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"Tell that bitch he better have my money or I'm running in his shit when I see him," The people on the block nodded with fear in their eyes as I got back into my car. As I pulled off I tried calling Kola for the 4th time but still no answer. I wanted to go up to the school but decided against it. If she was in class she would text me to let me know or send me a picture but this time I got nothing.

I don't know what's wrong with her it's like she picks fights with me sometimes. I tried not to go off on her and try to understand where she was coming from but it's hard.

I love that girl and even though I never told her I really do. I wanted to say it so bad but I didn't want to scare her. We've been at this thing for 5 months and she was still scared to let me love her. I wanted to give up sometimes but the minute she looks at me that thought leaves my head.

My phone ringing snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked and saw that it was Ashely calling me for the 6th time today.

"What?" I answered. She was really milking the shit out of her being pregnant. All she wanted was to bug me and she was the reason I couldn't take Kola out to lunch. I had to fucking take her to Wendy's.

"Don't answer like that. Where you at?"

"Man I'm on my way home I'm done riding for the day," I said letting her know that I wasn't about to take her anywhere or get her anything else.

"I know something that will make you turn around."

"Ashely don't start that shit cause I'm bout to hang up." She was trying her best to get me to sleep with her but it wasn't happening.

"It's not even that see. I just thought that maybe you should know that yo lil girlfriend was out with some nigga in a jeep."

"Yeah ight," I said not believing her.

"What you don't believe me?"

"No, I don't. You always trying to start some shit so why should I?" Ashely needed to stop with her bullshit.

"Okay so that wasn't her that had on a blue t-shirt and some ripped blue jeans with some PINK slides with her hair in a bun and some big ass hoop earing on? I guess I don't know what I'm talking about."

My heart started to speed up because that's exactly what Kola was wearing when she left the house.

"Where they at?" I asked hearing her laugh.

"This day just gets better and better. They at Windell's. Look after that-" I hung up and made a U-turn towards the restaurant. Kola got me fucked up if she really up here. I quickly parked and stepped out the car a black jeep was parked two spaces down from my car.

I quickly walked inside and saw it her and some nigga all hugged up sharing a pizza. She was laughing like he just said the funniest thing. I bit the inside of my lip and walked over towards them.

"Bitch, you lost your fucking mind?" I said finally catching her attention. She looked like she saw a ghost as she looked up at me.

"Justice, what are you doing here?"

"The fuck are you doing here?" I yelled causing her to jump.

"Stop people are looking." She stood up.

"I don't give a damn! Who the hell is this?" I looked over at the man who finally took his eyes off of Kola and turned to me. "Who the fuck you looking at like that?" I asked stepping up to him.

"Justice stop it," Kola said steeping in front of me. "You're really making a scene over nothing."

"No, it's not nothing. Who is this Kola?" She was really starting to piss me off. "You know what," I grabbed her wrist and slung her towards the door. "Take yo ass outside." She quickly walked out and I followed her. "I got something for you bitch," I said to the dude who just looked the other way.

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