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The door unlocked and the lanky, raven-head walked inside the silent dorm. The art student looking around the apartment-like surroundings, he sighs and closes the door behind with a click and slipped off his shoes. "Mingyu!" calls out the Chinese male, fixing his glasses as it started to slide downward towards the tip of his nose. Grumbling quietly to himself, knowing the taller is locked in his damn room, once again. Settling his personal belongings on the black couch, and opening the curtains to bring sunlight within the lounge area.

He could smell the faint alcohol within the air and he double checked at the entrance, believing the assumption that Mingyu didn't bring anyone to the dorm. Leaving the lounge area, he walked towards his best friend's room and knocked softly against the wood. "Mingyu, it is 2 p.m., are you still asleep?" sighs the Chinese male, showing a sign of disappointment however he heard no response of the other. Panicking, he reached down to turn the knob and fortunately it was unlocked.

"I left for one day and you drank until you passed out?!" yells the lanky individual, the anger evident within his voice. He is only angry since Mingyu could possibly drink far too much and get alcohol poisoning, while he is alone. He knows how impulsive his best friend is. The brunette rolled against the wall, his body curled up as he awoken up to the yell of his roommate and best friend. Needles stuck into his head, deepening into his flesh causing a amount of painful pinches to surround his head.

He brought his calloused hands up to his face, his fingers instantly rubbing the middle of his forehead. "Stop yelling, Minghao..." he sighs tiredly, and Minghao only shook his head with a deep frown etched onto his face. Walking up to the window, nearly stepping onto glass bottles and bottles of paint, he sighs as he reaches the specific part of the room. Opening the velvet curtains, sunlight seeped through and Mingyu groaned, shielding his face as though he is a vampire. The scent of alcohol overcame Minghao's senses, and he groans.

"When will you get over him? How long are you going to fucking wait for him, Mingyu?" his best friend said, bringing the same topic into the conversation every time Mingyu passes out with alcohol in his system. Mingyu grit his teeth, "He promised, damn it! I just need to be patient. Nothing happened, last night. I did absolutely nothing and I just wanted a damn drink."

Sitting up with stiff movement, Mingyu sighs heavily as he ran his fingers through his messy, greasy strands of hair. Minghao glared at him, his gaze stern but he sighs and looked away, picking up the beer bottles littering the floor. "Get ready, you will be late for your class." said the Chinese male, his voice becoming blunt and Mingyu only slouched in response. Leaning back against the wall, he ran his fingers through his hair, once again. Gripping the strands of hair, wanting to pull out his hair because of the pounding pain striking his poor head.

"I will get you some painkillers," said Minghao, tossing the bottles into Mingyu's trash can with a clank of glass. "It fucking hurts," whines out the taller and Minghao rolled his eyes. "Stop being a fucking alcoholic and maybe you won't be waking up with a damn headache, moron." Picking up the bag of glass bottles, Mingyu huffed as Minghao left his room. His room remained a mess. Pencils, paper, markers, paint, and brushes cluttered the floor along with his disgusting amount of clothes. He needs to do laundry.

A deep sigh escaped his lips, heaving himself up from the floor and left his room to clean himself up inside the bathroom. Not bothering to take a quick shower, knowing he will be late, he bathed himself in clouds of cologne and hopefully with some new clothing from his closet. Gathering his belongings to prepare himself for History, he closed his bedroom door and ran to the counter with water and pills. Instantly swallowing the pills, he drank up the water in minutes, now noticing how dry his mouth is.

"You look like a fucking mess, Mingyu." Minghao sighs, looking how exhausted Mingyu's well-being is. "I've been in college for 2 years, I stopped caring." said the brunette with a casual shrug, and Minghao smiled at his joke causing Mingyu to grin back. Despite, the annoying headache pounding his head, he remains to be humorous and be himself. Leaving the dorm with a farewell to his best friend, he ran down the steps of the staircase and ran out the dorm building. Running towards the building of his History, he did his best to dodge other students as he ran. However, his own clumsy feet making him slip on his footing, as though he is a deer on ice.

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