Present day, Suzhou, China
September music club

"Are you still the Wang He Di we know?" Wu Xi Ze gave him a hug. "It's been ages, Didi. Welcome back!"

The ash grey haired boy with bright eyes and striking looks, broke into a wide grin. "Except for my heart, the rest are the same. Good to see you guys again."

He gave Kuan Hoong a high five. "Where is Kang?"

The group of four boys were friends since high school. Even though, Didi had been living abroad for few years, he considered them as his best buddies.

"He is getting ready for the performance tonight. We will see him after his show. Why did you take so long to meet us? You've been back for six months!" Xi Ze complained.

Didi touched the nape of his neck. "My dad left a huge chunk of unfinished business after he passed away. I honestly didn't think I would be back in China. I really got used to the life in Kyoto."

Kuan grinned. "Yeah, I'm sure. Don't you get more girls after becoming a rapper?"

He shook his head. "The girls there are different. I don't understand them at all. I think I will die single if I still stay there." The guys laughed.

"I'm pretty sure there are many Chinese girls living in Japan too. Maybe you are too picky." Kuan commented casually.

Didi shrugged and took a sip of beer. It had been four years since he left China. After his heart transplant, his mom brought him to Japan to recuperate.

He still remembered the day he collapsed at the basketball court and how they rushed him to the hospital.

The rest was blur to him. He learned after that, they found a match for him and did his surgery immediately.

"By the way, how did you pick up rapping? Rap was never your thing," Xi Ze teased him.

"This is a mystery. I started having interest to listen to rap music after the surgery. And then I picked up the beat and the words. The rest is history."

"I still cannot believe you rap in Japanese. Do one for us now," coaxed Xi Ze.

His friend laughed. "No, I don't perform that much. I write for Kandytown, a rap group, after their founder passed away. Sometimes, I perform with them. Besides, my face is not Japanese enough to be popular."

"You are half Japanese and that is fact." Kuan pointed out.

"Hey, back to the rap mystery...I read somewhere that experts say you will change your behavior according to the donor. So maybe yours was a rap artiste or something. Is that true, Kuan?" Xi Ze asked.

Being a police detective himself, Xi Ze had seen a fair share of criminals who were psychologically influenced in committing crimes, rather than pure malice.

The boys looked at Kuan who was calmly drinking his juice.

"I'm a psychologist only but yes, I have personally counseled a few patients who have had heart transplant before. Not all of them changed but some do."

Didi sat up with interest. "I have always been wanting to find out about this, Kuan. It will be really cool to know."

"Is that really important? You better take care of his heart!" Xi Ze laughed.

"Xi Ze, it was a miracle that they found a match for me. You know how sickly I was in high school." Didi pointed out, remembering his high school days with his friends. Didi and Kuan were the so-called geeks in the class, while Xi Ze and Kang were average in academics.

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