Chapter Twenty: Hogwarts Shenanigans

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"MARLY!" I barely heard myself bellow over the relentless torrential rain, soaking me from head to food. What felt like egg sized droplets from the sky's current temper tantrum splashed against my bare face, freezing my toes into my numbness. I yelled out hoarsely as a bludger came whizzing towards the back of Marlene's head out of the blue, ricketing from the force of it. She ducked and did a one eighty turn, simultaneously catching the Quaffle that William had passed her as she pulled herself upwards. Marlene lobbed it back over to me, her hair flying behind her like a lion's mane. I swooped in and smoothly caught the Quaffle, speeding towards the goalpost faster then was appropriate, and proceeding to score through the middle hoop with ease.
It was Tuesday night, and my team, our team, were training harder than the last few weeks combined. This was the first extremely muddy and wet practice since last season, and I was proud to see that everyone was holding up really well despite. Marlene scored once more and then Padfoot blocked William's next shot, before I glanced down to my waterproof spelled watch, to see that we were already fifteen minutes past the end of training time.
"Okay team!" I yelled hoarsely over the gusting wind, trying to reach them through the storm. I motioned for Sirius to whistle so that they would know it was time to descend to the ground. I hurriedly did a loop around the goalposts, soaking in the feeling of the wind whipping at my skin and scent of the air up so high. I grinned despite the unbearable cold, despite the layer of mud on me, before zooming off and pulling sharply into a narrow dive. I rocketed downwards at a steep angle, saying farewell to the view of Hogwarts - and landed gracefully upon the slushy grass.
We jogged through flooding shit caked mud, splashing onto our already filthy robes  - Amy screaming as Padfoot aimed a ball of it at her head - and ducked into the changing rooms. I beamed proudly at my players as they grinned with exhilaration, shaking off their soaked layers. I shouldered my broom, shaking my hair out like a wet dog.
"Well, shit. Nice one, ladies and gents. You were kicking arse out there today." I clapped William and Padfoot on the back affectionately. "Especially you, Cam." I went on earnestly, scanning the changing room for her and smiling widely when she met my eyes. "You were really getting in there. You've already improved so much, and I'm loving the sass! Keep this up you lot and we'll absolutely thrash Slytherin next term."
Cam smiled at me gratefully, her face shining with joy. "Thanks James." She grinned. "Alright then..I'm gonna hit the showers. See you guys later!" She ducked out of the door, heading back up to the castle.
Padfoot and I eventually bid goodbye to the others, proceeding to traipse up towards the big oak doors in no rush.
"I need a butterbeer." I murmured as we reached the castle, ruffling my hair once and changing direction to the kitchens. As we swerved, a sudden low and dangerous meow echoed through the corridor. We stopped in our tracks abruptly, glancing around for the source. Almost immediately a scruffy looking rag doll cat appeared from around a corner, two gleaming eyes narrowing at us - one a dark green hue, one a deep navy blue.
"Bollocks." I muttered, scowling at the cat. She never failed to scare the living daylights out of me.
"Oh Merlin's farts." Sirius sighed, watching the evil looking Mrs. Norris with an unnerved expression. We personally had suspicions that a demon was inhabiting her body. But then again, Filch wasn't dark dark - only troubled, er, when it came to the chains he kept oiled up in his office. But did he really have enough in him to have a séance? Unless she were possessing him, which then again is very likely.
Mrs. Noris sat smugly beneath a short suit of armour, her stringy tail snaking around her skinny body and evil incarnate eyes narrowing at us with a devilish wrath. I groaned tiredly, dragging a gloved hand down the side of my face.
"...Shit. We better hurry -"
Interrupting me before I could finish that very sentence was a loud, angry yell that sounded uncannily like our dear old caretaker himself, echoing through the empty cool corridor.
"Oh shit." I flashed Sirius a daring grin, meeting the twinkle in his eyes with eagerness.
"Fluke it." He smirked in answer, shouldering his broom.
We stifled our laughs and pushed eachother down the hallway hastily, snorting away and skidding upon the stone with our sopping wet Quidditch boots.
"That was close." Padfoot panted five minutes later, leaning his broom stick against the stone wall as we ventured through the dark corridor that lead right to the kitchens. I shot him a grin in reply, hastily glancing behind my shoulder for the ghost of Filch. No one was near, not a single sight nor sound. Pushing it from my mind I turned to the large painting that hung in the middle from the stone wall, a still life of a bowl holding an assortment of fruits inside. Instinctively, I reached forward and lightly tickled the pear with my index finger. The fruit squirmed uncomfortably, giggling like a first year girl talking about who she fancied - and within seconds, the painting transformed into an intricate, golden ornate door. Sirius wrenched the shining door handle open, exploiting the glorious smells from within. After taking a single step inside after Sirius, the response was instantaneous. Immediately, dozens of varied sized house elves swarmed into view, each and every single one of them crowding around the nearest warm coloured mahogany benches and cooking tables, preparing for the next day's breakfast I assumed. The high vaulted ceiling was supported by beams of multicoloured tiles, reflecting the room below: full of copper utensils, clay pots, stacks of silverware, and stone flooring / oven stations. There were multiple kinds of sections for the different types of meals, the radiant elves chatting away merrily as they worked. They beamed at us brightly, and waved at our entry. We grinned in return - Sirius and I had grown rather cherished relationships with these little elves over the years. I was quite certain that we were their most frequent visitors.
"Hello Mister James sir, and Mister Sirius sir!!" A little squeak issued from the huddle of small elves. One particularly tiny one waddled up to us, beaming delightedly and blinking like a newborn baby. Her bright chocolate eyes glimmered with hope as she surveyed us.
"What is you wanting? Tea? Eclairs? Perhaps fried chicken for Mister Sirius?"
"How's it going, Chinky?" Sirius grinned at the small being, bending down slightly and giving her a little high five. Chinky jumped up on the balls of her feet to reach his palm, her single front tooth glistening.
"Hey cutie." I smiled warmly, joining Sirius and leaning down on one knee. "Actually, Chinky - could we please grab a couple butterbeers, and one extra large lemon meringue pie?" I asked the small elf kindly, admiring her excited nature. She nodded eagerly, bustling away as fast as she could.
Mere seconds later, three elves stood by our feet holding an enormous silver platter with a spectacular lemon meringue in the centre, and two full frothing tankards of warm butterbeer. Despite the fact that we weren't allowed to have butterbeer at actual meals, I was almost certain that Dumbledore kept it stocked in here just especially for people like us to access. The idea of McGonagall sculling back a few bottles on a Friday night in her dull little office brought a grin to my face.
"Cheers, chunk." Sirius smiled at the three warmly, accepting the generous offering. "Tonight's supper was proper banging, lads! Can't wait for breakfast." He winked at Chinky, bowing at her disposal. The three of them bowed at us in return, smiling so eagerly that their eyes crinkled.
"You is both very welcome!" Chinky beamed. "Youse are cheeky boys, youse are."
"No doubt we'll see you again soon. " I grinned over my shoulder as I headed back to the golden door in the wall. "Thankyou!" We waved one last time, before departing through the secret entrance, into the corridor.
"Have a nice night sirs!" I heard them squeak in final farewell as the pear giggled goodnight.
Sirius grabbed his broom from besides the wall and shouldered it as we silently made our way down the corridor, finding the quickest short cut back to the seventh floor without Filch finding us. I levitated the great silver platter in front of us as we sipped our warm beer, the foaming liquid soothing my raw throat like a charm. After eyeing the platter longingly, I gave in and dipped a single finger into the absolutely enormous pie - suppressing a groan at the creamy taste. It was bloody mouth watering.
"House elves are so pure." Sirius laughed openly, shaking soaked the hair from his eyes and taking a hearty swig of beer. "I wish Kreature had been like that, I probably would've stayed for the sake of him sneaking beers into my room."
I snorted at the comment.
"That's just certain families, though." I pointed out, pushing my glasses up my nose with a knuckle and scratching my upper lip. Sirius agreed silently, inclining his head.
"I mean, think of Rosie." I smiled at the memory of the House elf who, being an only child, had always been a kind of sister to me. "She's the sweetest little thing in the universe."
She'd been my best friend since the day I was born, constantly offering me things and helping me get away with shit behind Mum and Dad's back. She looked after me when they were gone on missions and for work, offering me company and maternal fretting. I owed a lot to her, frankly.
"Yeah, that's true." Sirius admitted gruffly, shrugging. He paused, opening his mouth a few times and closing it again, as though wanting to say something but resisting.
"What's up?" I asked, nudging his shoulder. Sirius swallowed audibly, a faint crease appearing between his eyebrows.
"I uh, bumped into Regulus in some dodgy corridor the other day." He said casually, scratching the back of his neck and averting his eyes. "When I was looking for Peeves."
I did my best to remain casual, suppressing the urge to stop in my tracks. Mentally, my thoughts were racing at all the outcomes this conversation could lead to. What was Regulus up to this time?
I wasn't sure what to expect from Padfoot. Would this be a rare conversation where I comforted him, or would we laugh it off together afterwards?
"And?" I pressed lightly, scanning Sirius's blank expression. I had a feeling that this was weighing on his mind - Sirius always shut down slightly when he was troubled.
In all honesty, I pitied Regulus. He was nice enough, a generally quiet lad. I'd never really talked to him, only heard stories from Sirius or played against him in Quidditch. What I did know was that he used to save meals for Sirius when he lived back at Grimmauld place, and would take them to his room when his parents weren't around. He did it at his own risk of getting caught and punished, and I would be eternally grateful for that. The risk, the company he gave, and the support he offered as discreetly as he could when Sirius was left beaten and bruised - starved in his own bedroom...everytime I thought about the reason fueling Regulus's small act of kindness in the first place, fury swirled in the pits of my stomach, a raging fire but -
Regulus...he was good. He was, in his heart. And he had been good for a while, up until Sirius couldn't take it anymore. Padfoot still blamed himself for leaving - says it's his fault for Regulus's current predicament. That If he hadn't left home, Regulus would be safe and wouldn't have acted on any peer pressure from his Slytherin acquaintances. Part of me wanted to agree - but I couldn't be certain. And I couldn't let Sirius blame himself, either. Not for something so completely out of his own control.
He was constantly trying to help Regulus, to persuade him to turn back and fight with the other side. To become a spy, perhaps. The idea itself was appealing, but I knew deep down that there was nothing else to be done. I saw the way he talked to the other snakes... heard their whispered plans. It scared me that Regulus, so close to Sirius, could hand him over at any given time. Frightened me that Voldemort was so close to their family -
"It went the same as usual," Sirius said quietly, taking another sip from his frothing beer. "I was casual, charming. Tried to talk him out of whatever he was planning, of course." He took another swig. "But this time was different. He insisted that he couldn't back out of whatever it was. He looked pretty....shaken. I mean, it was as if he didn't have a choice."
I had to suppress my wince, letting out a long and deep sigh as I surveyed Sirius's tightened expression.
"Padfoot..." I hesitated. "I don't think he does."
Sirius nodded silently in reply, his eyes clouding over - and he did not speak again for quite a few moments.
Regulus had been roped in, and there was no escaping the Dark lord once you were. Once you'd pledged your life, your accomplishments and goals to the mark on your was all over. I knew from my parent's inside sources what had happened to the disloyal followers, those who stepped forwards to the ministry.
And if Regulus was indeed one hundred percent committed, If he was dedicated with everything he had - there was no bringing him back. Even if Sirius could change his mind, he would be killed, no option given. Voldemort didn't give second chances.
I couldn't let that happen to Regulus, or to Pads - It would destroy him.
Sirius opened his mouth to speak, a frown creasing between his brows.
"He just looked so helpless, you know?" He exclaimed finally, gritting his teeth. "I mean, I miss him. All this shit started when I left, all the shit I was so afraid of. Its become so much more real, especially now. It was like I was the only tether that held him to anything good. And I - I just wanna take him away from that bad stuff, you know?"
We had stopped in our tracks by now, near a portrait of two giggling maidens. I smiled sadly at his pained expression, the concern that danced in his eyes and the tone he used.
"Mate." I sighed heavily, sliding an arm around his shoulders In comfort. "I know." I murmured, gripping him tightly. "We just have to keep trying, I s'pose. Find out the facts, first. You're doing what you can. In the end, it's nothing but his choice...but, I wish things were different, too. I do."
Sirius paused. "I s'pose." He replied quietly as I pulled away, clapping him on the back. Sirius stilled for a second, before scowling as he remembered his unkempt attire. He shook his hair about like a wet dog, water droplets and dregs of mud flying from his locks and spraying a Slytherin first year that was leaving the library. The first year jumped, muttering a curse before scuttling off. Sirius watched him hurry away, his eyes narrowing slightly.
"You're a good brother, Sirius." I murmured, scanning his face. He glanced to me, meeting my eyes. I saw the longing and pain that swam there.
"I'm not, James." He finally growled, shaking his head and sliding a hand down the side of his face. "Like I said, this shit's all happened since I've been gone -"
"Sirius," I cut in flatly, grasping his right shoulder firmly. "You were in an impossible situation - your parents were abusing you for the most ridiculous, ignorant thing I've heard in my life. For being in Gryffindor, for the ability to be selfless and brave. You're the bravest fucking person I know - and your parents, who are supposed to love and support you, hated you for the very best quality that you possess. And that is not okay." I added angrily, giving him a sharp look. "Look at me, Sirius. You went to sleep every night with a bleeding nose and empty stomach - you couldn't stay there any longer. It would have destroyed you. You wouldn't have been able make it -"
"Bullshit." Sirius spat, brushing the hair from his eyes and meeting mine piercingly. He pushed my hand from his shoulder when I refused to back down.
"That's bullshit." He repeated, throwing his hands into the air and sloshing beer over his front. "Yeah, they treated me like that - but I could have put up with it. For him, I could have stomached it. Protected him a -"
"Don't even pull that card." I snarled, taking a single step forwards. "Sirius - you deserve to be cared and loved for as any kid does. You always have. You deserve to be who you are without feeling ashamed. You deserve compassion, respect and most importantly, a  bloody choice. If you'd stayed, Mate, you would have been giving your self a disservice. And Regulus too, by surrounding him with it all. You couldn't take it anymore, and neither could he. That's final." I finished, panting slightly, our faces now mere inches apart. Sirius did not retort, his paled lips quivering silently. He only stared me in the eyes, a silent challenge - as though deciding whether or not he should fight back. After a few moments of this he suddenly shook his head, dropping his gaze and taking a step away from me.
"You're right, mate." He got out hesitantly, glancing to his beer. "You're - right. I just hard to accept."
A heavy sighed loosed l from my lips, and I pulled a hand through my rain matted hair.
"I know, Padfoot. And I'm so sorry, a million times over. Ever since that day you turned up at my place in the summer of fourth year, I've never been more grateful." I closed my eyes briefly, reflecting back on the day I would never forget. It was raining down hard, a torrential storm. It bulleted down on the roof of my house relentlessly, meaning that travelling was completely out of the picture. I was slung over the biggest sofa in the living room and speaking to Dad about Lily, coincidentally. Mum had been to her friends the previous day for a wine to celebrate the summer holiday, only to decide against coming home until the unexpected rain abated. I blinked against my dewy lenses, sinking into the memory....
Summer Holidays, 1974:

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