Vasquez got there first and shot the Z in the head but it kept going for the woman.

"Here." Bailey said handing him her hatchet which he took and sliced the Z's head to mush. It finally stopped moving and the others pulled the woman free, tugging the vines off her.

"Thanks." Vasquez said handing Bailey back her weapon covered in green slime. Bailey only looked at it disgusted and didn't make a move to take it back. Getting the hint Vasquez pulled a rag from his pocket and cleaned off the goo before handing it back to Bailey again, this time she accepted it.

"You're welcome."

"Hey!" the guard said rushing over to them, "I told you people to move into the garage where it's safe."

"Safety first huh?" Doc asked and he and the guard faced off for a bit before Vasquez ushered Doc into the warehouse. Warren cast a glare at the guard before following with Bailey and Addy behind, 10K brought up the back helping the woman they'd just saved.

Third Person POV

"Good. . .shit." Cassandra sighed as she took another puff from the vape.

"Uh, thanks, that's our new hybrid." The scientist in charge, Odegard said as she passed him back the vape, "Oh that's okay, you keep that." He said seeming nervous that he might catch whatever Cassandra had that made her act so strangely.

"So how'd you get into the Z-weed business anyway?" Murphy asked rifling through Odegard's stuff.

"I stumbled on this place. The cannabis was growing out of control. All I had to do was harvest it and get the word out. Needless to say it was a blockbuster product."

"And what about Batch 47? What makes it so special?" Murphy asked.

"That greenhouse hid a top secret crash program to develop an herbal vaccine against the zombie virus. They were growing all these dangerous plants in all these different kinds of zombie compost."

"And to think we were worried about genetically modified tomatoes." Murphy scoffed sniffing a small potted plant.

"When this place was overrun plants grew out of control. The workers were trapped inside." Odegard explained.

"Becoming phytozombies." Murphy said putting the pieces together, "Gotta love the post –apoc world."

"We haven't been able to get close enough to Batch 47 to get a proper sample." Odegard said suiting up in a helmet and a yellow rubber coat and pants.

"So how many harvesters have. . .  gone before me?" Murphy asked delicately phrasing the question.

"Rounded to the nearest ten? Too many. You might be the one."

"Yeah. I've heard that one before." Murphy muttered thinking back to that witch doctor Merch, not to mention the mad scientist Kurian.

Bailey POV

10K helped the woman onto a bunk in the warehouse, there was already a little girl in an orange sweater clutching a toy tiger as she slept there but this was apparently their shared space according to the woman who'd introduced herself as Mariah.

"You alright?" Warren asked as 10K helped her sit.

"Yeah I think so." She said as Doc took out an Always pad and folded it over to patch up a wound on Mariah's leg.

"Mama." The little girl said as she woke up.

"Hey baby. Hey. Mama's here. I came back to you just like I promised." Mariah said stroking the girl's cheek.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin