Color 7

267 19 2

"How did you find me?"

Footsteps filled the ringing silence, the loudness of the ringing finally lessening as the younger approached the shorter with hesitant steps. Carefully placing his feet on the wooden floor, avoiding the many sheets of paper as he approached the senior. Dark, colored bags tainting Jihoon's eyes, nearly making him like a raccoon but the lack of fat within his cheeks made him look like a skeleton. It scared Mingyu, thinking he is facing someone who is dying. The younger didn't give an immediate response, only giving the newly bought lunchbox to the blonde in silence. 

Accepting the token of kindness, the younger crouched down to pick up the sheets of scribbles while Jihoon stood to watch. The taller's large hands grasping onto the papers and creating a pile, standing upright with the pile of paper that is closely clipped with his grasp. "I texted Soonyoung. Did you drop these?" Mingyu questions, eyes observing the room and Jihoon watched how his chocolate eyes sweetly observe the room with a curious nature. Obviously, Mingyu seemed bothered by the fact he doesn't know what happened. 

In fact, Mingyu easily saw the lie within Jihoon's words only said several minutes ago. 

"Yes, I did. Thanks," mutters out the blonde, taking the pile as he walked over to piano bench. Settling onto the cushioned seat, he placed the tray on top of the piano and organized his papers, tucking them away into his binder that fell near the instrument. Mingyu watched his movement, his gaze striking the blonde with such tensity, it reminded Jihoon of a hawk. He felt like the prey, slightly intimidated by the younger's observant gaze. Supposedly, it is the artist's eye. 

Mingyu tilted his head, almost looking like a dog with piqued curiosity. "Hyung, are you going to keep practicing? You should eat," frowns the junior, the features deepening within his handsome, tanned face and Jihoon nearly felt guilty. He felt guilty by how caring Mingyu is. In his own perspective, he does not deserve someone as persistent and caring as Mingyu. Whether it be his crumbling mind due to stress, but he could decipher himself easily. The self-reflection informing how he isn't a person to take care of himself. 

He never was.

He is always one to get things done, whether it kills him or not. 

He needs things done. 

"I will eat, later. I need to fix some things," said the senior, sounding a mumble despite the quietness in the room. Their voices the only noise to fill the room, and Mingyu barely caught his words. He could hear the strain within Jihoon's voice, and the tiredness lacing his words. Obviously, his own stress evident in his behavior but Mingyu decided to stay quiet. Arguing with Jihoon may be a fight against a brick wall due to his stubbornness, or maybe a ox as the shorter is known for his short temper. 

Quietly, Mingyu settled at the back of the practice room to rest his back against the wall. Opening his satchel, he took out his sketchbook and observed Jihoon's posture. It wasn't similar to days before, as his body didn't seem relaxed nor at peace, looking far too slumped. His deflated posture worried Mingyu, but he remained in his own silent judgement. He decided to wait for Jihoon to finally eat lunch, despite his own hunger. 

Loyalty embedded in his blood, but he never found anything wrong. He faces Jihoon, who played the keys hesitantly, and he could see the slight tremble with his hands. Mingyu could imagine the pain of the posture of his own hands, his fingers maybe stinging with soreness because of excessively practicing. Surely, Jihoon is always one to be hard-working, as heard from the other musicians within the department. But, his excessive practicing intimidated everyone. 

It seems like the robot is only built on perfection. 

Supposedly, only built for perfection.

Closing his eyes as the notes filled the silent room, the musical notes flying within his mind. Once again, the colorful fireflies float around his mind, and he wishes to catch one of them. He could remember the many times of not being understood because of his condition. Of course, he got bullied during Middle and High school because of it. It sounds insane, however the students never exactly understood. 

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