Color 31

235 13 0

Tears of his own painful wrath did not seize. He arrives at the familiar campus of his university, ignoring the concerned glances of the driver and he simply threw the money at the front seat before leaving. Hands lifting up to wipe away the the crystals flowing from his eyes, he walks with shaky steps to his dorm. An ache within his throat desperate to scream in utter anger to the world, or supposedly cry out and far too careless to care about the many students wishing to sleep away or have their moment of peace. 

The hail of each thought led to Jihoon stumbling to his dorm, whimpering quietly to himself as he tries to stop the flowing tears streaming down his flushed face. Despite the coldness of the late afternoon's day, his wrath had rose his body temperature. Flames overcoming his own well-being, his mind had became a wildfire as it could not simply be put out by the storm of his own sorrowful thoughts. Each thought becoming gasoline instead, and the blaze only worsens and loudly sparks as active dynamite. 

Opening the door of his shared dorm with a fumble of his keys, he opens the wooden door and slammed a fist against the light switch upon entering. Mat with shoes were empty, as Soonyoung's presence is not mentioned within the dorm. Fortunate for Jihoon, and he slams the door behind with angry sniffles and hands wiping his face in a harsh matter. Loosening the tie around his button up collar, he threw the accessory across the room with a fierce gaze. "This is f-fucking bullshit... I-I shouldn't care," whispers the blonde, the thoughts falling from his trembling lips in a quivering voice. 

He wanted to be the best son. 

He wanted to earn the respect of his own father's because he wanted to see his own father proud of him, for once. 

Although, the two never had a relationship, Jihoon isn't like his mother. He isn't thoughtless nor inconsiderate. He would never abandon someone who provided him with such care, when his own mother had left without any thought. Jihoon knew he couldn't let go of his own father, simply because they are family. However, it is only unfair for Jihoon to care far too much when the whole family relationship is one-sided. 

Suddenly, the door opened to reveal the tall brunette. Combed hair now tousled in obvious hysteria, as Mingyu had rushed to the dorm building with stress. Mingyu trusts Jihoon, however he could never underestimate his ability on how to cope with things. Jihoon could of possibly hurt himself and Mingyu could of walked in the possible situation where Jihoon may had given up, mainly because of his own self-worth within the world was not valid to the ones expected to love him. Mingyu deeply understands his situation. Despite the lack of experience in such situation, Mingyu understood why Jihoon could feel his own pride at risk. 

Lee Jihoon's pride only protected by the persona of Woozi. 

Woozi was the protective armor however it had shattered, and it reveals the prideful soul underneath. Many scars and fresh wounds revealed, and Mingyu understood why Jihoon had hid away from reality and buried himself with music notes than roses. The visual art that Mingyu had the skill of creating only reminds Jihoon of the reality of it all. The world is a subject of art, and Jihoon could not accept it when he has the difficulty of belonging. However, Kim Mingyu became the artist that had showed the colors of the world isn't bright as they seem. 

Only some colors portray a volume of vibrant in color. 

Only some colors portray a volume of dullness in color. 

Jihoon had begun to differ the volume of each color because of the artist that had somehow entered his world with his paintbrush. Somehow, each dull color became more vibrant in Jihoon's eyes. For once, he didn't worry about the world whenever he was in Mingyu's presence. Surely, he has his lifelong best friend, but the two might of drifted due to their schedules. It was lonely. 

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