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When Penny got to the hotel I was so nervous to show her King. She didn't know about me having another baby, none of my children's mother did except for Raven. When Penny came she brought Princess with her since her mom was at work and couldn't watch her.

"Hey Princess," I smiled picking her up. "Daddy missed you so much," I spoke kissing all over her face as she giggled loudly. This little girl is my whole heart. She shaped me into the man that I am now. She's my firstborn so I knew that I had to get my shit together when Penny said she was pregnant. Even though I was 13 and Penny was 12 we became some good ass parents. 

"What's going on?" Penny asked walking up to me. Her baby bump on full display. I'm not going to lie it made me extremely nervous to be having another baby with her. I have too many kids as is it but I knew coming to her about abortion would get my ass slapped.

"Ok don't be mad," I said setting Princess down. Slowly I opened the door and Princess ran in.

"OH, A BABY!" She screamed happily running up to him.

"Shhh baby you gotta be quiet he's sleeping." She nodded and closed her mouth. "This is your baby brother King."

"Her brother?" Penny asked closing the door. I nodded looking back at her. "Where is her mom did she make it?"

"Yeah, she made it she just doesn't want to be a mother. So now I'm taking care of him on my own."

"And how do you plan on doing that? Rebel you have lost your mind." She laughed carefully sitting on the bed.

"What you mean you don't think I can do it? I'm a good father." I felt some type of way about her saying that. I can take care of my son I take care of all of my other kids.

"Of course I think you can do it and I know you're a good father. It's just different being a single parent and being a co-parent. You're all alone."

"Yeah, that's why I invited you here. I need your help."

"Ha!" She laughed out loud. "So you expect me to take care of her," She pointed at Princess who was staring intently at her brother. "Him," She pointed at King who was still knocked out sleeping, "And this baby?" She pointed at her stomach. "You got life messed up."

"I'm just asking for a little help that's all. Like now I need you to run to the store so I can feed him and change his diaper. I can't take him to the store he was literally just born 10 hours ago."

She sighed rubbing her temples.

"I swear Rebel you act like a child sometimes. You didn't think about this before just saying you would take the baby? And how'd you even get here?"

"I had to UBER and no I didn't think about it I didn't even know she wouldn't want to take care of him. Can you help?" Sighing she stood up and held her hand out. I handed her my card.

"Come on Princess."

"I wanna stay here with daddy and the baby," Princess said not taking her eyes off of King. She was so in love with him and that made me so happy. Once Penny left I climbed into bed and so did Princess. "What's his name?"

"His name is King Gio Smith."

"That's pretty." I watched as she touched his head lightly. He fluttered his eyes but didn't wake up.

"So you know Nova and Noah's birthday is coming up. What you wanna get them?" She shrugged not really paying attention to me. "What's wrong you love birthdays."

"I don't think Nova likes me," She pouted causing me to do the same. "She's always mean to me and she doesn't share her toys. And sometimes she pinches me when no one is watching. She's mean daddy!"

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