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"Come on baby give your brother and mommy a kiss so we can go," I watched Princess run over and give King a soft kiss on the cheek then giving the same to Penny. We were on the way to Atlanta for the twin's birthday party. Princess was a bit apprehensive to go but I assured her that everything would be fine. I prayed to God that Mellisa wasn't projecting her negative feelings toward Penny onto Nova and that's why she was being mean to Princess.

"Do I look pretty?" She asked once we got outside and into the UBER.

"You look, beautiful baby," I watched her smile and lay her head on my shoulder. "I'm tired daddy."

"Go to sleep then." King kept us all up last night so much that we had to get moved to the top floor because we were disturbing our neighbors. I wished so bad that I was old enough to rent a house because Lord knows I would. I have to stay here for another week until King is ready to fly.

When we got to the airport. I had to carry Princess since she was sleeping.

"You gotta stand up for me baby," I said setting her down so I could grab her bag. Because she was sleepy and aggravated that I woke her up she began to cry loudly while tugging at my shirt. I ignored her and slid her bookbag on my back.

"Come on," I grabbed her hand and started to walk into the airport. She continued to cry and I finally picked her back up. She rested her head on my shoulder and fell right back to sleep with her thumb in her mouth. Instead of taking it out like I'd usually do I just let her do it. Anything to keep her quiet.

"She is adorable," The lady at the desk said as I checked both of us in. I thanked her then went to sit and wait for the flight to be ready.

"Can I get cheese puffs?" Princess asked with her eyes still closed.

"I thought you were sleeping."

"I can't you keep moving," She whined about to put her thumb back in her mouth but I stopped her. It was a bad habit that she needed to break but Penny didn't help with that.

"What do you want to get the twins for their party?" I asked changing the subject from food. She ate a big ass breakfast and I wasn't about to give her anything else until after we got off the plane.

"A bike," She said without a second thought. It made me sad that she and Nova didn't get along as they should. Yeah, they were just children right now but I definitely planned to correct that behavior.

"Go back to sleep," I kissed her head and watched as she fell back into a deep sleep. Looking up I noticed a young girl smiling at me. She looked to be a bit older than me but she was fine as hell.

She waved and I gave her a simple head nod then looked back down at my baby. I just got back together with Penny and Princess was with me. It was hard to turn her down but I did as they called that my flight was ready.

Normally I would get the girl's number, maybe even some head before I get on the plane but I had to go see my kids. I had to set Princess down so she could walk through the metal detector and she cried so loud it made my head hurt. I know she's tired but shit so am I. She slept through most of his crying and even when she woke up she went right back to sleep. I was the one staying up hours on end and she acted like she was more exhausted than me.

The flight was long but Princess thankfully slept the whole way. When we made it home she was now fully awake.

"Daddy I'm hungry," She complained as I got into my car that had been parked at the airport since I left. I'm surprised it hasn't been towed.

"I know baby I'ma get you something but first we gotta get something for your brother and sister." I didn't want her to eat since I knew she would at the party. We stopped at a toy store and I just picked up everything I thought they would enjoy. Thankfully Princess wasn't a jealous child so she didn't feel any type of way when I got them presents and not her. Still, though I bought her a doll just so she wouldn't feel left out.

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