Color 27

215 14 12

'What the fuck is that noise?'

Barely opening his eyes, Mingyu had squinted at the darkness of his room, knowingly it was far too early in the morning to be awake. Hearing the muffled buzzing and the vibrations beside his bed, the taller groans to himself as he turns on his side to face his blinking phone in the darkness. Reaching out with annoyance, Mingyu had stared at the many missed calls and unread messages from his boyfriend. Suddenly, the tiredness evaporated from his well-being and the fog within his mind has cleared, thinking the many possibilities with concern. What could of possibly happened?

Is Jihoon okay?

Did he have a nightmare?

Frowning without looking at the piling unread messages, Mingyu unlocked his phone to press on the musician's contact with several blinks, as he tried to let the tiredness stinging his eyes fade away. Resting the device on his ear as he impatiently waits for his boyfriend to answer, thinking this is very important. Usually, Jihoon would never do these type of things unless something has happened. Or supposedly, Jihoon is open-minded in their relationship and has so many things in his mind where he couldn't bear the poison flowing throughout his mind. Jihoon must need someone to talk to. 

Of course, it is Mingyu's responsibility to listen to his boyfriend's worries without any complaints. He always promised to have Jihoon call or text him, if something is truly bothering the musician whether it is stupid or is considered 'unreasonable'. Either way, Jihoon is Mingyu's priority. He always wants Jihoon to be happy. 

Finally, Jihoon had answered with deep breaths and Mingyu furrowed his brows. "Jihoon...?" he calls out, his unclean mind suddenly blooming with flowers defined with impurity. "Mingyu! I was calling and messaging you, what were you doing?" grumbles the blonde on the other end and Mingyu didn't hear any stress in his voice, but only annoyance and Mingyu is unsure whether he should rightfully take fault in whatever the hell this situation is. Glancing at his digital clock, Mingyu's eyes widened. "I was asleep, Jihoon! It's 7 a.m. for god's sake. What are you doing up so early? You usually sleep like a bear at this time," Mingyu complains as he concludes that this isn't important after all. 

"Well, baby bear got some news! The music store opens up and we could totally walk there, and I could buy some new equipment! The Maschine MK3 is finally selling in that store and I am ready to snatch that son of a bitch," exclaims the blonde the joy defining each word of his sentence and Mingyu has no idea what the fuck is 'Maschine MK3'. Was he supposed to know? He's a damn artist, he only knows what artistic tools are beneficial, not the odd sorcery of how music is created. Although, Jihoon's excitement is fond in Mingyu's ears, he sighs tiredly and felt himself drift away. He wishes to get a few more hours to sleep. 

"Baby... That is great. But, I need some sleep." Mingyu huskily tells, the sleepiness dripping from his voice despite the concern cursing his tone before. "No, you are coming with me." Jihoon demands and Mingyu groans, turning on his side as he faces the wall of his bedroom. "I love you so much, Jihoon baby. But, I would love to have my beauty sleep. Go with Soonyoung," Mingyu defends himself, hoping the musician's stubbornness will not lead to a stupid, petty argument. Closing his eyes, "Minghao is more special to him. You are my boyfriend!" Jihoon whines, the orbs of yellow flying around his mind. 

Mingyu scoffs, "Jihoon..." sighs the younger but the blonde mimics his words in a childish matter. "I will treat you to breakfast after and I will buy you some art supplies to make it up," Jihoon offers and Mingyu's eyes fluttered open with a newly sparked interest. "Daddy Jihoon treats his babyboy so well," teases Mingyu and Jihoon grumbles on the other end. "I will be at your dorm in a few minutes, get ready." the blonde commands, the thrill in his tone disappearing and suddenly sounding stern as he taken authority by the teasing comment. Before Mingyu could respond, the beep of their call ending made him smirk to himself. 

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