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"Stop all that running girl," A flash of my little cousin flew past me and out the door. "Oh look who finally decided to come see they, mama," my mom placed her hands on her hips and I walked in her kitchen.

"Hey ma it smells good in here," I gave her a hug and looked over the food that she was making. "Ribs you must have known I was coming over here?" I asked reaching for a piece only to feel a hard smack on my hands.

"Parish get back what you come over here for?"

"I can't just want to see my momma?" I asked sitting at the table. "You know I haven't seen you in a while. I see not much has changed around this place." I looked around at the decor and it was the same as it was the last time I was here.

"Nope, everything's the same."

"I see," I mumbled as her boyfriend walked in the kitchen. He looked at me then leaned down giving my mother a lingering kiss. Rolling my eyes, I looked away not wanting to see that.

"What you doing in my house boy?" He asked standing at the other side of the table.

"Don't start," My mom begged as my eyes raised to his.

"This ain't your fucking house you just a nigga that won't leave. And I'm a grown-ass man. Ma you still with this bum?"

"I'll show you a bum."

"Show me one then," I stood up and he started to make his way around the table.

"Stop it you two," My mom grabbed his arm pulling him back. "Now Parish you just got here don't be disrespectful."

My eyes cut to her, "Disrespectful? Are you serious he came in here starting with me?"

"This my house I can do what the fuck I want," He folded his arms.

"You asked you a question and you got smart. He's the man of the house Parish you have to be respectful." She walked back over to the stove and he gave me a smirk.

"I don't even know why I keep coming over here," I picked my phone up from out the table to leave.

"Parish don't leave please I haven't seen you in so long."

"And this is why. I'm gone ma," I ignored her calls for me as I walked out of the house and got into my car.

My mom always took her boyfriend's side over mine every single time. She's been doing that since he came into the picture 9 years ago so I don't know why I'm surprised. My mom is so desperate for any type of companionship she would do anything to keep it.

When I was 15 I got tired of that shit so I packed my shit and moved to New York. She let that nigga put his hands on both her and me. Once I got older and found out how to use a gun I knew I had to leave cause I would've killed his ass.

Picking up my phone I dialed a number that I knew would always answer.


"I'm on my way,"

"Alright just come on in," I sped to the house in excitement but mostly anger. Everything about that nigga pissed me off. He always walked around like he was running shit.

I never knew my father so my mom wanted me to treat him like he was that. But like I said I never knew the nigga so I'm not going to just pretend that I do. Plus that bitch didn't deserve shit but to get his ass beat.

Pulling my car into the garage I hopped out and made my way inside. The smell of chicken, rice and gravy hit my nose hard.

"Welcome home daddy," The twins spoke at the same time. Jade set my plate on the table while Jordan walked over to give me a sweet kiss on the cheek.

I guess you could say we're in an open polygamous relationship. I met the twins about two years ago when I was at a strip club downtown. At first, Jordan caught my eye and I tried to be faithful and not fuck with her twin but it was hard.

One night when Jordan left to go to the store Jade came home and I couldn't control myself. Jordan ended up walking in on us and instead of beating both of our asses like I expected she joined in and we've all been rocking ever since then.

They're the kind of twins that do everything- and I mean everything together. The more the merrier I guess.

Sometimes it is hard being with the both of them. They tend to get jealous and act like children. I guess it just comes with them.

"What's wrong you look stressed?" Jade came over and started to rub my shoulders.

"Just some bullshit like it always is," I mumbled closing my eyes.

"I know what'll cheer you up," Jade's hand slid down my chest and gripped the front of my pants. Even though my mood was shitty I couldn't turn down head.

After the twins, relieved me of my stress and I relieved myself of hunger I left their house to go back to mine. I'm a real loner, to be honest, and I love it.

As I plopped on the bed my phone rang and I answered.

"Hello," Her sweet voice sung in my ear.

"What's up what you doing?"

"Nothing just thinking about you. I've been missing you these last couple of days."

"Yeah, it's just so much shit going on with Justice. I have to be there for him," Hearing Justice's name she sighed deeply. "Please don't start."

"Don't tell me not to start Parish. I'm so sick of you being the second man to Justice and I know you are too. You're so much better than him you could build your own empire and take it from him. He doesn't respect the OG's he won't last long and you know it."

"Please love let's not talk about Justice," I begged. She hates the fact that I technically work under Justice but it works for me. I don't think that Justice thinks that he's better than me but let her tell her he thinks I'm dirt on the bottom of his shoe.

"Parish you know I love you but I'm tired of waiting on you. Are you waiting until you both almost get killed to make a change? I fuss about it because I love and want the best for you. We can do this Parish just you and I. We should run away together."

"Not with this running away talk again now you know I can't do that," She always wants to leave Atlanta but I can't do that. I care about this girl but if she leaves Atlanta I won't chase her. It'll hurt me but I'll get over it.

"I don't want to leave baby not without you but I'm growing bored of Atlanta and this fast life. I just want to be with you."

"I want to be with you too but it's just so much shit going on," I sighed running my hand down my face. "Listen I gotta go do something I'll call you later on ok?"

"You always want to hang up when I tell you I want to be with you."

"No, I don't I really gotta do something."

"Yeah alright, Parish, I love you."

"I love you too," I hung up and groaned loudly. I didn't want to leave Atlanta my entire life was here, but I didn't want to lose this girl. Life was so fucking confusing I don't know what to do.

I know that whatever decision I make will be the best one for me. 


This chapter is a little short but I wanted to let yall in on Parish's life a bit. 

I've noticed my chapters have been a bit short so I'm going to start writing them longer and filled with more information. 

Thanks so much for reading! 


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