I Fell in love with my best friend | Levi x Reader

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It was a rainy day at Cornbury, no birds chirping outside, no sun shining.

It's just raining. So, gloomy and sad.

At the Cooper's resident, Levi walked towards to his bedroom in silence.

He was tired and bored.

All he wanted to do was to sleep.

He opened the door, went in, took out his shirt and threw it to the floor.

He pull out the tiny box he had in his pocket and puts it at the computer table.

He laid on the bed and started to think someone who's in his mind all day.


His first friend.

His best friend.


Do you remember when I said I'd always be there?

He promised that he would always be by your side.

Ever since we were ten, baby

At the age of 6, he wanted to protect you ever since after you became his friend.

When we were out on the playground playing pretend

"You'll be the princess and i'll be the one who save you!" (Y/N) smiled.

"(Y/N), that's not how it works" Levi sweat dropped.

"Uh-huh and Jock is a genius who actually likes helping people"

"Fine but i'm the dragon"

"What? Fine, i'll be the witch"



You didn't know it back then

"Expelliarmus!" You waved your 'wand' and hit Levi with it.

You were wearing a big robe that she got from her Uncle. You are a big Harry Potter fan thanks to him.

"(Y/N) What the hell?!"

He was wearing a Dragon suit. He doesn't hate dragons nor like them. He's just ok with it.

"I'm the chosen one!" (Y/N) waved her 'wand'. "Fear me!"

"I don't think Harry Potter ever said that"

"Well, stupefy him. 'Cause i'm the chosen one now!"

Now I realize you were the only one

​​​​​Levi looked at you from the side.

You were working on your homework, you had your hair tucked behind your ear and you were biting your lip.

For some odd reason, he felt like he just wanted to smile at the sight of you doing it. He felt his cheeks were glowing red.

It's never too late to show it

You and Levi were holding hands, smiling at each other on the swing that the two of you love to play with.

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