I scare when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Liz stands next to me. I didn't even notice she got here. "Stay strong, Damon. Stay strong for her," she says. I want to ask what she means, but then I notice I am crying. I didn't even know I started again.

After what feels like hours, the door opens. We all stare at the doctor walking out of the room. "How is she?" We all ask him. He sighs. I can't make up if it was a relieved or sad sigh.

"She made it," he says. I hear everyone sigh of relieve. "But, she is weak," he adds. "Will she make it?" Liz asks. The doctor turns to her and stays silent for a few beats. "We are not sure. I am not gonna lie, her body could still give up," he says.

"Can we go inside?" I ask him. He nods and smiles weakly. He walks away along with the other doctors who came to help safe Abby. Before I can walk in, Elena grabs my arm.

"Can I talk to you, alone?" She asks. I look at Stefan, but he walks away. I nod and wait for everyone to go inside Abby's room.

"I need you to stop touching Abby and stop being so intimate with her," Elena says. I laugh and shake my head. "You are literally asking me this right after she almost died?" I ask her. Elena crosses her arms. "I didn't agree before all of this happened and I still don't," she says.

I sigh. "You know what, Elena? I don't give a shit! I love Abby and she loves me. I don't care that you don't want us to be together. And I am not holding back because you don't like the sight of me caring about her," I tell her. "I do like that you care about her. I just don't want you to kiss her or touch her like that," she says.

I roll my eyes. "Too bad you are not the boss of me," I tell her and walk away from her. "I am being serious, Damon!" She calls. I turn back around to her. "So am I! Why can't you just accept the fact that Abby and I are in love?" I ask.

"Because you aren't right for Abby, you know that too! I am trying to safe her," she says. "Are you really? Why didn't you try to safe her the past month? You didn't know she had to be saved, did you?" I ask her.

Elena stays quiet, so I nod. "I got her through all the horrible things we went through," I tell her. "Without you she wouldn't even be in that place!" Elena says.

"No, without you she wouldn't be in that place. We ran away from you," I remind her. I know I am awful to blame her, but there is no way she gets to blame me for all this.

I can see in her eyes that she didn't expect me to throw it in her face. When she stays quiet, I lift my shoulders and walk away. I walk back into Abby's room. This time, Elena stays quiet. She doesn't call me back or says anything.

I walk back to Abby's bed and look at her. She has more cables attached to her body then before. When I look at her face, I still see the most beautiful girl in the world. She is way too skinny now and doesn't look so good, but I still see the beautiful girl I got to know.

I grab her hand again and bring it to my lips. Gently, I kiss the back of her hand. Right at that moment, Elena walks in. She shoots a deadly glare to me, what I ignore. She has nothing to say. If I want to kiss Abby, I will. The only one who can stop me is Abby. Not Elena, not Stefan, not Jeremy, no one! Only Abby.

When I look at Abby's face again, I start to hear a song. I try to figure out what song it is, but then it hits me. It's the song Abby played me a long time ago. We weren't dating for that long. She wanted me to listen to this song. She thought it was the most beautiful song in the world, but I just laughed at her. I am not really into music. I don't think songs can really touch you. Yes, they can be fun, but that's it.

At least, that was what I thought before Abby played me this song. Maybe it was the look on her face, maybe it was the fact she silently sang along, maybe it was how excited she got after the song or maybe it really was the song, but it was the most beautiful song I'd ever heard.

Of course, I didn't tell her that. I just played it cool and told her that it was an 'okay' song. Does she know I lied? Does she know I searched for that song for hours and when I finally found it, I played it a thousand times since that day? Does she know I love that song?

I don't think she does... Why was I such a dick? Why didn't I ever tell her how much I liked that song? Maybe I will never be able to tell her... Maybe I blew my chance and Abby will never know I loved that song... Maybe... Just maybe, I can play that song for her. Just like she played it for me. Maybe I can tell her I think it is the most beautiful song in the world.

But maybe I can't. Maybe I will never be able to listen to that song with her...

I swipe a tear from my face. I know for a fact that I will keep playing that song, for her. I will listen to that song, dance to it and even sing along with it, for her. I will enjoy that song for the both of us.

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