Yunho ✦ Valentines Matchmaking

Start from the beginning

"Good morning everyone. Before we start today, the Valentines survey results are in, so I'll pass them back to everyone who took the questionnaire and let you guys look over them for a few minutes."
He started making his way around the room, setting a paper on everyone's desk as he passed. Your breath caught in your throat when you saw him go by Yunho's desk, placing his survey results down.
Yunho did a survey?
You nearly jumped when your teacher dropped a paper on your desk, "your" survey that "you" filled out.
"Let me see." San reached for the slip.
You were quick to snatch the paper away before he could grab it, holding it out of his reach.
"No. This is my survey, remember?"
"I thought you didn't care." San commented.
"I don't, but I have a right to look at it first since it's got my name on it."
You flipped the paper glancing over the questions and answers, which to your surprise were all fairly accurate, but that didn't change the fact that you were still agitated with San for going behind your back.
Your gaze drifted to the bottom of the page to see who your match was, your heart pounding harshly against your rib cage.

Your match: Jeong Yunho

Your mouth dropped open in utter disbelief. San, who was watching you the whole time saw the look of shock painted across your features. Your eyes rapidly darted over to the opposite side of the classroom where Yunho was looking at his survey results. At that moment, his head turned in to your direction, but you averted your gaze before he could make eye contact with you.
"What is it?" San inquired, a sly grin slowly making its way onto his face. "You got Yunho, didn't you?"
"Shh! Be quiet." You whispered harshly. "You wanna announce it to the whole world while you're at it?"
He only laughed in response.

Your teacher shouldn't have handed out those surveys before class because you were a nervous wreck the entire time, your knee bouncing anxiously as your mind raced. It didn't help that you caught Yunho stealing glances at you every once in a while throughout class.
As soon as the bell rang you stood up from your seat and speed-walked into the hallway wanting to get out of there as fast as possible. Making a brief stop at your locker, you put your books inside hastily, switching them out for any that you needed for your next class before slamming the door shut. You began maneuvering your way through the crowd of students, slipping past anyone who was walking too slow, your second class coming into view moments later. Just before you could sigh in relief you collided with someone's chest almost falling over in the process. When you looked to see who it was you'd bumped into you swore your soul nearly left your body.

"Y-Yunho." You stuttered in surprise, mentally smacking yourself for doing so.
"We're always bumping into each other it seems."
"Yeah." You huffed out an awkward laugh.
He smiled warmly. "Do you have a minute?"
"Yeah, sure."
There was no getting out of this.
"Uh." He let out a nervous laugh. "So, I matched with you on the Valentines survey."
"Did you?" You asked a little too loudly, noting how terrible your acting was.
"Yeah. You know I was kind of happy to see your name at the bottom of the survey."
"I'm so sorry. I didn't even fill the survey out mys—wait what?" You had already started talking before you even processed what he had said. "Did you say you were happy?"
"I did, but let's back up for a second. What was that about you not filling the survey out?" He questioned.
"Oh. San did it for me. I wasn't gonna fill one out because..." You trailed off sighing. "I hate Valentines Day. I thought doing a survey was a dumb idea and I'm really sorry if you wanted to match with someone else."
Yunho let out a soft chuckle. "Did you not hear me a second ago? I said I was happy to be matched with you."
"Yeah but you didn't mean that—did you?"
"I did."
"Oh." Your cheeks got warm.
"It probably wasn't obvious but I like you and I know we aren't exactly close but I'd really like to get to know you more. If you're interested, that is."
"I am." You nodded. "I'm very interested. What did you have in mind? I'm open to anything."
"If you're free and if it's not too soon, we could go out to eat after school. Nothing fancy, just have a nice sit-down meal and chat." He grinned, his big, round, puppy eyes glistening.
"It's not too soon at all. That sounds really nice."
"Perfect. I'll meet you outside after school. Does that work?"
You nodded, unable to hold back the bright grin pulling at your lips. You couldn't believe it. The guy you'd been crushing on actually liked you back. Maybe you owe San a thank you for filling out that questionnaire.
"I can't wait." Yunho leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, his actions eliciting a gasp from you. You looked at him with wide eyes as your fingers unconsciously reached up to touch the spot where his lips had been. He shot you a flirtatious wink before walking away leaving you a flustered and confused mess, wondering what exactly just happened. Your eyes stayed glued to Yunho as he headed down the hallway, watching until his tall form disappeared in the crowd.

"Hey." An arm was slung around your shoulder snapping you from your daze.
"There you are." San sighed, seeming exasperated. "What happened? What did I miss?"
"I'm going on a date with Yunho."

DO NOT steal, copy, repost, translate, or alter any of my imagines. I work very hard on these. If you want to write something inspired by my work, please ask me first

 If you want to write something inspired by my work, please ask me first

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