Fourth Down and Noob to Go

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"And now," Mem announced. "Phase twelve of today's great warrior training!"

"Tackle the dummy, you Noobs!" Zen pointed at the dummies.

They've been training at Mem and Zen's backyard for an hour and they're all fucking tired, except (Y/N). They panted while (Y/N) was stretching her legs.

"We don't wanna train anymore" Kevin complained. "And why are you not tired?"

"I'm used to with Uncle (U/N) training me" (Y/N) smiled. "I mean, i am grateful that he did. Now, i don't feel tired anymore!"

Zen levitated Kevin in front the dummy.

"Huh?" Kevin said. "Dude, that is so not fair."

"Neither is the virus. Now, punch the dummy with your gorilla arms!" Zen pressed Kevin's battle ball and Kevin's arms turns into gorilla arms.

"Wait." Kevin said. "I can only be part animal?!"

"You can do anything if you put your mind and battle ball to it." Mem sighed.

"Then can i breathe through my eyes?" (Y/N) smirked.

"What?" Mem gave her a confused look. "No"

"Eat through my nose?" Roach smiled.

"No!" Zen deadpanned.

"Sneeze with my eyes opened?" Tyler smiled.

"That's not it" Mem sighed with his hands covered his face.

"Do something without thinking at all?" Kevin lit up.

"That's just you" Shope sweat dropped.

"You wanna go!"

"Just use your Animal powers!" Zen yelled and Kevin punched the dummy and it crashed to Mem and Zen's window. "Eh, good, but... darn it!"

"Now the rest of you try." Mem looked at the four noobs.

"Shope! Wind powers!" Shope controls the wind and crashed the dummy to Mem and Zen's house. "Tyler! Tele-powers!" The dummy ran to Tyler as he teleports and the dummy crashed into a tree.

"Yes!" Tyler cheered.

"Roach! Roach powers!" Roach turns into a ball and hit the dummy which crashed to their house. "(Y/N)! Destruction!" (Y/N) pressed her hand and feels her hand glowed. She punched the dummy and it blew up.

"Okay, that was actually pretty good." Mem commented.

"Yeah, except you trashed our Earth house!" Zen gestured the house which is now has holes.

"Uhh... sorry?"


"What is that?" Zen asked. "What is 'Sorry'?"

"It's what we say on Earth when we feel bad about something that we can't fix and the person that we say it to says 'Okay' and likes you again." Shope smiled

"Really? I wanna try!" Mem punched Zen and Zen screamed. "Sorry. Hey, it worked."

Zen punched him too. "Sorry! Heheh, I like this Earth word." Zen laughed. "Uh-oh. Oof!"

Mem kicked him on the face. "Sorry!"

They continue to punch or kick each other while apologizing.

"Guys." Kevin said. "You know what this means?"

"Uh, that we might have misrepresented the term 'Sorry'?" Tyler guessed.

Memnock screamed flying over the noobs as Zen yelled, "Sorry!".

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