Chapter 48 - The Flight

Start from the beginning

"Are you talking to yourself to an inanimate object?" Brandon asked coming out of thin air, literally.

"Ah!" I screamed, "You scared me you idiot!" I yelled and he chuckled.

He chuckled. He chuckled.

"Why are you laughing at me you retard!" I yelled.

"My your insults are getting better," He smirked.

"Shut up," I said.

"No can do." He smirked as he took off the golden watch that he religiously kept on his wrist.

"Are you declaring another insult war?" I asked.

"Of course! We all know that I will win this time my dear wife."

"You do realise that I won the last time, dear husband?"

"I do. I'm planning on changing your winner status to loser." He informed me happily while I rolled my eyes.

"That's not going to happen!" I insisted.

"You're on, love!" He smirked.

"Great. May the best half win!" I chirped with a smirk.


"Winner makes dinner!" I yelled and stuck my tongue out at Brandon.

"Are you trying to posion me?" Brandon asked with a groan as he lay his arms over his eyes.

"'Course not dear! I'm making you the best food you'll ever taste." I insisted.

"You can't cook." Brandon stated.

"Shut up. Of course I can. You've never tasted my famous chicken ala king, hunny." I informed him, my hands on my hips.

"The kitchen is yours, Mrs Hawthorne." The air hostess whose name I had already forgotten said as she handed me an apron and left me to fend for my self in the kitchen.

I happily dug in all the cupboard and wasn't surprised to see that they had all the ingredients I could possibly dream of needing - yes the supply was that extensive and extravagant. According to Brandon and probably Richard - all Hawthorne's only got the best of the best.

After making the rice and the chicken with the sauce I called Brandon into the kitchen ready to allow him to sample the food.

"You called love?" He entered looking nervous, dressed in only grey joggers. His black glossy hair was messy, pointing in every direction. I didn't bother commenting on his shirtless state.

"I did indeed. Now taste!" I said sticking the spoon in his face he looked scared as he took a deep breath in.

"Open your mouth!" I commanded and stuffed the spoon in his mouth. He looked hesitant to chew as I laughed at him.

"You like it?" I requested.

"I did!" He nodded vigorously.

"Told you no one can resist my great recipe!" I informed him.

"I bet Gordon Ramsey can't cook this good." He said happily as he flashed me a thumbs up.

"Of course he can't! It's a Hayes super top secret recipe!" I said.

"I love you Mrs. Hawthorne!" Brandon whispered suddenly making me pause and blush.

I laughed, "Mrs. Hawthorne," I said, "I better get used to that."

"I'll make sure you do, love."


The plane landed a couple of hours later. I smiled happily at my husband as he grabbed my hand, grinning.

"The staff will take care of our luggage." Brandon said as I nodded my head.

"Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne, your luggage is in your limo already." He told us with a smile, his hands were folded over his stomach.

"Thank you." I said while Brandon helped me down the metal stairs that led from the plane to the ground.

"Will the plane wait for us?" I asked, curious.

Brandon nodded, "Yes. It's my personal one so no one uses it besides me - well now us."


"'Oh!'" Brandon mocked.

I laughed and slapped his arm lightly as I got into the limousine. The windows were tinted black and we had a personal driver upfront who had the dividing screen rolled down.

"Where to Sir?" He asked.

"Here. Follow this schedule it has all the details you'll need for this trip. Don't disturb us further Cedric." Brandon said using his authrotative voice.

Brandon pushed a button and the divider went up.

"Welcome to Valencia, Spain!" Brandon grinned.

Hey Guys!

What are your opinions on Brandon being able to string together a few Italian phrases?

[P.s. I'm not Italian so I don't know if those are correct. I had to heavily rely on google translate. If any of you are Italian or know the language could you please just make sure that the sentences make sense? Please and thanks!]

Don't forget to comment (I respond to all of them in my spare time) and please don't forget to vote!

Thanks for reading, see you next update!

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