To be strong

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Thomas POV

I wake up looking next to me. He is not there. I sigh.

I'm getting up. I fall quickly on my bed. I have a pain in my chest.


I run to the toilet and crouch in front of the tank to vomit.

I can not stand it anymore.

I always ate food before, but it always ended up being spit out, so I decided to eat little or .... not at all.

Another nausea comes to me. I vomit again and again until my stomach is empty. I start crying.

If James were with me, he would give me a hug to cheer me up.

I get up holding my stomach with one hand.

I brush my teeth and take a shower.

After washing, I go to the room to choose clothes.

I choose at random and put them quickly.

I just want to see James.

Looking at the time, I notice it's noon.

I woke up at noon !!!

I sigh.

I put on a jacket, shoes, keys and come out of the house by locking the door behind me.

I walk quickly to the hospital.

I go to the counter to see the woman at lunette (Autor's note: It's me). I do not know why, but I do not like her.

"It's for James Madison?" Asks the nurse. I nod. She grimaces.

"Sorry Mr., but we'll have to wait, there's a woman who came to see him," she said.

I frown.

"It's his mother." I ask.

"I do not think so. She may be a little younger than you. Maybe a year, "said the nurse. I nod. Maybe Maria or Peggy went to see him.

I walk and head for the door of James' room.

It is not closed.

I look and see that bitch with MY Jemmy to me. I shake my hand in a fist.

She laughs with my fiance. And take the opportunity to give him a kiss on the cheek.

I have seen enough and is raging out of the hospital.

I quickly open the door slowly.

"This Dollie annoys me. She should die for what she did. She should be killed by me. "I speak to myself.

No, no, no, Thomas, calm down. This bitch is a bitch and she will never have your James.

I sigh, closing my eyes.

Dolley POV

I'm blushing. I kissed him on the cheek.

James looks at me surprised and looks away saying nothing.

"I ... I'm sorry ...."

"No, it's okay, Dolley. You do not have to apologize, "he said, smiling at me. I'm blushing.

"I'm glad you came to see me," he said.

"And I'm glad you're fine," I said, smiling.

My phone vibrates.

Why now????

I take it and see that it's the coffé that calls me. I let go a long sigh. James laughs.

I Love You, But You? (Jeffmads/Hamburr) Part 2 [COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora