The truth is wonderful?

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Alexander POV

I lie on my bed.

I look at the sheet that I have already read. I go back to see a portrait of me.

He probably drew it when I was doing something else in class.

My smile is growing.

I put this sheet away from others.

I'm starting to read another one.

I like being alone often at recess to think of something else. And strangely, I thought only of the person I met in the corridors.

But one day, he came to me. That's when we got to know each other better. His name is Alexander Hamilton. He told me, smiling. This is the first time I see him smile is sincerely, seeing him like that made me beat my heart.

I blush and put a hand in front of my face.

I did not know he felt like that in my presence.

I also introduced myself with suspicious, yes, because I had seen him hanging out with a group very scrambling that I do not appreciate necessarily. He had thanked me for showing him the way. I only smiled at him and that's how I got closer to him.

I do not stop smiling.

He always had a few things to say. He talked to me about teachers, about his classes, and without giving himself up he changes the subject to tell me about him. I liked to hear him speak; his voice is really beautiful to listen and I liked to hear him put himself forward, it was clear that he was confident

I laugh. It's true that I have a huge ego and that I like talking about my intelligence.

He started asking me questions about me that surprised me, because not many people are interested in me. I said something quite short. I do not like being the subject of a discussion.

I must have made him feel uncomfortable.

But with him, I felt good. Whenever I felt a little embarrassed. Either he made me laugh, or he did not insist more. He is so nice.

I smile. Without knowing it, I managed to make him happy.

This time I am really sure that I love him.

My heart beats strongly.

One day I was about to tell him, but something stopped me.

I frown. I do not know if I should be happy, sad or disappointed.

I have finished reading this sheet, I return it to see another text trail.


A beautiful girl, intelligent and very smiling.

I pout while reading hard.

She is a very good friend. But one day, she asks me to go out with her.

It's true that feeling good, I had feelings for her at one point, but I saw nothing more than  friend.

I am a little confused.

I love Alexander, I may never, ever tell him. And maybe he will not love me in return.

I asked myself the same questions as him before.

I do not think a guy like Alexander can love anyone like me.

I grimace and force to read more.

I know I'll probably regret it, but I do not want to lose his friendship, I do not want him to hate me. He told me he is bi, but even with this information that makes me happy, I do not think he could have any feelings for me.

I put the sheet down and close my eyes for a moment. I take a deep breath before picking up the sheet.

I accepted Theo's feelings. And as I hang out with her, I began to experience her benefits. I liked it. I really liked it, but my life became a real ordeal.

He ... he's talking about when ... I intimidated him ???

The problem is that the rest is scribbled.

I can not read it. I bring the paper closer to see some words.

I do not know why, I do not defend myself against him.

I grimace and continue to read.

I do not know why he hates me.

My feelings for him are there.

But I......

This part is darker than the others.

I approach the light of my room to discern what is written.

But I do not recognize him anymore.

The Alexander I met was gone and my feelings, my emotions are lost.

Tears fall from my eyes.

I hurt him too much.

I only have a few sentences left. I hesitate but finally decide to continue.

I do not know what I did for him to hate me so much. I do not like Alexander who hurts me.

More tears fall from my eyes, but I hardly know them.

I want to find the Alexander I met, because yes; I still love him and I will wait to see him again and perhaps tell him my feelings.

Tears of joy come to my eyes.

He never stopped loving me. I put the letter on my bed.

Aaron, please wake up, please.

I collapse on the ground in tears.

I thought that knowing that you have continued to love me, I will be stronger, but it is the opposite. I want you to smile at me, give me a hug.

I want to hear you tell me that you love me.

Aaron POV


877 words

I Love You, But You? (Jeffmads/Hamburr) Part 2 [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now