Dude, Where's my Noob?

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"Hey! Let's Go!" A Young Purple alien hold out his arm to her. {1}

The young purple alien has long limbs, lavender skin, and yellow sclera. His white hair is usually kept slicked back over his shoulders with a single forelock hanging down over his face. He has purple eyes and long, pointy ears. He wears a black,​ ​​​dark indigo, and accented with blue and orange Armour.

​​​​(Y/N) looked at him with wide eyes. Who is he? Why is he here? What is he doing here? Where is here? And why does he look like an avenging elf?

(Y/N) looked around to see that she was not in her bedroom or Cornbury or earth! Where was she?

She was actually standing on purple sand and she was wearing her super suit?

She looked at the sky to see that you could clearly see a million stars. It was so clear and not full of gas like in the earth.

Was she dreaming? Or was it real?

"C'mon, slow poke!" The young purple alien softly smiled at her.

(Y/N) felt her hand moved on its own and took his hand only for everything to change.

It was like everything was glitching, the background was slowly changing into darkness.

She couldn't move and could only see her hand holding the young purple alien's hand.

She felt the darkness was consuming her and she closed her eyes to not see what was coming.


(Y/N) jolted up from her desk, she looked around and to her clock to see that it was Three in the morning.

She looked at her desk, to see that she was actually doing her homework.

She signed in relief to know that it was actually a dream. Tho, it was weird.

Why was there a purple alien waiting for her and holding her hand?

She doesn't even know who the alien was?

Then why does she feel crying when she saw him?

She looked at her bed, it was still neat and tidy and no crumbs of her leftover snacks.

She decided to stay up and continued her homework. Since, that's the responsible thing to do.


"What happen to you?" Kira's raised an eye-brow at (Y/N).

She had bags under her eyes and she kept blinking to wake herself up. "I didn't sleep"

She decided not to tell Kira about the dream, yet.

Kira shook her head, "Fine, let's just get into training"

(Y/N) cheered, "What are we gonna do? Train my strength? Train my battle ball? Train my-"

Kira hits her with a stick.

(Y/N) yelped in Pain, "What was that for?"

"You need to calm down for once and stop rambling" Kira said. "Also, we're going to be completely relaxed."


​​​​​(Y/N) was meditating.

Everything was peace and quite.

All she could hear was the wind, the birds chirping and the squirrels walking.

(Y/N) have never meditate before, she was so focused on school, friends and family that she never had the time for it but meditating made her relax.......and bored

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