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Coming back to Atlanta felt a little bittersweet. No lie, I was happy to be home but I wished that I could have talked to Aspect a bit more. We dropped him off at the hospital before we left and I do hope he's doing alright. I gave him my number but I'm not sure if he's going to call and I don't want to get my hopes up.

I did not plan on telling Yuko that I saw him after all of these years. It's been a while since we talked but I had a feeling she would come back soon.

I sat on the bed in the room while Justice was in his painting room. He's been a bit quiet since we got back and I understand why. What happened in New York was intense but I just wanted him to know that I was here for him without crowding him.

Slowly I got up and made my way into the room. I opened the door to find him in a deep focus. He was panting a distraught looking face the piece was just so emotional. I kinda just stood by the door not wanting to interrupt him.

"Come in," He spoke softly not even looking back at me. I closed the door and walked up a bit but still stayed far enough behind. "I'm sorry about what happened in New York. I wished you would have never experienced that."

"It's okay I wanted to go." Justice was always so hard on himself for no reason. It's not his fault what happened in New York.

"Jim had a video of us in the bathroom," When he said that I felt like the room was spinning. Knowing I was violated like that made me sick to my stomach. "Even though he's dead my mom is pissed at me so I don't know if she's going to leak it or what. She might hold it over my head to get what she wants. I'm so sorry Kola I forgot that he kept cameras everywhere. Just know that I won't let them leak that video okay no matter what."

"It's okay," I shook my head. "Even if they do I look damn good in it so I'm not worried." Worried was an understatement but I played it cool so Justice could relax. I was praying that no one ever saw it.

"I was thinking about putting a crib in here you know for whenever the baby come." He spoke carefully. Honestly, I had forgotten all about him about to become a father. The thought brought tears to my eyes but I shook them away.

"Where will you paint?"

"The basement it's brand new so it'll be perfect. I just want to make sure you're comfortable with me doing this. I know it's hard for you."

"It's fine Justice," I waved him off. "I know you're going to be an amazing father." He smiled lightly and continued his work. "I think I'm moving out anyway." I blurted causing him to abruptly stop. He turned around to me.

"I don't want you to leave." His face was so sad it almost made me cry.

"Well, I mean now that this whole thing with Danny is over I was thinking about getting me a place and going back to work somewhere." I desperately missed being a nurse. It's been so long since I've sat at doing nothing for hours. I missed being busy.

"I'll take care of you. You don't think I can take care of you?" His voice was so soft and it seemed so fragile. Maybe bringing up me leaving right now wasn't a good decision.

"Justice it's nothing like that. Of course, I know you can take care of me."

"Then let me. Kola please I can't live without. We've been through so much in the little time that we've known each other. I don't want to go slow anymore I want to be with you I need to be with you. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have made it out of New York. When I make a decision I think about you now. Please don't leave me."

Tears fell down his face as he softly cried. I wiped his face softly and leaned up to give him a kiss.

He never opened up to me in this way before and I didn't know if it was because of my emotions being all over the place from the things happening lately or if it was that I was just seeing him in a different light but my feelings for him grew ten times more.

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