Color 20

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A knock was heard on the wooden door. Ignorance and stress plagued his mind, however. Stressed fingers typing and clicking away on the monitor, as the musician lets out a heavy sigh with a burning gaze of anger, lacking the passion of composing and producing music. He is currently stuck. The papers scattered upon his wooden desk and he is currently using his old laptop to produce music digitally, mainly because he wanted to create music with a variety of sounds than acoustic guitar and piano. 

As a music producer, he will need to learn to create music in many different ways. 

"Jihoon? Hey, you haven't left your room more than 2 days..." the artist's voice reached his ears in a disruptive loudness and the musician's ears is currently sensitive, and he clenches his teeth behind his tightly pursed lips. He needs silence. He needs a moment to think. The door of his bedroom creaked open and the tall brunette looked around the messy room, never seeing Jihoon disoriented, as his room is littered with trash of discarded snacks and endless cans of caffeinated drinks. Specifically, green tea lattes. "Jihoon... You need to get out and get some fresh air. It feels so stuffy here," Mingyu said as he lets out a sigh. 

The pressure of the room suffocating by the heat and the trash causing the room to feel stuffy. Mingyu hates it. The blonde musician scowls at his words, "What are you doing here, Mingyu?" he said in a gruff tone, not swiveling his chair to face the brunette but continue facing the laptop with strained eyes and ears. Expensive headset hanging around his neck loosely and he sits in his chair with his knees propped up to his chest, and dark colored bags tainting the skin underneath his eyes. His appearance ragged and looking weak, as he lacks the carefulness of taking care of one's self. 

It is interesting for the musician caring for the artist but never allowing the artist to take care of the musician. 

As though the musician protected the heart of music notes, as he is afraid for the artist to erase several parts of the composition that can only cause a downfall in the musician's life. 

"I'm checking up on you. You haven't been answering my messages or calls for almost a week. Right after you left during my hangover, you coped up in your damn bedroom with these unhealthy habits." Mingyu states, scolding him in a annoying tone that flowed past the musician's ears as a ruined sequence of notes. The music of Mingyu's scolding tone sounding like a ruined composition and it is only reminding him of the music he is currently producing. The sounds sounding incorrect in his tired ears. "Who are you? My damn wife?" scoffs the blonde and Mingyu rolled his eyes, "Well, I will act like one if you don't get your head out of your ass." 

Mingyu walked towards the window, the curtains shut tightly and he noticed the degradation within the flower on the windowsill. Frowning deeply, he softly pet the petals and he felt the unhealthy texture of the flower. "Not only you are neglecting yourself, but also your damn flower." Mingyu opened the curtains, the sunlight entering the room with bright rays and Jihoon groans as he covers his face. His pale skin finally kissed by the star's light, however the shine resting upon his skin didn't give a liveliness in Jihoon's appearance. "Mingyu, do you ever mind your own business?!" Jihoon shouts, however his voice sounded strained. 

Barely above volume to sound like a shout and Mingyu glared at the blonde. Placing his hands upon his hips, he met the tired gaze of Jihoon's. "For fuck's sake, Jihoon... You look like you haven't slept or eaten for days! You are losing weight and protein." once again, the brunette scolds in such a tone that only irritates Jihoon. Grunting in response, Jihoon adjusted to the bright light trespassing his room and he continued his work by putting on his headset. Clicking away with his mouse, as he tries to fix the sequence of notes to create a satisfying melody within the composition. 

"I am going to make you something, okay? You better fucking eat and not drink only coffee! I will have to shove the food down your throat if you don't eat," Mingyu threatens before leaving the room and Jihoon didn't hear with the loud noise playing in his ears. 

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