Shake Your Noob

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A normal day at Cornbury middle school, Tyler and Shope were at the lockers as they talked about the banner.

"Aww, c'mon. It will be fun. And tonight will be the night that I will dance with the fair (Y/N) (L/N)." Tyler looked at (Y/N) was talking to her friend Alana.

Tyler was lovestruck again.

"Yeah, well, without the help of battle balls, we can't dance." Shope flicked Tyler's nose as Tyler comes back to reality.

Roach walked towards to him and cleared his throat. "I will have you know that I have been working on some new sweet moves. Eh-check it!" Roach takes a record player, press it and gives it to Tyler.

Shake your booty butt

Roach dances as he fell down.

(Y/N) walked towards to him and helps Roach. "Dude, that was kinda cringy"

"Don't ever do that again. Now..."

Shope didn't get to finish her sentence with Kevin screaming and ran to the four noobs.

"Help! The Battle balls! Now! Stop it! Now!" Kevin went behind Tyler and (Y/N).


It was Jessie.

"Help me..."

Tyler and (Y/N) pushed him to the locker.

Jessie walked towards the noobs. "Where is he?"

Jessie is a large, muscular girl with burnt orange hair that she wears in a ponytail, along with freckles on her face and sweatbands on her wrists. She was wearing the School Cheerleader's outfit.

The four noobs smiled nervously at her.

"Not in this locker." Roach 'accidently' pointed the locker.

Jessie breaks the locker door.

"Hi, Jessie." Kevin greeted in a squeaky tone.

"You will dance with me tonight, Kevin Snuggle muffin." Jessie walked away.

"Aww, Kevin's in love." Roach used kissing noises.

"Ya, never knew you like a girl like...that" (Y/N) pointed at Jessie.

Of course, she doesn't have anything against Jessie but the way she showed her 'love' for Kevin was quite dramatic. (Y/N) won't admit it but she does felt a little pain in her chest when she admit her love for him.

"That's not love, that's silent terror." Tyler pointed at Kevin's face who's actually shaking with his eyes held in horror.

"Oh. Right."


"Are you five ready for the greatest middle school medieval dance ever?" Alana smiled at the noobs.

The students were preparing the dance with Alana being the manager and supervising. She's basically ordering people around even if she's younger than them.

"Frankly, girl, this dance looks like it's gonna-" Kevin's mouth was covered by Tyler and (Y/N).

"No need to cover his mouth, i know what he's gonna say" Alana sighed. "This will actually be fun, there will be dancing, karaoke, food, peanuts, people and the most incredible person will be there"


"Meeee" Alana cheered and the noobs sighed.

"Honestly, Alana. Your ego is bigger than Sherlock's brain" Shope said. "And that's saying something"

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