Color 9

236 19 8


Tilting his head, the short blonde sunk deeply into the mattress in relaxation as he hugged the blankets close to his body, curling up and facing the digital clock beside his bed. Reading the time of 10 a.m., and he swore he created an alarm yesterday when he got home. Sitting up abruptly, he looked around his room frantically, the room lacking any difference other then the tidied up desk. He doesn't remember cleaning up his desk. Lifting up his hands to rub the tiredness numbing his face, he tried to remember what exactly happened, yesterday. 

He passed out.

However, he knows he would of awaken at a certain time and arrive home. His memory lacking the exact detail of arriving home alone, and crashing on his bed with an set up alarm for 8 a.m. to start his own practice. A deep sigh leaving his lips, he only gotten 2 extra hours of sleep however he remained to feel exhausted. Supposedly, he needs a week of sleep. 

A hibernation to make up the countless hours of lacking sleep, and only the pain within his lower back and hands reminded what his goal is.

Leaving the bed, thinking the possibility of Soonyoung deciding to take him home himself. It hasn't happened recently, but it has happened before. Stumbling over to his window, the sunlight blinding him, and he lifted a hand to shield his own eyes as the sun kissed upon his pale skin. Brightly casting upon him, he let out a small sigh of relief, before casting his gaze down towards his Hibiscus. The flower fully bloomed and grown to full beauty, he is proud of himself that he took care of a flower. Touching the red petaled flower, softly brushing his thumb against the petal. 

"It still surprises me to see you alive. Especially, since I am always busy..." whispers the blonde, a sentimental tone lacing his words into a kind comment towards his plant. Supposedly, it is odd to talk to plants. But, he heard the many rumors of the living organism having feelings like any type of animal, and he decided to speak to them as one. Sometimes, he would sing softly to the blossomed red flower being bathed by the sunlight. 

Glancing over his shoulder, the scent of pancakes filling his room despite his door being closed. He wouldn't think Soonyoung would cook breakfast ever. Especially after setting a blaze on a fucking omelette. The memory made the shorter cringe at his best friend, knowing to never let his best friend go near a stove or even cook for his own sake. Shuffling out the room without any certain thoughts pounding in his head, the rush to practice wasn't evident, as he only thought of the void in his stomach. The cooking drawing him in, and he needed food.

Saliva starting to build and he swore he will eat everything, his own stomach grumbling by each agonizing step. However, meeting the backside of the cook was truly unexpected. Stopping in his tracks, the thoughts of hunger coming to a halt, and a complete shock overcoming his own gluttony. The familiar brunette standing before the stove with a pan, obviously cooking pancakes as he professionally flipped one in the air, and wearing an apron. For a moment, Jihoon would think this tall-being look like a housewife. 

But, the tanned skin with messy-like brown hair and the familiar messenger bag sitting on the counter with two cups of coffee exposed the real identity of the cook. Jihoon felt his own breath hitched, wondering where the hell is Soonyoung and how the hell did Mingyu waltz inside and started cooking. Surprisingly, the tall clumsy puppy isn't burning anything. He is actually cooking something edible.

Jihoon truly underestimated the artist. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jihoon asks, his voice sounding rough and he barely noticed it. Beyond a whisper, his voice sounding slightly strained and he knows he will have to drink tea if he is going to perform tomorrow. Suddenly, his heart drop by the anxiety of tomorrow, and he held back the deep sigh wishing to escape from his lips. He needed answers first, before having another meltdown. The taller jumping by the voice, and holding tightly on the pan to prevent any mess that may become a disaster. Especially with the stove on. 

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