Chapter twelve.

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OK i'm sorry for slow updates. school is getting the best of me and i hate it. im trying my best.


Liv's POV

4 months later

So its been 4 months i have been avoiding Ashton and i'm actually doing pretty well. I think he's still with Madison which kinda pisses me off because he still can't see how she's no good.

I still go to their school and me and Ashton exchange looks sometimes, but i always look away almost immediately. i still talk to Luke, Calum, and Michael. Tess and Nicole have been by my side ever since that night it all went down.

Calum and Nicole are as strong as ever and Luke and Naomi started going out 2 months ago. they're as strong as ever also. i wish the best for them. Tess and our friend Cole started dating 1 month ago.

everyone is really happy. Michael just doesn't want a girlfriend at the moment so he's totally fine. then there's me.

I'm still helplessly in love with Ashton and everyday after school when i get home, i break down because i can never get the courage to talk to him. no. not after what he said to me when he boys met me at my house that night.

flashback starts

"are you sure your ok?" Tess asked me while we walked into the house. Josh answered the door because i texted him what happened so he kept a close watch out the window just in case so when we came i wouldnt have to get my keys out.

"ya. im fine." i said snuggling up to her side while looking down at my shoes.

"Finally! you guys took forever." we heard a voice coming from the living room.

Michael's voice.

"what the hell? i thought you guys went home." Nicole said with her eyebrows scrunched up.

"we wanted to see if Liv was alright." Luke said looking at me. i immediatley looked down.

"they did not me." Madison said not looking up from her phone.

"just shut it Madison." Calum said standing up. his hands clenched into a fist. he looked pist.

"Cal its fine. leave her be. she doesnt care so why should I." i said wiping my nose with the napkin Tess gave me.

"can you guys just stop arguing for 10 minutes?!" michael yelled. "can we just figure this out and return back to normal. How did we go to great, to awful? im tired of fighting guys and its only been 5 hours." he said putting his head in his hands.

"michael's right." Nicole said. i dont know what to do. i dont wanna talk but at the same time i wanna fix this shit.

Josh walked up to the plate and said something.

"look, guys. Liv looks like a mess and i dont know if she wants to talk today. but if she does, make sure everything is fixed by tomorrow because its not normal for you guys to fight." Josh said walking up to me and hugging me tight. Tess let go of me and sat by Luke.

i think they dropped Naomi off because i dont think they wanna bring her into our shit.

"Josh, just cuz she's your little sister doesnt mean you have to protect her from everything. she started all of this! why cant you see that not everything is our fault. this time it was all her!" Ashton said with anger and frustration written all over her face.

"dont yell at him Ashton." i said sighing. i had a calm look on my face. least i tried to look clam. no one, and i mean no one yells at my big brother like that.

"shut up Liv. all you know is to ruin things. your gunna ruin my relationship with Madison if you keep up what your doing. you can't just judge her for no reason. you dont even know her." Ashton said with scrunched up eyebrows and frustration all over his face.

"what's gotten into you Ashton? you NEVER talk to Liv like that. just drop it ok?" Luke said standing up in front of me and Josh. he looked almost... scared.

"you know what, im just gunna go. when you decide to treat me like the best friend i was to you, come get me because i would love to see the sudden change." i said with a sarcastic smile. i then turned around to walk away and that's when everything was about to change.

" fuck you Olivia Pendrick. i never wanna talk to you again. your just a stuck up bitch that doesnt get over the fact that im TAKEN. i dont want your sorry ass." Ashton yelled. Madison chuckled and smirked.

"Ashton!" Michael and Calum said in sync.

"i dont care she can kiss my ass. im sick of her complaining and her jealousy. its pointless if she knows it'll never happen." he said chuckling.

i turned around with tears rushing down like a waterfall.

" Ashton, i trusted you with my life and what do you do? you throw it back in my face. i trusted you with everything!" i said. it stared turning into a yell. " I fucking trusted you Ashton! why? why is it that you make me believe that i was you bestest friend and nothing could change that?" i said more tears rushing out. my bottom lip was quivering and i just stood there starring at him straight in the eye.

"Answer the fucking question Ashton! why are you such a liar?!" i said crying even more dropping to my knees. i cried even more and Nicole rushed to my side. after minutes of still no answer, i got up and looked up at him.

" I never lied and you WERE my best friend. you can drop it now. keep in mind Olivia, i know your secrets. if you dare to go near me or Madison, i'll let your secrets loose. so fuck you." he said walking out of the house with Madison.

i just stood there, wide eyed. he has never threatened me before. EVER. i didnt move at all.

afer what felt like hours i just started running up the stairs into my room.

Flashback ends

the memory lingered in my mind. Ashton has been different lately and i can tell he's getting distant with everyone, even Madison.

"Hey!! wait" someone yelled from behind me. i snapped out of my thoughts and i turned around to see who it was.

It was Ashton.

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