Color 27.5

252 14 4

<Warning: *Mild*>

"Excuse me, are you perhaps Woozi?"

Upon leaving the music store, a small voice asked and the blonde musician barely heard the question as he stood beside his boyfriend hand in hand. Glancing to his side and meeting a young girl around their age with round, timid eyes and a shy smile plastered on her pink tinted lips and Jihoon's eyes raked along her figure with judgement. Unintentionally, he observed her with a icy glare as the cold morning air could not meet the coldness of his impression. "Depends on who's asking." Jihoon replies with, his tone louder than her voice however a certain amount of rudeness laced his words. 

Mingyu nudged him with a roll of his eyes. "I am sorry about him, do you need something?" the taller asks in a kinder response, the artist gleaming back with sweet chocolates that Jihoon seems to endear the sweetness of. Jihoon pouted his lips, cherishing their alone time and he didn't want some some fangirl to ruin their shared moment. It is only him and his boyfriend. No one invited her nor did anyone ask for her presence. "O-Oh... I am sorry to bother you. But, I am under the company of Pledis and I recognized you as Woozi. I just thought you would be interested in auditioning for Pledis," said the young brunette as she notices the intimidating yet rude attitude from the musician. 

Unfortunately, the rumors are true. Woozi is rude. Nothing but a musician who is talented, but his knowledge is filled with his egotistical music notes. A absolute asshole with an ego, as people had named him. 

But, Woozi doesn't care. 

The artist tilted his head with interest, looking at his boyfriend and Jihoon plainly looked back at him with disinterest. "What?" he questions and Mingyu scoffs, turning towards the young girl and letting out a hand to ask for a card. "I am sure he would be interested. Do you have a business card or anything to inform him when auditions will start?" suggests Mingyu, the taller smiling gently towards the timid female. She nodded quickly, "Yes I do! You should email Pledis first before attending the auditions. But, I am sure they will be happy to see you, Woozi." she said after handing the business card and Jihoon blinked back at her, unfazed. Taking the card from her grasp and thanking her, she smiles widely, feeling less tensed with the friendliness of Mingyu. 

However, she is no idiot to notice their clasped hands. Polar opposites being together is very interesting, especially when the two attract. Surely, they are similar to magnets. The idea of opposites attract seem to apply to their relationship.

"I am sorry for bothering!" she apologizes, bowing kindly to the pair and Mingyu looked up from the card in hand. His interested eyes gleaming back at her once again, and Jihoon sometimes hate how his boyfriend is always friendly with everyone. It reminds Jihoon of some dog, who is happy to meet new people. "No worries. Thank you so much! I will talk to him about it," assures the artist as he tucks the card away into his pocket and she nodded with a smile given towards Mingyu. Completely ignoring the musician, Jihoon scowls as he impatiently waited for her to depart. Her pink lips parted to say one more thing, knowingly Jihoon will have to wait for the conversation to drag on to an end. 

Of course, he won't waste time on a fangirl. 

Or agent from a company, whatever the fuck she is. Jihoon wants Mingyu to himself. 

Holding onto Mingyu's hand tightly, the shorter had dragged the taller away without a simple goodbye and walked off to the art store near a diner that the two could possibly eat at for breakfast. Frowning, Mingyu nearly tripped on his dragged feet and he glanced over his shoulder to give an apologetic smile towards the young girl before turning to look at his boyfriend with a frown. "You didn't even let her say 'bye!'" complains the brunette and the musician shrugs, "So? It's not like we know her. Also, we have plans. I don't want to waste time." he simply states, his tone cold towards his lover despite his warm adoration towards the younger. Mingyu rolls his eyes, "Sometimes you are nice and then you are not..." 

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