chapter twenty- three.

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Ally's POV

 Ashton, Nicole, Tess, Naomi and the boys were already there downstairs. when i walked into the kitchen i couldn't believe what i saw.

"Beau?" i said with confusion obviously in the tone of my voice.

"hi Ally." he replied.

"what the hell? what are you doing her? oh my gosh, does Livy know you're here?" i asked in a worried and stressed voice.

"ya she knows. she's the one who invited me." he said shrugging acting like it was no biggy.

"wait, hold on. what the fuck is happening right now?" i said with confusion. i rushed out wanting to ask Livy what's going on. 

"hey Livy, can i talk to you?" i said.

"Sure babe." she said with a smile.

we made it outside and i immediately popped the question.

"Livy, what the hell is Beau doing here?" i asked shocked.

"oh him. well he found me at the park before you guys did and we talked. i told him to move on and to find a girl who will make him happy, but he said it was me he wanted but i told him no. i said move on because his lips are too perfect to be frowning. he asked if we can hang one time and i said sure. when we got home i told Ash everything and then we decided to have a movie night so i invited him. Ally, he needed a friend and i wanna be his friend again." she said using her hands to emphasize her words.

"i understand. also when we got home, i know y'all didnt just talk. you guys had sex. i heard." i said smirking while walking away. she gasped as i entered the house again.

she pulled me back out.

"please dont tell Josh. if he finds out he'll kill me." she said nearly getting on her knees to beg.

"i wont babe, trust me." i said laughing. we both walked in settling down to finish the movie that was playing.

Liv's POV

When the movie ended, Ashton wouldnt let me get up.

"Ashyyyyyyy baaaabeeee!" i said whining like a 5 year old.

"nooo. dont leave me." he said squeezing tighter.

"Ash, the more you squeeze the more likely i'll end up peeing right here, right now." i said trying to hold in my pee as long as i could.

"oh well in that case. hurry up." he said releasing me from his grip.

i heard Beau mutter something under his breath and then whip his phone out. a while ago, i followed him on twitter and he followed me back. my phone vibrated notifying me that there was a new tweet.

@BeauMikey_: Without you i feel broke like im half of a whole... without you, im just a sad song. #missyouOliviaAnn

my jaw dropped at his tweet. i immediately ran out of the bathroom.

"Beau Michael Olson! get your ass in the kitchen right now damn it!" i yelled from the top of my lungs.

he walked in with his head looking down and his fingers fiddling with each other.

"what the hell Olson! i told you no!" i yelled at him.

"im sorry ok?! i saw you and Ashton and memories clicked in my head. i remember when we were like that and i miss it, dont you?" he said looking sad.

"Beau, you know i miss us, but were done remember? we ended 3 months ago. why cant you move on already?" i replied.

"why the hell did you invite me when you know i hate seeing you and Ashton together?!" he yelled back at me. 

i flinched slightly. i replied with a tone barely audible for him to hear but loud enough to understand.

"it's called being a friend, Beau. i wanted to be a friend. why cant you just move on? do you love me that much?" i asked.

"yes, i do. and you're hurting me everytime you snuggle up close to him." he said biting his lip.

"welcome to the friendzone world. i was like that for at least 6 years Beau! i cant just leave Ashton for you. i love him too much and its too much to risk. Beau, i love you and all, but you cant force me to break up with the one person i truly love with all my heart." i said with annoyance dripping from my words.

"i wont force you. i just wanna ask for a second cance." he said reaching out to grab my hand, but i moved so he didnt touch me.

"cmon Liv." he said giving me a sad look.

"im sorry Beau i cant. we have to remain friends ok?" i said putting my hand on his cheek. he just looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"please dont cry Beau. your blue eyes are too beautiful to be filled with tears." i said smiling at him remembering when he told that to me.

"hey, im suppose to be the one who says that." he said booping my nose.

"promise me Beau," i said and he nodded at me. "promise you'll move on." i said looking him straight in the eyes.

"Liv its not that ea-" but i cut him off.

"no Beau. promise me." i said pushing him away from me because he tried to pull me into a hug.

"fine. gosh Liv. i promise."

"good. now hug meee." i said with a smile.

"can we be best friends again and be how we use to be?" he asked looking down at me.

"of course. that's why i invited you. and no more sad lyrics on twitter. if you have something to say about me, you come to me, dont go on twitter please." i said back to him.

"ok. alright." he said sighing.

"now let's go back inside and finish whatever they started watching.

we walked out into the living room ad all eyes landed on us.

"dont worry, i cleared everything up." i said sighing.

"hey Liv?" Luke said to me.

"yes dear." i said almost sounding like his mom.

"i have to ask you something outside." he said getting up to head to the front door.

"ok." i replied with a sigh.

"hey no asking anyone out. the girl is mine!" Ashton yelled before i closed the door.

"alright, what exactly did you wanna say?" i asked Luke.

"ok. tomorrow is Ashton's birthday and we all planned something." he said with a smirk.

"ok lets hear it." i said also a smirk growing on my face.

"ok so first off we thought maybe if can take place at Mikey's house since the instruments are all there. you tell him to pick you up at your house and when you guys are close to mikey's house text Calum. by then the things are all set up. you tell him you have to go to the bathroom and tell him to stay in the living room. instead of the bathroom, head to the garage. youre gunna bang on the drums and them probably after 5 hits at the snare, stop. Calum is watching from Mikey's room so he sees everything. there's christmas lights on the ground and it leads to the garage and he'll follow. when the garage door opens we start playing classic by MKTO. hopefully you know the song. you dont have to wrap cause i got that covered." he explained with another smirk following behind that.

"sounds like a plan." i said high fiving Luke. tomorrow is gunna be awesome.


i havent mentioned Nicole and Tess and the boys in a while so im trying to come up with a chapterr for them.

sorry for mispells i just skimmed through.

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