Another Summer, Over. (1)

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Harry's POV
I sat on the train and quickly reapplied my glamors. I was too pale, too skinny, too... broken. If they saw me like this, I would be questioned to no end!

I sat there, enjoying the silence that came from an empty cart all to yourself. I decided that I didn't feel like talking to anyone, so I pulled the curtain down and lied down. I removed all of my glamors and made a note to redo them before I got off. I just look so... dead, and I kind of wish I was. I mean, there are so many powerful wizards that could defeat Voldemort, so why me? I could die and no one would care about me they would only care because it was me. Hell, Dumbledore could do the job, I don't need to be here.

Can I just jump off of the Astronomy tower? I shake my head. The only reason I'm thinking about this is because of what happened over the summer.

Uncle Vernon was extra nasty because Dudley made some bad finals scores and had to retake them, including after school classes. The slightest noise would make him snap, and he took all of his anger out on me. If I wasn't being his servant or getting beat, I was in the cupboard. I got half of a biscuit and one-quarter of a glass of water every day at 6 pm. I learned to live like that. Wake up at 5 am, use the restroom, clean the living room and kitchen, make breakfast, make Vernon's coffee & Dudley's chocolate milk, clean the bathrooms, clean Dudley's room, make lunch, clean anywhere that hasn't been cleaned yet, receive the daily beating; yelling; and any other punishment seen fit, make dinner, wash the dishes, receive my portion, read the Hogwarts textbooks, go to bed at 7 pm. Bar for the scattered punishments, it's just a routine. It's tiring, sure, but it's worth it to keep injuries to a minimum. I hear a familiar voice and apply the glamors, sit up, and pretend to be asleep.

"There he is, the git," I hear Ron's voice say.
"Shh! He looks exhausted, let's just leave him be. I saw and empty compartment just down the hall. Let's go," Hermione's unmistakable voice lectures.
After they leave, I remove the glamors once more, as they get tiring after a while. Then I lied down and actually fell asleep.

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