Color 22

240 16 2

Kneeling down on white tile floors at 7 in the morning wasn't a happy greeting upon awakening. The musician remembering fragments of the night before and he only remembered stumbling back inside his own dorm with a rush of adrenaline, as though the previous lust cursing him had left him small amounts of energy. Of course, Soonyoung awoken to his roommate's loud mumbling in the middle of the night and he nearly bashed Jihoon's head with a bat to shut him up. However, throughout his drunken rant, he clearly heard the news before Jihoon knocked himself out on the couch. 

However, only having a few hours of restless sleep, he had ran to the  bathroom with an upset stomach. His empty stomach vomiting unknown substances, as he likely has alcohol poisoning from the mistake of drinking on an empty stomach. Jihoon is always known to lack self-care. Breathing heavily, he wiped away tears of his own pain throbbing in his throat and his nose burning by the amounts of substances leaving his body. The blonde musician barely heard the approaching footsteps, "Here is some painkillers and water." his best friend had handed him a cup of water and pills. 

"I made a sandwich for you. You should of eaten before drinking, dumbass." Soonyoung scolds as Jihoon took the glass cup and small tablets. Gulping down the tablets with the fresh, cold water pulsing down his throat, he groans as he held the cup close to his feverish forehead. "You wouldn't be like this if you ate!" Soonyoung scolds once more, his knuckles knocking softly on his best friend's head to emphasize his scolding and Jihoon recoiled by his touch with a scowl. "I know, I get it. Shut up," sighs Jihoon, not wanting to hear Soonyoung's naturally loud voice. His head hurts enough.

Closing his eyes to relax his breathing and feeling the ease of his unnaturally light-weighted stomach, he finally calmed down the after effects of alcohol poisoning.  Subconsciously, he lifted up the cup to his lips to take another large gulp of the water. He felt a nudge and he opened his eyes to see his best friend reaching out to him with the sandwich and Jihoon took it, mumbling his gratitude before settling back against the bathroom wall. Soonyoung grimaced as he watches his best friend take a bite of his sandwich with his nasty hands. "At least wash your hands," Soonyoung groans and Jihoon lifted up a middle finger to show his carelessness.

Unexpectedly, Soonyoung scoffs and flushed the toilet before lifting himself up onto the sink's counter and creepily staring at Jihoon eat his sandwich. The blonde noticed the senior's odd behavior and he swallowed a bite of his chewed sandwich, "What do you want? Do you want me to massage your feet because you helped me?" scoffs Jihoon and Soonyoung shook his head. "What is it? I will gladly break your nose," Jihoon threatens, desperate for a answer. Soonyoung shrugged, "You almost fucked Mingyu?"

Jihoon choked on his sandwich, his eyes welling up with tears as he tried to breathe properly and Soonyoung helplessly watched with an unreadable expression. Knowingly, the senior is viewing the situation quite seriously than Jihoon expected. "D-Did Mingyu tell you?!" Jihoon coughs, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he places down the plate and lifted up the cup. Drinking water to seize the stress within his throat, as he tried to properly breathe through his nose. "No. You drunkenly told me, last night." Soonyoung admits and Jihoon sighs in relief, however he did not want his own burdens to rest upon his best friend's shoulders. 

Of course, Kwon Soonyoung is his best friend since middle school with a loyal promise of being there for each other. However, Jihoon is always a person to never give his burden to share as he believes that his own burden should be solved by himself. If it is solvable.

"Yes, I almost fucked him. I was drunk... I stopped myself. I-I couldn't do it, especially when I am fucking drunk. But, I fucking led him on and bailed on him. Soonyoung, I fucked everything up." sighs Jihoon, resting his head back against the wall and tilting it back to face the ceiling. The light brightly meeting his eyes, he instinctively closed his eyes. Soonyoung kicked his legs up a little as he thoughtfully chose his words to say, "At least you didn't take his virginity when you were drunk." his words clearly wasn't suitable for this situation. Jihoon's eyes opened widely, turning his head to face Soonyoung in disbelief. "He's a fucking virgin?!" he exclaims and Soonyoung laughs, hiding his smile with a hand. 

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