"Good morning, Auntie Lucy." Luna's father smiles as he walks towards us.

"Good morning, Roy." I smile, adjusting Luna on my hip.

"Where are you headed?" He ask as we begin walking slowly through the hall.

"Up to the top deck. I'm meeting Dina and Antonio." I say. "Where are you two headed?"

"We were just going to get mommy breakfast." Roy smiles down at his daughter. She laughs, burying herself farther into me.

"I hope you're getting some well deserved rest." Roy continues.

We walk side by side down the silent hallways. "Some." I nod. "But not much. You know this family, they're always moving."

He chuckles. "It will prepare you." He teases, his eyes taking on a childish hint.

I simply ignore his joke, only letting a small smile answer his comment.

"Come on, stop dodging the topic." Roy nudges me.

I again reply to his jab with a small smirk.

"You can't tell me you don't think about it." He continues.

"I do." I say, finally acknowledging Roy's statements. "But I just don't know."

I go quiet as I voice the nagging fear that always emerges when the topic of children is brought up. I adjust Luna once again before continuing towards my destination.

"Why are you scared?" Roy ask.

"Why do you think? There's so much that would come with being Jason's and my child. I'm not ready to put anyone, especially a kid through that. I just don't think I'm ready." I explain.

Roy stays silent for a moment before gripping my arm to keep me from moving away. I turn to look at his sympathetic yet understanding eyes.

"Can I be honest with you?" He ask, his voice both serious and lighthearted. I nod, slightly uneasy. "If I'm being honest, you're never really ready. I realize now that it wouldn't have mattered when Luna came along, I wouldn't have been ready. It doesn't matter how much you prepare because kids throw such curve balls. All you can do is take each step one at a time and learn as you go."

I stand staring at Roy, Luna still buried in the crook of my neck. I look down at her, watching as her bright green eyes stare intently at Roy. She doesn't understand a single thing he just said, yet she still looks at him with awe. For a moment, I imagine what it would be like if I was holding my own son or daughter. I imagine them gazing at Jason with the same adoration.

"Look, I'm not trying to force you or Jay to do anything. I just think that you two have a lot to give. You'd both be amazing parents." Roy smiles.

"Thank you." I say. "And you're right, but there's still a lot to consider."

Roy nods, and we continue to the top deck making light chat. I laugh at one final joke before passing Luna back to her father and climbing the final set of steps and emerging in the golden sunlight.

"There she is!" Antonio exclaims as I make my way towards their table.

Dina smiles widely as I sit down. "Good morning."

"Good morning." I nod.

Antonio slides me a smoothie glass as soon as I'm settled, then his arm moves so that it is draped securely around Dina's small frame.

We sit together discussing nonsense, laughing over stupid jokes, simply enjoying the warm weather and each other's presence.

"When did this happen, huh?" Antonio ask suddenly.

"When did what happen, babe?" Dina ask, turning her attention to him, her eyes instantly filling with adoration.

"When did we get so old, so mature?" Antonio continues. I laugh. "I'm being serious. Look at us. Dina and I are about to graduate high school, and you've already been married for two years. It doesn't feel real."

Dina smiles as she runs her hand up and down his arm, turning to look at him, then giving him a quick peck.

"Aw, baby, don't worry, we're not going anywhere." She reassures her boyfriend, soothing unspoken fears.

"You'd better not. I'm going to need you. Both of you." Antonio smiles, gripping Dina's hand and then mine.

I clasp his hand, squeezing it hard. I turn to Dina and notice she too has extended her hand to me. I take it, clutching it tight.

"I love you, guys." Antonio looks between Dina and I.

"I love you both so much." Dina mimics her boyfriend.

The three of us sit linked, large smiles plastered on our faces. My best friends. I take a minute to wonder how miserable my life would be without them. I think of all they have done for me and all that I owe them. I smile as I think of the life we have ahead of us, and how each new experience will be taken together.

"I love you two. More than anything in this world." I say.

I managed to update without letting a whole month go by! Aren't you proud? Please be proud

Hello dear readers! Would you look at that an update. I know it's not much but I just wanted to give you all a small, cute filler before I unveil the next chapter. I can promise the next chapter will be one we will all enjoy as it is one I'm sure you all have been waiting on. My plan is to hopefully have it out by Valentine's Day, but if not, I plan to release it not long after. Thank you all for everything. Your endless support means the world. I hope you enjoy this small chapter before we enter into the next adventure.

Until next time

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