chapter sixty-four.

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Liv's POV

its been 3 weeks already since me and Ashton first met Drea. Her and Cade started dating 2 days ago. they were totally meant for each other.... just saying.

me and Ashton were currently heading to his mom's place because Harry called us the other day saying that he missed us. we were at their street when Ashton's mom was calling.

"hello mom?" Ashton said. this was bad because he was driving.

"yes mom... mhm... we're almost there. i can see your house... mom! im driving! bye." and with that, he hung up.

"well... im guessing Harry keeps asking where we are?" i asked as i chuckled.

"you guessed it. and Lauren isnt home. she's with my cousin." he said.

"oh.ok" i said back.


we reached Karen's house and Harry was sitting at the window seat. When he saw our car pull up into the drive way, he jumped up from the seat. i laughed as we walked up the porch steps. we didnt have to doorbell because Harry was already at the door by the time we reached the last stair.

"hey bud." Ashton said. Harry ran over to him and hugged him. s'cute.

"hi Livia." Harry said as he blushed. he's such a cutie.

"hey buddy. how are you?" i asked before he pulled me in for a hug.

"So Harry, what do you want to do today?" Ashton asked him.

"Can we play basketball at the park?" Harry asked cheerfully.

"of course bud. go change and then im gunna talk to mum and then we'll head on out." Ashton told him with a smile.

we finally got into the house and Karen was on the couch with her head in her hands.

"ok Harry, go change." i said. he ran up to his room.

"mum, are you ok?" Ashton said while he sat beside her.

"no Ashton. its Lauren. she's.... different. she gives me attitudes now and she's so distant with me and Harry." she said in frustration. i can tell she's had enough.

"maybe i can talk to her sometime?" i suggested.

"that'd be great dear, thank you darling." she said with a smile.

"im ready." Harry said while he walked into the room.

"ok bud, hold on." Ashton told him. "mom, we're heading to the park. we'll be back in 2 hours tops."

"ok dear." Karen said. "Harry, dont give your brother or Liv a hard time. if you do, this is your last time to go with them." Karen said.

"he's a good kid." i said with a smirk.


we've been at the park for a least 30 minutes and surprisingly, Harry is good at basketball.

"you're good bud." Ashton said with a smile. Ashton treated Harry like his kid. he always gave Harry what he wants and i practically spoil Lauren because she's like my little sister.

Ashton and Harry were shooting hoops when my phone rang. it was Luke.

"hello?" i said confused.

"Liv! this is important. me and the boys got some news. head over to mikey's house. we'll see you there."  Luke said in a rush.

"um, Ash, Luke called and he said that they have news."

"about what?" he asked while he held the ball causing the game to stop.

"i dont know. he just said to head over to Mikey's house." i replied.

"oh gosh. what if it's about the band?" he said a bit rushed while he gathered all our things.

"i dont know babe. just calm down. im sure its good news." i assured him.

"Harry, is it ok if we take you to Mikey's place? we have to stop by there really quick ok?' Ashton said as he turned to Harry who looked confused. after he heard what Ashton said, his face became calm.

"ok." he replied with a shrug.


we reached Mikey's house and everyone was there.

"finally Ash." Calum said.

"sorry. we were at the park with Harry which he's here with us."

"oh my gosh really? where's my best friend?" Luke asked with excitement.

"you're so weird." i whispered while i rolled my eyes.

"hey!" he yelled while he looked at me. i put my hands up in defense.

"im over here!" Harry yelled while he walked towards Luke.

"ok guys. what's the news?" Ash asked.

"well, were going on tour!" Michael said with a happy vioce. yay. they're leaving again. woohoo. Ashton's gunna make friends at the meet and greets. yay.

"can Liv come this time?" Ashton asked.

"i dont know bro." Calum said with a sad face. "they said no when i asked it i can bring Nicole." he added.

"ugh. damn it." Ashton said.

"its fine Ash. i'll survive her." i assured him which didnt even work.

"mo its not. the last time we went on tour, i messed up our relationship." he said in frustration.

"no you didnt Ashton." i said kind of madly because it wasnt his fault Mia was a total bitch.

"Take the tour deal. its a good opportunity. who are you going on tour with?" i asked.

"that was the best news ever. we're going on tour with Paramore!" Luke yelled.

oh no. oh hell no. that means theyre going with hayley williams, ashton's celeb crush, for at least 4 months.

"how long is tour?" i asked.

"5 months." Michael replied. ugh. 5 months. this is gunna suck.


FILLER. im really tired so that's why i didnt try that hard on this chapter. sorry for misspells.

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