⚜️Chapitre quatre⚜️

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L'amour dans tes yeux, mais la haine dans ton coeur


What did I get myself into?

Walking inside the university hallway where hundreds of students bustled was something entirely new to me. As if they were reminding me that I was in an arts university, most students were dressed stylishly, some very eccentrically.

When I came before my classroom for my first ever lesson, Professional logo design, whatever that taught, I took in a deep breath to prepare myself.

Much to my convenience, I could skip any other classes except the ones where that guy, Jungkook was in. And apparently, I had four of them thanks to Chastity. She was useful for once...

Clutching my leather bag that was filled with unnecessary amount of notebooks and pens since I didn't know how many I needed, I walked into the lecture hall with long strides. Upon my entrance, nearly sixty students watched me like a hawk, observing my every movement without batting an eye. At first, I challenged their stares but after just two seconds, I nervously looked away from their cold eyes to search for an empty seat.

Never being in a lecture hall before was disadvantageous to the max. I couldn't find a single spot to save my life.

Becoming small under the others' judging looks, I tightened the hold on my bag while my legs struggled to carry me in between the tables, up the small steps.

I kept walking to the back while cursing inside my head and finally sat down on an empty seat before huffing out a breath.

Now that I could thoroughly see the hall, I found many seats here and there at the front I could have taken. Oh, whatever.

Shrugging it off, I searched for my main objective, but it soon turned futile since all I could see was people's hair from the back.

Feeling defeated, I just took out a notebook and pen, and sat there deep in thought, thinking about how I could make a striking first impression. I was certainly dressed up for it. The first step to seducing a man was to catch his attention, and by catching attention, I meant boosting your appearance.

I was wearing a white heart shaped crop top with lacy sleeves that exposed my chest area and a purple tassel mini skirt to match my hair, and I also put in a lot of effort into my makeup.

If my power wasn't allowed, I hoped that at least my appearance would hypnotize him.

The teacher walked in and the chattering died out. On the projector, he opened a website for recording the attendance of students and began calling out names. I immediately sat upright and fixed my posture. Now's the time to find him!

I waited for a while to hear the doe eyed boy's name since the hall held nearly two hundred students.





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