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"You look so pretty talking all my dick," Justice spoke while pounding me from the back. I gripped the sink and tried to wait for his orgasm until I came. "This pussy gripping me so tight she must love this shit huh?"

"Fuck, daddy," I moaned biting my lip. Justice reached up and started to tweak my nipples and that's all it took before I was cumming intensely. My orgasm set his off and I felt him release himself inside of me.

"Shit," He groaned pulling out of me.

"Damn it, Justice, now I have to take another shower," I whined looking at down as his sperm slowly crept down my thighs.

"That's what yo ass get keep talking that shit," He smacked my ass as he walked out the bathroom. Rolling my eyes I started my shower again and climbed inside.

Justice and I have been together for 5 months now. Things have been amazing between us and honestly, I couldn't ask for anything more. He was so patient and kind to me and he was giving me good dick on the regular. My ass was starting to get fatter and my attitude better and it's all because of him.

We had to move again though due to his crazy ass baby momma popping up at the house like she lived there. This time he made a promise to me that she would never be here again and I believe him.

It still made me nervous that I was in a relationship with Justice. We have our small fights but nothing like with my ex's. Speaking of ex's, Slime reached out to me a couple of days ago. He just wanted to see how I was and tell me that he moved on and is in a much better place in life.

We've been talking a little bit but I haven't told Justice he would only flip out. Since we've become official he's been so protective over me. Every time we would go out he would either keep his arm wrapped around me or interlocked in mine. I loved it when he did that but sometimes I wanted him to chill. If a man looked at me he would go off screaming that I was his and niggas gon get beat up if they keep playing with him.

Telling him about Slime would be the wrong thing to do. No one knew I was talking to him not even Dallas and that's how I wanted to keep it. Dallas and I haven't been keeping in touch as much since she and Parish made it official. I was so happy for her but sometimes I missed my best friend.

Parish was so clingy over her so much more than Justice was with me. I thought it was cute but I could tell Dallas wasn't used to it. He always kept her in the house and bent over. They loved sex but that's how new relationships were.

Rebel hasn't been around much since going to Malibu. I accepted his apology but I was waiting to tell him that to his face. He hasn't really been in contact with Justice just a couple of yeah's and no's. I could tell it was bothering Justice since they were so close. He wanted to meet his nephew but Rebel hasn't done anything to make that happen. He would tell Justice that he would when the time is right.

It made Justice wonder if anything might be wrong with that baby like any disabilities. If it was it wouldn't matter to him he would love King all the same.

"Shit," I jumped feeling arms wrap around me. "You scared me," I said leaning back into him.

"Sorry, you were taking too long. What are you doing?"

"Showering," I laughed looking back at him. He just smiled and kissed me softly.

After Shower

A lot of things have changed since Justice and I have been together. For one I'm in college for my business degree. I didn't know what I wanted to do with it just yet but I still wanted to have it.

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