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"So what's the difference between being a prostitute and making a dude pay you for having sex? It's the same thing."

"No, it's not the same thing," I spoke as Parish finished talking. "The difference is a prostitute has sex solely because she wants some money. The other has sex because they want to but you also gon pay for this."

"That's the same thing Kola," Rebel laughed and I shook my head. Parish, Rebel, Dallas and I were in the living room just hanging out and talking. I'm not sure how we got on the topic of hookers but we did.

"No, it's not yall just mad cause we ain't giving shit up for free anymore," Dallas laughed taking a sip of her cocktail.

"Let's just put it like this," I stood up, "If you can't afford to buy me a diamond then you shouldn't be trying to put anything inside of me." Dallas laughed agreeing with me while the boys yelled out their rebuttals.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Justice at the kitchen table with his head hung low. Excusing myself from the group I walked over to him.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked rubbing the top of his head.

"I'm just tired ma," He looked up and his eyes were hanging low but he wasn't high. "I'll be alright though you go and have fun."

"No I don't want to leave you all alone," I spoke taking a seat on his lap. He wrapped his arm around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. "We're going to get through this," I spoke quietly but he heard me.

With everything going on I know Justice's mind is heavy. I just wanted him to relax Danny was still a problem of course but I didn't want him to get so consumed into it that he can't do anything else but stress over the situation.

"I know mamas I know." I looked back at him and kisses his lips softly. He tightened his grip around my waist deepening the kiss. My hands ended up playing in his hair as his tongue explored my mouth.

"Aye cut that shit out!" Parish yelled making us pull away from each other. "If I can't get no pussy then you can't either nigga."

"Fuck you," Justice laughed patting my thigh for me to stand. "Let me holla at you for a minute though."

"I'm about to go," Rebel said looking at his phone while he stood. On his way out the door, he had to walk past Justice. As they passed each other they stopped for a split second to look at the other but no words were said as they went their separate ways.

I sighed deeply as Parish and Justice walked into a room and Rebel walked out the door.

"Damn they still into it?" Dallas asked taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"Yeah, it was just two days ago. I want to ask Justice about it but he got so much other shit on his mind." I looked up to see Dallas smirking at me. "What?"

"You the way you talk about Justice and light up some would say you were in love." I laughed out loud when she said that.

"Bitch please I barely know that man. I like him and everything but it's far from love trust me we not even together." I could see myself in the future falling in love with Justice but for now, I wanted to take things slow. Love isn't my friend at all.

"I don't see how yall not together when yall stay together, fuck, and all lovey-dovey. Yall might as well be married shit." I laughed at her shaking my head.

"While you over here talking about me and Justice what about you and Parish? I've seen the way he looked at you."

"That's a whole other story. He wants to take me out somewhere tonight. I told him, yeah but now I'm rethinking it." She spoke pulling her phone out her pocket to look at it.

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