Best Day Ever

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(A/N : This was requested by @Nat81204 I want to thank Nat for this inspiration, reminding me everyday to write this 'cause it actually remind me to write it. Ok, that sounded a bad sentence but anyway, I just wanted to thank Nat for requesting this because I actually wanted to see this for a very long time and i hope you are satisfied with this chapter.

Now, sorry for ranting and enjoy reading!)


Kira, Zen and Mem were at their house, happily seating at the couch watching a couple of teens going to an academy where they could be prepared to kill monsters only for the school to explode, everyone's separated, someone dies and someone lost their arm.

"Hehehe, does the yellow girl reminds you of someone, Kira?" Zen chuckled, as they saw the Yellow girl beating up the bandits.

"Yeah, (Y/N)." Kira ate her popcorn.

Zen sweat dropped, not the answer he was looking for but he couldn't deny that she was true.

"I've always thought Kira was more like the red haired girl" Mem smiled.

"The one that like the wimpy blonde boy?"

"He's not wimpy!" Mem glared. "He's just not special like the others. He hasn't found his powers yet"

"Semblance" Kira corrected him which he nodded.

Zen laughed, "He's just like the noobs!" Zen suddenly stopped laughing. "Wait, where is the noobs?"

"Yeah, i haven't seen them since yesterday" Kira said. "Thought that they would come here and complain again"

"Well, it's nice to see that the noobs are gone for awhile" Mem smiled. "Now, we can have our peace and-"

"What did YOU say?!"

Apparently, Mem jinxed it. "And quite"

The noobs walked in, kicking the door down while arguing at each other.

"Hey! It's not my fault that i had a bad day! I had to do my stupid homework and all that others stuff!"

"Please, I bet you just had pizza for breakfast and never shower"

"No, I didn't! I mean sure, I do that sometimes but still!"

"Oh c'mon! You get to live so free!"

"The heck you talking about, dude?"


The noobs stopped arguing and winced at the loud voice from Zen.

"Finally" Kira sighed in relief. "So, what's this argument about this time?"

"These guys" (Y/N) pointed at her friends. "Thought that they had a bad day and their lives were so 'hard' which is kinda laughable"

"Oh yeah!" Kevin pointed at (Y/N). "Oh, well I bet you had a 'bad' day too?"

"Actually, I did!" (Y/N) crossed her arms. "Apparently, My aunt and uncle came home late again and my brother's busy with his harem, completely forgetting about me!" (Y/N) growled. "So, not only did i waste food! I wasted food and chores!"

"What?! That's it! You're a Mary sue that can basically do anything and also, the fact that you're actually really emotional for some reason is making me nervous!" Kevin said. "While I had to do my chores, homework and school! Not only that my dad's a lazy dude but my mom's grounded me in my room!"

"That's what we all do! But you don't care that you get grounded! You're like a free dude!" Tyler scoffed. "And besides, my day's worst, not only did i forget that my mom's birthday yesterday and she said that she didn't want to make a 'fuss' out of it which of course, she cares that much! And i don't forget tomorrow is gonna be the worst day ever!"

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