Chapter Fity Four: "Are you asking me out, Evans?"

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- LILY -

"Did you know that blast ended skrewts can fornicate with their mouths?" James read aloud out of his Care Of Magical Creatures textbook one blustery Friday lunchtime.
"You mean have sex with both ends?" Mary asked in mild disgust.
James tilted his head slightly, scanning the page of his book. "Looks like it."
"Now I do." I leaned over his shoulder to see what he was frowning at. It was a graphic wizarding image of two skrewts, changing positions in the way James had described. I cocked my head, watching as one of them breathed fire on the other before the actual penetration resumed, alternating both ends.
"Fascinating." I hummed.
"I want to see skrewt sex." Sirius demanded, craning his neck. He rest a hand on my shoulder, leaning in and see what we were looking at. Sirius stuck his tongue out in deep concentration, studying the image with his head tilted to the side. After a moment he snorted, flopping back onto the bench.
"Not a nice place for a third degree burn." He sniggered as James closed the texbook with a thud, shoving it into his bag.
"Technically, nowhere is a nice place for a third degree burn." Remus commented, scanning the front page of his morning prophet. Sirius gave him a vaguely annoyed look.
"I have to write an essay on this." James said wearily, dragging a hand through his stuck up hair. "A methodical recount of skrewt fornication."
"How lovely." I pat him on the shoulder.
"You could make it into a descriptive porno." Sirius suggested, biting the end off a breadstick. "Kettleburn would love it, his wife died last year."
"Good lord." I muttered as Remus choked on of pumpkin juice. "In no way should you do that."
"I'll consider it." James sighed, tossing an apple back and forth between his hands.
"Have you asked Dumbledore about Hogsmeade?" Remus asked me, tucking a book underneath his arm.
"Yeah, I'm putting notices up tonight." I smiled at him, studying the tired lines of his face. "I think the Valentine's Day thing persuaded him. He had to write to Bagnold, she got back within the hour. She's going to send a few spare Aurors down Saturday morning."
"Perfect opportunity to ask that Ravenclaw on a date." Marlene said to Mary, who was being oddly quiet. Her gaze snapped from the Ravenclaw table to Marly's face, scowling at the smug smirk she wore.
"As long as we don't accidentally go on the same date." I said to Marly, pouring myself a goblet of juice. "I'd like to keep your boyfriends wet dog smell away from me for at least an hour."
"I prefer the Hogs head anyways." Sirius commented absently, glancing from me to Marlene. "I haven't actually even asked you." He snorted, his smile fading slightly as Marlene slowly raised her eyebrows.
"Asked me what?"
"If you want to go on a date." He winked. "Have a nice pint, maybe a romantic meal. What d'you say?"
"With you?"
Sirius stared at her incredulously. "No, with Frankie first year."
James snorted.
"Ask me properly and I'll consider." Marlene's upper lip twitched. He scanned her face slowly, mouth twisting into an amused smile.
"Marlene Katherine Mckinnon," Sirius slid an arm across the table, grabbing her slender hand and slowly lifting it to his lips. She fought her smile, eyes sparkling at him daringly.
"Would you do me the honour of accompanying me to the Hogs Head tomorrow? As my devastatingly sexy valentine, of course." He flashed her a dazzling grin.
"I s'pose that wouldn't be so bad." Marly replied, pursing her lips. "But you have to pay this time," she added seriously when he leaned in to kiss her. The smile wiped clean from his face and he abruptly dropped her hand, causing James to snigger.
"How romantic." I cooed, leaning in to poke Sirius's cheek with a finger. He batted my hand away, scowling.
"At least girls talk to you." Peter said grudgingly. "I'm pathetic."
Sirius's eyes slid to him. "Wormy, you need to stop embarrassing yourself with these weird things that you say." He sighed, shaking his head. "It really scares them off, y'know?"
"You've really got to stop, mate." Remus grimaced, clapping Peter on the back.
"So, Potter." I hummed as Alice joined the conversation in Peter's defence. "...Hogsmeade?"
I snuck a glance at James, who had been half heartedly listening in. He paused, swivelling to face me.
"Are you asking me out, Evans?"
I averted my gaze. "That was more of a suggestion, actually."
"Ah." James eyes lit up, a slow growing smirk on sensuous mouth. "A date suggestion?"
I glanced back to him. "Yeah. Sort of."
"So," He tilted his head slightly. "You are asking me out."
I pursed my lips. "I guess I am, Potter."
"Why haven't I woken from this dream yet?" He wondered aloud, frowning at the ceiling. "Oh, that's right - Lily loves me now." He grinned, dodging out of the way as I went to jab his rib with a finger. "I can't believe you just asked me on our first date." He snorted, raising his eyebrows. "Did you realise that?" 
I blinked at him. "What?"
"I haven't asked you to Hogsmeade once this year." A slow grin lifted up his cheeks.
I felt my cheeks warm. "Shit."
James tilted his head back and laughed loudly, turning to interrupt whatever Remus was exasperatedly explaining to Peter. 
"See here Wormy, when more than one girl tells you that you're a little bit creepy, it starts to show a slight pattern -"
"Everyone shut up!" James announced out with an infectious grin, spreading his arms wide. "Lily Evans just asked me out on a date!"
A few people down the Gryffindor table cheered, leaving Peter, Remus and Sirius to applaud enthusiastically, jumping out of their seats to high five eachother.
"I'm going on a date with Lily Evans!" James yelled out, resulting in a few chuckles that rippled through the great hall.
"Never thought the day would come." Remus was muttering. I watched them in mild amusement, thinking about the last time James had asked me out. It'd been about midway through sixth year, when he'd snuck into the library after Remus had told him I was there studying.
"About time." Sirius smirked.
"Well," I straightened up, folding my arms. "He hasn't even said yes yet."
I glanced to my left where James was grinning crookedly.
"Yes, Evans." He laughed, shaking his head. "I'll go to Hogsmeade with you. And maybe be your arrogant git of a Valentine, too?" He added hopefully.
I raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that the point?"
"Yeah, but you didn't say the words." His grin grew.
I rolled my eyes, sighing deeply. "Potter, will you be my Valentine?"
He paused, frowning as if to consider his options. "If I'm being honest Lils, I think I'm gonna have to sleep on this one -"
I whacked him over the head with my napkin and he laughed, throwing a broad arm around my shoulders.
"I'd love to be your Valentine, Evans." He nuzzled his face into my cheek, smothering me with kisses.
"Fool." I muttered underneath my breath as he pulled away. James licked his bottom lip slowly, his dark eyes twinkling.
"I do admit, you could have done better with the whole asking thing." His mouth twitched in amusement.
"Oh?" I folded my arms at the challenge as Marlene and Sirius muttered something indistinguishable in the background that caused a ripple of laughter. "Might I remind you of your own previous attempts? 'Lily, oh Lily, you make me so silly -'"
James's grin vanished from his face as Remus, Sirius and Peter roared with laughter.
"That was second year." He defended, cheeks tinged with a faint trace of pink.
"'You think I'm a willy' -"
"'But I think you're dilly'." Sirius finished, smirking at James.
"I'm never gonna live that down." He grumbled.
"It's really quite sweet." I assured him, fighting my smile at the contradicting look of incredulity on Remus's face. Sirius coughed behind me and I turned to exchange a glance with him before we both snorted, falling into eachother.
"If this is what I get for being romantic..." James sighed, slumping into the the table dramatically.
"You call that romantic?" Remus asked him with raised eyebrows.
"For a twelve year old." He replied with that same crooked grin.
"Quidditch match is on Sunday." Sirius announced, glancing around. "Any takers?"
"I'm too poor." Peter grumbled.
"Seeing as I'm filthy rich from my last successful run," Marlene purred wickedly. "I'm going to bet 1 galleon the Puffs win in the first ten minutes by catching the snitch."
Sirius hummed. "Interesting. Prongs?"
"2 galleons the Snakes win." He sighed, nudging his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I can't be bothered risking anything else. I bloody hope they do because we're still in the lead, and if Hufflepuff wins, we risk losing rank."
"Boring," Sirius gave him a disdainful glance. "I'm with Lene. 1 galleon Hufflepuff win, but with no goals."
"Bold." She commented.
"Thank Merlin the match is actually on, they were supposed to play last week." James complained, itching his nose. "Stupid snakes needed 'more training time'."
"Wankers." Sirius said gloomily.
The bell rang moments later and we slowly dragged ourselves to Defense against the Dark Arts.
"Wait, Lils -" James stopped me just before I walked into class, tugging me into the corridor by the wrist. I bit down on my lip, sliding my hands to the front of his shirt and bunching it between my fingers as I looked up into his face. James was grinning down at me, hands sliding to the waistline of my skirt.
"Do you -"
Before the words could leave my mouth he cut me off with a kiss, scraping his teeth along my lower lip. James kissed me fiercely, and I kissed him back with just as much passion. I pulled back after a long moment, slightly breathless. James gazed down at me, brown eyes hardening with that familiar gleam of hunger.
"Hello?" I giggled. He grinned again, leaning in to brush his lips to my cheek as a few last straggling students walked past, sniggering between themselves. I felt my face warm and slid a hand to his tie, yanking on it firmly. He chuckled, mouth pulling away from my own.
I raised a single eyebrow as he grinned down at me, hands stretching so broadly around my narrow waist that his fingertips were almost touching. Dragging my eyes away from how tightly fitted the rolled up sleeves of his shirt were around his muscles arms, I asked him "What ever was that for?"
"Do I need a reason to kiss my beautiful girlfriend?" James's eyes sparkled.
"Well, no." I pursed my lips. James laughed quietly, lifting a hand to brush the hair from my eyes. I let my cheek rest against his palm, gazing up at him.
"About your date proposition." He explained, sensuous mouth curving into a crooked smile.
"I decided, due to the marvellously romantic poem I performed for you in the great hall second year -" I snorted. "- that I'm better at asking, anyways."
"I see." I bit down on my lip to stop myself from smiling.
"Mmhm." James grinned down at me, his thumb gently sweeping across my cheek. I watched, transfixed as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip, staring at my mouth so intently that I felt my cheeks warm. "I love it when you blush."
I coughed audibly and he laughed, the sound echoing through the corridor. James grinned down at me crookedly, dragging his brown eyes to my own.
My breath hitched. "Well?"
"Wanna be my Valentine, Evans?" He wriggled his eyebrows seductively.
"That's seven times you've asked now." I murmured with a tiny grin. "I s'pose It would be cruel to let you suffer any longer."
"Knew you couldn't resist this charm." He smirked, and In response I ground my heel into his foot. James tilted his head back to laugh loudly, and this time it was me that cut him off. I grabbed either side of his face and thank Merlin he understood what I wanted to do, because I wouldn't have been able to reach if he hadn't leaned in. Our lips slammed together with a surge of electricity that crackled in my veins like wildfire. My hands slid to James's chest, nails digging into the bare skin beneath as I slid my tongue along the entrance of his lower lip. I smiled against his mouth at his responding eagerness and abruptly pulled away. A satisfied smirk tugged up my cheek upon seeing the star struck look on his face.
"We're going to be late." I murmured, before turning to disappear into the classroom. Everyone had just seated themselves by the time James appeared in the doorway, slightly flustered. I hid my smile, looking down to avoid Sirius's narrowed eyes and growing smirk.
"Thanks for joining us, James." Professor MacQuoid's eyes sparkled from the front of the room as the class turned in unison to stare at him. He stood in the doorway, gaping slightly with a hand stuck in his messed up hair.
"Sorry?" He asked stupidly, causing Remus and Sirius to guffaw between themselves.
"Nice swollen lip." MacQuoid mused, his eyes flickering to me. I instantly felt my cheeks warm, ducking my head as Marlene howled besides me, the rest of the class joining in. "A seat if you will, Mr. Potter." MacQuoid gestured to the free desk at the back of the room besides Sirius.
"Sorry, sir."
I looked over my shoulder to see him grin, feeling my cheeks heat a shade darker as he caught my eye and winked.
"What was that all about?" Marlene muttered to me out of the corner of her mouth as MacQuoid introduced the lesson, chalk instructions magically appearing on the blackboard. I gave her a side glance and grinned.
"I've got a date with Potter."

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