⚜️Chapitre trois⚜️

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Le contrat avec le diable


"As we all know, hell is getting overpopulated since the Sins are working overtime."

Sloth scoffed. "It's not because we're working overtime, it's because the Virtues are just bad at carrying out their duties."

"I beg to differ," Diligence exclaimed, slamming his hand on the table, glaring at him. "We are working hard to fix the mess you guys are making."

"There's no need for us to work overtime when humans themselves can carry out our duties." The dark haired man shrugged, smirking slightly. "In the end, what will your hard work amount to, Diligence? Do tell me."

"Enough," God interrupted. "Arguing is not tolerated in this Meeting. We must reach an agreement regarding all the issues we bring here."

"Then we all agree that the Virtues should work better," Envy stated, crossing his arms.

"The problem is, you guys have your own personal issues mixed up in this," Humility sneered before turning to me. "Especially you, Lust. You're only doing this because of hatred and you're being irrational and forceful."

I rolled my eyes. "Please. That's what you always say. That just shows how incompetent Chastity is. Plus, don't you have anything else to worry about? Like your declining performance?"

His brows knotted. "Excuse me?"

Wrath snickered beside me.

"I believe it's time to settle this matter now," God said, turning to me. "Lust, what you've been doing is quite unjust. What do you have to say?"

Unjust? All men deserve to be sent to hell. Those women who ruin others' lives deserve it, too.

"It's what they deserve," I deadpanned.

"What about those who were innocent that you ruined?"

"Sooner or later, they all succumb to lust." I shrugged impassively.

"They have the rights to be forgiven after being corrected," Chastity suddenly joined, frowning at me. "Not all men are what you think of."

"Oh," I chuckled in an amused way. "Perhaps your duty is clouding your judgement, sweetie."

"Lust," she sighed, "I think your personal issue is clouding yours."

Something snapped inside me and I stood up before sneering, "Don't you think you're going too far? Do you have a problem with me or what? What I'm saying is the truth."

She stood up as well with a challenging look. "Tell you what, I offer you a deal."

I quirked an eyebrow. "A deal?"

Smiling slightly, she nodded. "If you can prove me that every man in this world is worthless like you say, I'll stop bothering you and get relieved from duty."

All the Virtues gasped in unison, widening their eyes at her before murmuring among themselves.

Upon hearing her stake, I smirked. "Sounds nice."

Her smile turned into a mocking one. "But, if you can't... you will be relieved from duty."

I gulped, my smile dropping in an instant. Shivers ran down my spine. "What?"

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