chapter ninety eight.

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Liv's POV

It's been 30 minutes I've been running around like a confused chicken because no one was around the venue for some apparent reason. There were fans outside already, but the boys, the girls, and management team weren't there.

"What the hell is going on?" I whispered to the security guard.

"I'm not aloud to say, Olivia." he replied.

"Who told you not to say anything?" I asked.

"I can't say." he replied. I sighed before walking to the stage and grabbing a mike.

"Ok, has anyone seen the boys?" I said into the mike. To my surprise, no one nodded or answered. "Someone plesae tell me." I begged.

One of the girls in the crowd nodded to me before walking to the side where the security guards couldn't see us. I walked over making sure no one saw.

"They went out through the front gates. They told us to not say anything because it was a surprise." she whispered.

"Thank you." I said before slowly walking towards the front.

"Olivia!" I heard the security guard yell.

"No. I need to talk to them." i replied before pushing the door open as soon as I hit it.

"Ashton!" I yelled outside.

"Liv?" he said before peering in the corner.

"What the hell! I've been running everywhere." I replied.

"Did a fan tell you we were out here?" he sighed.

"Yes. I was that desperate to ask." I explained.

"Well, now that's ruinned." he chuckled.

"What is?"

"I was planning a surprise, but you found out sooner than planned." he said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion.

"Hold on." he said before pulling his phone out and texting someone.

"Who are texting? You have a show that needs to be played in about 10 minutes." I reasoned.

"I know. I just texted Cal. It's fine." he chuckled. "Alright, let's head inside." he added.

He opened the door allowing me to head in first and right when we entered, everyone was cheering and screaming.

"They were not like this awhile ago." I pouted causing Ashton to chuckle.

We reached backstage and everyone was back there again including Lincoln which he had something tied around his body.

"Ash, what's around Lincoln?" I asked.

"Take it off when I'm on stage." he said before grabbing his drumsticks and heading over to Luke.

"Cade, do you know what's going on?" I asked as I approached him along with the girls.

"I don't know do I?" he said with a smirk causing Nicole to laugh out loud.

"You guys are such buttholes." I said and as soon as those words left my mouth, I heard Michael annouce their band name.

"Lincoln. Come here boy." I said before grabbing the note wrapped around his torso area.

'Come on stage.'

"I don't under-"

"Olivia Pendrick everybody." I heard Calum say causing everyone to erupt with screams.

I slowly walked onto the stage and I was scared to be honest.

"There she is." Ashton said causing everyone to aw.

"What's going on?" I said causing Michael to chuckle. I turned to him and smirked.

"Do you find my confusion funny you buttface?" I asked.

"Very." he replied causing the crowd to laugh.

Ashton got off his drum stool and walked over to me.

"Ashton what's going on? What are you doing?" I asked in confusion. I looked to my left to see Nicole and Alaska squirming beside each other with the biggest smile.

"Olivia, just shut up and listen." he chuckled.

"Wait, let me know what's going on first." I said.

"Do you want the surprise or not?" he chuckled.

"FIne. Get on with it." I said with a smile slowly forming onto my face.

"Ok, so you know I love you right?" he asked.

"I sure hope so." I chuckled.

"Ok, well I do love you." he chuckled. "I don't think the boys and I would be here without you which that says a lot. You're there for me in my toughest times and there at my best times. I don't even know what to say. Wow. Joy." he chuckled.

"Wait... Ashton w-what are you doing?" I asked as my eyes brimmed with tears. I looked at Luke and he nodded slightly causing me to stand there in shock. I peered at Calum beside his and he looked at us in awe before nodding as well.

"Oh my gosh." i said while I chuckled. 

"Olivia, you probably know what's going on thanks to Luke and Cal, but I still have lots to say. Sadly, I can't find the right words to say at the moment. Damn it, I planned all this out." he chuckled before running a hand through his hair. I heard the crowd whispering to each other and pointing at the stage.

"Just ask already." Michael said.

"Chill asshole." Ashton said with a chuckle.

"Ashton." I chuckled.

"Ok, so, I planned to ask this on the stage because, well, this is our fam Liv. So, Olivia Ann Pendrick, will you please marry me?" he asked.

"Of course Ash." i replied before pulling him in for a hug. The crowd 'aw'ed and Luke and Calum high fived while Michael pulled us all in for a group hug.

"Now that that happened, get on with your show." I said before walking off stage.

"Liv." Nicole said in shock.

"You're engaged? What's going on?" Alaska said while she put her hand up to her forehead.

"Why did no one react like this with Calum and Nicole?" I asked before chuckling.

"I can't believe it Liv!" Cade says before pulling me into a hug.

"Me either." I said in agreement.

I stood beside Cade while I watched the boys play their 3rd song.


Keep in mind Liv and Ashton are like 23 by now lol

sorry for misspells

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