Chapter Forty Three: Ordinary Kids In An Ordinary World

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- LILY -

Despite the ever growing mountain of homework pressure building up to NEWTS, the constant strife and cold hearted violence occurring in muggleborn towns, despite the fact that I was grieving the devastating loss of an entire family -
I was dating James Potter.
Things got difficult, and frequently. A day hadn't gone by without a single thought of my parents. A small part of me found peace with the fact that they were in a better place. I could feel it in my bones. They had been taken away from this war, protected from all the awful things that it brought with it. It would never be okay, never be fair - but the fact that they were safe now, gave me comfort.
Every once and a while, it hit harder. I ached to hear my Mother's voice, see my Father's familiar handwriting in the mail. Some days I didn't speak much and kept to myself, whereas on others I was more talkative then Marlene. The process of was completely and utterly more complicated and confusing then I'd ever expected. I was empty, yet full. Often I would cry myself to sleep, and other times I would be up for hours laughing. It was such a strange feeling, something I don't think I'll ever come to terms with in my lifetime.
No matter which day it was, James held me in his arms. Every single night, he would hold me and gently kiss my tears away. It genuinely astounded me at how attached I became after such a short amount of time. It was instantaneous. I hadn't slept alone in the entire week we'd been together - it was either my bed or his. Sleeping without him seemed unnatural all of a sudden. Being with was like an answer to a question I hadn't known I'd even been asking. It sounded dramatic, but it was all true. A permanent smile was glued to my face if he was with me, no matter how funny the joke was. I was hopelessly and irreversibly in love, so much so that the old Lily would have called me pathetic.
NEWTS were approaching faster then expected, and regarding the fact that I'd skipped an entire week of school due to my parents' abrupt deaths, I was struggling. The teachers took pity on me, a few even offering to help me outside of class after hours. When I wasn't patrolling and doing my duties, studying hard or organising meetings - I was spending as much time as I could with the people I loved.


"I swear this period has been going on for five hours." Mary was groaning one Friday afternoon, her cheeks slumping into her palms. It made her look rather liked those adorable chipmunks you see at zoos.
"Lucky you," I replied, glancing at James's watch to my left. "We've only got 30 seconds left."
She jolted upright, her eyes snapping open. "Thank Merlin." She muttered, and began chucking her things into her bag higildy pigildy, her eyes on James's watch.
"DADA is the worst." He was complaining, one hand in his hair and one rifling through his bag.
"Don't you want to know how to kick arse?" Marls inquired from behind us, leaning forwards onto her forearms. She flashed a wide, suggestive grin.
James stretched his arms upwards, his expression pulled into one of thoughtfulness. "I mean," He began, however the bell echoed through the crowded classroom before he could utter another word. He let out a sigh of relief and slung his already packed bag over his shoulder, his sentence forgotten.
I slipped the thick binded book of the Dark Arts into my crammed satchel, and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. Glancing up, I was met with a wide crooked smile flashing hello at me, twinned with a pair of bright brown eyes. The corner of my mouth twitched as I accepted James's awaiting hand, the familiar warmth comforting.
"That was interesting, you know." I remarked as we waded our way through the river of desks, our hands still intertwined. "You should have listened, instead of chatting to your boyfriend in that fantastic mirror of yours." I eyed his bag suspiciously, as if the magical shard of mirror would be poking out of the pocket. James chuckled, giving me a little nudge.
"I already know this stuff. One hour won't kill me, will it?"
"Oh, that's right." I said drily, rolling my eyes. James began to protest, noting my tone butI continued, ignoring him. "James Potter knows everything, James Potter doesn't need school. Whoops!"
"I didn't mean that in a cocky way." He laughed, shaking his head in exasperation. "I only meant that - well, I remember my Dad teaching me this a few months ago. I remember it clearly, too."
I waved a disdainful hand. "Yes, yes." He rolled his eyes and gave up.
"MacQuoid is lovely." Marlene piped in, popping a candy into her mouth.
"And a great teacher." I emphasised.
"I bet he was hot when he was younger." Mar added in from behind us, causing Remus to choke on his water bottle.
"Ew!" Marly laughed, shaking her head. "I do not see it. Him? Really, Mar? Gheeze, talk about low standards."
"I do!" Mary said indignantly, her brows creasing. "He's Italian, isn't he? He would've been all young and tanned and flirty, and probably had a house full of baguettes mind you -"
"Baguettes are French, babe." I sighed as we rounded a corner. The pattering of our feet echoed through the drafty corridor like rain bulleting on a roof.
"Oh." Mary paused slightly, her frown deepening. "I get them mixed up. I think I meant.. wait." She stroked her chin thoughtfully, eyes clouding over.
"You meant Pasta, Mar." Remus chuckled, shaking his head. "Or perhaps Pizza."
"Ah." She nodded, rolling her eyes. "Knew it was something with a P."
Alice gave her an uncertain glance and I snorted.
"Hey so - Where is Pads?" Remus was now asking James, accepting a strange looking candy from Marls.
"Er," he scratched his neck, simultaneously suppressing a yawn. "Off trashing Filch's office, of course." He snorted eventually.
"Naturally." I said, digging out a yellow candy from Marlene's sweet bag.
"You're lucky a teacher hasn't nicked that mirror of yours yet." Remus said mildly. "Where'd you even get it, anyways?"
James and Sirius each cherished their own half of a magically enchanted mirror which allows communication between the two owners. James could call for Sirius, and kind of like a telephone, Sirius would be able to hear his voice. They'd told many stories of how it had saved them in detentions when they were bored out of their minds.
"Oh down at Burkes, Knockturn alley. And I'm surprised no one has either." James replied, with a shrug. "But I suppose, being a Marauder -"
The six of us spun on our heels in alarm, our eyes immediately greeted by a frantic looking Sirius. He skidded along the stone floor, his hair disheveled and eyes bulging alarmingly.
"You look like someone died." Marlene commented disdainfully, offering the concerned passerby's an apologetic expression. Sirius's random outbreaks were not altogether rare, however not all together pleasant. 
"I did something." He gasped, a hand clutching to his chest. He bent over double, strange raspy noises issuing from his lungs, not unlike the sound of an animal on it's deathbed. I exchanged a glance with James, who took a large step forwards, concern crippling his features.
"Padfoot, mate?" He asked with uncertainty.
"I think I'm dying." Sirius whimpered in reply, his legs giving out on him abruptly. Sirius collapsed on the floor, his arms spreading wide like a starfish, creating a loud 'Poof' upon the stone. Oh great, another public toddler tantrum.
"Sirius!" Marlene exclaimed in alarm, rushing to his side. On her knees, she brushed the hair from his eyes, inspecting him hastily. Sirius merely gazed into her face, looking rather like a Saint Mungos patient on heavy drugs.
"I lost it." He whispered, a distant look glazing over his face.
"Yes, I think we all see that." Remus muttered from behind me. Him and James snorted quietly into their fists, elbowing eachother in the ribs like the doofuses they are.
"Pads." James heaved a deep sigh, and shook his head in disapproval. He took a step forwards to Sirius and squatted before him, a hand outstretched. Sirius brushed his fingers against James's, his eyes widening.
"I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now." James continued in a grave tone. Marlene and I exchanged anxious glances, wondering what on earth Sirius Black could have done now.
"It's like a gay reckoning." Mary whispered in my ear. I jabbed my heel into her foot, struggling to prevent my giggles.
"I ask you now to be one hundred percent honest with me." James was going on quietly, gripping Sirius's hand.
"Or a marriage affair confession." Mary whispered, her light laughter tickling my neck. I choked on my chuckle, and forced myself to clap a hand to my mouth. Remus gave us a quizzical side glance. However the two boys were oblivious and in their own world, focussed on one another's eyes, and nothing else.
"Okay...yes. Okay." Sirius was whispering in reply, nodding his head as of trying to assure himself.
"Have you," James continued solemnly, squeezing his hand as though reassuring him. "Or have you not," he sighed in disappointment. "Been snorting lines of crack in your hours of solitude?"
We burst into laughter as Sirius pushed James away in irritation. He fell onto his back upon the stone, howling with laughter and clutching his stomach as we all recovered from his impressive acting performance.
"Bravo." Mary giggled.
However, Marlene was still preoccupied with concern. "Baby?" She asked desperately, turning back to Sirius and gripping his chin firmly. "Did someone drug you?"
"Drug him?" James snorted, brushing the dust off his trousers and throwing his head back with laughter. "This is merely a drama queen's performance, one which I've seen many times might I add. What happened mate - did the plan not work?"
Sirius launched himself up into a sitting position at James's words. "Worse." He replied faintly, loosing a deep breath.
"Maybe we should move out of the way, we're taking up the entire corridor." I murmured, noting the annoyed expressions being thrown our way.
"I'm afraid I cannot move without fainting." Sirius whispered, closing his eyes.
"Should I be worried?" Marlene mumbled, cocking her head. "I really can't tell."
There was a strange silence as James and Remus snickered into their shoulders, trying and failing to suppress their un-manly giggles. I rolled my eyes, and turned back to face Sirius - who was gulping audibly, attempting to regain his breath.
"It's my fault." He wailed abruptly, opening his arms wide and leaning back against the stone floor once more.
"You're so unhegienic." Marls muttered distastefully, glancing to the ceiling as though in search of help.
"It's gone." He carried on dramatically, ignoring his gradually more annoyed girlfriend.
"What's gone?" I asked kindly, elbowing James In the ribs in the hope that he'd stop chuckling.
"Our masterpiece." Sirius cried out, covering his face with a hand. "TAKEN! Spelled!"
"What are you on about mate?" James laughed aloud, rolling his eyes. "The only masterpiece of ours, is -" He abruptly stopped talking. James's eye's popped like a frogs when being jinxed, surprise rippling across his features. Remus frowned in confusion at James, before his jaw abruptly dropped.
"No..." Remus  gasped. The two of them exchanged a horrified glance, the blood seeping from their complexion unhealthily fast. Sirius only wailed louder, now rolling about on the floor not unlike that of a toddler throwing a tantrum.
"Oh my god - What is it?" Marlene shot irritably, brushing off her skirt and getting back to her feet.
"The Map!" Mary shrieked all of a sudden, who had been staring from Remus, to James, to Sirius - who were each gazing at one another as if someone had rather died. Mar let out a high pitched laugh, throwing her head back. "Oh my goodness - it's the map! Filch finally nicked it off you!"
"Surely not!" I half laughed, half gasped, glancing from Sirius, to Rem and then James.
"We - we have to get it back, don't we?" Remus asked anxiously, doing the same.
"Spelled." Sirius sobbed, his head now buried in the crook of his elbow. It was unlikely to emerge for some time.
"Surely we can." James said confidently, nodding his head. "Done it before!"
"A trap." Sirius continued, rolling over again.
"Perhaps...." I began hesitantly, suppressing my laughter at Marlene's eye roll. "It's time to let go of the map." I waited in baited breath for the explosion to erupt, however was surprised when James turned to face me, curiosity blooming in his features.
"She's right." He murmured, more to himself then anyone else. I didn't break his stare, raising one eyebrow - as if to challenge him. His mouth twitched slightly. Challenge accepted.
"She's right," He continued, glancing back to Remus. "We're lucky it's only now that this has happened. We've lasted this long, and the whole establishment of the map was to leave a legacy at Hogwarts - for other youngsters, other marauders - like we were."
Remus let out a sigh, gazing down the empty corridor in sorrow. "That we were...ah. I suppose you are right...That is it's purpose, after all."
"Then we'll leave it." James said firmly, pulling a hand through his hair and ignoring Sirius's noises of complete outrage. "For whoever dares to venture in Filch's forbidden draws."
James caught my eye and I inclined my head slightly. I reached up on my tippy toes to brush my lips past his ear. "Well done." I pressed a gentle kiss to his jaw and retreated, beaming at the gleam in his eyes. I must admit, I was rather proud of the maturity it took him to do this. James winked and slid arm around my shoulders as Sirius rolled back into a sitting position, staring up at the four of us incredulously.
"Come ON!" He exclaimed indignantly, looking to each of us individually. "You're kidding, right? You're just gonna give up? Where's the danger in that? Or fun?"
"There's only a few months of school left anyways, babe." Marls reminded him gently, offering out a hand. "Your time isn't quite over yet, but..with the map, I'm afraid it's time to say goodbye. You've used it well."
"We have." Remus agreed, his mouth curving up into a smile. "Remember how much time we spent on making that thing?"
"I'll never forget." James grinned.
"Alright then, if you're not gonna accept it- " Marlene rolled her eyes, snatching her hand away. "let's leave the toddler to continue his tantrum. I'm starved."
At her words Sirius abruptly jumped to his feet, a wide grin plastered to his face.
"You know I can't deny food." He chuckled, pressing a fat kiss to her mouth and slinging an arm around her shoulder.
"Yeah, cause you're a pig." She snorted, as we started our way along the empty corridor.
"I am going to miss that map." Remus said sadly, glancing to James. I stifled a giggle as they shared their sentimental moment and grabbed Mary, both of us hurrying away from them as fast as we could without running.
"They're like children." She whispered as we walked.
"They are children." I corrected, the corners of my mouth lifting up.
"Who's children?" A voice whispered into my ear, causing the hair on my neck to stand up. A shriek escaped me as I jumped about a foot in the air, my heartbeat sky rocketing. My hand leaped for my heart as I turned around to see James, chuckling away quietly like the devil he was.
"Ah, you're so funny." He laughed quietly, leaning in -
I pressed a hand to his chest stubbornly, preventing him from further actions, and dodged him.
"Really?" He retorted in a bored tone, one brow arching in exasperation.
I smirked, feeling rather smug. "Work for it." I replied cheekily, intentionally popping a hip out. He rolled his eyes and started to tap his foot against the stone with impatience.
"You know that I could move your arm easily in a second, right?"
I cleared my throat, pretending as if I didn't, and adjusted my hand on his chest. "Well If you were a good and honourable man, you wouldn't." I replied rather confidently. Another challenge. James laughed quietly, glitter sparking in his eyes. Then, he swiflty leant forwards and gripped my arm firmly, but not hard, and carelessly eased it away. I tried to ignore how much strength he had against me, first because the thought was rather intimidating - but as I pondered it, I found myself getting more and more turned on. James then reached for my other arm, so that soon he was pinning both down to my sides - I was trapped.
"Maybe I'm not a good and honourable man." He whispered, leaning in and brushing his nose against my temple. "Maybe I don't want to be." My breath caught in my throat, a wave of heat flowing through my body like volcanic lava. I stood locked together, entranced underneath his spell.
"Well that's rather scandalous, don't you think?" I managed to murmur in reply. He smirked, with a slight roll of his eyes.
"Yes - I think this is rather unfair, actually." I pushed on, trying my best to focus on his eyes and not his lips. They flickered to my own and back again, teasingly.
"And I think you asked for it." He growled softly, abruptly yanking me closer to him by the wrists. I yelped and fell into his chest, every particle in my being going haywire at the tone of which he used.
"James Potter, you tease." I whispered as he bent to brush his lips to the sharp of my jaw, triggering endless tingles.
"If only you weren't so devastatingly beautiful." He murmured in reply. My breath caught in my throat as he grazed a tooth along my cheek, ever so gently.
"That is all very well, but I'm afraid that if you continue, you'll find me rather a mess in the middle of a school corridor." I gulped, involuntarily arching my neck into him. "As Headgirl, I couldn't possibly allow it." My words were like an instaneneous nuclear bomb. As they escaped my lips, James had pushed me back against the wall behind us firmly, slamming the very air from my lungs.
"Would that be so horrific?" He whispered in my ear, the breath tickling my flesh in a way that made me want to giggle like a little girl. James readjusted his grip, letting go of my wrists, those delicate and honed fingers caressing the dip of my waist dangerously.
"Unless you'd like a terrified first year to walk in," I breathed, sliding my fingers up into his hair, simultaneously allowing him better acces to my neck. "On me, butt naked against the wall."
James pulled back abruptly, releasing his grip on me, an expression of shock blanketing his features. No doubt the picture of it was in his head, as it was mine. I grinned suggestively, offering him the most smouldering and smug look I could muster.
"Lily!" He exclaimed in surprise, a shocked laugh escaping him. I arched a brow in question.
"I-" he shook his head in disbelief, surveying me as if taking a double take. "Who knew you could be dirty!"
"I can be anything I want." I murmured in reply, the corners of my mouth turning upwards.
James did not reply. He only stared. He stared at me softly, a kind of...longing, rippling across his face.
"James?" I asked, concern nipping at the back of my mind. Could I have said something? Triggered a memory? Came on too strong?
"What's the matter?" I scanned his face, searching for any sign of what could have made him react his way. And I'd thought I was being sexy...
James shook his head, his mouth curving upwards. "No." He murmured quietly. "Nothing, nothing at all."
I blinked, noting his glazed over eyes as he gazed at me. He reached his hand out and cupped my face ever so gently, the warmth of his hand a comforting, homely feeling.
"Quite the contrary." He went on, leaning down so that our noses caressed one another. I booped his with my own, giggling slightly. He smiled even wider.
"I am so grateful for you, Lily Evans." He whispered, his breath tickling my lips. The corners of my mouth turned upwards as I gazed into the depths of his milky eyes.
"I love you so much." I whispered, my hands sliding over his pectorals and shoulders, admiring the defined muscle beneath.
"I love you too." He whispered back, and brushed his lips against my own firmly. He pulled back for a millisecond, making me pout. "And on top of that, you should be dirty more often." He added very seriously. I giggled and I leaned into his touch, our lips colliding once more. James's hands roamed my sides, never not exploring. I forgot about the rest of the world, I forgot about where we were, I forgot all about lunch - all that mattered was that we were intertwined and passionately kissing in an abandoned hallway.
I pulled back from James immediately, a feeling of dread settling somewhere in the depths of my belly.
"Oh shit," I barely breathed. I didn't dare look at James, too preoccupied with adjusting my collar, which he had ruffled when kissing me.
I could recognise that cough anywhere, anytime. Even in a dream like this.
With dread, I turned on my heel to face the wrath of Minerva McGonagall, and was greeted with a bitter smile plastered across her taught expression I coughed lightly and ran a hand through my hair, which I knew must be ruffled.
"Professor." I inclined my head with all the effort I could muster, internally grimacing and wishing that she'd stop staring at me so violently.
"Ah. Miss. Evans. And," She said lightly, her eyes flickering to my left. "Mr. Potter. " She said it bit more fiercely, deliberately emphasising his name. "It seems you were rather preoccupied."
Instantaneously, heat bloomed through my cheeks and neck, engulfing me in humiliation. Oh god...
"Rather, yes." James replied back casually, offering McGonagall a wide grin. I facepalmed, wishing I could be anywhere else in the world but caught red handed for kissing James Potter in a hallway. It was so extremely un-Lily-like.
McGonagall's nostril's flared, a sort of amusement flashing across those sharp eyes.
"As Happy and relieved as I am that you two are finally together," She went on with a slight curve of her mouth. Not gonna lie, that surprised me. "And as glad as I am that I won a bet about it from Horace - " I had to prevent my splutter. "I'm afraid I cannot walk past that - ahem, and er.. say nothing." She pursed her lips, making it clear that she was not going to dwell on the words.
My blush deepened gravely. "Of course. So sorry, Professor." I grimaced, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear awkwardly. "I, Er- it won't happen...again." I attempted a weak smile.
James let out a slight chuckle besides me, and I shot him a warning glare. Let's not play with fire today. He merely chuckled some more, and nudged me gently, letting me know that he was fine.
"Been betting on us, Professor?" He asked conversationally, glee illuminating his eyes. To my utter surprise, a wide smile spread across Minerva's face at his words, igniting her complexion. Happiness suited her!
"Ever since you first asked her, might I add." She chuckled, shaking her head. "Ahem. Anyway. I am aware that you two are almost finished with your schooling, and I am also aware that the system is tiring you. As young adults, you are both preparing yourself for the bigger world where school rules don't matter as such. It is difficult, still being treated like you are children, but progressively reaching adulthood."
I stared at McGonagall in shock, wondering when the yelling would come and waiting, just waiting for the points to be taken. Was she applauding us, scolding us, or excusing us? Or a bit of both? It seemed to me, like a life lecture. I couldn't possibly comprehend where she was going with it, at all. By the look of James, he couldn't either. We exchanged a befuddled glance before facing her once more, her rare smile unwavering. A small sigh escaped her, and she folded her arms to her chest briskly.
"Despite all that," She tuttted rather bitterly. Here we go, I thought with dread. "It is utterly unacceptable as students, let alone Headboy and Headgirl, to be partaking in such activities in school corridors." She paused, and inhaled sharply. "I am afraid that I must take...2 points, from - the both of you."
I couldn't prevent the snort that was begging to burst from me the moment McGonagall's words left her mouth. I clapped a hand to my mouth, hopelessly attempting to contain my amusement, not even daring look at James, afraid that I would lose it completely. I almost choked. 2 points?
"Now, If you've quite regained control of yourself," She continued with a familiar stern look. Relief flowed through me. It wasn't an imposter, then. "I shall proceed to award you both 5 points for the representation of Gryffindor pride and the ah- doing, or..more so expression, of ah - love. Good day to you both - I am late for my lunch."
I gaped after McGonagall until she had marched down the entire corridor, and the swish of her emerald cloak had disappeared around the corner with a flourish. Still gaping. I turned to James in shock, pleased to see my expression mirrored on his face.
"What on earth just happened?" I exclaimed, running back over the past few minutes. "Do you think she's right in the head? Should we be worried?"
James shook his head, as nonplussed as I. "And what the hell did she mean by 'doing love?'"
I stared at him and giggled, suddenly realising what her words had sounded like. James's laugh synchronised with mine, and soon we were both laughing so hard that our breath was caught in our throats. A tear of mirth rolled down my cheek as I gasped for words, clutching onto James's arm for support.
"2 points," he choked, his eyes widening. "That's my record!"
I rolled my eyes, my hand subconsciously sliding to his side. My fingers slid over his calloused hand, his skin hot on mine - like fire and ice. He gave me a little squeeze, and I glanced up. James's mouth curved up into a crooked smile, rattling my very bones. I couldn't prevent the grin the split my face wide at the sight.
"Where were we?" He murmured, his eyes twinkling at me suggestively.
"James." I laughed, and reluctantly began to trudge down the corridor, yanking him by the hand behind me. "Later." And that, was a promise.
"Please." A whine issued from behind me.
I rolled my eyes and glanced back to his face, unsurprised to see him pulling an altogether unconvincing puppy expression. I pulled my hand out of his and folded my arms into my chest stubbornly.
"Not working, love. Later. Promise."
James let out a huff and gave up, resorting to planting a gentle kiss to my forrid.
"Cmon, I'm starving." I whined, closing my eyes and picturing the beautiful flavours awaiting me. "We've already missed like twenty minutes of lunch." My eyes fluttered open as James booped my nose with his own, his hand already home in mine once more.

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