"Yeah I guess I should too." She hummed, elves didn't technically need sleep, they could do a sort of deep meditation that replaces sleep from what she made me understand in her complicated stories.

"I assume you know where we are staying for the night? I mean the rooms since I don't really know."

"Yeah sure let me guide you there." She took my hand and pulled me away. "Here you go." She stopped in front of a door.

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

"Of course, good night love you." I froze at that and the kiss on my cheek.



"What you just said?"

"Good night?"

"After that."

"Oh... I let that slip... But I do love you, truly, I'd die for you if it came to it, one more reason why I came along, pffff haha ssh don't need to force an answer out I'll wait." She chuckled walking away as I stuttered in confusion with my face all red at this revelation.

"Go" I got to my feet as I held out my hand towards Fortis and with that one-word command the dragons ran across my arm and to him, I pulled out my daggers as I looked around, Aura pulled out her bow and Custos her dagger, there was no one. Then something shadowy appeared in the middle of our makeshift triangle that looked like the shadow of a man.

"You were supposed to go home after all this was done!!"

Aura's arrow went straight through it as it sent a ball of shadow at her too but she avoided it before it appeared in front of her while we tried to cut it, its hand went through her chest as a ghost's hand would, she froze and gasped, falling over unconscious when he pulled his hand back.

"You fucker!" I slashed it but my blades went through, it doesn't even have a solid body underneath the smoke?!

"Please!! Don't do this!! Come back!!"

"Girls." I got too my feet and ran over kinda knocking the two kidnapped girls from our team over, an arm around each. "Oh my goddess!"

"Hi." Aura chocked out before I let go of her so she could breath.

I looked in horror, she was missing a finger, her left forearm wasn't in line the whole way and the tip of her ears were cut off.

"Aura... Custos..." Custos had old bandages all over and some were bloody, I could see a few uncovered cuts, bite marks and burns.

"Come back!!"

"This is--" "My mother's ring I told you about yeah, the one I am to give to the one I love the most, that's why it is so scary, what if she isn't ready for this?"

I smiled gently at her and grabbed her hand before putting the ring into it and closing it around t with both of mine.

"I think she has been for a long time Aura."

"But I am scared."

"Just like she must have been when she gave you what she held most important to her, a ring made of the stone of her home she can't return too, she must have been terrified on the inside of you rejecting it, this is the same. This is what you hold most important to yourself, all you need to do is let it go and bring something far more precious back to you, someone to share a life love with."

.The Child Of A Goddess.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu