chapter ninety nine.

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Liv's POV

-1 year later-

"Liv, it's almost time for you to enter." Ally whispered.

"Just like we rehearsed?" I asked nervously.

"Exactly like we rehearsed." she said with a smile.

"Places girls." Alaska said with a smirk before lining up in front of me.

The music started and the doors opened. There he was standing at the altar with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Are you ready dear?" my father asked me.

"I was born ready." I whispered.

Soon enough, Alaska was walking down the aisle and I took a deep breath in.

Everyone stood up as the que for me to walk down the ivory path than ran straight down the middle in the room.

I gripped my parents arms causing them to chuckle but to continue to lead me down the aisle. As soon as we reached the end, my dad handed me off to Ashton giving him an assuring smile while tears rolled down his eyes.

I stood there agape due to what was actually happening.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join together this man and woman in holy Matrimony..."


"Now, do you Ashton Irwin take Olivia Pendrick to be your lawful wedded wife to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poor, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?" the priest asked Ashton.

"I will." he whispered with a smile while slipping the ring on my finger.

"And do you Olivia Pendrick take Ashton Irwin to be your lawful wedded husband to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poor, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?" he turned to me.

"I will." I said with the biggest smile while I did the same with the ring.

Ashton and I just stared at each other with smiles plastered on our faces.

"Well what the hell are you waiting for son? You can kiss your bride now." the priest said and he immediately picked me up and kissed me like there was no tomorrow.


"Liv!" I heard Alaska say as she did the glass thingy where she tapped the knife on the side of the glass.

"Being the maid of honor really makes this even more hard," she said with a quivering voice. "Liv, I've been on the sidelines with you and Ash for almost 5 years and you guys have always been in a happy state. You've had fights, sure. But you guys have never been mad to the point where you just couldn't do it and for that, I respect you. You guys have a bond that no one can break and I wish you guys the best. To Ash and Liv." she said before everyone drank.

Soon enough Calum, Ashton's best man, walked up and took the mike.

"Um, hi. I would like to make a toast also. Um, Ash, we've been best friends for the longest time and right when Liv walked through the doors for the first time in our 5th grade class, I knew she would be your girlfriend for an instant. Ever since that day, you guys have been inseparable. Throughout middle school and high school, we were like the 3 muskateers until Luke and Mikey came along. We all became close and soon enough, we were in a band together and now, we're touring the world. Ashton, you've been the happiest I've ever seen you when you proposed to Liv and I couldn't be happier. Liv, than you for being there for the band when we needed you most. You two are probably the most strongest people I've ever seen. You understand each other like no one can and don't ever break that bond. Stay together forever please. To the two. Cheers." he said while wiping a tear that fell.

"Oh don't worry. We'll definitely be together forever." Ashton whispered before kissing my cheek.


Everyone was eating dinner when I decided to grab the mike.

"Excuse me everyone." I said trying to grab everyone's attention. "I would like to make a toast to Ashton." I said with a smile. "Ever since I met that kid, I've been at my highest. We've been through so much and I don't know what it would be like without him. He's seen me at my highest and stayed and he's seen me at my lowest and stayed. He stayed through every point in my life from when my first dog died to when my best friend died. Ash, I don't mind if you choose to go on tour with your band for the rest of your life because while you're making music, I'll be your number one fan cheering in the front row. You have the girls' hearts, the boys' hearts, you have Beau's heart, but most importantly, you have mine. I love you Ashton and please, don't ever leave me." I chuckled before everyone irrupted with cheers and claps while I wiped all the tears that fell and ran over to Ashton and kissed him.


Ashton's POV

"You did it Ash." Luke said with a smile.

"I know. I've dreamt about a wedding my whole life and I've always pictured it with Liv." I said with a smile.

"Dreams do come true." he chuckled causing me to nod.

"Ya. Dreams do come true." I said while I stared at Liv. She caught my eye and walked over.

"Well, we did it loser." she said while she rested her head against my shoulder.

"Yup. We did." I sighed.

"I wish Beau was here to see this." she whispered.

"Me too Olivia. Me too." I said before kissing her forehead.


1 more chapter left.

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