hectic shrieks - but it all drowned into nothing as I charged forwards. I was white hot with fury, trembling from head to toe as I glared into his sick, repulsive face.
"You don't like that, do you, Potter?" He grinned manically, loosening his tie. I snarled and continued my stride until I towered over him, our noses practically touching.
"Shut up." I growled in his face. He let out a deranged laugh before I slammed my hands into his chest, hurling him backwards. Mulciber tripped for the second time, his shoulders colliding with a tall stone pillar.
"You don't like it when I insult your mudblood girlfriend -" He panted, hissing slightly as he rubbed his neck and pulled himself up. He flexed his jaw, strutting forwards slowly until his chest grazed my ribcage. " -Who," He let out a bitter laugh and I stared down into his eyes, daring him to say another word. "You'll never be good enough for, no matter how hard you continue to try."
"Shut UP!" I roared, my voice ringing through the entrance hall. I swung my arm back with all the force I could muster and threw it forwards, until my fist collided with his upturned nose. Mulciber's head was thrown backwards at the loud crack that the filled the air, a surge of satisfaction shooting through me that wasn't nearly enough. A guttural groan escaped his lips and I didn't give him a second to recover before I sunk my other fist into the middle of his stomach, relishing in every single inch of pain that he felt. Mulciber staggered rearwards, wiping the incessant cataract of blood that now poured from his crooked nose.
"Okay, Potter." He hissed between his teeth, dragging his eyes up to my face. "Two can play at that game."
I growled and stepped forwards, grabbing a handful of his robes - but was too slow; for Mulciber's fist flew into my check, slamming my glasses into my face. I let out a yell of fury as he laughed a loud, echoing cackle. This temporary setback didn't prevent the knee that I instantly pulled upwards, launching up into his side. He howled as I hauled my leg back, swinging forwards again but this time aiming for his stomach. Mulciber bent over double as my fist joined the party, smashing into his jaw with a shuddering impact. The joined force launched him in the direction of the opposite wall. He clutched a hand to his nose and the increased stream of thick, dark blood pouring onto his robes. Gargling, rasped noises issued from his bleeding lips as he lifted his head, leaning a palm against the stone wall in support.
My entire body convulsed in trembles of gut wrenching fury as I staggered towards him, raising my cut, bloodied fist. Mulciber lifted a ginger hand in protest, grunting something indistinguishable.
"If you ever," My voice trembled as I cowered over him, watching the way his scarlet stained skin began to swell. "So much as touch Lily, ever again -" I grit my teeth and yanked on his emerald tie, wrenching him upwards. His limp arms fell to his side and he hissed in pain between his teeth, which were dripping in fresh blood. I pulled back my free arm and watched the pain ripple across his face as I threw my fist into his cheek. Mulciber groaned loudly and I did it again, his face now raining red. His neck rolled backwards limply, and it that moment; I knew I'd won.
Voices yelled out in the background, screaming shrieks of fear followed by an echoing bang.
"JAMES! -"
"Prongs, that's enough -"
"And I mean ever." I hissed, grasping Mulciber by the shoulder shoulder and wrenching him into my chest. He whimpered slightly before I hurled my knee into his stomach with all the force I could muster, slamming him back onto the stone wall and completely winding him. He turned his face away from me, moaning in protest.
"I'm sorry -" He choked as a trail of blood trickling down his chin. "Please, just stop and I promise i -"
"Look at me." I growled, shoving a hand into his chest. "Look - LOOK AT ME!"
Mulciber's cold eyes dragged up to my face, swimming in pure, obvious loathing.
"If you ever hurt her - If you ever touch her," I repeated quietly, staring into his mauled face with no remorse. His eyes drooped slightly, a tear of blood sliding down his cut cheek.
"You best believe me, Gaige Mulciber." I whispered. "I will fucking kill you."
A sudden pair of hands grappled for the back of my arms and I wrenched myself out of their grip, shoving a firm elbow back into the the person's chest. The world around me was a wall of colour and ringing voices, all blurring together into one mass of shit that I didn't care about.
"James, stop it! You'll kill him - "
My nose screwed up as I pulled back a quivering fist, glaring down into Mulciber's crumpled body before striking again. He grunted and let his head flop backwards, simultaneously spitting out a mouthful of blood.
"Always the bigger person, huh Potter?" He gasped slightly, his upper lip curling up into a halfhearted smirk as his eyes flickered to my face. "You think you're so big - just wait for graduation."
"You don't get to lecture me about morals." I hissed, reaching back to break his nose a third time. But as I went to fling my fist into his face, the same two strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist and wrenched me backwards out of reach.
"NO!" I roared, my voice ringing in my ears. "LET ME GO, let me -" My voice broke on the last word and I let out a grunt, screwing my face up in pain.
"James! -"  Sirius was yelling as he wrestled me  into his front, fighting my resistance. "Leave it! He's good, okay? Walk away, you got him -"
I struggled to pull myself out of his grip, snarling at Mulciber as he slid down the wall and to the floor with a soft thump. A feeble moan escaped him when Avery emerged from my right and skidded forwards in a panic, leaning in to crouch besides him.
"Mulciber? Mulciber? Oi, Gaige?" He swore underneath his breath, glancing over his shoulder to meet my eyes. Avery's cheek was bleeding and his teeth were bared, triggering the endless pit of fury that consumed me.
"YOU HEAR ME?" I roared from feet away, my voice echoing around the entrance hall.
"James, calm down -"
"Get off me!" I yelled through my teeth, writhing in Sirius's arms. His grip on me slackened and I instantly staggered away from him, my breathing hitching in my throat. The convulsing shakes in my hands progressed to my arms and then my legs, taking over my entire body. Loud voices rung through my ears, all but a very faint murmur in the far distance. I fell back against the rail of the marble staircase in support, watching Sirius point an accusing finger at Avery. He raised his arms in surrender, stretching to his feet.
"If you so much as think abo-"
"We're packing tonight, okay?" He wiped his mouth with the back of a hand, wincing slightly. "We're gone, for good."
"Then beat it." Sirius snarled as he turned back to Mulciber, who was seemingly unconscious; unmoving on the cold stone floor. I glanced back at Padfoot only to see cut, bleeding lip - watching the way his face scrunched up into a grimace of deep loathing. I met his eyes and inclined my head in acknowledgement, half of my vision distorted due to my shattered frames. Thank you.
He held my gaze with hard, blazing eyes before nodding once.
"...James -" My eyes flickered to his right, where Remus stood feet away. He took a step forwards, scanning my face with a deep frown.
"I don't want to hear it." I replied quietly, averting my eyes.
"I'm not -"
"I said I don't want to hear it, Remus." My voice broke on his name, cutting off the end of his sentence.
A deafening silence blanketed the atmosphere as I dragged my eyes to the arch of the great hall, where what seemed to be the entire population of gaping Hogwarts students were standing. 
Unable to bring myself to meet Lily's gaze, too terrified of what I'd see, I wordlessly turned on my heel.
My footsteps echoed loudly through the entrance hall as I seized myself up the first step of the marble staircase, sniffling slightly.
"What on earth was that racket? -"
I dragged my eyes to the top of the staircase and
cursed underneath my breath as McGonagall appeared around the corner, looking rather flustered. Her eyes widened at the sight of me, and she came to an abrupt halt. I watched as her face drained of blood, her thinned lips trembling slightly.
Not caring about how dreadfully terrible I must look, i didn't even bother to attempt digging my bleeding fists into my trouser pockets.
McGonagall suddenly choked, pulling her out of her shocked reverie.
"POTTER!" She shrieked in a shrill voice and instantly hitched up the skirt of her emerald  dress, hurrying down the steps faster then I'd ever seen her move. "What in Merlin's name have you done? Are you utterly out of your mind? What were you thinking -? "
I grit my teeth and dragged my eyes away from her as she clutched a hand to her heart, reaching into her cloak for her wand with the other.
"You have jeopardised your position at this school one time too many times Mr. Potter, and don't even get me started on your leadership role as Head - "
Her words faded into nothing but a dull, indistinguishable ringing in the background as she raced past me into the increasing chaos.
And I couldn't care less.
The world turned in slow motion while the image of Mulciber sliding to the floor, a bleeding corpse, replayed itself in my mind; a constant loop of satisfaction. Lily's screams echoed in my ears, Sirius's words, Remus's face, Mulciber, Mulciber, Mulciber -
I raised an arm and wiped my mouth with a trembling hand, staring directly ahead of me.
I will fucking kill you.


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