⚜️Chapitre sept⚜️

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Petit a petit, l'oiseau fait son nid



The ebony haired boy looked up from his palette and widened his eyes as I sheepishly waved at him beside his easel with a surprised smile.

"Oh?" His mouth formed an 'o' shape before he broke into a small grin. "We're in the same class again?"

"It seems so," I chuckled, taking a seat near him, and dropped my bag on the floor beside my chair. "We have three classes together, huh? That's a first. I never met someone this often in my classes before."

Yep, I was blatantly lying.

Hearing some murmurs, I looked around the room to see other students whispering among themselves and glancing at us every now and then. It was weird how the girls weren't approaching him like me when they kept staring at the boy. The seats around us were left empty.

Because he was taken?

"Same here," he whispered softly, playing with his nails with his eyes fixed on them. He was awfully timid.

I eyed the way his adam's apple kept bobbing up and down as he kept swallowing and nibbling on his lower lip. The trace of his soft lips caressing mine was suddenly woken. That incident from yesterday was still clear in my mind as if it happened just a second ago.

"I dreamt about you yesterday," I tried baiting him with a sultry tone and shifted closer with my gaze on his parted lips. "It felt so real. You looked just the same in it."

He shuddered with his body turned to me, moving not more than an inch away, and visibly swallowed. "I-I see."

Smirking unnoticeably, I traced my finger down his shirt sleeve and tilted my head, lowering my gaze to his neck. "If you dreamt about me... would I look just the same, too?"

When I brought my eyes up to his, he stammered, "Yes, you did."

"Hm?" I goggled at him.

Blinking twice, he lowered his gaze before licking his lips. "I actually dreamed about you... I think?"

A hint of blush could be spotted on his cheeks and I became sure of it.

Sitting straight, I flashed him a gentle smile. "You never noticed me during the past year and you dreamed about me? Wow, I'm flattered. That's a huge development, my friend."

His eyebrows jumped. "Friend?"

"Yeah, friend. At least I hope so?" I chuckled before fumbling with my bag to take out my art supplies. Being friends seemed good enough. It's the first step to any relationship. If I had to take it slow, I had to take it slow.

"Okay, pipe down, you non-artists! Teacher incoming," a familiar voice shouted and in came the pink haired man in all his glory. "Lesson is about to start, neanderthals."

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