⚜️Chapitre trente-huit⚜️

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Quand on est aimé on ne doute de rien. Quand on aime, on doute de tout

Those who are loved, doubt nothing. Those who love, doubt everything


"What am I supposed to do with this?"

Gluttony replied me with a forced boisterous laugh, letting out squeaks in between, and opened the door, gesturing me to get inside the pink bugatti.

"Have a car trip, what else?" He simply stated.

"To where?" I chortled, shaking my head. "I think you're going a bit overboard with your powers here. The dress and the food were nice but I don't need a car, Jin. I'm good."

He scanned my off shoulder flowy dress with a tinge of sorrow. When I told him how I was preparing to admit defeat after he barged into my hotel room, he was creating everything he could think of to spoil me with the riches...

Like a farewell present.

With each item he brought out, I was beginning to feel how real it was. How my clock was ticking and ticking, closer and closer to a final stop.

"I can't do anything beyond giving you objects..." Gluttony looked away with pursed lips. "I'm sorry, Eunsook..."

My throat burned. It was so rare to see him being so helpless.

"Why are you being sorry," I laughed and slapped his back before walking away. "Let's just go for a walk. You can be my company, right?"

Soon enough, the cotton candy haired man caught up with me and matched his pace to my sluggish one. The air was colder today and I regretted not asking for a jacket with the dress. I didn't want to burden him further.

"I got you."

A warm fleece coat hugged my body and I turned to see Gluttony wrapping it around me. Giving him a soft smile, I zipped it up and tucked my shivering hands in the fuzzy pockets.

"Eunsook, is that...?"

My eyes followed where he was pointing, looking up at a tall building a few yards away before popping out. The sight prompted a horrified gasp from me.

I hastily teleported to that rooftop without wasting a second. I couldn't afford to.

Tugging at the man's hand with all my might, I pulled him down from the edge of the building before screaming like a madman.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Paralyzed by the fear of losing him, I stared at Jungkook with desperation and sheer horror. My heart had stopped. My legs wobbled. Not a single thought crossed my weakened mind.

Wide orbs stared back into mine and a breath of relief escaped the man. "Eunsook..."

"Eunsook," a deeper voice repeated from behind me.

Lust over Love | Jungkook fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now